Author's Note:

Hey guys! Well I'm happy to say the sequl to 'The sneaky Couple is finally here! I hope everyone enjoys it cause it was voted on by all the followers to have a sequal... So here it is! Also I don't own Ghost Hunt! Or the characters sadly... but the story plot is all mine!

REVENGE on "The Sneaky Couple"

Yasu stared at the group of people gathered in front of him, "Thank you for coming everyone... you must be wondering why I gathered you all here today." He said addressing the group.

"Yes we do wonder... what do you want?" Monk said annoyed as Yasu grinned cheerfully.

"Also where's Mai, and Naru?" Madoka asked seeing the couple vacant from the group.

"Well the reason they aren't here is because this meeting is about them..." Yasu said smirking evilly.

Everyone's eyes widened, "What?! Why would you hold a meeting about those two?" Ayako asked confused.

"We are going to get revenge on them..." Yasu told them taking a seat where Naru normally sat to address a case.

"Revenge? But why?" John asked confused.

"I know they meant no harm getting everyone together, but don't y'all want to get back at them?" Yasu asked.

Masako giggled, "so basically you want to prank them back for prank us to get together?"

"Bingo." Yasu said excitedly.

"I understand why we would get revenge... but why would you want to Yasu? They did nothing to you." Lin said.

It was like a fire lit in the young college man 's eyes, "while they gladly helped get all of you together... they left me here lonely! They didn't even try to find someone for me!" The man said faking crying.

"But that's exactly why I want to get revenge! Besides their only small pranks we will do to get even with them." Yasu stated.

"So before we go on... are all of you in?" Yasu asked them.

The grouped looked at everyone there, Monk was the first to agree, "Yeah, why not sounds fun and I think it's time to collect on a over due debt."

Masako nodded, as well as Ayako, "Well?" Yasu asked the remaining three members in the group.

Lin sighed and looked at Madoka remembering what Naru and Mai did to get them together. "Yeah..." he said softly.

With Lin agreeing Madoka joined as well, they all looked at John. "Ummm I have no reason to get back at them cause they did nothing to me or Masako so..." John said trailing off.

"He's doing it." Ayako stated as a matter of fact and the rest of the girls joined in.

He sighed, "fine..." he answered quietly.

"Great!" Yasu cheered. "Now this officially begins the plot to get revenge on that sneaky couple." He said sitting down.

"First which couple will go first?" Yasu asked.

The group looked around, "let's have Monk and Ayako go first..." Madoka suggested.

"What!?" The couple yelled.

"Yeah that might be the smartest way... since you two always joke around they might not catch on the fast to what were doing." Yasu said grabbing his chin in thought.

"Then who will be after us?" Ayako asked.

"We could go next, like you said, Ayako and Monk might not be suspicious neither would we... well at least not as much as Lin and Madoka." John said.

The group nodded again, " well then the schedule is decided cause I'm going last Yasu yelled mischievously.

The group sweat dropped at the young College boy, "well even with a schedule set... what are we going to do?" Lin said.

"About that..." Yasu said. And the group discussed the plan on what each were to do and when to do it.

With Mai and Naru

Mai shivered, "what's wrong?" Naru asked watching her rub her arms with her hands.

"I'm not sure I just got the feeling like something crazy is about to happen..." she said sitting down next to him.

"Like the calm before the storm..." Naru muttered.

Mai hummed a yes to what he said, 'hmm I wonder why I'm getting this feeling... I hope I'm nothing bad happens...'

A few weeks had passed since the group had the meeting about Mai and Naru, and it was time the operation had started.

The opportunity to began it started with a case they got about another school that was supposedly haunted. After the team got together Yasu pulled monk and Ayako to explain the steps of the prank they were to pull of the couple.

The prank was just perfect, the reason for it being perfect, the case they took. There was a spirit that was playing pranks on the students that were escalating steadily.

The group set up and did the normal procedures such as setting up cameras, mapping the school, and bringing in the the victims.

Once the large group of school girls and boys dwindled down to a smaller group of people whose story was of importance Yasu, Monk, and Ayako listened to the details of the stories.

"Well it started normally with pranks like dumping trash, chalkboard erasers, water..." one of the girls stated trailing off.

"Then I escalated to pushing people down the stairs, dropping pots from the roof, and... car accidents." Said another sadly.

"Though we've been lucky that no one has been seriously hurt we just want the thing that is doing this gone." The principal of the school said and everyone agreed.

Masako leaned to Yasu, "this will be easy we can get rid of it tonight without Naru and them noticing." She said.

Yasu smirked, "perfect."


Heya everyone! I'm so excited to say that this is the kick off to the Revenge on the Sneaky Couple! I want to say thanks to everyone who has been waiting patiently, also I'm not sure of a update schedule but... vote comment, or review to motivate me to write more sooner! The more u motivate I cane update sooner!