ABC/DISNEY owns GH. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1

Elizabeth took her mug of hot chocolate and headed down to the water. She loved the beach, and the ocean. There was something about looking out and seeing water all the way to the horizon that resonated with her soul. It made her happy, and gave her a sense of peace. Since coming to California she had made sure to visit the beach often. At first it had been once a week, but after she arrived at the waterfront home she was now staying in she started her day by dipping her toes into the ocean.

Almost a month ago she had boarded a plane and left upstate New York. The fact that she was on the west coast wasn't that surprising. This was a regular trip for her. What was surprising was the amount of time that she was staying. Normally she flew in for a couple of days, a week tops. It just turned out that this year she had two reasons, outside of her normal one to visit California. So instead of flying in and out three separate times she decided she was due for a vacation.

It had been awhile since downtime happened, and it felt nice. She had plenty of money in the bank so taking time off was not a problem. On one hand she did miss her friends in New York, but on the other she got to hang out with friends that she generally only had dinner with once a year.

The first reason she flew down was to celebrate a new life beginning. Her friend from college, Penny, had given birth to a beautiful little girl about a month ago. Elizabeth had been invited to the christening and she happily accepted. Penny had offered up her guest room and asked Liz to come down a little early so they could hang out and catch up. Skyping kept them in contact, but sitting up late at night to hang out hadn't happened in far too long.

Liz did fly in, but mindful that a lot of family would be over to the house she booked a hotel room. That reunion had been fun and a lot of stories from college, most of which were really embarrassing were laughed over. Some bittersweet times were remembered as well. All in all it had been a wonderful visit to San Diego which was where Penny now called home.

From there Liz drove to Beverly Hills for her second reason to be in state. The wedding of a childhood friend. She had rented a convertible for her time on the coast and was enjoying that it was early April and she could put the top down occasionally. From previous times here she knew that driving in LA would not be done with the sun shining down on her too often. Traffic was as bad as everyone said, and by the time she got from one place to another she would be burned to a crisp.

The wedding was spectacular and after a week there she had driven to Malibu, where two solid weeks of vacationing was going to happen. It didn't take long at all to settle into the life of a beach bum. Most days she didn't even leave her house other than to go down and walk on the sand. For the first time in a really long time she was lazy, and it felt great. She could feel her batteries recharging.

Not that life was super stressful. You couldn't say life was hard when you could work in your pajamas if the mood struck you. Although Liz didn't, in fact she made it a point to leave her apartment at least once a day. Since she was actually ahead in her work this was the perfect time to just kick back and relax for a bit. She had earned this break.

You also couldn't say life was stressful when you lived in a luxury building surrounded by hot guys. It was funny that the park view she paid a good penny to get wasn't nearly as appealing as the one she got from the treadmill in the gym.

Not that she was dating any of those examples of male beauty. Most of the guys were like big brothers to her. It was a nice feeling to know that she had someone to turn to if she needed anything. Her family at one point had been extremely close and then in the blink of an eye everything changed. That was why Liz ended up in Port Charles, it was about as far from her former life as she could get and still be in the country. She had needed the space, something that was echoed by the other members of her family. They all ran in different directions as fast as they could.

Her phone rang and she played a guessing game with herself as to who might be on the other end of the line. Taking calls from most people didn't happen the past couple of weeks. She wanted the silence. However she always answered when Jason called.

At least once a day since leaving New York she had talked to him. Most of the time it was at night when she was already in her pajamas and curled up on the couch, or in bed. He generally had more free time at the end of the day as long as everything was quite. They were strictly friends but she would be lying if she said that she didn't want to be more.

Jason, however, wasn't in the market for a relationship at the moment. A few years before they met he had lost his girlfriend. Robin had walked out of General Hospital after a volunteer shift and simply vanished. A few days later her body turned up. The case was still unsolved. Jason was convinced she had lost her life because of him. There were certain things about the condition of the body that screamed mafia hit.

His friends pointed out the many enemies both Robin's parents, and godparents, had. Johnny even reminded his friend that Anna had once been married to the head of another family, so even if this was a mob hit it might not have a thing to do with them. Jason wasn't hearing it. He just knew that he had caused his girlfriend's death. Her family members did have enemies, so did he, but his were in state. Since then he hadn't been in a relationship and had no plans to change that stance.

Which meant she just admired his hotness in silence, and counted him among the people she trusted most in the world. Carly had done her best to get Jason to ask Liz out. She was convinced they would be perfect together. And because Carly wanted everyone to be as in love as she was. The only thing that made her finally give up was the fact that she moved to London with AJ. It was hard to play matchmaker with an ocean between them.

"Hello?" She answered laughing at the picture on her phone.

"Hey." Brenda was smiling something her friend would hear.

"Hey." Liz kicked off her shoes and used the towel by the door to clean her feet before entering the house. She took the phone into the kitchen so she could rinse out her mug. "How is married life treating you?"

"Amazing." The model told her friend. They had grown up in the same small little town in Colorado. Even when the Barrett family moved away Brenda had kept in touch with Sarah and Elizabeth. Despite the many miles that ended up between them, Brenda spent several years in Europe, the friendships never faltered. Having Liz at her wedding made the day even more special. "How are you enjoying Malibu?"

"It's wonderful. I've had many a celebrity sighting since I came down." Liz had shocked Brenda when she announced that she was going to be in California longer than her normal week. Her friend applauded the move saying that a vacation was long overdue. The model believed that you should play as hard as you worked.

"Do tell." Brenda was in her Beverly Hills mansion prepping for her day. A late morning photoshoot which would introduce her as the face for a well-known fashion house. After being discovered in a park back in Colorado her parents moved them to California, and her career had taken off. She had been a successful teen model and was now one of the most sought after faces on the planet.

"I'd rather here about your upcoming tropical honeymoon." Liz told her friend.

"Since we haven't left yet there isn't anything to tell. So that will wait until you come visit again." Brenda told her friend. They weren't leaving for another couple of weeks because both she and her hubby had business to attend to before they had free time. "I actually called because I wanted to know how your meeting went."

"It hasn't happened yet." Liz reported as she grabbed an apple and gave it a good wash.

"I could have sworn that you said the meeting was this week." Brenda said changing yoga positions. Bluetooth technology was a wonderful thing, she was a world class multi-tasker and not having to hold a phone was great.

"It is. Felix is coming over today. You've lived here long enough to know that business is not done this early in the morning." Liz said leaning against the counter. Most folks in the entertainment industry, who weren't on a set, didn't even get to their offices before ten.

"Ain't that the truth?" Brenda laughed at that statement. "During most of the week we just spend all our time playing golf." Friday and Saturday nights were when the power meetings took place and business deals were conducted. "Just remember that all the fame and fortune you have are because of me."

Liz couldn't help but laugh. "I am forever in your debt." She said in a voice that indicated that wasn't at all true.

"You have no gratitude." Brenda loved her calls to Liz. Her friend helped keep her grounded. Everyone else pretty much gave Brenda anything she demanded. "I showed him the sketch you did of me." It was framed in her office. "When he asked about the artist I couldn't help but brag on my talented friend. I love that sketch, you know that. I look amazing in it."

"I'm not his client because of one sketch." Liz reminded her friend.

"Who is telling this story?" Brenda asked moving into mountain pose. She now had six sketches by her friend in this house. Two landscapes, a still life, one example of surrealism. A sketch of Herby, her spoiled Pomeranian, and one of her now husband Alek's Shelby Cobra. "Felix was very impressed. He asked me to give you his number."

"And a legend was born." Liz said grinning.

"They say I have an ego." Brenda laughed as she finished her workout. Liz was about the furthest thing from an ego maniac you could find. "So I called to tell you something. Don't kill me okay?"

"Why would I want to kill you?" Liz asked slowly. This was a running theme from growing up. It usually meant that they were about to get into a lot of trouble. But it would be really fun, and totally worth it."

"I might be spending some time in Port Charles." Brenda started her story.

"Why?" Liz wanted to know. Brenda had been to the harbor town once. By the end of her visit the guys were praying she never returned. Despite their closeness Liz was aware that her friend was a complete diva.

"My agent is trying to hammer out a deal that would make me the face of Deception cosmetics." Brenda shared her news. "That would be awesome because I'd need to come to New York several times a year."

"Um Brenda, you do know that my friend Jason owns Deception right?" Liz started slowly.

"Yeah I know. Look, he might be the biggest jackass I've ever met but the company makes really good products. They are one of the biggest brands on the planet." Brenda only worked with the best these days.

Liz had spent a lot of time keeping her friends apart when Brenda was in Port Charles. Everyone had taken an instant dislike to the model. Especially Jason. "He's a really nice guy."

"He drove me crazy." Brenda said rolling her eyes. His only redeeming quality was the major crush he had on Liz. The one he thought no one knew about.

"That's a short trip Bren." Liz replied laughing.

"But a scenic one." Brenda said poking fun at herself. "It's not a done deal, but my agent is confident it will happen. I'll call when I have more news."

"Okay." Liz knew Skye, who ran her brother's company, would sign Brenda because it was a smart business move. She also knew that there was no way photo shoots would take place in Port Charles. More than likely Jason would send the woman he called a "high maintenance pain in the ass" to Europe. Or somewhere tropical.

"Are you ever going to just jump him and get it over with?" Brenda wanted to know. She was aware that Jason wasn't the only one crushing.

"It's complicated." Liz replied not wanting to have this conversation, again.

"No it's not. Men are not complicated. Guilt is a useless emotion. So his girlfriend died, its time he got over it, and recognized the awesome woman right under his nose." Brenda said reaching for a bottle of water. "You are just as much to blame for the fact that the two of you are still in the friend zone. This isn't the fifties anymore, it is now socially acceptable for a woman to make the first move." The model lectured.

"Pushy." Was Liz's only comment.

"Yes. You have known me long enough that you shouldn't be surprised." Brenda told her friend. "By the time I return from my honeymoon I expect to hear that the status of the relationship has changed. Okay, gotta go which means my fixing your life is over for the day." It was time for her massage. "Chat you another day."

"Toodles." Liz said grinning as she hung up. It was nice to be loved. Taking her apple back into the main room she tried to figure out what she wanted to do today.

"Open the door." Felix called from the front of the house after pushing the doorbell. "It's hot out here."

"HI." Liz said doing just that and stepping back. "How was the drive down?"

"I swear only in California can a drive that should take one hour end up taking three." He said before kissing both her cheeks. "But I'm now here, in all my fabulousness."

"I have wine and fruit on the deck." Liz said locking up and ushering her guest into the house.

"You know me well." He said grinning. "I do have a business expense account. We can go out to a restaurant." He let her know.

"Any restaurant you pick would be trendy. Which means photographers. Even though they won't know who I am, they will know who you are. I have no desire to be in the paper." Liz said taking a seat. "It would also mean ditching my jeans, which isn't going to happen."

"You do work the whole reclusive artist image well. And if I had your ass I'd live in blue jeans too." Felix said sampling the wine and being outrageous. "Delish." He settled into his chair and let the fact that he wasn't in his office relax him. Liz was the easiest client on his roster. Which always made time with her relaxing. "Did you know according to the latest rumor you are a fifty year old man who lives in a remodeled bomb shelter out in Wyoming?"

"Really." Liz said trying not to laugh. "I kind of like that one." Over the course of her career the internet had spent a lot of time trying to pin down exactly who M.O. Gene was. That was the name she published her highly successful graphic novel series under. It was a play on her middle name. It was just assumed that M.O. was a man, which further ensured her privacy. The fact that the first issues of her series were now coveted collector's items was something she didn't think much on.

After talking with Brenda, Felix got impatient and approached Elizabeth himself. He asked if she'd like to draw for one of his authors. Liz said no, working for someone else wasn't at all interesting to her. Then she showed him some sketches she had done because she was toying with the idea of trying to write a series of short stories. He suggested she try a graphic novel, and a cult sensation was born. Her very first issue hit the stands and sold out all copies within a week. Now she sold out issues in a day. It still amazed her.

"Your publisher agreed to the new deal." Felix let her know. He could have just called to tell her that, but Malibu had a lot of man candy so a visit was a must.

"At some point they are not going to give me all the money you demand." Liz warned her agent.

"As long as you keep selling at the rate you do, they will give me whatever I ask for to keep you." He said grinning. She was one of the best-selling graphic novelist on the planet, and his client. Which meant he was going to get her every dime she was worth. "If you want a pink zebra with green stripes, and an orange tongue believe me when I say they will make that happen. I also got you a bonus, for having the next six issues already completed."

"I have eleven issues completed." Liz reminded her agent. There were in a fireproof box in a fireproof safe in her apartment, backed up by a USB drive which was in her safety deposit box at the bank.

"I know. You never tell all your secrets." Felix grinned. He would drop that bomb in a month or so, and get his client another fat check. "What's for dinner?"

"Carbs." Liz grinned, she knew that was an evil word out here. She ate whatever she wanted.

"Bitch." Felix was in perpetual diet mode.

"Yup." Liz said saluting him with her wine glass. Looking out she watched the moonlight glimmer off the water. Life was good.

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