hello my dear readers, i hope you like my story which is sort of song inspired, bear with me this is my first snowbarry fanfic and i hope you like it.

she felt so cold, it was the second time she had lost Ronnie. She missed him, and it hurt worse than the first time, everything was changing, she felt cold inside, she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and disappear.

Dr. Caitlin Snow, was a broken women, who cried herself to sleep practically every night, she never noticed as she fell asleep that her tears froze to her cheeks, because they were no where to found in the morning.

Her grief was crippling each day she grew colder she passed it off as a symptom of her grief, she didn't realize the real effect it was having on her body, on her skin, or anything really, the only thing on her mind was Ronnie, and how she would never see him again.

it wasn't till one day she noticed a discoloration in her eyes that she began to worry for herself, her smooth brown eyes were beginning to change color, they were becoming blue...it made no sense, this was something only common in twins, and she knew for a fact that she was not a twin.

soon she noticed her skin had changed from it's creamy pale, to down right ghost pale.

her brain connected the dots, fear gripped her...she couldn't be...she'd done all the test...no, she was a dormant one-a metahuman who's power only awakened by certain circumstances-only now did she realize how cold she truly was-she couldn't possibly be one.

She pulled out her thermometer from behind the bathroom mirror she had been looking in, she popped it into her mouth and waited.

after what felt like forever, it finally beeped signaling it had finished reading her.

66.4 F

she fell against her bathroom wall, fear consuming her, the room grew colder, she looked up and saw a cool fog in the air-was it coming from her? no it couldn't be-could it?

she contemplated on what to do next, she was a meta now-as far as she could tell, she began to think about metas in general. Metas were considered sub-human oppressed for what they should be praised for, Caitlin admitted she had a soft spot for them, that was one of the reasons she became a Geneticist, to help them in the only way she could, healing them, or helping them figure out their powers, her mother never approved of her using her talents in such a way.

She never liked working at Mercury labs, it was really nice, but they lacked humanity, the treated metas poorly. Most of the metas there were more human than the scientist working there. She had tried her best to be as compassionate as possible with them as she ran them through the process, so they could join society, as the government liked to put it.

But they were still oppressed, given poor jobs, with little to no pay. she knew there were metas out there, who weren't tagged, hiding in plain sight. Her favorite was the Flash whoever that person was, they were to fast for anyone to catch and no one could find any speedster cataloged in their database, meaning they were free from control, free to do as they pleased, this person however chose to save lives, no one knew how they did it, or how they knew where to be, but she found it to amazing, the government however wasn't to happy with it, they tried many things but nothing really worked.

She wondered if she find the Flash...maybe they could help-

it was then that she came back to her senses and realized the danger she was in, she had no help, no Ronnie, no nothing, and she was scared. she curled into a ball against the bathroom wall, she grew colder and felt her walls going up, she hoped to find help soon.

something that would help her, something to keep her sane, something to shatter the wall she was building up.

She never noticed the entire bathroom being covered in a thin layer of frost.

AN: tell me, my dear readers, if you would like our dear Dr. Snow to go full killer frost, or somewhat killer frost, I think I might make it easier for her and Barry to connect, I'll let her get frosty later ;) I know, bad pun XD