Hi, there. So I have recently gotten into One Punch Man and once the idea of these two being together came to mind, I kind of got obsessed. I watched the sub version of the anime, even though the English was just starting out on Adult Swim (I had no patients). Once I was done with the anime, I devoured the manga. And then bought the manga. I was thrilled to see there was some fanfiction for it, but not quite enough, so I have decided to try my hand at satisfying my need for more Genos/Saitama fiction. I've only written two other fanfictions, so go easy on me and I hope you enjoy!


I opened the door to my apartment and went straight into the kitchen with our bags from the store. Genos and I had got some great deals today and so I felt rather satisfied as I unloaded our purchases and began to put them away.

Genos walked into the kitchen a moment later to set down the bags he was carrying. It looked like he was still thinking about the thing that had happened on our way home. He was quite for once, for one thing and he actually looked a little depressed, which was something, cause his thing was being overly serious and speaking in long, unnecessary monologues.

I wondered if I should talk to him about it if it was bugging him so much. It wasn't even a big deal.

One our way home a monster landed in front of our path and the nearby people screamed. They had been whispering about Genos, lavishing him with praise, while wondering why he was walking with me. I didn't let their negative comments get to me though. I was used to being called a fraud and cheat from the letters. It wasn't a big deal.

So when the flying monkey man appeared before us, people screamed, but were reassured by the presence of Genos. As usual, Genos didn't care about people praising him, he just didn't think such a weak thing was worth my time, so he offered to handle it, and incinerated the thing leaving it a charred corpse in the middle of its speech about something or other. I wasn't listening.

His defeat drew the crowd closer to us as they complimented him and raved and what not. Genos wasn't too big on pleasing the crowd, but he was polite enough about it. He thanked them sternly, with a nod and said he needed to continue on his way home so that the food wouldn't spoil.

As he was going to join me again, where I had stood off to the side to get out of the way of the crowd, a girl about his age or maybe a bit older, stepped in front of him and kissed him right on the lips with no warning. I stood their shocked. I didn't think things like that happened in real life.

Genos was a metal statue as he just stood there. He honestly looked lost. It was kind of funny.

Then, just as she appeared, the girl giggled and ran off.

The crowd that had gone silent erupted into chaos. Genos quickly walked over to me, wide eyed, and suggested we go home while everyone clamored over how lucky the girl was.

"Was that your first kiss?" I decided to ask, a bit curious. He looked stunned enough. Anyone would have thought he hadn't even known what the action was or meant.

"Yes, sensei." His tone was quiet.

I gave that a quick thought as I stored the dish soap away. "I see."

No wonder he looked like he didn't know what to do.

It was kinda surprising though, the more I thought about it. I was sure that Genos said he was made a cyborg when he was fifteen so he was at that age when boys date or even just mess around and even still he was a good looking dude and all the girls loved him.

Then again, he was always hanging around me since he moved himself in.

"So you've never dated before either?" I continued. "Even before you were a cyborg?"


"Oh." I paused in thought and shrugged. "I guess it doesn't matter. Not like she was upset you didn't kiss back. Girls are weird like that."

I put the last item away and went to head to the bathroom to take a bath before relaxing. Maybe I'd watch a movie tonight.

"Sensei, have you ever kissed anyone before?"

I halted in the hallway and turned to look back at him. "Huh?" I scratched at the back of my head. "Uh, yeah. But only once."

"Since you are more knowledgeable in this area than I, sensei, could you teach me?" Genos had that serious look back in his eyes.

"Uh? Teach you?"

"Yes. Could you teach me how to kiss?"

"Uh." I stared back at him, confused. This guy. How could he ask something like that so seriously? Did he not understand what he was asking?

"Uh…you know, it's really…I think you'll do better next time, if you just react, okay."

"But I don't know how I should react, sensei." Genos continued. "You are so skilled sensei, surly you could teach me how."

"Uh…" I felt kind of pressured with that. Just because I could teach him didn't mean I should. Oh no. He was staring at me with that earnest look in his eyes, his fists balled up like he couldn't bear me denying to teach him something. Knowing him, he'd think I thought he was unworthy of such a lesson.

I sighed.

Would it really be so bad? It's not like it meant anything to either of us. He just wanted to learn how to kiss. Not that I was a pro or anything, but I knew the basics. This guy thought I knew everything, but I could hardly teach him anything, because what he wanted to learn from me, I couldn't teach him. But, this…this I could.

I regarded Genos sternly. "Alright. But you only get one lesson. So pay attention."

"Yes, Sensei!"

I stepped over to Genos, wondering how I should begin. I decided to stall a little. "And make sure you copy what I do."

Genos nodded, his eyes boring into mine.

It was unnerving.

"Uh…lets start with you closing your eyes."

"Yes!" Genos closed his eyes and stood, somehow, even more still, like a metal statue than when he was first kissed.

Okay. Lets just get this over with I guess. Stalling anymore won't help.

Genos was about two inches taller than me, so I had to get up off my heels. I touched my lips to his without another thought.

His lips felt real. Huh?

When I thought I would have to remind him to be reacting, he kissed back with mild pressure, clearly hesitant, which was kind of amusing to me. When I attempted to deepen the kiss I nearly fell into him, but I managed to brace myself with my palm against his chest. Genos pressed against my lips firmer and took my words very seriously as he placed a warm palm against my chest.

Okay, best to get to the next step and then end the lesson.

I licked across this lips, and then wondered if he knew what I wanted from him before several things happened at once. Genos gasped from my request for entry and lost his ridged posture. Which caused him to lose his balance, but he quickly drew his hand down my chest and snaked it around my waist and was pulled flush against me when he pulled in to steady himself while I didn't waver from the fiasco around me.

All I could think, as I invaded his mouth, was that his tongue felt real too.

And then I heard Genos groan faintly. Before I could think about that too closely, Genos did as he was instructed and copied me. His tongue circled mine and then pushed past it to delve inside my mouth, tasting every corner. I couldn't help the small moan that escaped me.

I hadn't kissed anyone in years and it was only once. I had found out late that she was even interested in me. And on the day that she left town she sprung a surprise kiss – though, unlike Genos, I had reacted – on me before I never saw her again. She had just been another class mate to me. She was nice, I remember, but I hadn't ever really been interested in anyone like that. Especially not after gaining my strength.

But as Genos' tongue seemed to be tracing and memorizing every corner of my mouth I felt something. It creeped over my skin like a chill and then it was like a spark ignited something warm and curling in my stomach. Each second that ticked by, and the kiss deepened, the heat burned brighter and pooled lower, eventually warming me all over.

I pulled away, but not too roughly so I didn't tear off Genos' arm by accident. Realizing that the lesson was over, Genos finally removed his arm. I looked over at him as I caught my breath and the weird feeling settled.

It was stunning. I had never seen Genos blush. I didn't think he could. Nothing ever fazed him. He looked a little bewildered.

"Uh…so…I'm gonna go take a bath now. Hope that helped."

"Yes, thank you sensei!" Genos bowed.