###Blaise's Flashback#####

The excitement could be felt throughout the entire Great Hall. The dark Italian Slytherin watched in boredom as everyone made fools over themselves with betting on who would be selected from each school. He could shake his head as his eyes scanned the crowd of people inside the enlarged Great Hall. His eyes landed on none other than the emerald-eyed Gryffindor.

He had been watching the boy since the start of the school year. It made him curious on why he needed to wear a constant glamour. He watched the people around the boy. He only wondered why no one else seemed to notice. He did not hate the boy like Draco. He did not know the boy to either hate or like him.

He could admit to being annoyed with him and his friends. It seemed like the Golden Trio could do anything wrong. Yes, they receive detention and have points removed; however, he knew that if he or any of his housemates would do some of the things that they did, they would be expelled. It was that unfairness that causes him to react the way he does around them.

He turns his attention back to his other housemates. He periodically glances back to Potter. He appears to be happy, but he would almost swear that there is sadness and a lot of secrets hidden in the 14-year-old eyes. Again, he pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind. He is just thankful that Draco is not paying the Golden boy any attention tonight, because he knew that he would be caught staring. It seemed that those two were like magnets to each other.

He was even sometimes envious of Draco because he was one of the few people that he noticed that could make Potter's eyes darken with fire and passion. It is those moments that he tried to stay away from looking into them, because he felt that he would become lost in them. He knew that there was something more that lurked below the surface other than his eyes that drew people to him. He did not know what it was. He did not want to know. He also knew that Potter did not know.

He was glad that the selection was about over because he was getting hungry. He wanted to eat and get back to the safety of the dorm. For some reason, he was finding it harder than usual tonight to ignore Gryffindor's Golden Boy. He glanced from the cup to the champions. He watched as the Headmaster started to walk to the podium.

It was like slow motion. The Goblet pulsed through the air. Fire rose from it again and a single tiny sheet flew out of it. The whole room went silent. Dumbledore turned around and the slip of parchment floated into his hand. His face turned red with anger. Eyes were full of fear. He yelled the name of the one person he could not get off his mind and the room erupted with shouts from everyone.

He was not fearful of being caught staring at the boy. Everyone was staring at him. The boy looked shocked and frozen in fear. He did not begin to move till his name was yelled again. He watched as the boy moved towards Dumbledore. The boy kept his head down. He looked like someone walking to their death and was extremely scared.

He watched as shock appeared on the boy's face when Dumbledore yanked the boy by the collar and shoved him towards the other Champions. The Drumstrang's headmaster and Beauxbaton's headmistress were beginning to bare down on Harry with accusations. Blaise wanted to get up and tell them to back off Harry.

He was furious. How could they not see how scared he was when walking to Dumbledore? How could no one realize that he looks tired, beaten and way too small? He could feel his fist begin tighten. Then it happened.

The hall began to shake. The air began to pulse. Harry kept screaming over and over again. "I don't want this! I did not ask for this! I don't know who did this!" There was a loud thunder boom. The windows shattered and tables and benches broke. A blinding light encased the Great Hall. A bolt came from Harry to the ceiling which was directed to the cup and two bolts shot from the cup hitting both him and Draco and dropping them to their knees. Yet, no one seemed to notice through the blinding light.

He looked at Draco who was frowning. Draco spoke in a weak voice. "We tell no one unless they ask. We need to know what it was before saying anything." He only nodded.

#####Draco's Flashback######

Draco started the year with taking his frustrations out on the Golden Trio as usually. His father had kept talking about the Dark Lord all summer. If he was not talking about the Dark Lord; then he was busy criticizing him. He could never seem to please him. He was mad that it still got to him. He was beginning to get scared because he wanted nothing to do with Dark Lord.

He was beginning to be even more worried because he was beginning to realize that he was gay. He knew what his father's reaction would be if he found out. He noticed that no girls seemed to interest him. He knew that he was attracted to his friend Blaise. He tried get into the excitement of the selection. The room was buzzing with excitement.

He only pulled himself from his thoughts when he heard Harry Potter's name being called. "Figures, the Golden Boy would do something like this, as if he does not receive enough attention already." He growled.

His attention became focused when the air began to pulsate. He jumped off the bench he was sitting on and pushed himself against the wall when he heard the tables and benches begin break and windows shattered. He squinted his eyes to see through the blinding light and tried to dunk when he saw two bolts in the light coming towards him and Blaise. He was not in time the bolts hit them square in the chest.

The pain seared through him dropping him to his knees. He could barely breath. However, it only seemed to last for a minute. He was suddenly filled with fear. His voice was weak when he looked at Blaise and spoke. "We tell no one unless they ask. We need to know what it was before saying anything."

#####Present Day: Hogwart's Express starting the 6th year#######

Harry sat across from Ron and Hermione. He kept looking out the window. His thoughts wondering through the events of the summer. He could only be thankful that he was granted a little more freedom then previous years at the Dursley's. He knew that Dudley was a little nicer.

He was getting darn tired of people trying to run his life. It seemed that no one seemed to care or bother to listen. He was exhausted living up to everyone's expectations of him. He had to try and not grin when people realized that he bought a python for a pet. It seemed to send people into fear and worry. Even, Dumbledore was getting extremely worried, because everyone knew that Voldemort had a pet snake, as well. It was his life and money. If he wanted a pet snake; then he would.

He felt someone nudge him. "Are you even listening, Harry?" Ron asked.

"Sorry mate, I must have zoned out for a moment. What were you saying?' Harry placed a fake grin on his face.

"I said when are you going to ask Ginny out? You know she is just waiting for you to ask and just trying to make you jealous with Dean. Please, relieve me of misery. She has been obsessed with you for four years and making us miserable." Ron pleaded.

"Dean can have her. I am not interested. She is like a sister to me and nothing. She is only obsessed with an image not with me." Harry wanted to growl but kept his voice firm but calm.

"You can't tell me that you are still hung up on Cho."

"No, I am not. I think I will go for a walk." He got up and walked out of the compartment. He took a deep calming breath. How could he tell his best friend that he was attracted to none other than Draco Malfoy? He even wanted to laugh at the turn of events. He knew that nothing would come of it. He knew that until Voldemort was dead that he could be with no one because to get deeply involved with someone would make them a target for Voldemort.

He wished that he had his snake with him. It would be interesting to see what the house of snakes would think of his python. He already knew that he would enter the Great Hall with it. It is that thought that brought a smile to his face. He could just imagine the reactions.

He heard voices up ahead. He recognized Draco's voice. Harry cast the Notice Me Not charm and silenced his movement.

"I am serious Blaise. The mark would not take. It pissed both my father and the Dark Lord off. I was already stunned and tied down. The mark is a form of Soul binding."

"You know what that means." Blaise spoke.

"It means nothing." Draco snarled.

"You cannot ignore what happened two years ago. You noticed the changes and differences as I did. We have to talk to Snape." Blaise insisted.

"NO! I refuse to believe it! I am NOT bound to Saint Potter!" Draco yelled.

Blaise laughed. "You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. I know differently. You may still taunt him; however, you do not have that hate you used to have in it. I have seen the way you glance at him when you think that I am not looking. It makes me jealous sometimes; if I didn't feel the same way."

Harry heard someone move to the door of the compartment. He quickly headed back to his compartment. He had a lot of thinking to do. He wished he knew what they meant. He did not want to be bound to no one. He wanted to make his own decisions. He wondered what Blaise meant about feeling the same way. He sat back down to think without giving Ron or Hermione a glance.