Day 5

The backyard was being transformed since our wedding was in 2 days. But to avoid the chaos Edward and I decided to escape with the kids. I followed the directions Charlie had given me and sure enough the red house he had told me about came into view. "Want to explain yet?" Edward asked as he watched me pull up alongside the truck that was parked in front of the small faded red house.

"I thought it would be nice for the kids to visit with Billy again before the wedding." I explained half of the reason we was here.

He looked at me between narrowed eyes. "Have you already forgotten the chaos from the other day?"

With a glance at his still wrapped hand I shook my head. "Nope, hard to forget that since our wedding pictures will most likely contain your wrapped hand." I told him as I hopped from the vehicle moving to the back to get the kids out.

"I warned both you and Charlie that I wouldn't stand for him bad mouthing you or the kids. I just held up my end of the promise." He told me as he pulled Jordyn from her carrier.

I nodded in understanding. "I know, Edward. I have some things I need to discuss with Jacob face to face. So I need you to do me a huge favor while we're here."

"What's that, Princess?"

After knocking on the door I turned to face Edward. "Stay inside with the babies and Billy."


I shook my head just as the door opened. "I have to do this. For them and for me." I told him as I turned to see just the person I came to talk to. "Hello Jacob. We brought the kids to see Billy." I told him as I waved to Billy who was grinning from ear to ear at the sight of us.

Ten minutes later I was leading Jacob outside. "What's all of this really about? Are you suddenly wanting child support or something?" he asked as he leaned back onto the porch railing.

"Don't be a jackass, Jacob. I just want you to go see a lawyer with me tomorrow to voluntarily terminate your parental rights so Edward can officially adopt his children." I said as I crossed my arms angrily across my chest.

He cocked his head to the side, a habit my precious little boy had. "Now why would I do that? Those are my children, not his."

I leaned back against the house as I glared at him. "Really? Tell me then; what day were they born?"

He remained silent.

"How much do they drink in a day?"

Again, nothing.

"Do they sleep through the night yet?"

Not a word.

"What are their last names?"

He hung his head but said nothing.

"Who was born first?"

Point proven.

"You can be an obligatory cousin or something but you are NOT their father. Because you can ask Edward any of those questions and he immediately knows the answers because he has been there through it all. You can either meet me tomorrow to sign the papers or I can take you to court and have them terminated for child abandonment and disinterest and lack of financial support. The choice is yours." I told him as I laid a piece of paper with the lawyers name and the time for the meeting beside him before slipping back into the house.

Day 6

It was absolutely exhilarating to walk out of the lawyers office with the signed and motorized papers terminating Jacob's rights to my babies who were at Charlie's with a man who loved them so selflessly. "You look really happy Bells." My dad commented as we walked to his car.

I had brought him simply because I was technically a minor for a few more days. "I am. This should've been done the day they were born but I wanted to give Jacob a chance to prove himself one way or another."

"How did you become so grown up at such a young age?" he asked as he opened the car door for me.

"Living with Renee. I had to grow up and parent myself except for when I was here with you." I admitted honestly.

He sighed shaking his head. "I'm sorry I didn't question things more."

"Don't be. Although I would've loved to go through my high school years like a normal teenager and not be a teen mother I wouldn't give my babies or Edward up for anything in the world." I told him once he had climbed in the drivers side.

He nodded in understanding. "I get that. Have you thought about college?"

"I have but it's not practical while the kids are so little because we feel like they deserve all-nighter our focus right now. Edward is planning to attend with his original class. That still gives us two years." I tried to explain.

"Sounds like you guys are on top of it. Have you heard from Renee at all?"

Day 7

"It is my great honor to present for the first time ever Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anthony Cullen." Pastor Webber said as Edward and I turned to face the small crowd of our friends and family. Jasper had flown in late last night as well as Emmett so my best friends were all bright smiles and flirtatious giggles.

Edward and I grabbed the little red wagon that held our precious babies. "I can't wait until we're all Cullen's." Edward said as we headed down the aisle.

"Soon, babe, very soon." I told him as we pulled the wagon straight into the house.

Looking around at the kitchen I had spent most of my summers in it hit me that I wanted my kids to grow up like I spent my summers. "I want to move up here."

"Okay. Want to move when our lease is up in a few months or after the babies are a bit older?" Edward asked as he pulled me into his arms.

Looping my arms around his shoulders I threaded my fingers into his hair. "Think we can find a place in under 3 months?"

"I've already got Mom and Alice and Rose on it. They've been looking since I mentioned it the other day." He admitted softly against my lips.


11 months later

"Are you ready?" I asked Edward who was in front of the bathroom mirror trying to tame his hair. It was a big day for him, for me, for our entire family. He was starting his college career today. I was too but I was only taking two classes and they were online so I wouldn't have to put the kids in daycare. Edward was taking a full course load of 5 classes though he only had actual class on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's.

He shrugged. "I've had to be the new kid before so I guess it's not really bothering me all that much. How are you doing? Nervous at all?"

I shook my head. When we first started looking at houses we were looking around Forks, to be close to my Dad, but Charlie was the one that actually talked us into buying in Seattle. It was close to the college campus and our friends. We were young and deserved to have access to a life, as did our kids. Charlie reminded us that Seattle was a lot closer than Miami was. "I'm fine, babe. Alice only has one class this morning so the kids and I are going to meet her for lunch." I hadn't really been left alone in our massive house with our walking and talking toddlers since we had moved in.

"Sounds like fun." He said sarcastically because when we moved into this house the first week of June, Alice and Jasper had come with us. They were going to be staying in the dorms during the school year and in our guest room during breaks. Rose opted to go to the University of Minnesota to be with Emmett.

I just smiled at him from my position on our bed. "It was you that opened your mouth, not me." I giggled as he stuck his tongue out at me before running and jumping on the bed on top of me.

"It's because I love you and I would do anything to make you happy." He whispered sweetly into my ears as I giggled at his silly antics. We may be married and the responsible parents to three 18 month old children but we were also just 18 years old. Well, Edward was 18 while I still had a few weeks before my 18th birthday.

4 years later

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" I heard as I scanned the crowd of people crammed into the stadium. Finally I spotted my three little ones pulling on their grandparents hands. Today marked a big day for all of us; Edward, myself, Alice, and Jasper all graduated. Next week we were all flying to Minnesota to see Rose walk in her graduation, which was going to be a sight to see since she couldn't see her feet over her growing stomach.

Once I was in arms reach I was pulled in various directions for congratulatory hugs as the kids tugged on my skirt. "Mama, where's Daddy?" Landon, my shy little boy asked me softly.

"He's around here somewhere buddy. You need something?" I asked as I lifted him up into my arms as the girls crawled in Billy's lap, giggling at something he said.

"The bathroom." He said as he scanned the crowd for Edward.

"I can take you. It's no big deal." I told him as I began heading for the public bathrooms.

He immediately began shaking his head quickly. "No, Mama. Not here. I need Daddy."

"Why, son? I've helped you on the bathroom since you could walk." I explained. I was curious to see where this was heading. Since they started preschool they picked up on the habits of the other children and the teachers.

"Boys and girls aren't supposed to go into the same bathrooms except at home." He explained as he looked at me strangely.

I smiled at him. "It's okay for little boys to go in the bathrooms with their mother's."

He still wasn't buying it and thankfully I spotted Edward's messy head of hair heading out way. "Well buddy you're in luck because here comes Daddy." I told him as I pointed to Edward.

"Daddy!" he called out loudly.

When Edward was close enough Landon launched himself into his arms whispering urgently into his ear. Edward chuckled and headed for the bathrooms as I made my way back to the girls and their collection of grandparents. Esme had met and married a nice restaurant owner last year, Owen, which just added to the collection. "Bathroom, girls." I ordered as I held my hands out for them. Aside from their darker complexion you would never question their heritage because they all three had dark brown hair and big brown eyes, like me.

I found Edward leaning against the wall outside the bathroom entrance so I shooed the girls into the bathroom by themselves. "Use the bathroom, flush the toilet, and wash your hands with soap and water." I told them as I let the door shut behind me.

"He want privacy?" I asked Edward as I leaned into his side.

He nodded. "Yeah, apparently since there is no walls around the toilet only one person needs to be in there." He said chuckling.

"Well, maybe this next one won't be so finicky about bathroom usage."