"So you see James, Frank" said Dumbledore "Voldemort has heard of the prophesy and it could be either of your boys. You must go in hiding, and the fidelius is the best option we have"

"Professor" said Frank "Are you sure? Is there nothing else that we can do? We should be launching an attack on his forces so that this prophecy may never come to pass."

James thought that was a splendid idea; but considering they had been fighting this dark idiot so long gave him little hope for their children or magical Britain.

"My boy I wish it were that simple. The aurors have been fighting and the Order too is doing all it can to help. But the road is long yet"

James did not miss the way Dumbledore sidestepped Frank's statement about the prophecy.

"Alright Professor, I will talk to Lily about this spell and floo you to let you know, if you have a book on the spell that I could give her…"

"Ofcourse James, I have it here" Dumbledore opened a drawer and gave it to James.

"I can give this you once Lily is done with it" said James turning towards Frank.

"Yeah, I'll give it to mum and Alice to read."

"So let me get this straight – he wants us to hide in a house under this one spell and wait for the tosser to attack us"

Lily seemed so calm yet blazing with anger.

"I know, Lils, I know. I don't like this any better than you do but what can we do"

Lily breathed in deeply and let it out slowly as she looked at James evenly "We could leave James, we should leave." as James opened his mouth to say something she interrupted "No- listen to me. From what I can see Dumbledore seems to want this prophecy to come true. This is Harry's life at stake, our child. Nothing is more important than that to me.

Both our parents were taken from us by this war. I will not give up my husband or child to it. What happens if we die James, what will happen to Harry?"

"Sirius is Harry's godfather Lils he will take Harry in" said a shocked James. He had never really put in such clear terms what this war had taken from their family.

"Yes, I know but can you truly assure me that Sirius will also mot be harmed in this war. He is an on duty auror who is in the line of fire everyday"

James rubbed his face as the idea of losing his brother in all but blood become all too real.

He could not say he had not seen the realites of war but to know that people were killed was a different thing and to know that it is your family and friends that are being hunted is a whole another cauldron.

"Alright lets say for a moment that I agree and we move. Don't you think the death eaters will know and come after us. Its not like we can leave overnight Lily"

"Your ancestral manor was destroyed James, we are living in a rented house.

All your other properties can be hidden using this fidelius charm with either you or me as the secret keeper.

All our money is in Gringotts and can be moved to a different bank overnight. No one will know."

James was astounded that it would be so simple "But what about friends aren't we going to tell them or Dumbledore. He must be informed"

"NO- we will not tell anyone before we move. We will write everyone a letter after we have safely left the country so that there is no chance of anyone tagging us"

James looked even more tired as he knew Lily was right. James closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair "Yeah there is the order spy to consider, Dumbledore is not too bothgered with finding out who this spy is and I don't want to put my familys life in the hands of an organization with leaks."

He sat up straight and looked resolute "Ok lets do this. Umm how do we do this Lils" he smiled his crooked smile and ruffled his hair then said "Can we atleast take Sirius with us?"

Lily laughed and felt an immense weight off her shoulders. "Yeah you big baby we can take him, but I will talk to him and explain the gravity of the situation" Lily had long ago deleted the word serious from her dictionary, it just led to bad puns "If I leave it to the both of you it will degenerate into jokes and laughs" she smiled to convey her levity.