Blood on the Black Mirror

Rose: So this is A World of Darkness rewritten! OMG Im so excited! The same concept will apply, but new ideas and new ways to implement it. Never fear! I will make sure all the followers of AWOD know to come here for the new version. Well, lets get started!

Disclaimer: I dont own Hetalia, or any of the 2ps. The idea in general is mine, and really that's all! Read on!

Chapter 1: A Curse Gone Up in Flames.

London. The star city of Great Britain. A place of many wonders and delights, with sights to marvel at for hours on end. And, at the moment, home to the current United Nations meeting. Inside a pure white palace sat an arrangement of not so typical guests. The host, a young man with bright blonde hair and sparkling green eyes, full of wisdom from many years on the planet. In his neat green military uniform, he stood at the front of the table, his slightly larger than normal eyebrows twitching with irritation. He could already tell this meeting would hold no fruitful product.

Around the table many other men and women were talking, either about the rain outside, or what they would do afterwards. One young man with wheat blonde hair, eyes as blue as the sky framed in glasses, was cheerfully saying he would be driving to a fast food place for burgers before retiring to his hotel for the night. His twin, with a shyier personality and eyes more like a mix of navy blue and purple, silently was talking to another man, with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes like the ocean, who complained about the weather and how the women there were so uptight and rude. Two men at the opposite end, one silver haired man with childish purple eyes, the other with much longer black hair and soft brown eyes, were conversing quietly, one complaining to the other how 'uncute' everything there was. One of the more louder conversations was from a small man, although boy would describe him more accurately. His hair was a warm auburn color, eyes like honey, glowing in the room. The people listening to him were a tall strict looking blonde, with eyes as cold as ice, along with another black haired man with emotionless brown eyes, nodding along half heartedly to what the other was saying.

Needless to say, this was not how to the meeting was supposed to work. At all. And it was getting under Arthur's skin. It all started with Alfred opening his big mouth and talking about how the crappy weather would make it impossible to focus on the important stuff. Like a dangerous situation in America, which could be trouble for the rest of the world if it wasn't resolved soon. Or maybe talking about Germany's new college plans. Or even going so far as to talk about North Korea, literally anything would be better than what was getting done at that moment. Feliciano was babbling about gelato and pasta and how sunny it is in Rome right now. Ludwig was trying to get paperwork done, but couldn't because of said Italian. Kiku was silently checking his phone for something, face stoic as ever. Ivan and Yao were chatting aimlessly at this point, and Matthew was giving a generous year to the whiney Frenchman, Francis.

At the end of the meeting, nothing got done, and Arthur was furious. He practically stormed out, going to the more residential part of the massive building and heading to the library. It was blind fury, but Arthur couldn't help it at this point. He was so sick of his former colonies shenanigans during an important meeting that sense wasn't reaching his brain. Cursing him won't help anything! And what if it goes wrong?! But the Englishmen wasn't listening to reason. He grabbed an old text and skimmed through it, trying to find something, anything to try and resolve the issue that was at hand. When those emerald eyes read the words, 'Personality Switching Spell' he got a devious grin, opening up to the page and hastily gathering the ingredients and heading to the basement, where he performed all of his magical tasks.

The pentagram drawn out, the candles set up, and a variety of different items in the center, he chanted. Chanted out the arcane words, letting his rage over take him again. In a blast of light he was thrown across the room. When performing magic you need to keep a level head or else the spell would go wrong. With his vision fading, all his could see was a faint flame from the pentagram, which faded out, and Arthur promptly lost consciousness.

Now, Allen wasn't unfamiliar with getting knocked out. It was quite common with everything that happened where he was from. Apocalypse survivors trying to mug him for anything to get food or water. His brother sicking his bear on him during their occasional arguments. Even the stealthy assassin of a nation that occasionally visited him whenever his lackeys pissed him off, and when questioned about it, promptly shoved a knife hilt into his skull.

However, when he is knocked out, a burning sensation on his skin and a splitting headache were things that normally didn't happen. And once he lost the strength to stay awake, he could feel a piece of him get ripped away. So, normally that means magical nonsense. Doubtful it was Oliver, since he hadn't done anything to upset him for awhile, and he was really the only one who knew powerful curses. Everyone else stuck to their own elements and didn't really bother to venture further from there. While he racked his brain for anyone else who might know any sort of spell or curse like that, he slowly became aware of his surroundings. He was lying down in a soft bed, probably high quality sheets. Light was burning through his eyelids, which meant morning or midday. The last thing he could tell was that someone was knocking on his door. Which either meant trouble, or simply, James was about to kick his ass for doing something stupid, which he would much rather prefer over many other bad situations.

Sitting up slowly and carefully, he opened his eyes and was greeted to a bright plain room. High quality, but it was very non personalized, which made him think somehow he was in a hotel. Which really shouldn't be possible. The next thing that caught his eyes was the sunlight. To put it plainly, the sun no longer existed in his world. All those bad scenarios crept into his mind was the knocking got much more annoying and harder to ignore, carefully sitting up, he made his way to the door to the room, checking through the peephole to see who was knocking at this horrible time. What greeted him was a small blonde dude, hugging what looked like a pure white bear doll. His eyes were a weird shade of purple, which were behind a pair of pretty plain glasses. Taking a moment to look at himself and see that, thankfully, he was dressed, he opened the door and watched the man's face pale, his eyes going wide, and his fist stopped in midday, mid-knock. Allen took a breath before speaking up.

"Can.. I help you?" The other shrunk back in horror, taking a glance at the wall next to the door, the room number maybe, before the thought that I had asked him a question sunk in and he finally replied.

"I-I came to meet up with my brother before breakfast a-and this is his room number and your i-in it instead." The nervousness coming from the small guy was practically visible. Allen rubbed his eyes before taking a look around the room. There weren't really traces of anyone else inside with him, so he made a guess.

"I don't think he's here. Sorry about that. Hey, where am I?" It took a second before the other replied.

"London, Great Britain. U-um, who are you? M-my names Matthew. W-williams." The name itself was nothing too special, but something about him reminded me of someone. I squinted at him, trying to see if maybe I had met him before. But I would've remember those eyes. So, there goes that possible lead. But London? It was far too bright and warm in that place to ever be any part of the United Kingdom. Which made all of Allen's nerves go crazy, trying to stay on his toes in case this was a trap or an illusion. Then he remembered that he was asked a question.

"Names Allen. Allen Jones. To be honest I just woke up here for no reason. I didn't see any traces of anyone else being in the room, so sorry about that kid." Running a hand through his hair he thought back to everything he did that week, in case he did piss the wrong person off and they did curse him to another reality or dimension or something like that.

"U-um not to be strange, b-but can you come with me? I-I have a friend who might want to talk to you if that o-okay." Honestly, Allen didn't mind. It would be a change of scenery than this bright sunny room with too much white and cream colors in it. With a nod of approval, he followed the very timid guy to the elevator and was lead to the breakfast wing of the extremely fancy hotel. For the love of god he saw buttons going all the way up to fifty on the elevator panel! That was prestigious as hell! At least for his world. High buildings were never a good idea afterall. Could get blown up or something.

In the grand hall of breakfast there were many enough, some reminded him of his fellow nations back home. The small figure of the happy brunette reminded him of a certain assassin, only difference being that Allen has never seen said killer smile. Or look happy. Or talk like he was on a million pounds of sugar. Needless to say, the German he was talking to was drinking quite a bit of coffee, probably for the reason Allen thought. There were familiar but slightly different faces everywhere. That one Spaniard for one, except he looked happy to be alive, unlike the one Allen knew. There was a blonde French guy drinking wine, who was so familiar to the one Allen knew it wasn't funny. Except he got handsy with the angry Brit next to him, which was the big difference. But the Brit. Those eyebrows were unorthodoxly huge! Oliver didn't even remotely look like that! He looked normal, save those creepy blue and pink eyes.

Then something clicked in that brain of his. A long forgotten lecture he received a long time ago.

"Well for the most part it isn't really proven, just heavily believed. Some say beyond our whole world, maybe even the Universe, there exists a world identical to ours. Same land, same people, they even have nations too! Except they act completely different. We don't really know how, but there are theories. Like yours is blonde with eyes as blue as the skies! Luciano's is like him but is more of a lover and not a fighter, and hes an adorable little thing! Just theories though. We don't even know if this other world even exists. But, another theory is we're a copy of that world, and that they're the 'Originals' and we are the 'Seconds.' Someone even made a little nickname! Second Players, or 2p. Isn't that adorable? Like one of your video games!"

If he ever got home he was so thanking Oliver for ever telling him that. Because that explains everything. Although, the description for the small Italian was pretty spot on. But where was his own supposed Original? The only blondes with blue eyes that he could clearly see was that German who was still drinking coffee, and that Frenchman who was still groping that Brit, neither who looked anything remotely like himself. Which made him remember a really important detail. The small dude who escorted him looked a lot like his brother. Which, connecting the dots meant the room he was in belonged to his Original, and he wasn't in it. Then where the actual hell was that blonde?! God he needed a bagel and some fruits. Which he promptly took from the serving table and threw some blueberries in his mouth.

Matthew went up to the currently being groped Brit and started whispering to him, which made his eyes go wide, and immediately take a glimpse at the tan brunette idling a few feet away, munching on fruit and a bagel. He quickly stood up and walked over, looking worried, irritated, and completely in shock.

"Oh no no no, this was not supposed to happen! I wasn't trying to summon another dimension's Alfred, I just wanted ours to- Oh nevermind! Point is, I summoned you here on accident, and our version of you may be in your world." This made the American blink. He was summoned here accidentally? Jesus what was he trying to do that made this happen instead? No point asking. But this 'Alfred' was in his world? That was the definition of not good.

"I hope you have a way to switch us back then. Because that other me might get slaughtered in my world if he isn't smart. Or if the wrong person finds him." This made the green eyed Brit's face turn to horror. He quickly went to the others and told them to finish up and head to the meeting room for an emergency meeting, which made all the other presumed nations head to said room in a hurry.

"Come with me. We're explaining this to everyone else so we can hopefully get this whole mess I made fixed before that git dies from your world. Come on, chop chop!" Allen was promptly shoved in the direction of where everyone else went and shooed inside. The meeting room was just as grand as everything else in this freaking hotel. Allen was started to get annoyed. All the fancy here reminded him of the annoying grandiose nations he knew who just had to have the best of everything, even when the world had ended! Pricks.

"Arthur? What's going on? What's this about a an emergency? And where's Alfred?!" The German was standing, obviously looking a bit ticked at the whole situation. He vaguely reminded the other worlder of a certain Italian who had the same habit of taking charge when things got bad. Which made a lot of sense, since the other world's Germany acted like this worlds North Italy. Which was cowering and letting the other handle everything else. Okay there were a few differences, but the roles were so similar!

"Let me explain! So, I cast a spell but lost my temper, which made the effect of the spell… Backfire horribly. Alfred is now in another dimension that might kill him, and that worlds America is here." He pointed at Allen to turn everyone's interest from rage at Arthur to curiosity to this new American.

"Yo. Names Allen. Can I get names from the rest of you? So I don't keep calling you stupid stuff in my head?" He tapped his temple to emphasize. Arthur took up the introductions.

"The German is Ludwig. Besides him is Feliciano, and Kiku. On the other side of the table is that frog Francis, and then Matthew, Yao, and Ivan. I'm Arthur also. Arthur Kirkland." Allen mentally put a face to each name to help remember. Ludwig was the strict one, Feliciano was the girly one, Kiku was quiet, Ivan was creepy, Yao was… strange, Francis was pervy, and Matthew was just as quiet as Kiku. That helped wonders. Everyone else however were just staring at the strange brunette, who stared back through his dark sunglasses. Things were about to get really interesting.

Rose: That's it for chapter 1 of the rewrite! It covered like 3 or 4 chapters of the original at once so yay! I've decided that odd numbered chapters are more normal world oriented while evens are more 2p world. So next chapter is the 2ps! And yes it will be probably just as long. I will be uploading a final chapter to AWOD to say 'hey its done, come to this story for a better version of it.' and then calling it complete, and THEN uploading this one. Tell me what you guys think so far! Is it already better than AWOD, which was my most popular by FAR by like thousands of views? Will it still be just as popular as it was originally? God I hope. AWOD was shaky and bad. Im rambling, so see everyone next chapter!