AN: Nice day we're having.

Thanks for the continued support in this story. Didn't expect for this fic to even reach 500 faves to be honest, considering it's a Sasuke-Centric. But it reached 900+ anyway.

So. I've got a bit of free time lately, so I was able to write a bit of the story.

Just wanna address the issues that some reviewers pointed out though. The fact that Sasuke gave his whole life story away to Mavis, and how it's supposedly too OOC for his character. Under normal circumstances, yes, it would be OOC. But in this case, where he's trying to secure allegiances, and therefore complete trust of potentially powerful allies, he would be playing it safe to share his story to what he thinks is the most powerful Fairy Tail mage, who is also an immortal and is a supernatural genius. Holding back on his story would likely make Mavis think that he was hiding something. Distrustful allies that could potentially backstab him is the last thing he needed in an unknown setting. And I don't think one important person knowing his story would be a big issue for him when the reward is the complete trust of said person, and the alternative is him being paranoid in her presence. Overall, I still think it is wise and logical for him to do that, and that was most certainly not OOC for a reformed Sasuke to do, at least in my opinion.

Though I appreciate the criticism still.

I also wanted to address the fact that Sasuke didn't just ditch Minerva and let her drag him like that. It's for the reason why Sasuke decided to tell his story to Mavis. It's to secure powerful allies. He's tolerating her. He thinks of her a powerful mage, even more powerful than 2 Dragon Slayers. To him, she would be a nice addition to preparing for the eventual battle against Momoshiki.

Shadow Phoenix - Your criticism is noted. But I don't think several mildly friendly interaction with the female casts, a one-sided crush, and one-sided flirtation attempt for him to join her guild is enough to warrant this story being a harem story and a 'cheap shipping fic', and that Sasuke is being reduced to a 'stoic harem protag'. His interactions to the members of the guild, and the 'family and friendship' relations he has with them is his attempt at gaining some allies, and to some extent gain some of his humanity back. Not too sure if you've figured it out, but the title specifically refers to Sasuke's resolve to protect them from the external threats he'd unwittingly led in their world. And it would be foolish of him to not have friendly relations with the characters and always be the lone wolf, as it would push suspicion towards him.

Thanks for the review though. It's criticisms like this that can motivate me to improve my writing prowess.

That's all I wanted to say for now.

Here's a chapter for you with a bit of action. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 8 - What the Future Holds


Sasuke stood atop the tallest peak of the tallest building as he surveyed every inch of the city. The Sharingan hypnotically spun as the ninja inspected every corners, alleys and passageways of the large city. His cloak billowed in the wind as he stood patiently, like a hawk after a prey. His eyes narrowed from time to time as he scanned every person that passed his sight, looking for even the slightest of suspicious activity.

A slight grimace was beginning to crawl into the ninja's face. Without so much as a sufficient info, spotting a single person was proving to be fruitless in a city as large as this, even with the Sharingan. All that the Lucy from the future had told him was to be on a look out for a man from the Royal Guard.


The Lucy from the future bawled her eyes out in grief. Streams of crystalline tears ran down her reddened cheeks and choked sobs came out of her mouth. Lucy tried but failed to rub her tear-stained cheeks with her hands and forearm. Seeing her like this triggered some repressed memories. It reflected to him, how she must be feeling what he'd felt when he'd lost everything. Sasuke was sympathetic enough to let the girl cry her heart out. Just from looking at her, God knows she needed it.

They were in a park lit only by several street lamps, and she sat there opposite to him in one of the benches. As it was late in the evening, there were hardly any people there, aside from them.

Lucy's crying had lessened eventually as she recomposed herself. "I-Im so sorry, Sasuke-san. I-I'm not usually like this. I j-just *sniffle* needed to release some pent-up emotion. It feels like I'm gonna explode if I keep all of it inside me." Lucy managed a strained smile as she looked at the stoic man in front of her. "I'm sorry I had to trouble you with this."

Sasuke shook his head slightly. "It's fine. Just tell me everything."

Lucy's weak smile remained as she closed her eyes and nodded. "Okay. Please listen to everything that I'm going to reveal to you, Sasuke-san." The blond girl opened her eyes and stared at his own. She still beheld sorrow in them, but also seriousness that entailed life-and-death consequence. "In the coming days, a disaster will strike. A disaster that will take millions upon millions of lives…" Sasuke listened carefully, his Sharingan spun as he inspected the girl of any lies and deceit. His eyes confirmed none. Lucy looked down sorrowfully as her hands clenched on her lap. "…including my friends. Everyone in Fairy Tail, Magnolia, Ishgar, the world!" Tears stained her cheeks again as she spoke.

The Uchiha patiently waited for her to calm down and continue her story. Thankfully, it wasn't long until she relaxed and continued. "Sasuke-san, someone from the Royal Guard will open the Eclipse Gate, thereby unleashing 10,000 dragons into the world." The ninja processed the information with a slight narrowing of his eyes. Her story so far had been far from being believable. Time travel was something considered as conceptually impossible, but he could accept the idea considering Dimensional travel was common grounds for him, but the invasion of a large amount of dragons sounded too fantastical. And yet his Sharingan did not detect any sort of fabrications. "The continent was immediately plunged into chaos, and the dragons pillaged settlements and killed insurmountable amounts of people. No sooner than merely several days, the world was in ruins…"

He assumed this 'Eclipse Gate' is the time travelling device, and this 'man from the Royal Guard' is his primary culprit.

"My friends… Fairy Tail… they tried to stop the dragons, but they couldn't possibly defeat 10,000 of them. In the end, they succumbed to the dragons' overwhelming power and numbers. There were only a few of us left." Lucy clenched her teeth. She still remembered the way Natsu had arrived to save her just moments before being crushed under the claw of a rampaging dragon. She still remembered his warm smile as he reassured her that everything's gonna be okay in the end. The way he dived into battle knowing the outcome, just so she could live. "That's why… that's why I used the Eclipse Gate to travel back in time and ask for your help, Sasuke-san!" More than sorrowful and saddened, her face displayed determination and resolve as she stared unblinkingly into his crimson gaze.

Sasuke looked at her as he made to digest the information he'd just been fed. There were still several things he needed answers first before he'd agree or disagree. "Why do you come to me for help?" The ninja asked, his voice as calm as ever. It's as if her story held no weight in front of him.

"Because you were the one who hunted down and vanquished all of the remaining dragons that roamed Earth Land." Lucy answered immediately.

Sasuke assessed her answer. Interesting. So he already existed in her timeline? But something still nagged at him. Assuming the version of himself in her timeline did everything he'd done in this timeline, why then was he unable to prevent the dragons from scattering away, or at the very least, protecting his guild mates, if he was supposedly powerful enough to defeat them? Because if he was in this city, he would have most assuredly put his own fair share of effort in suppressing the dragons. There was a heavy contradiction in there.

There was one explanation why he was unable to deal with the threat though. "And where was I at the time of this event?"

Lucy looked uncertain. "I am not sure, but the day before the Eclipse Gate was opened, master Makarov said that you had some urgent business to care of in Alakitasia. Something about 'old enemies'."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. So that explains everything. His "business" in Alakitasia was probably the arrival of those Otsutsukis. So not only was he to deal with 10,000 dragons, but was also about to confront Momoshiki and his retainer Kinshiki. The situation was absurdly beyond his expectations and control, and the odds were severely cornering him into a cliff. While defeating the dragons sounded possible enough with Lucy's account, dealing with the Otsutsukis was another matter entirely. One that Naruto's help is an absolute must.

Frankly speaking, he was up shit creak without a paddle.

'What great timing…' The ninja thought derisively.

One action must come after another, and one deed must take precedence. He might need to combat Momoshiki and Kinshiki first before attending to the dragons. But then again, that also seemed fruitless. He doubted he'd survive that encounter, and if he'd died, Earth Land will have to deal with not only the dragons, but also inter-dimensional invaders. He needed to think this over thoroughly and carefully.

Before Sasuke could further mull on his methods, Future Lucy stood up from her seat, looked at him straight in his visible eye and prostrated herself in front of him, her forehead practically touching the ground. The utterly submissive and feeble action surprised the ninja a bit.

"Please, Sasuke-san! I need your help, there's no one but you who can change the future!" Lucy cried out, her voice ridden with desperation and helplessness. "I need you to save my friends, I need you to save Fairy Tail!" The blond never moved from her defenseless position as she spoke, but she didn't care one bit.

Sasuke looked down at her impassively and sighed. He turned around and started walking away.

Lucy looked up in horror and despair as the one who holds the key to changing the future casually sauntered away, seemingly refusing her request. His gait was calm and uncaring. Uncaring of the future, uncaring of the lives that were sure to be lost, uncaring for the world.

Lucy's world shattered to tiny pieces. What's remained of her sanity probably broke along with it.

'It's over…' Lucy thought in despair and resignation, her mind consumed by dreadful images of the guaranteed future, now that that her only hope had denied her request. Tears rolled out of her eyes again, her brown eyes remained fixated unblinkingly at the Uchiha's figure. She was now left utterly uncertain of what to do, and unsure of what to make of this outcome. Her motivations, her purpose, and the last remaining remnants of hope that still remained within her left brutally crushed by the weight of reality. The reality of death and destruction. What was she doing in here anyway? What was her purpose again? Why did she ever think this plan would have worked? Were her efforts really that meaningless? Why was she even alive in the first place?

She should have just died with her friends. She should have just been crushed under the claw of that behemoth. In the end it all did not matter.

She was left with nothing.

It was too cruel. Why was everything have to be so, so cruel?

"S-Sasuke-san, please!" Lucy choked out, her voice was weak and garbled with the sounds of crying. "Please don't go! I need you, Fairy Tail needs you! Plea-"

"Shut up." Sasuke replied sternly, cutting the blonde off.

Lucy stared at him wide-eyed, mouth slightly agape. Her briefly renewed energy vanishing just as quickly.

The ninja looked back at her, eyes narrowing in annoyance. "I didn't say anything about denying your request."

Upon hearing his words, The blond woman perked up. The look of surprise coloring her face and hope started bubbling from within her. "Sasuke-san… Does that mean you…" She didn't dare say it. She just didn't. It was too good to be true. She half expected him to say sike and continue walking. Yet he didn't.

Has her purpose not been wasted?

Sasuke looked at her, his pitch-black eye in equal amounts of soft and stern. "Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. You did good in letting me know. You may rest easy now, I'll handle the rest." He told her resolutely, his tone leaving no interjections nor objections. It was unemotional, yet so soothing to hear.

Lucy's world immediately became brighter at his words. Her dirt-ridden hands came clutching at her chest as emotions threatened to burst out of her. A dazzling smile finally took stage, a hopeful, toothy smile. And her deathly pale cheeks started to color a lively red hue. "Sasuke-san, you… thank you so much…" Lucy managed out as her cheeks were once again sporting streams of fresh tears, but this time, it wasn't out of grief, sadness or self-loathing, it was something different. She didn't even care how many times she cried at this point. Nothing matters anymore. "Sasuke-san… THANK YOU!" The Spirit Mage shouted at the top of her lungs. Deeply thankful, deeply indebted beyond words could describe and numbers could count.

"Don't thank me yet, I still haven't done anything. What the future holds is still uncertain."

Lucy smiled and shook her head. "Mhmh, Still, thank you… it means so much to me."

He started walking again. He needed to plan and prepare, he needed to investigate, he needed to gather information.

"You are to meet them, are you not?" Sasuke said, briefly stopping in his tracks.

Lucy looked at him, surprised. "H-how did you know?"

The ninja didn't grace her question an answer. "You should meet them soon." And then he was gone.

He had very little time left until both events happen. But even so, he had to do something.

Domus Flau

Sasuke sat at the head of one of the statues that stood at the sides of the coliseum. The ninja had extended his senses as far as his sensory abilities could reach, and he sent out multiple shadow clones to investigate the city. He couldn't afford to do nothing. This place was the most likely place to sense something that's going on below, as it was the highest peak of the city. Already, he was sensing something, though nothing familiar. Probably magic.

He was overlooking the events below. Currently, the fight was between Fairy Tail's Laxus against Raven Tail's Alexei. He didn't have Naruto's useful emotion sensing, but he could tell the guy was up to no good. The ninja narrowed his eyes at the scene below. The helmeted man had casted a rather impressive illusion that seemed to fool the entire populace of onlookers. Similar to the one used by Orochimaru during the invasion of Konoha at the Chuunin Exams, though they function very differently. The ninja's Sharingan saw through it though, piercing through the magical illusion like iron drill through foam. While people saw a one-sided trouncing, Sasuke saw that both men hadn't even moved from their stations. They seemed to exchange words, and the helmeted man promptly revealed his face to Laxus. The end result of the fight amused him at least. The man had brought his entire team to fight a single fighter and got defeated so easily. How embarrassing.

To his knowledge, Laxus was also a Dragon Slayer, though the fact that he has a cat or not was unknown to him. The thought was amusing. The man did not look like cat lover.

The next fight was between two little girls. The girl, Wendy, as he remembered. He would have had little interest to see the fight, if it weren't for the fact that she was a Dragon Slayer. Dragon Slayers varied in power as far as he'd observed, he wanted to know where such a small girl stood in terms of strength compared to her fellow Dragon Slayers. As the fight progressed, he thought she was impressive, as was her opponent. Though she was lacking compared to the other Dragon Slayers he'd encountered. Probably due to inexperience, perhaps lacking in the power department as well, but that comes with growth. The fight ended in a tie, a sufficient result.

Sasuke spotted someone suspicious in the crowds. A cloaked man with a mask and a bandana over his head. The man's image instantly registering into the Uchiha's brain. The ninja saw the man quickly moving out of the arena as the fight concluded.

He would have to question the man sooner or later.

More than that, He saw an intricately-armored man at the corner of his eyes with wild, unkempt hair, overlooking the fight at a balcony. His eyes sported cunning, the likes worn by Orochimaru when he was on his pursuit to immortality.

'A man from the Royal Guard.' Sasuke remembered.

The ninja created a single shadow clone. With a mental command, the clone immediately went to stealthily follow the man and investigate.

Sasuke released a sigh. At the very least, this day was not a complete waste of ti- !?

A sudden feeling overcame him.

"Chakra!?" The Uchiha yelled in surprise.

He dispelled every clone he created, except for the most recent, to make his senses less cluttered. He focused his sensory and traced the beacon of energy to its origin point. The ninja ascertained that it didn't originate from within the city, but out of its borders.

It was potent, extremely so. It's as if the chakra was from an Otsutsuki. But there was no one other than him that used chakra in this Time-Space. It was almost as though it was calling for him. This almost seemed like a bait. A bait he had no choice but to take.

The ninja furrowed his eyebrows. Had Momoshiki and Kinshiki already reached this Time-Space? It's too damn sudden if that's the case. The implication on Lucy's words told him that it would be at least a few days from now until he was gone to Alakitasia. Did those Otsutsukis arrive much earlier than the dragon event?

Sasuke wasted no time as he stood up and went after the flare of chakra. He sprung from the statue and jumped atop buildings as he headed to the western side borders of Crocus. He quickly made it out of the city and into a deserted, barren land a few kilometers away from Crocus.

'The chakra is getting stronger.' Sasuke thought. It's odd though, the feeling isn't quite the same as Momoshiki's chakra nor Kinshiki's. And yet it felt as though he was fast approaching an Otsutsuki. As he got nearer into the flare of chakra, he felt more ornate details about it. For one, it felt… deformed and unique. It was unlike any chakra he had felt before, even comparing it to the chakra of the Otsutsukis. This one seemed like it's a combination of chakra and magic. The heaviness of chakra and the vastness of magic fused. It was like the amalgamation of energies, both familiar and unknown. Chakra in itself was already a combination of two energies, the spirit, and the body. The addition of another foreign energy is sure to mess up the equation, and would most likely result in the death of the user via energy implosion or chakra system mutilation.

Therefore, it should logically be impossible.

And yet…

Sasuke reached the source of the flare of chakra and he came to a stop on a rocky terrain. There weren't any people nearby, so if push comes to shove, he'll not hold back. Sasuke surveyed the area with his Sharingan, observing that the flare of chakra was slowly getting weaker and weaker.

'So, it's as I suspected…' Sasuke mused. The flare of chakra was subsiding now that he'd come. Proving that it was nothing more than a bait for him. Some sort of siren meant to call the only chakra-user in this world. This person knew about him, or at the very least, knew the fact that he uses chakra. But who could possibly-!?

Sasuke's enhanced senses rang and his head whipped at his six o' clock to see a black bolt of energy barreling towards him. Sasuke jumped back in a reverse somersault as the dark projectile hit the ground where he was standing on a few moments ago and promptly exploded in a dark cloud of dusk magic and smoke. The attack vaporized the ground in a circular crater.

"Well, well… you're certainly fast. I'm impressed!" A smug voice sounded. Sasuke's looked at the speaker through the thick cloud of smoke, the Sharingan bypassing its cover. As the smoke dispersed with the wind, the ninja saw his attacker with clarity. The ninja inspected his form, his clothing, his face, his overall appearance. Everything processing in his brain.

The man stood atop a large boulder, looking down at the ninja with a cocky, almost feral grin. He was a tall man with a noticeably long hair, tied in a high ponytail that reached midway down his back. His hair also has an odd combination of color, with the right side being black, and a much lighter color on the left side. He had a large patch of bangs covering the right side of his face, obscuring most of it from view, with only a large scar on his nose bridge that's slightly visible. He also sported some sharp patterned tattoo around his left eye.

He wore some light and red-colored robe-like garments. Befitting of high-class mages.

The man was familiar. His face, that is. He was the splitting image of that other Dragon Slayer from the SaberTooth. Though everything was completely different. His presence seemed more sinister and far stronger than both Dragon Slayers combined.

"Uchiha Sasuke, the Planes Walker. I'll be testing the limits of your strength right here!" The man shouted at him in challenge, a finger pointed at him, as if to make his point clearer. Sasuke, on his part, only narrowed his eyes. This guy knew his name, on top of that, he also knew the fact that he was a dimension traveler. This man, he was bad news.

Sasuke remained silent for a moment, assessing the situation and formulating escape strategies if the battle is proven to be beyond his capabilities.

"Who are you, and how do you know me?" Sasuke questioned his attacker. Though his eyes made it very clear that he was going to get the answers regardless.

The dual-color haired man merely smirked at his question, and rested a hand at his hip. "You want answers? I'll tell you everything if you defeat me."

Sasuke didn't believe him, though this situation doesn't really leave him much of a choice but to fight. After defeating the man, if he can defeat him that is, he'll have to torture the information out of him.

The Uchiha's attacker looked at him straight in his single visible eye, as if to exploit any weaknesses. Sasuke thought it wouldn't have worked, as he doesn't show any weaknesses. The man only smiled menacingly. "Before we get this over with, though, I will show you something special." The Shadow user declared rather ardently, as he proceeded to swipe the patch of hair that covered the right side of his face upwards with a hand to reveal what's hidden beneath. A maniacal grin plastered on his face as he did.

The ninja stood gob-smacked at what he had seen. His eyes widening in shock and confusion.

"The Rinnegan!?" Alarmed, Sasuke blurted out. "How…?"

He was inwardly shocked beyond words. The Rinnegan shouldn't exist in this Time-Space. And the possibility that a variant of the Juubi or the God tree existed in here should also be negligible, considering the fact that high ranking members of the Otsutsuki clan couldn't easily travel the dimensional distance that separated this Time-Space to the ones he was familiar with. And yet he was looking at a Rinnegan user, in the flesh. The impossibility of the notion almost rendered him speechless, but he forced himself to keep calm. Panicking wouldn't do him any good.

Indeed, the man's right eye proudly displayed the familiar rippled pattern of the legendary doujutsu, the doujutsu of the Sage of the Six Paths. Though this one was bright blue in color instead of the normal purple color of the Rinnegan. And the ripples were white instead of black. This one also doesn't display any tomoes like his, or the Juubi and Juubi-Jinchuuriki's Rinne-Sharingan. Which means this one was likely not more powerful than his, but he couldn't afford to be careless.

More than power, one thing to be wary of when fighting a Rinnegan user was the Rinnegan's unique abilities. This one most certainly have an ability, as hinted by the abnormal bluish tint of the doujutsu.

The Uchiha's reaction seemed to amuse the man. "Oh, you know this eye then? Of course you would, Uchiha Sasuke of the Rinnegan." He mocked.

'He even knows that I have the Rinnegan!?' This man, holds too much information on him.

Sasuke thinned his eyes at the man. "How… How did you acquire that eye, and what is your purpose?" He asked, not fully expecting an answer. Though he was pleasantly caught off-guard when the robed man did answer his question.

The man let go of his hair as it draped over the Rinnegan. And his hand rested on his chin, as if to adopt a thinking pose. "Hm, I suppose there's no harm in telling you some, but the rest will be after you defeat me." The man smirked, confident and arrogant. " This eye was a gift from my venerable Master, the ruler of the future. It is not like yours though, nor is it as strong. It is merely an imitation, a hyper-advanced mechanical copy of the Rinnegan. But with your current strength, it is more than sufficient." To demonstrate, the robed man transformed his arm into an intricately futuristic arm cannon. The cannon swiftly changed appearance, transforming into a buzz saw, into an energy sword, and into a mechanical whip, before changing back into his normally fleshy arm. With a satisfied grin, he continued. "As for my purpose, I come from 7 years in the future with no other purpose than to eliminate all threats of my Master's inevitable arrival." The man pointed at him. "And you, Uchiha Sasuke, has been declared to be the biggest threat of all."

"I see." Sasuke muttered quietly. He more or less understood everything now. Another time traveler, it seems. Though this one hails from 7 years in the future. It is unclear from which timeline his future was directly connected to, but he intends to find out. This "Master" of his was something he needed to know about. Handing counterfeit Rinnegans was something only an Otsutsuki could do, considering their vast technological capabilities and unparalleled engineering. One thing that's clear though, is the fact that the man was native to this world, and not to the neighboring Time-Spaces that he knew.

He had to defeat this guy, for the sake of acquiring precious information.

A sweat of apprehension trickled down the side of the Uchiha's face as he glared unblinkingly at his opponent. His hand was already on the hilt of his sword, ready to spring into action. The battle tension grew ever thicker and power pervaded the area as both combatants sized each other. Both were completely unmoving, and the current state of quietness added to the intensity of the confrontation. Heated stares bounced back from each other's eyes as they waited for the other to take action.

The unknown man was the first to move, conjuring a black rod from his palm. Sasuke immediately recognized the makeshift weapon as a chakra receiver. A weapon that only Rinnegan users can create. Seems that his Rinnegan still functions like a normal Rinnegan, in spite of being a fake one.

"Uchiha Sasuke, Behold my power, White Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic!" The Uchiha's opponent declared haughtily as shadow engulfed his being. The robed man's glowing eye pierced through the shadowy flare, emitting a rather intimidating image.

'A Dragon Slayer?' Not only that, but this guy possessed two different Dragon Slayer affinities. He'd heard enough from Minerva about their resident Dragon Slayers and their respective magics, Light and Shadow. This man was the combination of both, it seems. It also explained why he seemed familiar to some extent.

Sasuke readied himself as the Dragon Slayer became one with the shadow energy and fused himself with his own shadow, seemingly entering the ground with his shadow. The black shadowy patch sped at the Uchiha's position like a starving shark towards a bloodied prey. The Shadow-user emerged from the ground directly in front of the ninja, a chakra receiver in hand, intent on stabbing the Uchiha through his left eye.

The ninja parried the attack with his sword. Immediately, the Dragon Slayer made to punch Sasuke with his other hand, his fist imbued with a flare of dark magic. He dodged the attack by pulling his head backwards. He jumped away from his attacker, but not before delivering a countering kick to the man's abdomen, sending him flying backwards. The force of the blow was strong enough to destroy any boulder that's in the Dragon Slayer's path. He landed with little difficulty and skidded to a stop.

"Tch!" The kick had apparently stung, as he clutched his stomach in pain. Seemingly not letting him rest even for a bit, the ninja followed his blow with four large fireballs. The heat wafting from the giant projectiles was enough to melt nearby rocks and stone, and the Shadow-user himself was taken aback by the power behind such a simple move.

The Dragon Slayer merely smirked as he faced the nearing balls of heated destruction. "Preta Path" He muttered, absorbing the first fireball that made contact with the energy field provided by the Preta, the remaining fireballs followed suit, disappearing into the Shadow-users Rinnegan. Thankfully, his mechanized Rinnegan was capable of transmuting chakra into Magical Power, a function that his Master had predicted to be most useful in a battle with Uchiha Sasuke.

The robed man grinned. "See that, Uchiha Sasuke? Your attacks are meaningless against mph-!?" He didn't have time to finish what he was saying as an insanely sharp kick to the cheek sent him barreling straight through a rocky hill, straight away obliterating the large mound of land that did very little to mitigate his velocity. The man forced himself upright and land on his feet. Protective shadowy aura danced around his being as he positioned himself for an attack.

'Kuh… He's fast.' The Shadow Dragon Slayer thought derisively as the ninja appeared right in front of his still unstable form, holding his sword high in an attempt to slash him right through his skull. The Shadow-user managed to catch the ninja's arm mid-swing, holding it hostage and leaving the Uchiha vulnerable for any incoming point-blank attack. The time traveler opened his mouth and potent ball of shadow energy coalesced in it.

"Shadow Dragon's Roar!" Leaving no time at all to avoid the point-blank attack, the extremely powerful black energy engulfed his opponent's body. Seemingly incinerating him right where he stood. The attack left a gigantic cone-shaped crater on the ground as it mercilessly erased everything in its path, returning them into the shadows.

The spell left nothing in its wake. No trace of his foe whatsoever. But he knew enough about the Uchiha to not believe him to be so easily defeated. The self-proclaimed White Shadow Dragon Slayer vigilantly inspected the area, his viper-like gaze moving about with the alertness and instinctual prowess of a Dragon Slayer. Not long after, he spotted his foe, standing atop a large boulder. The man seemed very calm and collected, the manner in which he stood his ground was alarmingly tranquil, as if he wasn't even taken seriously to begin with. The thought pissed him off.

The robed man grit his teeth in fury. "Uchiha Sasuke, I will make you suffer! White Shadow Dragon Mode!" The spell immediately took effect, as dark, shadowy aura started manifesting around his body, engulfing him with pure, unadulterated shadow energy that permeated malice and malevolence. The right side of his body seemed to darken into a blackish tint, and his long hair now freely fluttered under the influence of the black aura. With the patch of hair whipped upwards due to the aura, his bright blue Rinnegan was left visible, although it now glowed a more brighter color.

The ninja narrowed his eyes as the man's Magical Power went up considerably. His Sharingan inspected his foe, noticing that his physiology and physicality had greatly changed. While normally he was more man than dragon, right now, it seemed like the draconic side was taking over. It was almost comparable to Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode in more ways than one.

The Dragon Slayer suddenly erupted from where he stood, vanishing in a flash of speed that would have embarrassed Shisui's Body Flicker. The ninja's Sharingan saw through his every motion with little to no difficulty.

" DIE! Shadow Dragon's Cutting Blade!" The dragon mage bellowed. The shadowy, tendril-like aura on his hand taking the shape of a large, single-edge blade. He swung his arm, his shadowy blade cutting the air at speeds greatly surpassing the speed of sound. Sasuke dodged the attack by jumping out of the slash's area of effect, the hill the ninja had stood a mere millisecond ago was promptly split clean in half along with parts of the ground. The shockwave alone made a deep, curved trench along the rocky terrain.

Seeing the Uchiha in mid-air, the Dragon Slayer saw an opening. "I'm not done yet! "White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk!" He released several light and shadow lasers that sped towards the Uchiha, who dodged it by simply pivoting his body or blocking it with a lightning-enhanced sword. Veins visibly bulged on his forehead as rage briefly overtook him. His spell was dodged yet again! This Uchiha Sasuke was simply too nimble for his liking.

"Tch! Almighty Pull!" with an outstretched arm, the Slayer created a center of gravity in his palm, effectively pulling his target into it. He readied a shadow magic-enhanced chakra disrupting rod on the other hand. It was a fool-proof plan; while mid-air, pull him close in melee range. Then attempt an attack squarely at his head while taking advantage of his momentary surprise. With the rod enhanced with Shadow Dragon slayer magic, surely it would pierce right through his sword. It was supposed to be an effective strategy, and yet…

The Uchiha was gone, in less than a blink of an eye. He didn't even notice, and he was right in front of him! What he pierced instead was merely a rock that had somehow for some reason replaced where the Uchiha should have been.

'This is his Rinnegan ability!' He was sufficiently educated enough about his foe, and yet he forgot he had such an annoyance of an ability. His master would be disappointed at this oversight. As he recall, the Uchiha's Rinnegan ability allows him to switch himself, others and objects with a target in a limited range. Dealing with such an ability would not be so easy.

With a growl, he landed at a moderately large plateau, with the ninja landing tens of meters away. The bastard seemed to be unaffected so far. His attacks being outright dodged or blocked handily. That didn't matter though, he wasn't done yet! He'll make the Uchiha pay for not taking this battle seriously.

The time travelling mage turned his body into the shadows and raced towards the Uchiha. But instead of attacking, he swirled around the Uchiha to strategically confuse him. With extreme speed granted by the White Shadow Dragon Mode, he propelled himself from underneath the ground as a beam of light. Infuriatingly, the ninja still reacted accordingly and blocked the attack with his absurdly durable sword.

Being in close range with his foe, the Dragon Slayer observed his target. His eye, the Sharingan, as his memory provided, spun in a mesmerizing manner as he stared down at him. The ninja's countenance displayed minimal emotion. That stare… That indifferent, uncaring stare… THAT STARE! Being mocked and insulted like this… This is… this is simply unacceptable!

"I won't stand for this! GHRAAAAAHHHH!" The dimension traveler jumped back in alarm as the enraged Shadow Dragon Slayer released a powerful circular wave of harmful Shadow energy, the wave of dark power instantly reduced the natural platform they were standing on into rubble.

Sasuke covered his eyes as dust and smoke was pushed back omni-directionally, landing a considerable distance away from the explosion. Sand in your eyes was proven to be fatal in most fights, especially in sandy terrains like this. It served an even greater distraction. One moment you have dust in your eyes, the next second you're now sporting a kunai in your heart. He wasn't about to make that mistake here.

He didn't have time to relax and was forced to leap away as a ballistic missile exploded right on the ground where he was just standing. Oddly enough, the explosion was composed of the same Shadowy energy he used. So not only had he mastered the Rinnegan paths, but was also able to incorporate his own magic in them. It was Ingenious, he had to admit. Right now, he was combining the Asura Path with his own Dragon Slayer magic. He didn't know such a thing was even possible until now.

Sasuke didn't stop dodging, as multiple missiles were onto him, exploding and shaking the Earth as they failed to hit him. The missiles tracked and pursued the ninja. Heat-seeking missiles, he assumed.

The ninja decided to fight fire with fire, utilizing his Rinnegan's Asura Path to transform the properties of his arm to that of a mechanical barrel that contained multiple explosive chakra missiles. He fired his own batch of missiles, countering the Dragon Slayer's own in a sizable blast of chakra and shadow magic.


The darkened figure dashed at him, bursting through the explosion created by both their attacks. He aimed a powerful swipe of his shadow-imbued hand at his foe's head, with the dark energy seemingly forming into a dragon's claw. Sasuke dodged the blow by ducking underneath it, but then had to twist his body to avoid the rapidly spinning Asura Path buzz saw that came speeding at his face. The ninja placed a hand on the ground to support his weight and landed a well-timed arching kick on the man's abdomen, sending him reeling back. That didn't stop his reckless onslaught still. The draconic man charged again, this time enhancing his buzz saw-transformed arm with his own Dragon Slaying magic. The saw barely went past his face as he whipped back to avoid getting his face sawed in half at the last second, then dodged another incoming claw that came too close in ripping his sternum.

Sasuke dodged and weaved effortlessly, anticipating and predicting his foe's every move. He bobbed his head sideways when a speeding laser was about to pierce his face, and nimbly maneuvered his body whenever a beam of dark energy was about to hit him. Sasuke was gaining control of the fight, or more precisely, he remained the one in control of the fight.


A blast of shadow magic erupted out of the Slayer's mouth, turning everything it touched into nothingness. The ninja disappeared out of the spell's track, avoiding the spell completely. With an animalistic growl, the draconic mage was onto him in a flash. Releasing blasts of dark magic, and going at him with shadow enhanced punches and kicks, all easily avoided.

The ninja jumped back to gain more breathing room. And expectedly enough, the Dragon Slayer did not pursue. He was panting heavily, and the arm which he repeatedly used to transform into the Asura arm was effectively out of commission. His Magic Power was probably on the verge of being empty as well. Overall, he was on his limit, just as the Uchiha planned.

It was his turn now, and he had no intention to drag this fight any further. He wanted answers, and he's gonna get them, now.

Bar Sun

Makarov sat cross-legged on the drink bar as he gulped a hearty amount of booze from his mug. He smiled as his children ate, danced and laughed as they mingled with each other. It's times like this that he wished would last forever.

"They're just as excitable as always, aren't they." On Makarov's right side, Macao sat on his stool with a mug of liquor on one hand. With a content smile on his face, he observed the guild, noticing that one recent addition was missing. He looked at every direction, inspecting for any signs of the Uchiha, but he couldn't find him.

Macao rose an eyebrow. "Sasuke isn't here yet?" He asked the miniature master, who nodded at his question.

"Mhmm, I haven't seen him yet since yesterday night. I wonder what that kid's up to." He wondered as his hand went to stroke his mustache. His wizened eyes took on a playful shine not a second after. "I wonder if he's out playing with the lass he found."

Macao's eyes widened at comical proportions. "S-S-SASUKE FOUND HIMSELF A GIRLFRIEND!?" The blue-haired man practically shouted. The sheer incredulity of the sentence overwhelming him. With the Uchiha's personality, Macao would have thought that finding a girlfriend was an alien concept for the young man. It was just impossible, and he definitely didn't take Sasuke to be that the kind of person to have a girlfriend so easily. Though his confusion was put on a halt when he realized that the whole guild became quiet, and was now looking at him. Macao tried not to flush at the sudden attention he was receiving.

Makarov sweatdropped. "Did you really have to announce that in front of everyone?"

"Uhh, whoops? Sorry everyone, it's nothing, nothing at all. Just us old people spouting nonsense as always. Hahaha!" Macao tried to divert the attention awkwardly, it mostly worked. Although it was clear that some members were obviously interested in the topic.

Cana was the first to voice her thoughts. She was plopped lazily on one of the nearer tables, a single lithe hand rested on a large barrel of half-empty booze. "So, what's this about Sasuke having a girlfriend? Let me in on this, will you." The drunkard said. She was mainly interested on learning what the newest addition to their guild was looking for in a woman.

Over to the far side of the group, Laki was at a loss for words. Sasuke having a girlfriend? That's definitely news. Although she was unsure whether it was a good or a bad one. The thought irritated her for some reason though.

Erza involved herself into the discussion, mildly interested. She looked at the short master. "Was that true, master? Did he really break the hearts of Fairy Tail's young women population and found a girlfriend outside the guild? My, I'm not sure if I could ever forgive him if this is true." The Titania spoke amusedly. Her body was still sore and bandaged from fighting one hundred high-class monsters that morning, yet she still managed to giggle at the subject of their talk.

Behind the scarlet-haired woman, Natsu looked confused. "So what if Sasuke found a girl friend? I have many girl friends, in fact there's one right here! Right, Lucy?" The pink-haired Dragon Slayer slung an arm at the blond girl who's eyes were wide as saucers and sporting a furious blush.

"Oh Natsu, you idiot." Happy facepalmed.

"Not that kind of girlfriend, you moron!" Gray interjected beside Natsu. "The other kind, the more i-intimate one." he explained, though the flame-brain still looked puzzled, as expected.

"Yes, the very, very intimate kind! The kind that Gray-sama and I share!" Juvia chirped with a blush.

"We don't have that kind of intimate relationship!"

"Huh, what? I really don't understand… what's the difference?"

"Enough, Natsu! You're still too young to know about this stuff!"

"Huh? What's being young have to do with anything?"

Mirajane put a thin finger on her lip in thought. "You know, since Sasuke's fight, the girls had immediately elevated him at the top of Fairy Tail's list of most handsome and hottest male mage. It was a unanimous vote." She smiled good-naturedly. "And now, since Macao basically announced that he was getting a girlfriend, Sasuke would now have to deal with every girl in the guild that's enamored with him, bombarding him with questions everyday to confirm his relationship status or outright confessing to him. And you know how insatiable our girls are when it comes to love. They'll most likely even make it a competition! I imagine Sasuke-kun would be most upset with this." Macao paled considerably. "Imagine what he'd do to you when he knows you were the one who let everyone know~" Mira's smile was warm, but the intent was anything but kind in nature.

Macao was now officially scared. "N-No one's gonna tell him, right?" The brats were silent as a graveyard. "M-Mira? Erza? Gray? Natsu? Lisanna? Lucy? M-Master! You wouldn't rat me out, right?" the master simply ignored the poor man. "MASTER!"

They shared a laugh at the former master's antics.

The old master looked at the First. "Master Mavis, do you sense the lad anywhere?"

The blond diminutive master nodded, her face deathly serious. "I- I sense him. He is not in the city, he is somewhere outside." Mavis said.

"Huh, what's Sasuke doing outside of the city?" Macao asked.

The First Master turned her head towards the west, the direction where she sensed her newest child. Her lips curving in a grimace as her empty, emerald eyes narrowed. "Sasuke-kun… he is currently engaged in a battle!"

Everyone in the circle widened their eyes at this.

Makarov kept drinking at his mug. "And can you sense who he's fighting, First?" the master asked, everyone waited for the Firsts response.

Mavis closed her eyes, and opened them several moments later. "I- I am not sure. The one he is fighting has very chaotic energy. It is magic, and yet it doesn't seem like magic." The former master tightened her lips in effort as she tried to ascertain Sasuke's foe. "His magic just feels evil."

Natsu bolted up from his seat. "Then we should help him!"

"No, Natsu. Sasuke's strong. Let him deal with his problem." The master said.

"But old man, what if he's in danger!?" Natsu reasoned. the hot-head was already pretty eager to fight.

The master sighed. "No, Natsu. You are to rest for today! You're gonna be fighting tomorrow. You need to save your energy!" Makarov scolded.

The pink-haired Slayer pouted. "Geez, fine. Have it your way." He grumbled, sinking back into his seat.

"Sasuke's pretty strong. Did you not see his fight with a Wizard Saint? He'll be fine." The master said with a smile.

Now, how shall he go about blackmailing Macao into buying him several barrels of booze?

"AAARGHH!" The Shadow Dragon Slayer was sent barreling straight outwards, busting through several rocky hills and stopping on a rather sturdy boulder, making a crater on it in the process.

He was absurdly tired now, and the fight has now officially turned into an uphill battle. He had depleted his magical reserves, and it seemed the bastard had expected him to from the start. He'd planned the fight to go as it did. The Slayer danced right into his foe's palm!

He forced his sore body to make haste and get moving as he saw the massive purplish skeletal structure, menacingly staring straight into his soul with those glowing yellow sockets. Its massive arm was high in the air, the skeletal hand clenched tight. Without so much as a warning, the arm came downwards in a hammer-like fashion.


The massive skeletal hand smashed right through the boulder he was leaning on and crushed him underneath the force of the impact. The blow made a deep hole on the ground where he was forcefully shoved in, and it would have been a fitting grave for him. But… he couldn't afford to die just yet.

The skeletal hand came in and picked him up like he was some sort of toy out of a toy box. The hand gripped his already sore body tightly. His clothing was reduced to a tattered mess, and his face and hair was riddled with dirt. He wasn't at all in a condition to continue this farce. He would have to escape somehow and recuperate.

"AAARGHHH!" He howled in pain as the Uchiha's Susano'o squeezed him just a little bit.

"Now you will answer my questions, whether you cooperate or not." With a mental command, the Susano'o's hand tightened and squeezed. The Slayer felt his bones creak and his organs rupture under the torturous pressure.

The defeated Dragon Slayer vomited blood as he tried to speak. He ignored the pain in his throat and diaphragm."Fine… I'll tell you everything I know. A promise is a promise…"

Sasuke glared at his prisoner, eyes sending the message of death if the Slayer didn't answer even one question, or if the ninja sensed a lie. Sasuke would have used the Naraka Path if his chakra was at full capacity, but this should be good enough. "First, who are you?"

The Dragon Slayer managed a strained smirk inside the confines of the skeletal hand of the Susano'o. "My name… is Rogue Cheney…" So he was right after all. He had suspected him to be that other Dragon Slayer when he declared himself to be from the future. Initially, the ninja had thought that they were merely related. The Slayer continued. "… A former member of the Sabertooth, and the Shadow Dragon Slayer, a third-generation Dragon Slayer." Sasuke sensed no lie.

Sasuke wasted no time. "Second question, Why do you have Sting's magic?" Not a necessary question, but one he wanted to clarify.

Rogue smirked evilly. " Sting… that idiot was weak. So I killed him and consumed his light. He was unworthy of the power he was gifted, so I took it for myself." Again, Sasuke sensed no lie.

"Third question, who is this "Master" you speak of?" This one was particularly important. He will have to make sure his answer was the truth, and break a few bones of he did try to lie.

The ninja's prisoner grinned wickedly, his face displaying pain but also subtle adulation. The defeated Slayer looked at Sasuke with a confident and demeaning stare "Oh, you know him well enough."

"You mean…" The Uchiha muttered, more or less guessing the right answer.

Rogue's smirk lengthened. "Indeed. He is none other than the most powerful, the most illustrious, and the most wise, Otsutsuki Momoshiki-sama!" Sasuke wished he was lying, his Sharingan confirmed his words to be the truth. "Master Momoshiki, with his overwhelming might, rules all of Earth Land in my future. But that future might not come into fruition if you were to exist in this world, Uchiha Sasuke." The Dragon Slayer sneered at him. "That is why you will be my target. And when I get my hands on the Dragons that will inevitably emerge from the Eclipse Gate, my next target will Acnologia, the Dragon King!" Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed at the information.

Momoshiki had already invaded and successfully subjugated this Time-Space in seven years time. There was little surprise there. Momoshiki was powerful. He was a threat to all realms he chooses to put his fangs in. There's little he could do against him without Naruto's help. Still, seven years time is a long road away. Things could still change. As he'd said, his timeline might not be realized.

Shit, he just knew everything was because of him, somehow. Yet another problem in his stack of problems that needs to solved.

He needed Naruto when the time comes. And it would be remiss of him to just leave this world to ruins, when it was entirely because of him that this Time-Space was in danger in the first place. He'll have to go back to his own dimension and bring Naruto here. Also, perhaps there are mages in this world that are just as, if not more powerful than himself and Naruto. He'll have to go searching for allies sooner or later.

The Dragon King, Acnologia, was an interesting information, but not useful for now. Perhaps he should meet this person, see if he could be swayed to his cause.

About the Eclipse Gate part…

"Kuhhk!" Rogue gritted his teeth in pain as the skeletal hand compressed around him.

"Fourth question, what is your involvement with the Eclipse Gate and the invasion of Dragons?"

Rogue's sinister grin had lessened into a mocking smile. "I need the Dragons' power in defeating Acnologia, and most of all, you. That is why I will do anything to stop any troublemakers that would dare hinder my plans. The Gate must be opened! I knew my current power is insufficient in defeating you, even with my Master's gift. This fight isn't to defeat you, but to merely test you. Soon enough… soon enough, the Gate will be opened. Every piece in the puzzle has already fallen in place." The Draconic mage explained, his mouth curving downwards with every word. "But with the Dragons' power, I will surely – kuhh!"

The skeletal hand's grip tightened again, effectively shutting the Slayer up.

He didn't say anything about being the one to open the gates. It's possible that he is collaborating with the Royal Guard, or perhaps he's a subordinate.

With a grunt, the ninja continued on the interrogation. "Fifth question, how did you meet Otsutsuki Momoshiki?"

Rogue's eyes looked amused, as a smirk graced his face yet again. "You want me to regale you with my tale, of how I met my venerable Master? Very well, bu – aaugghh!" Sasuke squeezed.

"I want the summary only." Sasuke told him with a glare of annoyance.

The man glared at him in turn. "Hmph, very well…" The man spat some blood out before he continued speaking. "I was blind then, consumed by ignorance. After I killed Sting, the power that I had acquired from him was enormous. I was powerful, I was mighty. But gaining power also has its downsides. I was consumed by the thought that I was the strongest, that I could defeat anyone with my Twin Dragon Slayer Magic, but then I met him." Rogue adopted a worshipping expression. "He graced Earth Land with his godly presence, arriving from the heavens. He was a strange man. Pale skin, pale eyes, and short stature. His subordinates was a larger man, and a man who liked to play the jester." He noticeably grimaced at the last part. "I foolishly challenged him to a battle, and I was immediately put in my place. Master Momoshiki defeated me as one would crush an ant beneath his feet. Instead of killing me, he took me in as his student instead, as his servant."

"Alongside Master Momoshiki, we made our mark on the world by easily defeating not only the Spriggan twelve, but also Zeref himself. He easily took over the Alvarez Empire and made its most powerful mages into his soldiers, by force or otherwise." The Slayer smiled, recalling his time at Momoshiki's new kingdom.

Sasuke listened intently. He needed as much information as he could possibly get. Still, usurping royalties and taking over kingdoms was something he didn't expect from Momoshiki. He'd expected more like destruction everywhere, and sapping the world off its living energy.

Rogue continued. "Momoshiki also planted a gigantic tree that pierced the heavens. Apparently it would provide him and his soldiers more power. Power like no other. Chakra, is what it's called. With his rule the Alvarez Empire was the most powerful Kingdom in Earth Land." He stopped for a moment. "Master Momoshiki gave me a purpose, gave me a reason to be stronger, gave me power beyond what I'm capable of achieving in my lifetime, or several lifetimes for that matter." Rogue's indignant eye focused on his captor. "That is why I will carry out his will without doubt or question." The same gaze now held with hunger within them. "Master Momoshiki has appointed you, Uchiha Sasuke, as my prize. When I defeat you, I will claim your Rinnegan, as well as your chakra for my own!"

Sasuke was unaffected. That last part was merely a child's delusional ramblings, and he couldn't be bothered to grace it with a response. He had little to comment on everything that's said so far, so he carried on.

"Sixth question, why do you have information on me?"

"Master Momoshiki owns technology far and beyond the capabilities of our worlds. Master possesses one such device that holds files containing significant information on you, Uchiha Sasuke, and one character named 'Uzumaki Naruto'."

He guessed that explained it a bit. Though how Momoshiki could have collected that much information on him was worrying. Naruto must also be notified.

"Seventh question, what is the exact date and place of Momoshiki's arrival?" Sasuke needed to know this. If he knows the precise time and place of Momoshiki's arrival, then he could possibly disrupt the portal, or lay a trap beforehand.

The man was silent for a moment, and then chuckled. His voice was cold and ominous. "I apologize, Uchiha Sasuke, but question time is over." The draconic mage simply stated.


The ninja was completely taken off guard when Rogue's artificial Rinnegan glowed, and then suddenly emitted a blinding light. His Sharingan felt like it was burning, and he was forced to block his eyes with his arm. Blinded, dazed and distracted under the influence of the light, the Susano'o crumbled as the chakra being distributed towards the construct was halted, giving Rogue plenty of time to escape from it's grasp.

'Now's my chance!' With a smirk, the Shadow Dragon Slayer slipped out of the loosened grip of the chakra construct. The light went away just several seconds later, but Rogue had already claimed freedom. Utilizing the Deva Path, Rogue flew away, enough that the Uchiha wouldn't reach him with his Rinnegan ability. He then created a portal. Not a dimensional one, just a portal that takes him to a landmarked place within the world.

"Damn it!" Sasuke cursed. His eye still hurt and twitching, and he could feel tears prickling at the corners of his eye. Though blurry, he retained his vision enough to see the Dragon Slayer conjure a portal, much similar to Kaguya's.

'He's gonna get away!'

The ninja made to give chase, but instantly widened his eyes when he felt his feet being firmly stuck to the ground, and noticed that he was slowly sinking. Sasuke caught sight of the ground, which was now entirely covered in shadows. The shadow that smothered the area seemed to give the ground the properties of a quick sand, but far sturdier. And it covered enough ground to surpass his Rinnegan ability's range.

The Dragon Slayer smirked, looking down at the Uchiha as he began to enter his portal. "We will meet sooner than later, Uchiha Sasuke. Next time, you shall not defeat me."

"Tch." Sasuke grunted in exasperation as Rogue vanished along with the portal. The shadows on the ground also disappeared, and he stopped sinking thereafter. He saw that he was buried in the ground from the knee down. With a grunt of effort, Sasuke unlatched himself from the ground. He stood there and contemplated for a little while.

Although things did not entirely turn out the way he planned, it was still rather enlightening. The information he'd gathered was worth every effort he'd exerted today.

Still, the revelation of what the future holds is quite disturbing. The Otsutsukis reigned supreme in Earth Land. The world's system would crumble down with the rise of Momoshiki. Many, many mages will try to fight him to try and overthrow is reign, and in turn many lives will be lost. Billions of people will be forced to obey the new world wide rules and directives that Momoshiki will have set. And that is assuming he doesn't turn them into his mindless puppets, or that the population would even reach that number by then. Eventually, Momoshiki would slowly but surely kill the planet by sapping it off its life and nature energy.

And it's all going to be because of him.

The thought left a disgusting taste in his mouth.

Sasuke stared at the empty space where Rogue had vanished, and with a frown, walked back to the city. The meeting was at least not a waste of time and chakra.

He had 4 days to prepare.


Rogue collapsed at the floor inside his current hideout. Utterly worn out to his bones, and his flesh felt like it's been twisted and knotted a thousand times. Everything felt like shit. The chakra inside his artificial Rinnegan was also low.

He needed to recover quickly, and as soon as possible. He had much to do, much to plan, and much to prepare. And he has to meet the Urashiki of this era that will sure to arrive soon.

Things was already set in motion. It was insultingly easy to manipulate Princess Hisui into wanting to open the Eclipse Gate. And once he'll get his hands on the Dragons, he'll be made unstoppable. And then he shall destroy the Uchiha and take his powers, dethrone Acnologia as the Dragon King and claim the magnificent title for himself. Master Momoshiki's servant should be no less than a king, just like him. It's only a matter of time.

"Just you wait, Uchiha Sasuke."


It was a little over 9 PM.

The ninja stood just outside the still boisterous building that is Bar Sun. Sasuke smiled, Fairy Tail partied everyday like there's no tomorrow. It seemed almost too lively he could drown in it. Though it was not necessarily a bad thing. He thought he could get used to it.

After his fight, he had immediately went to one of the vacant rooms in their lodge to sleep. And he had recovered enough energy to join the guild on their merriment. And by "joining" of course he meant eating delicacies and nothing else.

Sasuke entered the building. And as soon as he closed the doors, he immediately felt the hairs on the back of his neck standing up, and a chill ran up his spine. Sasuke looked at the members, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. His lips curved down in a frown of discomfort as the female population of the guild acted like they were minding their own businesses, but was secretly eyeing him, like a pack of wolves on a rabbit.

He walked towards the bar where he spotted Makarov at. 'Ignore them. Ignore them. Ignore them.' He repeated inwardly as their gaze followed him as he passed by. Some of the men were even looking at him with varying degrees of pity, jealousy and amusement. And he really did not want to know why.

His eye twitched a little when the noise promptly resumed after he had passed them.

Macao spotted him from his seat. "Yo, Sasuke. Where'v you been earlier this afternoon?" He called out to the Uchiha who briefly regarded him and nodded politely. He already knew where he was, thanks to the First master. He just felt the need to ask, and it doubled as a greeting as well.

"… I was out taking care of business. A rather troublesome business." He answered with a frown. The young man took a seat at one of the stools near the bar.

"Seems rough…" The blue-haired man replied. The man offered the him a mug of booze, and he accepted. He was not a drinker, but he could admit drinking helped him relax sometimes. It took his mind of things.

"Ah, lad. There you are! I hope you had fun with that little skirmish of yours earlier." Makarov greeted, before enthusiastically guzzling down on his mug of liquor. The master's face looks as red as a tomato.

"Hn." He grunted. Of course they'd already know where he was and what he was doing. Mavis, and to an extent Makarov, were powerful sensors. Them knowing wasn't an issue, he could tell them the details later. In fact, it's probably safer for them if they knew.

"Here you go, Sasuke-kun. Enjoy!" The white-haired girl, Mirajane, as he remembered correctly, placed a steaming hot dish that looked like a variant of steak. It smelt good enough.

"Thanks." Sasuke said.

The girl smiled beatifically at him, and then directed an impish look at Macao. The man instantly caved in at her stare.

Sasuke didn't bother to question the suspicious interaction and began eating his meal.

"Oh, hey. It's Sasuke!" At the corner of his eye, he saw Macao started sweating profusely as Natsu trudged towards their direction, with his cat companion following just behind him. The pink-haired mage sat on one of the stools placed at the same table where Sasuke was eating.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Is it true that you found a girl friend?" Natsu asked innocently, even as Sasuke's eyes widened at the question and his form gone frozen. Mira, who overheard Natsu's question, amusedly covered her smile with a hand.

Macao turned twenty different shades of purple, and even Makarov was sweating.

'Natsu, you gods damned idiot!' Macao inwardly exclaimed. The man just wished he could strangle the moron right now. In his mind, he already debated with himself whether or not he'd just leave the premise. But that would just be prolonging the punishment. And as Elfmann would say, 'totally unmanly'.

Natsu quirked an eyebrow at Sasuke. "Eh, Sasuke, What's wrong? Why'd you stop eating like that?" the boy yelped, as faster than his draconic eyes could see, Sasuke had reached out to grab his muffler and drag his face closer to the Uchiha. Natsu felt like shitting himself when he saw Sasuke's cruel glare. In fact, he probably already shat himself.

"Who told you this?" He asked, holding Natsu by his muffler. The young man looked calm, but his voice was coarse.

The Dragon Slayer paled a bit, his hands in front of him up in a surrender gesture. "M-Macao! It was Macao. He announced it to everyone earlier!"

'Well, Fuck!' Macao cursed inwardly.

Sasuke's head slowly, almost mechanically turned to face him. His face appearing as calm as ever, but his eye screamed bloody murder.

"Announced in front of everyone, you say…" the ninja voiced out, his voice was suspiciously tranquil, only betrayed by the angry aura he was emitting.

Macao looked like he was seeing the Grim Reaper himself. "N-n-now, Sasuke. It's wasn't like that at all!" He defended desperately, but to no avail. "M-Master, help me out in here!" To his horror, the master had already fallen asleep. "MASTER!"

The ninja's Sharingan spun into existence, and the older man gulped at the menacing sight of the eye.

"Don't worry, this will only hurt a little." Sasuke merely said, as he prepared a 'special' kind of Genjutsu for Macao to enjoy.



The air twisted and turned, until space itself was ripped open. The hole in the fabric of space stabilized as a person went through it. The portal was gone after it served its purpose, vanishing just as quickly as it appeared.

A man in white robes observed his surroundings, noticing that he was at the planet's troposphere. It's times like this that he was glad he was an Otsutsuki, and thus has the ability to fly. The air was rich and untouched, as white clouds moved about in their paths. The taste and smell of the planet was most definitely different. And the energy he was sensing, that he was feeling, interested him a whole lot. What a wonderful world, indeed.

Otsutsuki Urashiki smirked as he inhaled a hefty amount of foreign air. He stretched his arms and cracked his neck. And with a quick motion of his arm, he conjured his chakra fishing pole and slung it on his shoulders. The white-skinned man looked down upon the land below him. The chakra gourd on his hip hungered for this new energy. And he'll be harvesting for it soon.

This was going to be fun, and he intends to enjoy every bit of it.

A malicious grin found itself on the man's face.

"So this is where you're hiding, Uchiha Sasuke."

AN: Dun dun duuuun!

And so, we wrap up from there.

Oh shit, Rogue being a better Rinnegan user than Sasuke?

Just to clarify, Rogue can use both Chakra and Magic. He uses the mechanical Rinnegan to store his chakra. His unique Rinnegan ability is the ability to transform Chakra into magic, or vice versa. Pretty useful if you ask me.

I'm maybe intending for Rogue to be one of the main antagonists in this story. He has so much potential as a character.

My boi Urashiki is finally here, things are gonna get wild! But then again, he just got his ass handed to him by 2 genins so... maybe not. LMAO.

That's all for now

Constructive Criticism is always welcome.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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