AN: I started to rewatch all of 5D's and began thinking of a character that I could insert. Also in real life I'm a huge fan of the Blue Eyes set, so my deck in this will revolve around them. As to how my character could have the cards, I will explain in the story. So without further to do, here is the beginning to The Revival of the Blue-Eyes.

"Why should I join your tournament, I've got better things to do."

The short man named Lazar chuckled, "Yes, you seem to be busy with working on all these runners, but if you join I can guarantee some funding from Director Goodwin.".

I pull out from under the runner I was working on and looks at Lazar. I thought that the extra money would help with some of the more expensive parts I needed to finish these projects.

Finally, I sigh and looks at him, "Fine, I'll join, but I want the funding for the next three years.".

Lazar narrowed his eyes, but then nodded, "Very well, however then I must ask that you bring 'those' to duel with.".

My eyes widened as he continued, "Yes, we know about them, of course they were free game to anyone who could have fished them out. Anyway, duel with them, and you get your funding.".

I watched him leave and got up, it's been a year since I dug through the ruins of an old Kaiba Tower. When I was there I had come across an old time capsule. When I managed to open I found a deck that had been passed from Seto Kaiba himself. I had never used the deck to duel with, but I guess it was time to see what it was capable of.

I look towards a runner covered in a sheet, I had designed and built it after finding the deck. I pull the sheet away to reveal a runner designed to look similar to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. I take the deck out of the holder and goes through it. I spent the rest of the day tweaking the deck to my play style, taking out all the virus cards. It was close to midnight when I finished, I put the deck up and headed off to bed, too tired to do anything else.

That night my dreams were invaded by the image of that giant dragon, cloaked in a red fire. However this dream was different, because I saw the power the dragon gave off was strong enough to disband the darkness. The dream continued to show five dragons and the giant dragon taking on several large titans, from what I could see my dragon was nowhere to be seen. That was until the giant dragon let out a beam of energy, which caused me to wake suddenly. I looked out my window and saw that it was morning, I then grabbed my deck and looked through the cards until I found Burst Stream of Destruction.

"What the hell was that thing, it looked like what came out of the Kaiba-dome. And that attack it used looks just like this card. Well whatever is going on I'll take care of it later, I've got a tournament to enter."

I get a shower and pulls on my dueling clothes, which were a blue jacket, jeans, and black combat boots. I also grabbed my turbo duel uniform since I planned on having at least one turbo duel. I climbed on my runner and took off to the dome. When I get there, I can see all the Jack Atlas fans, crowding around the entry to the stands. I approach the duelist entrance and the guard looks up.

"Name please."

"Justin Drakin"

The guard looks up, "That's a stupid name kid.".

I shrug, "I didn't choose it.".

The guard motions for me to enter and I park my runner in a garage that was assigned for me. I then walk out and bumps into a guy around my age with pointed hair.

"Sorry about that, I'm a little distracted."

He chuckles as he looks at me, "I can understand that, truth is, I didn't want to be here. Goodwin made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Oh I'm Yusei by the way.".

"I'm Justin, the reason I'm here is because Goodwin is going to fund my workshop if I dueled here."

Yusei looked at me confused, "Why did Goodwin choose you?".

I look around and then pulls out the three Blue-Eye White Dragon cards from my deck, "Because I have these.".

Yusei's eyes widened, "Those are the Blue-Eye, where did you find them?".

"In the ruins of a destroyed tower, they were in a time capsule. I haven't really used them in a duel before, but Goodwin wants to see them in action."

"Well I hope to see them as well, good luck in the tournament."

I nodded as Yusei walked off to join a little kid, I then looked around at the competition. I saw a man in a cloak, an extremely tall and intimidating man, the kid with Yusei, Yusei himself, a knight, a strange man who didn't look like a duelist and more a teacher. However the one that caught my eye was the red headed young woman, who was clearly uncomfortable here. I decide to try and calm her down as I approach her.

"You look a little on edge, are you alright?"

She quickly turned towards me and sent a scowl that almost chilled my blood.

I take a step back and show her my hands, "Hey I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just seeing if you're alright.".

She finally spoke in a soft, but rough tone, "I don't need help from you, I'm here to prove a point.".

"Well then you might need to stay away from the large crowds, if you're gonna be dueling then you need to be at your best."

I walked away from her as she looked at me confused, as I was walking away I passed by a man in a large brown coat. I looked behind me and saw that he was talking to the young woman, I head into the waiting area and sits down. After a while I hear that the first match has been announced, I look on screen and saw that it was the tall man, whom I learned was named Greiger and the kid named Luna.

Yusei sat on the seat across from me to watch as well, "So what kind of duels do you prefer Justin?".

I shrugged at his question, "I like both ground and turbo duels, I'm hoping to have at least one turbo duel while I'm here."

"Yea, turbo duels just get my blood pumping."

"Same here, but I have to ask, what's with the mark on your face? Were you in the facility for awhile?"

Yusei nodded, "Yea, I come from the Satellite, I came here to get something from Jack.".

I nodded at his response then turned back to the screen to see Greiger win his duel. Yusei was then called up next, I wished him luck and took out my deck. I started to hear a faint whisper coming from it and shook my head, I must have not gotten enough sleep. I started to go through the deck double checking my cards until I got to Maiden with Eyes of Blue. The whispering became louder until I put my deck up, I lied down on the sofa and heard footsteps coming up.

"Nice to see that not everyone is on edge."

I glance over to see Greiger, "I'm a bit laid back, I'll be serious for when I duel, cause then everyone will see what I can do.".

"That's not ominous, but I hope that you can back up that statement."

I nod as Greiger sits across from me and watch Yusei duel Hunter Pace. Suddenly I felt someone watching me and I sit up quickly and looks around. Whoever was there was gone now, Greiger noticed my movement.

"Everything alright? You seem paranoid."

I nod, "Yea, just thought someone was staring at me.".

Unbeknownst to me, the man with brown coat ducked off to the side, breathing heavily.

"Maybe he does have some sort of power, he better win his duel. That way I can see how he does against Akiza."

AN: If you're wondering why I started this story just before the fortune cup, it's because I felt it would be better for my character to meet the main cast like this. Also yes, my character can hear duel spirits, he just doesn't know what he hears yet. Also I do plan on making him a signer, but it won't be any of the original six.