Chapter 19:

Grunting, Fara forced herself to stay in position. Every muscle in her core and back burned. Still, looking at her timer, she had twenty more seconds, a virtual eternity. As far as she was concerned, planks were the worst exercise created ever and she cursed Surge every time she did them. Leg and arm exercises were fine, heck running for miles was better than this. But no, Surge made her do planks and the selfish part of her didn't care if they helped her core strength.

The trainer still did them though. Complaining had given Surge an excuse for this punishment in the first place. Allowing Surge any reason to think of a more diabolical exercise was not allowed. Finally, the timer went off and the trainer dropped to the ground in relief. Ignoring the twinge of pain from her thigh, she rolled to her side and stared into the landscape through her window.

As she panted she contemplated her week. After a few days, Fara had grown accustomed to the medication given to her. Less nauseated, she had been able to spend more time doing research. Calls had been made to Andrea in regards to training her new Pokemon, Terra. Andrea had been happy to impart some hard won wisdom. First of which had been about Mudbray tempers. While normally gentle, they could and would misbehave if not given enough time to eat and wallow in mud.

Mud was the core of their life and used for its rich nutrients and minerals for their nutrition and other bodily functions. Besides their health, it allowed them to secrete a mud like substance from specialized glands beneath their hooves to help them maintain their famous sure footedness. In addition, it helped them maintain a proper body temperature due to the lack of sweat glands.

Now, due to their need of it, dehydration was a life threatening concern if they were taken to arid regions like a desert. On the opposite side of the spectrum cold snowy areas made it difficult for their glands to seep the appropriate amount of material and could cause blockages that would need emergency care. Andrea cautioned her that Terra was a temperate Pokemon species only so activities outside that atmosphere were to be limited. As she grew and eventually evolved the Pokemon would be able to push her temperate limits but Fara would need to take it slow.

In the meantime, she needed to focus on building the Mudbray's stamina and endurance. Pulling harnesses and riding equipment outside a few exceptions were to be forbidden for the first two years. The Pokemon needed to allow her growth plates to finish their jobs before weight was added to the equation. Stressing them too early could cause joint and back issues. The most the trainer would be allowed to do was put a light weight training saddle on the Pokemon's back to allow her to get used to the sensation but riding was still forbidden. Even then Fara had to wait until the Pokemon was a year old before putting it on.

Andrea said she should start by making her walk with Fara on her journey. Taking hikes into hilly and mountainous areas would help Terra gain experience in using her feet glands to maintain a steady gait in less than stable ground. After a few months of that, Fara would be able to start swimming lessons. Mudbray as a species disliked wading and swimming in deeper water. Their stocky builds made floating difficult but Andrea said that Terra needed to learn to traverse slick terrain. Especially if Fara had to use her to haul equipment or supplies across rivers and creeks. Early training would give the Pokemon the necessary confidence it would need.

The Rancher did state that Fara could start getting Terra used to the water by making her walk in ankle deep mud pools. The temptation of a snack could dampen any uneasiness the Pokemon might feel and grow her confidence. Other than that, the trainer would need to begin by adding to the Pokemon's move pool so it could defend itself. Fara agreed to start looking through her Pokedex for appropriate techniques.

Fara groaned and sat up, ignoring her stiff muscles, and began to stretch. Training the Donkey Pokemon was going to be a long process but the potential benefits made Fara ignore the time it would take. Terra would be strong, perfectly suited for her role, and most importantly happy to participate in the role since her species had been bred to do similar things in Alola.

Getting off the ground, Fara started her stretches. Limited mobility, caused by her healing thigh, limited her range but she was able to stretch all of her worked muscles. Looking over to her alarm clock, she groaned in frustration. Normally, between her regular exercise routine and cool down sets, it would be later when she finished. With how limited she was only an hour had passed. It was only 7 am and the girl was stuck with little to do until 4 pm. Her only meeting was a video conference with Dr. Justin Staples, the Head of Kanto University's Agriculture Department.

Andrea was leaving Fara as the go between for her and the Department Head. Seeing as her injury had essentially grounded her for the week, it made sense for Fara to take over certain negotiations for the busy Rancher. So far most of the issues had been worked out but Dr. Summers was being pushy about the deadlines for some of the rarer Berry seeds and seedlings. In particular was the legendary Dragon Fruit. It was a rare Berry that, like many Kanto flora and fauna, had gone extinct and was only found in Alola.

The pale blue berry was as large as a cantaloupe and had similar texture and look as the golden flesh of an ear of corn. Each tree had very strict needs and was only able to grow between 10 and 12 Berries a year. The name made it obvious which breed of Pokemon loved it. Dragons adored the fruit and ingesting it gave the Pokemon a boost in health, strength, speed, and cured them of all documented illnesses and injuries. Seeing as there were less than 1000 trees on the island this fruit was incredibly rare.

Fara had no clue how it was grown, seeing as Andrea was the only one to grow it in the world, but she did know it was only used in the most dire health emergencies for Dragon types. International law forbade the sale and purchase of said Berries by anyone other than a government licensed medical facility. Even regular Pokemon Center's never saw it used. Only State Hospitals. A cause of its rarity was how it drew Dragon Pokemon to it like a Teddiursa to honey. Centuries before, humans had used it to snare Dragons under their control. However overuse had decimated the Berry and they were wiped out. Andrea also told Fara that the decimation was why Kanto had such a low Dragon population. Species migrated away after its loss.

It was actually Andrea who had rediscovered the plant in a remote part of Ula'Ula twenty years ago. The woman spent ten years researching and developing a technique to grow them. Now that she had a stable supply of the plant, Kanto was going to start a conservation and development program on them in hopes of reintroducing the species. Understandingly, this made men like Dr. Staples anxious. If this effort worked, it would prove revolutionary for the country. The fact that Lance, the Dragon Master, was personally overseeing and working closely with the University for this part of the project, probably didn't help the man's nerves. This in turn made him a pain in the ass to Fara. No wonder Andrea left the negotiations to the girl.

Giving up that train of thought Fara sat on her bed and started to read through the local papers pages. The trainer looked to see if anything looked interesting. Kahua had let the girl know that this was the best way to see if anyone had baby Pokemon to sell. So far Fara hadn't had much luck. She'd seen Andrea's ad for the Mudbray and Michael's Houndour. Other then them the girl had seen adds for an Abra, which she was forbidden from getting and a litter of Meowth. The Meowth had been a bust. All it took was one phone call for Fara to decide it was a dead end. The owner was quite rude and didn't have definitive information on the backgrounds of the parents.

Call her a snob but Fara refused to get a Bred Pokemon without a Pedigree. There were too many illegal backyard breeders who didn't care about breeding related Pokemon together. At least with wild caught Pokemon you got a mostly guaranteed health. Weak Pokemon died quickly in the wild and inbreeding was unheard of. She skipped over the old ads and at the bottom found two new ones. Delighted at the fresh information, she read.

The first was made by a woman called Kali who needed a home for her Pokemon. It didn't state a species. Just a request for someone who was a Trainer and going to Travel. It was cryptic but promising. A Pokemon that liked travel seemed right up Fara's alley. The other ad listed an offer for rehabilitated water Pokemon by a group called Alola Water Rescue. They had an adoption event starting that day and continuing through the week. Information was a little sparse in the ad but a request to follow up for information via a website made sense to Fara. Rescue Center's like the Alola Water one probably had a lot of requirements for trainers.

Happily Fara pulled out her Pokedex and typed in the website address and waited for it to load. When it did Fara did a navigation to a blinking icon that said adoption. In that section the trainer saw a post regarding the adoption event. The brief backstory of the Pokemon up for adoption made Fara choke up a bit. Apparently, the previous year a typhoon had swept through the island chain. The time of year coincided with the breeding season of several water Pokemon species. Babies and eggs were separated from parents by either the strength of the storm or by the death of said parents. While the group had rehabilitated adults it was mostly the young inexperienced infants that had ended up staying with the group. Training towards wild reintegration had been attempted for most of the Pokemon but had failed with the young ones outside a few exceptions. Their illnesses, injuries, and plentiful needs had gotten them accustomed to a human habitat so it was decided that adoption would be the best bet.

A list of requirements for adoption applicants was posted below along with the event location and time. Looking at the clock Fara noted that event would be opening at 9 am so she had time to set up transportation and finish breakfast. Looking through said requirements Fara made note that she would need at least two references, be willing to go through a background check, and go through an interview process. Other details related to the requirements were noted down by the young girl before she headed to shower and change.


Sasha Sloan fought the desire to moan in joy as she stretched. It had been a long week as she and her fellow volunteers had prepared for this adoption event. Months of medical care and rehabilitation had finally borne fruit and 30 Pokemon were ready for their forever homes. The poor babes had a rough start and for many an exhaustive road to recovery. Last year's Typhoon Clarice had been almost catastrophic on Alola's water Pokemon species. Affected in particular was those of the Horsea, Magicarp, and Lapras lines.

The two former had been in the middle of a spawning season while a migratory group of the later had been caught in the clutches of the storm after a desperate race to avoid the weathers fury. All three species had newborns in their care at the time. Sasha and her fellows had been some of the first on the scene after reports came in once the storm had abated. Beaches all around the island had been littered with debris and the bodies of injured, dying, and dead Pokemon. It had been a haunting sight to the young woman and her team. Forced captures of injured adults and the gathering of precious water Pokemon eggs had taken a week.

In that time Sasha had been forced to help with the euthanization of many Pokemon too injured to continue. It still haunted the honey eyed woman's dreams. The only thing that had kept her going had been the Pokemon that had lived. Those who needed help had given Sasha focus and drive to continue.

Eventually, the sadness was replaced with joy as the efforts of their group succeeded. Pokemon began to be released and the sight had made every hard moment worth it. Now they were nearing the end. Outside a few special exceptions they were going to give the rest of their charges homes. Unfortunate as it was to not return them to the wild, it was a fact that they would not thrive. The group they were adopting out mostly contained special needs and young Pokemon. They even had few eggs as well, though those would only go to people who were scouted out by the event staff. No notices had been put up on their availability as a safety measure. People often lied or put up fronts when Pokemon eggs were involved. Once hatched those infants were the most impressionable of all so ensuring their futures were vital. Adopting the eggs out was not something that Sasha agreed with but the government had made the decision for them.

Finances were limited and with another storm season approaching they, along with the other islands rescue groups, had to make room for future rescues. It was a fact of life that they had to rehabilitate many water Pokemon every Typhoon season. Clearing house of all healthy Pokemon was essential.

Sighing, Sasha watched as her team finish putting up the entrance banners. It was a beautiful sunny day and already the Rescue Coordinator could see a group of potential adopters lining up beyond the entrance. A smile quirked its way on her face crookedly. Personal beliefs aside the woman was grateful her charges would get homes. Seeing the group of mostly young people waiting beyond the entrance, she hoped they would get as much joy out of the babes as she had.


Fara winced a bit as she shifted her weight. Her thigh injury was starting to ache. Since her torn muscles were still healing, standing for long lengths of time was hard. Looking around the young man ahead of her, Fara saw that she was only a few feet from the entrance sign in booth. All of the potential adopters were made to sign in and set up an interview for that day.

The redheaded Rescue Coordinator Sasha had made the announcement earlier to the adopters. Apparently the interviews would determine which group of Pokemon the potential adopter could meet. A adopters age, experience and specific Pokemon needs would help the rescue group decide which Pokemon suited the adopter. An example given was that an average person could be invited to meet more special needs Pokemon where a Pokemon trainer would be sent to meet young Pokemon the Rescue group knew would be suited to battles.

Overall Fara felt it was an efficient and smart system. She knew that any Pokemon that didn't suit her career path should be left alone. The trainer didn't want to develop an attachment that would make a Pokemon's life difficult. Saving her the heartbreak was for the best in the long run.

Suddenly the man in front of her move to the left and Fara found herself at the desk. Manning it was a chestnut haired man with grey eyes much like Fara herself. In his twenties, the man had an easy going smile and was wearing the vibrant blue shirts and khaki beach shorts that distinguished the rescue group. Returning his smile Fara stepped forward. The man, Luke according to the scribbled name tag on his shirt lifted a clipboard toward her and spoke.

"I need you to fill out this form. If you're a trainer please list your trainer ID and specialty if you have one. Okay?"

Fara nodded and the man continued.

"I have six more slots for interviews in the next hour. Did you want to complete one then or would you rather wait until this afternoon?"

Fara shook her head.

"I'd rather get the interview over with. Did you any other information from me besides what I fill out in the clip boar?

Luke shook his head and looked down at his paperwork.

"No. The forms you have will have a section for references and any preliminary data we need. At the interview you may be asked for other documentation but that differs with each adoption. Today is primarily getting to figure out who we want to adopt out to. The only other thing I need from you is an entrance fee and to stamp your hand so you can be allowed in."

Looking up the man's smile deepened. "I'm going to slot you in for an interview 30 minutes from now. Sasha Sloan will be the one conducting it. In the meantime your more than welcome to look around at the different booths. You'll be called to the white interview tent ten minutes before your time comes up. Just be patient with us. Sometimes interviews may run a little long. Okay?

Grinning back the young Scavenger nodded.

"That sounds good to me. I take it that I'll turn the paperwork into the interviewer? Also is their seating available? I need to sit down for a bit."

Luke frowned a bit before looking down and seeing Fara's thick bandage. Understanding lit his features as he looked back up to the girl's face.

"Of course. You could even wait in the main waiting area in the white tent. We have seating and beverages available. You'll turn the paperwork into the volunteer in the waiting area. He'll make sure everything is filled out before you start your interview. If you have questions he can help with that."

"Sounds good. What's the fee amount?"

Efficiently, the man listed the entrance fee and gave her another paper that listed the basic adoption fees of Pokemon. Fees were categorized by Pokemon age, needs, and type. Putting the paperwork with the rest for later perusal Fara pulled her wallet out and paid the $25 poke dollars. Luke stamped her hand and she was surprised to see nothing except a slight sheen caused by the liquid. Raising an eyebrow in question she shook her hand lightly at him. Luke chuckled.

"Invisible ink. It will glow under the lights we use but otherwise will stay invisible."

Shrugging, Fara gathered her stuff she had set down and waved goodbye to the man before heading to the door on his left. Stepping through she found another desk with a blue haired girl and a desk lamp. Seeing the people before her wave their hands under the light Fara figured it was their security checkpoint. Getting in line, she was soon able to get her stamp checked. Once under the light it showed in a glow as the figure of a Horsea.

Fara smiled at it and went by when she waved through. Looking around her Fara saw that the setup for the adoption event was much like that of a fair. Brightly colored booths lined temporary paths. Walking forward the trainer saw that there was a variety of educational booths and even games. One held a water gun game that, when the girl examined closer, gave out prizes that consisted of Basic Water Items that trainers may find appealing. Premium water Pokemon food, starter fishing poles, and specialty baits were only some of the items.

Another booth had a group of Scuba Divers advertising lessons. The walls were covered in underwater maps and pictures the group had compiled with their adventures. Beautiful reef photos showing all sorts of water Pokemon drew the trainer in, especially the one in the center. In it, gliding above a colorful reef was a gorgeous serpentine Pokemon Fara had never seen before. With long vibrant red eyebrow, a creamy body top followed by sapphire and red scales that ended at its tail, it was the most beautiful Pokemon Fara had ever seen. It seemed mythical and angelic. Looking over to one of the divers she got his attention and pointed to the picture.

"What Pokemon is that? I've never seen it before."

The green haired man smiled and looked from the image to the young girl.

"It's a Milotic. Our dive group leader took the photo about five years ago. I'm pretty surprised you don't know about it. You're not from Alola are you?"

Blushing lightly, Fara shook her head.

"I'm here for work and a sort of Pokemon capture expedition. I'm from Kanto."

The man chuckled.

"That explains it. Milotic is sort of a celebrity Pokemon out here and Regions like Hoenn. The Champion Coordinator Wallace has one. Not to mention the fishing villages around the islands. It's treated like a deity by some out here."

"Is it that rare?"

"Yes and no. It's prior evolution Feebas is harder to find than most water fish Pokemon but not impossible. The hard part is getting it to evolve into a Milotic. You have to raise the Feebas' beauty to the point it evolves. Which, if you've ever seen one, you'd know is really difficult. Most trainers use Prism scales to evolve it. They are a pretty rare item but easier to obtain then evolving Feebas the hard way."

Frowning in consideration Fara nodded.

"That makes sense. Are Feebas and Milotic native here?"

The diver shook his head.

"Actually no, not usually anyway. They usually like to dwell in large freshwater lakes. There have been a lot of rumors about people seeing them in Alola lakes but this picture was the first recorded sighting in Alola and it was in the ocean. We know they can swim in seawater but it was really unusual to see this one. People think it was a captured Pokemon taking a swim."

"If that's true then why do fishing villages worship it? Wouldn't have to be around for a long time for that kind of thing to happen?"

Greg laughed.

"That's the million dollar question. No one's seen it outside this photo. At least not officially. It's a mystery but let me tell you something. In Alola there are a lot of mysteries and legends. From the Ice Foxes to the Mountain Dragons and other Pokemon deity's. Some legends have been proven but many others are still just legend."

Humming Fara nodded. She knew that there were things being discovered everyday. Like the man said legends became common knowledge the more research done. Still it was sort of exciting. Everyday she learned more and more about Pokemon. Looking at the picture one last time she smiled. It really was a beautiful Pokemon. Getting a brochure from the man she said her goodbyes and headed to the white tent in the distance.

Coming to this event had been the right thing to do. Even if the Rescue Group denied her application she had learned something interesting. Gripping the brochure in her hand she held back a little squeal of excitement. Plus she now had something to look forward to learning. Scuba Diving.