Quarian Section:

Biology Overview

1. Quarians developed as omnivores, but were heavily dependent on high-protein dietary elements. This explains the extended pair of canine teeth as well as the curved tibia and fibula analogues. The long teeth are usually removed in modern times, for the sake of efficiency aboard a fleet with minimal non-vat produced protein.(See Quarian: Dental history)

2. The average quarian vision is sensitive to bright lights without a visor, particularly in the lower limits of the visible spectrum.

3. Rannoch's star, Tikkun, is slightly beyond main sequence, rendering both its plant-life to be more heavily dependent on specialized photosynthesis, and its animal life-forms to be more visually sensitive to thermal radiation. Due to reduced light levels, the majority of animal life relies primarily on extremely sensitive vision, which has given the sapient members a remarkable flair for color shades in the art world.

4. The interior portion of the quarian eye is remarkably efficient, with reflective tissues (tapetum lucidum) lining the retina within the vitreous body. In addition to this remarkable development, the fovea hosts a myriad of tiny bioluminescent cells, generating light for minimal lighting situations. The equivalent capacity for visual acuity would allow a human to read non-illuminated text in starlight conditions. Of course, in bright sunlight of main-sequence stars, the average quarian has reduced vision, unless protected by a reflective barrier. (See Quarian – Environmental Suits)

Addendum: The bioluminescent cells are capable of being rotated so that their light productive surfaces are hidden. Conscious control of this is difficult, akin to controlling the blink reflex.

Note: quarian eye color is similar throughout all variations. However, the reflective color depends on diet and age, similar to the changing eye-color in human infants. A healthy, mature quarian displays silver eye coloration, whilst an infant quarian possesses green-tinted coloration. As the individual ages, the reflective portion of the eye fades to a silver-hued tone.

4. Quarian lower limbs bring two contradicting benefits: highly accelerated movement, and reduced sensitivity in the soles of the feet. The combined traits allow quarians to have the fastest acceleration potential known to any sentient species. In addition, a quarian is capable of climbing surfaces considered too sheer for most individuals, making them highly sought after for mountain expeditions.

5. In states of emergency, quarians have an epinephrine-based response known as the 'Cold State.' In this condition, cognitive processes are enhanced; to the point where the best salarian minds are challenged to keep up. (See: Quarian Academics: Ethics of Drug Usage in the Academic World)

Addendum: Similar to the 'fight or flight' instinct, the 'Cold State' also accelerates physiological reactions, but enhances cogitation capacity to a much greater degree. (See Quarian Physiology: 'Cold State'). Humans concentrate on physical capacity to flee or fight, and while quarians also acquire that capacity, they obtain it to a lesser degree. Studies by the Grissom Medical Society on Mars has determined a 70% greater increase in muscle-twitch reaction in humans than quarians. However, the quarian intellectual response is nearly 50% higher (See Human: Fight or Flight commonalities)

6. Quarians digit development includes a hardened eponychium, a naturally sharpened free edge, and a nail composition comparable with tooth enamel. While visually similar to the fingernail common to most species, the exposed surface is capable of attaining a claw-like density.

7. Skin colors have much less color differences than are rumored. While the true range extends from pastel violet to a pale grayish-white, the most common variations utilize the gray, and correspondingly occur less frequently along the spectrum to pale yellow. This includes the fabled 'blue quarian' of asari legends, and the 'White-Wish-Giver' seen in the classic mythical tales of Baldin the Wise. (See: Quarian Culture – Legends: Baldin the Wise and Khang the Conqueror)

9. Sexual dimorphism between genders is minimal. The average male is approximately ten centimeters taller than the average female, and weighs approximately ten kilograms more. However, with the limited dietary supplements available in the past three centuries, the average height has become much more evenly distributed.

Addendum: The three metacarpal-extensions present on the female foot (two anterior, one posterior), in addition to the body-construction differences, suggest origins of quarian society. It can be argued that the superior phalange count would generate better locomotion control, but the more likely development is stability for climbing. Similar traits can be seen in Terran avians, like the piciformes as compared to the passerine. Archeology reports collected by other races support the theory that females performed gathering actions (see Intergalactic Archaeology: Antizoan Era Quarian Habits) while the males utilized their greater mass and forward-balanced phalanges to hunt.

10. Quarian blood is crimson as a standard. The varying sub-groups of quarian taxa may change that coloration slightly, from a light red color to a deep burgundy. Studies have shown a correlation between oxygen-carrying capacity and origins; the mountain-dwelling sub-taxa in particular. (See Quarian BiologyHematology: blood types)

Additional Characteristics:

Faysakt: Areas on Quarian skin that appear to be fine, black-colored lines. They are found on the forehead, neck, arms, legs, and torso in various patters, but always exhibiting bilateral symmetry. These 'lines' are nothing more than sensitive skin tissue with a high concentration of specialized microscopic glands, similar to sebaceous glands in a human, which not only help collect pollen and microorganisms, but also encourage their introduction into what passes for a Quarian immune system.

Yaszil'jies, Yaszil'ahs: The two primary arteries supplying blood to the legs. 'jies - inner and 'ahs - outer. These two arteries provide oxygenated blood to powerful thigh muscles for extreme but short lived bursts of speed. While akin to the femoral artery in humans, this arterial conduit is capable of expanding nearly 75% of its resting state – hence the capacity for a quarian to accelerate to velocities over three times that of an average human.

Khelish Lexicon – abridged:

Common terms:

Realk: The cloth covering over the suit

Na', Ne': My [Genitive] (Used as a term of endearment)

Na'Vera : My Daughter

Na'Saera: My Mate

Ne'Bahnte: My Lover

Ne'Vode: My Son

Inszel: Trusted confidant or partner (analogous to boyfriend/girlfriend in human culture)

Nehya: translates approximately as: 'Sweetheart.' Literal translation: 'You who make my heart sing.'

Nedas: nowhere

Tasi: no-one

vas [ship-name]: crew of [ship name]

nar [ship-name]: child of [ship name]

"Keelah ": By the homeworld

"Keelah se'lai ": By the homeworld I hope to see one day.

"Bosh'tet": curse/insult, likely being relative to "son-of-a-bitch" or "bastard".

Geth: "Servant of the People"

Rannoch: "walled garden"

Telzyn: Peace

Faaz: Grief; loss

Faysakt: see Biology – Additional Characteristics

Det kazuat: Term of curse, considered especially crude. Literal Translation: Living sack of excrement.

Hagrr'hizs: Term used to refer to the intellectually challenged. Literal translation: Forever Children. Mentally retarded or damaged people of the quarian race.

Kaeli'steiz: Name used in the ancient text of the Ancestors. Literal meaning: Warmth's Herald.

Kazuat: See Det Kazuat. A shortened version of this. Used in situations suggesting excrement.

Yaszil'jies, Yaszil'ahs: see Biology – Additional Characteristics

'jies: Inner.

'ahs: Outer.

Ra': A [Something].

Ta': Your [Object]

Ta'saera: Your mate.

Quarian Traditions:

Khelat: Bond: Equivalent to marriage

Kas: Indicates if one is bonded to a crewmate; [name] nar [birthship] vas [crew] kas [Clan name of mate]

Pal'tec vis surden: Medallion presented during the Ceremony of Bonding. Literal translation - Symbol of Souls United. Quarians followed a different path, where humans would place a ring upon their bride, a quarian male would present a medallion depicting the future life of the newly bonded pair. Worn on a chain around the neck before the war, they now are carried by every bonded female in a special pocket within their envirosuits, just above the heart. Once made from precious metals, the quarians in the fleet now use scrap metals to conserve resources.

Silz'asul felz: Term of bonding. Literal translation - Eternal dance of souls. Romantically thought of as the completion of the bonding (marriage) process. The vow phrasing states: Souls linked forever in life and death as the lifemates continue on the walk of life as one (Code of the Ancients, Book of Teln, 3:17).

Addendum: A legal term referring to the state of marriage.

Dev'alin: Week of Seclusion. Literal translation - Desires of the body. Considered the 'honeymoon' period.

Silz'telzyn felz: Literal translation: Eternal Peace of Souls. This is a funeral process known to most Quarians as, 'Committing to the Ancestors.'

In this process, the body of the lost is cremated during, or followed by a prayer. This allows the Ancestors to guide the soul of the lost to rest alongside, and remembered to be with, the Ancestors.

Ushezl'faaz: Prayer of the lost. A prayer performed by the Captain or Admiral at the silz'teyl felz.

Rhet'felz: Literal Translation: Breakage of the Soul. An emotional state used to describe the mourning and sorrow a Quarian feels if his/her mate is lost.

Note: Quarian emotional bonds are typically stronger than the average human comparison. It is unknown whether this is due to an existence of proximity due to living in on the Fleet, or a difference in species.

Veryne'felz: Literal translation: Beginning of Soul. The first stage of Quarian pregnancy. This goes on for the first 2-3 months, the Quarian does not gain much weight during this time, although a faint bump can be seen on the belly. Twins take from 4-5 months in this stage.

Seiryi'felz: Growth of Soul. The second stage of Quarian pregnancy. Occurs during the 3-5 months. (Twins: 4-10 months.) During this time, the pregnancy becomes very pronounced, the female gaining 20 pounds in weight.

Palta'felz: Literal translation: Release of Soul. The last stage of Quarian pregnancy. 6-8 months (Twins 10-12 months) during this time, the baby can be born at any time as soon as the Quarian mother goes into labor. The mother also gains an additional 2-5 pounds as the gestation period continues.

History – abridged:

Records kept by multiple museums across the galaxy show that the early Quarians lived in tribes, mainly composed of members of the same clan. This era lasted from 10,000 BC-3,000 BC, very similar to the Pashtun tribes in Human history (see Quarian History: Obsidian Age). However, the tribal organization shifted greatly during this timespan, incorporating a political infrastructure based on capabilities and success. Raiding was a heavily exercised activity, with groups crossing vast distances to raid vying groups.

Like humans, diverging races of the same species spread across the planet, along with separate cultures. And like humans, the various races began to enslave other, smaller tribes. The Khelish culture is known to have once enslaved the Ran'Kan in a genocidal attempt, after a viciously long war. Due to deaths related to the overworking of slaves and forced breeding of Ran'Kan women during this time, the Ran'Kan skin-colors are now few and far between. The Ran'Kan colors are yellow, blue and at one point held a shade of brown which has since become extinct.

Combat-accelerated Darwinism continued, with the accompanying accelerated technological developments akin to the Turian Inter-Kolan Conflict (see: Turian History: Inter-Kolan Era) until a leader rose up: Tel'Zen.

At this time, ritual warfare was the common form of negotiation; every stance held meaning and a belief that justice was held by the victors overshadowed every decision. The War-Dancer discipline harkens back to this time, when perfect control of the body was required, where a slipped movement risked offending the very party with which you were attempting to negotiate.

Tel'Zen brought the separate Quarian tribes together by the creation of their present day worship of the Ancestors. Veneration of the Ancestors became a common theme, and while religious strife continued, a common belief system allowed communication without combat requirements. Changing the system from a combat-oriented communication took time, but eventually saw acceptance by every sapient taxa.

The technological development until this time accelerated, burgeoning into a time of great prosperity and technological advancements. With these accomplishments, the quarians reached their space age by 50 A.D., attaining an inter-stellar Republic inside of a century of this feat. (See Quarian Imperialismcolonies and infrastructure)

Due to the unique biochemical requirements of the quarian biology, colonies were scarce, but heavily fortified bastions. Discovery of the Prothean technology (See Prothean ArchivesTikkun System, Adas) had created a nigh-paranoid mindset, spurring the territorial minded individuals to push for the creation of heavily automated defenses.

Fortunately, First Contact occurred with the Salarians in 198 A.D. with no complications. The intellectual curiosity of the Salarians eased quarian fears, and reduced their desire for absolute military superiority by a significant margin. Further introduction to the asari granted the Quarian Republic a graceful entry to the galactic stage, and full integration into the galactic community by 201 A.D.

Unfortunately, the quarian talent for innovative solutions was viewed with suspicion by the traditionally-minded turians. Easily accessed records indicate that the salarians were the most open to quarian technological expertise, while the asari served as a balancing factor between the three parties.

When the Quarian Republic established the beginning foundations of the Automated Defense Program, turian interests began lobbying for inducements to limit usage. By winning this legal battle, the turians ensured a monopoly on defense contracts for international bodies, and ensured a limited initial production line for ADP.

The Quarian Republic elected to utilize ADP services for streamlining their extensive trade route and colonial security. The Geth Operations Protocol – invented by famed programmer Mester Skjeb'ne (See Quarian: Famous Individuals) – was used as the base software, and soon elevated ADP profits beyond even the most optimistic projections.

The years 1600 – 1835 AD became known as the Golden Age for the Quarian Republic. With overhead costs at extremely low rates, the quarian trade routes became the de facto option for most long-distance shipping. Organic-manned fleets stationed at key points, with representative control operations accompanying the caravans, ensured minimal interference. Pirate activity sank to historic lows, reluctant to tempt the inhumanly fast reflexes of synthetic combatants.

Unfortunately, the system came to an intergalactic upheaval in 1834, when the Geth Protocol developed what has been termed a 'personality,' 'sentience,' 'glitch,' and many other names. The individuals closest to the original issue discovery did not file reports prior to their demise. What is known is that over a period of months, the geth units assigned to the trading routes vanished, apparently subject to an astronavigation error. Post-mortem examinations however, show key assassinations were carried out throughout the fleet, rendering the control operatives unable to override geth decisions.

By 1835, the entire Geth Network had gone rogue. Every colony, protected by the Automated Defense Program, fell out of contact with the galaxy at large. Expeditions by major portions of the Quarian Fleet were met with fierce resistance; two colonies (See Quarian Colonies, Geth RebellionDaimos and Eimos) were liberated, but discovered to be composed solely of empty buildings and live geth. No quarians, alive or dead, were discovered on either colony.

At the end of 1835, only Rannoch remained in contact with the galaxy at large. Quarian Republic leadership refused external aid, citing the situation as an 'internal matter,' a core right of the Council Charter. Because of this, the final battle between quarian and geth forces culminated in the Tikkun System, effectively a loss for the quarian people. Refugees fled Rannoch's surface, protected by the largest fleet in galactic history – until that day.

That day the quarians lost the entirety of their settled planets. Following the demise of the single largest defense/economic infrastructure, the sole resources available to the quarians were their fleets. Consequently, non-quarian investors reacted immediately, anticipating a hostile decision by the Council.

Public history shows how the Council removed the Quarian Embassy from the Citadel, effectively declaring the entire race persona non grata in Council Space. Charges among the various races differed, based on the primary offence of creating an Artificial Intelligence. Fines reduced the available quarian treasury by over 50%, and individuals within the populace were forced to contribute to reparations for geth actions to non-quarian bystanders.

Since that time, the Quarian Republic has faded to being known as the Flotilla, constantly roaming the known galaxy, searching for resources to initiate a counter-attack on the Geth. Two attempts have been made in the past three centuries, none successful (See Quarian BattlesGeth Reclamation Effort). Technological development has become a peak investment, available to multiple parties if they are willing to pay enough.

Government – abridged:

Quarian government has made three significant shifts over time. The first iteration was a version of meritocracy, where tribal leaders held their position by force of personality and success. The second iteration, ushered in by Tel'Zen (Circa 3000 BC), created a series of parliamentary bodies, populated by representatives from the various tribal regions. Finally, the Quarian Republic formed at the onset of the Space Age, when distant colonies desired equal representation without undue obligation.

The current form of government is technically known as the 'Quarian Republic in Exile,' an emergency construct held for the past three centuries. This format is an oligarchical concept, with a complex system of membership based on the ranking system of the military leadership initially charged with protecting what was left of the quarian population.

The Quarian Admirals have a position known as the Admiralty Board (See: Quarian Government – Admiralty Board). The Board creates the laws, oversees major trials which affect the entire fleet, and are the Fleet Commanders in times of war. Quarian Admirals are elected by a vote from the pre-existing Admirals in the case of one dying/retiring, or as an electoral vote by a consensus of Ship Captains. The Admirals are generally Captains before they are elected, and that ship remains under their control. Exceptions do occur, in the cases of Admiral Tai'Lung and Admiral Vek'tige (See Quarianmilitary ranks) .

While the Admirals have the power, their decisions can be vetoed by Captains. In fact, the Captains can choose whether or not to listen to the Admirals. This keeps the Admirals in check from abusing their powers. Captains also oversee marriages (khelat bonds), smaller trials which only effect that specific ship, and is responsible for maintaining his crew.

One can only achieve the rank of Captain or Admiral if they are deemed worthy of such an honor, and their leadership skills are believed to be exemplary.

Society and Culture:


Quarian art is regarded as some of the most subtle in the known galaxy. Given their visual gifts, a birthright to all quarians, the race as a whole are capable of discerning minor wavelength-variations with ease. The greatest artists were regarded as near demigods by the asari, and respected by their own people. Of course, the modern artist considers the ancients to be truly inspiring. Pre-Space Age quarian art was priceless prior to the Geth Uprising, loaned but never sold, per national policy. Since then, only samples stored offworld still exist.

Sotheby's Exchange on Beckenstein recorded the highest ever sale price for any provenance artwork. Summer Winds, by the famed pre-FTL artist Que'lan vas Renochi, achieved a record 172.4 billion credits, and currently resides on loan to the Astellan Museum of Art, on Nevos. (See also: Quarian Art: Disambiguation: Que'lan vas Renochi, Charn Talan, and Xui'chen).

While the low-light conditions are similar to the batarians, quarians never developed this visual acuity into a dominance-structure body language. Instead, information about the present environment is conveyed, ranging from detected threats and suspected predators to complex social issues. This later evolved into supreme self-control; there is almost no such thing as a 'clumsy' quarian.


The Quarian race evolved communally and shared resources; the system on the Migrant Fleet is similar. Due to a lack of space, whenever something becomes unneeded, Quarians place these unneeded objects inside a Bazaar located on every ship. Inside this Bazaar a Quarian can take whatever is absolutely necessary.

Quarians can live like this because space, in such a community, is the most valuable resource. There is no system of currency within the Migrant Fleet, except for exchanging resources outside the Fleet. There are no social classes, or inequalities within such a society. In essence, it has become an Egalitarian society. Many races are jealous of such a society; and some even try to capitalize on it.

It is rare for a Quarian to leave the Fleet unless the Quarian in question is on a Pilgrimage or is part of the military. This due in part to the racism received from other races, from being so self-sufficient and reclusive. The other part of the argument holds the quarians responsible for the tragic loss of life due to the Geth Protocol – commonly referred to as the Geth. While to a quarian or salarian the loss of life occurred generations before, an asari can remember the events firsthand.

It is needless to say, beware earning the enmity of an asari. Because of the artistic culture of Rannoch, many asari perished during the Uprising. Surviving relatives find it difficult to release the sense of loss of so many lives.

One Child Policies:

The Quarian race have never experienced significant growth in the past 200 years thanks to these laws. It was deemed necessary to maintain a null-value population growth, as food supplies are limited. These policies may be lifted for a brief period, along with incentives, if the population begins to decrease. In the case of twins, the laws are extremely harsh; One of the children must be given up to the state and placed with an infertile Quarian couple.

Lest the external observer view this situation too harshly, he should be aware that visitation rights are given to the biological parents. Regulations on whom the child views as his/her parents are vague, which has often had the result of the twin viewing his adoptive parents as 'uncle' and 'aunt,' and his stay as simply an arrangement for the good of the fleet.

Quarian music:

Before the Morning War, Quarian music held similarities to Gregorian Chant, in which one singer, or multiple singers, would sing one melodic line. This form of music has the twin purposes of causing a feeling of time, and inciting a sensation of holiness. The format, originally developed during the early 29th century BC, is intended to provide a direct connection with the Ancestors.

Modern iterations begun during the 17th century AD has abandoned all forms of singing and consists of complex beats and rhythms with a variety of synthesized instrumentation. This type of music has a variety of moods ranging from peaceful to violent and with the intended purpose of providing an immediate outpouring of emotion from extremely contrasting moods.

Vocal music has made inroads to quarian culture recently, thanks to an enterprising asari tour group that donated portions of their proceeds to the Migrant Fleet. The impact this singing group had on younger quarians was so great, that children are frequently named for their members. Following their example, quarians have developed an intricate form of music that originally had been restricted to 'battle songs,' or chants sung only during armed conflict.

It remains to be seen how the sagas, dating millennia before the invention of the Geth, adapt to the exposure of the modern era. Already, copyright requests have been made on behalf of two salarian composers and multiple asari Matriarchs.


Quarians do not have gender related titles such as Wife or Husband. Instead, they use the term Saera to encompass both terms. This is due to a society in which inequalities between sex or class are uncommon. Quarian females generally initiate courtship, for unknown reasons. In history, Quarian females often fought among themselves for a desirable male, which ultimately led males to become more reticent during courtship attempts.

The naming system for Quarians is oftentimes very confusing. For example, the female retains her original clan name until either she: A) remains with the clan for five years or B) bears a child. After such an occurrence, the female then takes the male's clan name, and the children do as well.

Quarian courtship behavior also greatly varies, since it the period of courting continues until both parties believe they can trust one another fully. If they believe they have met that person, the courting period can take anywhere from a month to ten years for the Khelat bond to occur. In most cases, the length of courtship is dependent on the female.

As a side note: Gestation periods amongst quarians are short. A maternity period of 6-8 months is average, with premature births almost never occurring, and late terms significant only in cases of extreme health problems. The duration, in Quarian history, was used to determine what profession the unborn would attain. Historically, six months indicated a warrior was to be born while seven months meant the child would be a leader. Eight months meant the unborn would become an advisor, also known as a wise man, or scientist.

Twins, on the other hand, double the gestation period to 12-16 months. Any quarian capable of carrying twins is considered remarkably fertile, and capable of bearing strong children. A full twenty-seven percent of female quarians honored in the Ancestors Role bore twins, compared to the less than five percent of the population that actually bear twins in the current era.

Special Note:

Members of the War-Dancer order within the Quarian society are considered some of the most highly-skilled hand-to-hand combatants in the galaxy. Individuals in competition regularly tie or defeat asari Huntresses, Drell elite, and turian Tal Vashoth masters.

War-Dancers specialize in perfect self-control. Their methods harken to the early histories of Rannoch, where communication was heavily influenced by kinesic proficiency. These techniques have only been refined since then, and given the benefit of external improvement. Practitioners are capable of incredible feats of relative-Olympic level performance on a consistent basis.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Special thanks to FainMaca, creator of the Quarian War-Dancers. A great deal of this data is by writers: Calinstel and Admiral Zaal'Koris. Minor addition by 1054SS325MP. My additions are merely some expansions on the original data, plus a bit of minor tweaking and editing. To view the originals, please see look story codes: 11869508 (Admiral Zaal-Koris, go to profile page) and 6009619 (Calinstel). You'll find it from there :)

As always, many thanks to Nightstride for his exceedingly helpful criticism, without which this work would be much diminished.

Questions? Objections? Tap that little 'Review' button in the lower right corner. Or, shoot me a PM! While somewhat busy, I don't bite (unless asked).