The Lone Wolf

Disclaimer: I did not own the charters in this story.


"You have no right to do this to me!"

As two shinobi slam a pre-teen boy on to a table, the boy sees black spots when his head hit the table. A young kunoichi quickly strap the boy on the table. The two shinobi hold down the boy while kunoichi does her job. The shinobis and kunoichi step away from the boy after they restrained him. The boy pulls at his binds to get free.

Then a man with a blond hair ponytail looks at the boy. He is in the back of the room which the boy could barely see him. The man stood by the wall with his arms cross. As the boy struggles with his binds, the man pushes off the wall. He hopes the boy would come to an agreement with him.

The blond man said, "Genin Naruto Uzumaki, if you agree to the deal. You can stay in the village with your friends. You just spend a little time in prison for your actions. If you refuse, then you will face harsh punishment."

Naruto yell, "Are you fucking kidding me!? I will be in a dark jail cell for five years! I know for a fact you would not do this to your "little princess"! I will not take this bogus deal!"

The blond man signal to his men, "You brought this on yourself, Genin Uzumaki."

Two shinobi place a towel on Naruto's face and they hold the towel on his face. The young kunoichi is holding a pitcher filled with water. The young woman pour water on Naruto cover face. Naruto is sputtering and choking on the water.

(Dream's End)

A young man quickly sits up as he draws a revolver from the hostler. He sits there for few seconds with the revolver pointing at the far wall. The young man is breathing heavily as sweat slowly runs down his face. He put the revolver back in its place. Then the young man runs a hand thought his short red hair.

Naruto thinking, "Man, I hate those nightmares about me been tortured! But, I do wonder what cause these nightmares start over again."

Naruto got out of his bed then he stretches out his arms. He pops his neck and went to the bathroom. Naruto looks at himself in the mirror. He sees his short red hair with his blue eyes. The young man still has his whiskers on his cheeks. They are still a reminder for him to keep the demon fox lock up in his prison.

Naruto thinking, "Letting Kurama run fee might be a bad idea. I still got to worry about Akatsuki and Konoha. The Third and Fifth Hokage lets their ideals get in the way of reality. They could have clean Konoha of Danzo's influence. Who knows what Akatsuki planning to do with the Tailed Beasts."

As Naruto got ready for the day, a kunoichi from Naruto's team is walking in the slums of Fire Capitol. She used to live in a poor small town in the Land of Fire. The young girl lives with her family in that small town. Then her parents die from an illness that sweep through the town. The kunoichi and a dozen orphans were sent to Konoha become shinobis.

The kunoichi clench her fist in angrier, "I train night and day to become a kunoichi for Konoha. I learn all can in ninja academy so I can repay the village for their kindness. Only for a hot shot jonin think that I was an unskilled to be a shinobi!"

She remembers going home then sitting a chair wondering if she gets another shot at begin a shinobi. The young woman never got other shot at been a shinobi. The hot shot jonin spread rumors about her in Konoha. The kunoichi knew that Konoha was not the place for her. She left Konoha to find a new home for herself.

A female voice asks, "Shiki, are you feeling aright!"

Shiki answer, "Yes, I was thinking about the time I try to be Konoha Shinobi. Thanks for asking me, Murakumo."

Murakumo pats her friend's shoulder, "I understand, how you feel about Konoha. You not the only one that Konoha has mess with overtime. We all have horror stories about Konoha. Let's get back to the mission at hand."

Shiki looks at the demon mask that her friend is wearing. The young blond woman knew that Murakumo likes wearing her demon mask. Shiki looks at her friend's clothing and she amaze how good looking she is in simple clothed. Murakumo is wearing a dark blue sweat shirt with black jeans.

Shiki said, "Ok, but why are we in the slums. You know I hate places like this. I am not bad mouthing the way you live in the past."

Murakumo looks in Shiki's red eyes and knew she means no harm. The masked kunoichi notice that Shiki is wearing a brown jacket over a white shirt with blue jeans. She knew Shiki likes fashion and the newest tech out there.

Murakumo said, "We are meeting an informant from Konoha. I trust her give us good information."

Shiki grabs Murakuma's arm, "Does Naruto knows about this informant from Konoha!?"

Murakumo reply, "No, this is the reason I ask you come with me. Naruto and the rest of the team hates Konoha. I have a problem with the Inuzuka Clan, while you have a problem with jonin instructor."

Shiki lets her friend's arm go, "In other words, we are the only ones that might listen to the informant."

Murakumo smirks, "I have always taken anything from Konoha with a block of salt."

The pair of kunoichi stop at a rundown book store. Shiki looks at the boarded windows and shakes her head. She knew that businesses were having trouble with taxes. After the truth about Naruto got out, the Land of Fire lose lot income from trade. So, the Fire Daimyo raise taxes across the Land of Fire. Shiki is happy that she is living in the Land of Spring.

Murakumo knocks on the door and the door opens up. The demon mask kunoichi unseal her giant cleaver. She signals with her head as Shiki pull out a small sword. They slowly enter the shop. The shop is strip of everything of value. Murakumo notices blood stains on the floor. Shiki lean towards Murakumo's ear.

Shiki whisper, "I think someone found out about your spy. We should leave before someone sees us. They might be watching this building."

Murakumo nods her head, "We better take the long way. Who knows, which are foes are watching us?"

They step outside the old book store and look around the area. The pair of kunoichi start their long trip back to their base. Murakumo knew her informant is dead. Someone from Konoha found out about him and silence him.

Shiki and Murakumo knew the dangers of been a spy. They could look around the old bookstore but the chance of them getting caught is too high. Sometime you must cut yours lose and try something new against your foes.

Shiki said' "I wonder what Naruto and everyone is doing."

As Murakumo and Shiki head back to base, Naruto is looking over a report. He did not like what his reading from the report. The Fire Daimyo has triple his guard and hire couple Leaf Shinobi for protection. Naruto knew the plan to kill the Fire Daimyo's nephew is in danger. He threw the report on the table and lean back in his chair.

A female voice asks, "Do you want stop the mission? We still have a window to escape."

Naruto reply, "Yumi, I want get this bastard. But, I think escape is the better option."

Yumi looks at Naruto as he thinks over the problem. Naruto has short red hair with blue eyes that make handsome. He is wearing a black sweat shirt with blue jeans. Yumi looks at his whisker-like scars on his cheeks. Yumi likes how Naruto thinks about the group safety.

Naruto looks toward Yumi as he comes up with an escape plan. Yumi is wearing a gray sweat shirt with black pants. She has pale white skin with icy blue eyes which made her beautiful. Yumi's hair is a dark-gray color of a medium length.

Naruto said, "We would stay there until winter is over. You know if Konoha gets wind of us staying there."

Yumi sits down in Naruto's lap as a lite blush appear on her cheeks. She lays her head on his shoulder. Naruto puts his arms around Yumi's waist to hold her. He knows of her bloodline which is why Konoha try to get her. Yumi was in hiding when her grandfather was killed. Naruto's team found her at a seaport in Wave Country.

Yumi sighs, "Danzo's Root will attack us and who knows what that man would do."

Naruto said, "I will kill him before he touches any of my friends."

Writer Notes: I know Danzo would try to grab Naruto and Yumi if he can. Readers would know why Danzo wants Naruto. If you play or seen gameplay of Yumi. You notice that Yumi uses Ice Release or something close to it. This would make her a great prize for any shinobi village.