A/N: Most of you will remember this fic from waaaay back in 2008…needless to say the world of FMX has changed quite a bit since then. Nowadays riders are throwing down double backflips and front flips (along with a ton of other insane tricks) constantly. When I wrote this there was really only one rider landing backflips in competition (Travis Pastrana) and the idea of him teaching everyone else how to is what sparked his fic. Obviously this fic is outdated now, but I didn't want to change it so drastically by taking out its foundation. So this update is more about editing. Hope you enjoy your second (or tenth!) round of Dirt. And those of you that are new, welcome! Hopefully this fic makes you laugh out loud once or twice ;)

Oh! And fair warning: there's a lot of OOCness going on.

Title: Dirt

Author: NiftyPaint24

Universe: Inuyasha AU

Genre: Action/Humor

Rating: M (for later chapters)

Spoilers: None

Pairing(s): Sesshomaru/Kagome (others will show up later)


"I don't know Sesshomaru," Inuyasha said over the popping sound of his dirt bike's exhaust. "I'm not sure it'll work."

"Yeah," Sesshomaru answered contemplating the jump. "Maybe we should pull the ramp back a couple of feet; ten maybe."

Inuyasha tried to visualize what his brother had described to him earlier when they were in the garage, but it was just too far out of his grasp; not unlike most of the things Sesshomaru came up with. Inuyasha gave a heavy sigh and shut his bike off.

"I still have no idea what you're trying to achieve with this. I don't think a body can move like that," Inuyasha said holding an open hand towards the eight foot high steel ramp.

"I told you this morning, it's absolutely possible." Sesshomaru lowered his voice before adding, "If you get the right take off and you can get your body back through the handle bars."

It was the same conversation they always had when Sesshomaru decided that he wanted to 'create' or try something new; this one just happened to have slightly different words. The brothers straddled their battered bikes and eyed the ramp.

"How about we try this in the foam pit? It would be the smart thing," Inuyasha suggested. "That way you won't break your neck."

Sesshomaru nodded.

"When have you known me to do the smart thing?" He asked with a grin.

"Dad's going to kill you if you get hurt. You've got that Red Bull Challenge next week."

They stared at each other for a minute before smiles spread across their faces.

"Special," Sesshomaru said finally.

"So it's back to the house then?" Inuyasha asked.

Sesshomaru's answer was a slight nod as he kick-started his bike. They made the short five minute ride across the property towards the massive garage where their dozens of bikes were kept. They stopped in front and hopped off the bikes, placing them on two open stands. Sesshomaru pulled his helmet off and hung it from the handle bars of his bike before walking towards his modified golf cart.

"Hurry up!" He called to Inuyasha as the younger brother took his helmet off. "If we're lucky, he won't be up yet."

Inuyasha ran to the golf cart and hopped in as Sesshomaru started to drive off. They drove the short distance to one of the three houses on the property. Sesshomaru pulled the golf cart up to the porch near the back door and jumped out, Inuyasha close behind. They climbed the stairs and went through the back door which led to the kitchen. Sesshomaru's girlfriend Kagome was standing over the stove cooking pancakes. She smiled when they all but ran through the kitchen, knowing where they were headed.

"Hey!" She yelled after them. "Do you guys want any?"



Their answers echoed as they ran up the stairs to the second floor.

As they approached a door at the end of the hallway, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha slowed and carefully opened the door. Inside, their pray awaited; still in bed asleep. The comforter was half off the bed and the sheets were tangled around his body in a way you couldn't replicate if you tried. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha quietly approached the bed, evil smirks plastered on their faces. Inuyasha went around to the opposite side of the bed and waited while Sesshomaru walked into the adjacent bathroom and got a glass of water. When he returned, Sesshomaru held up one finger, then two, then a third and mouthed 'go'. Inuyasha jumped on the bed, trapping a pair of arms as Sesshomaru held down legs and poured the glass of water on their cousin's head.

"What the fuck?!" Their victim yelled still half asleep.

"Are you planning on sleeping all day Koga?" Sesshomaru asked as he pushed himself off the bed.

"I was," Koga replied grumpily.

"Come on, get up. We've got something for you to try," Inuyasha said as he too stood up.

Koga rubbed the back of his hand over his eyes to wipe the water from them.

"You two are real ass holes you know that?" He asked as he untangled himself from his sheets. "Now I've got to change the freakin' sheets."

"Stop complaining. If you woke up at a normal time, we wouldn't have to be your alarm service," Sesshomaru scolded as he neared the door.

"Six AM is not normal. You two are the freaks. Hey, are those pancakes I smell?"

Sesshomaru laughed. "Yeah, Kagome's making some."

Koga was instantly out of the bed and pulling on a pair of jeans that had been on the floor. He was out the door and down the stairs before Inuyasha or Sesshomaru could say anything further. When they made their way back into the kitchen, Koga was at Kagome's side giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning beautiful," Koga said warmly.

Sesshomaru gave a low growl. It pissed him off to no end that his cousin still openly showed affection to his girlfriend. Inuyasha laughed at his brother's expense, like he did every time.

"Good morning yourself, Special," Kagome said sweetly before she hit him on the back of the hand with her spatula. "Get your hands off those! Sit down. I'll bring you a plate in a minute."

Koga gave her a goofy grin, but complied and sat down at the dining table. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha joined him and the conversation turned to Sesshomaru's latest idea while they waited for Kagome to finish breakfast.

"So what exactly do you have in mind?" Koga asked, looking up at Sesshomaru.

"I wanted to try a Shaolin back flip," Sesshomaru answered as Kagome brought him a plate. "Thanks."

"Yep," She said as she handed another to Koga.

"Why am I always last?" Inuyasha complained.

"Because you're the rudest," Kagome answered flatly. "If you want to be served first, go eat at your house. Besides, technically I'm last because I serve all of you first."

Inuyasha grumbled into his hand while he waited for his plate. Kagome held it above him for a second, waiting.

"Thanks," he said finally.

"Was that so hard?" She asked nicely before she ruffled his hair and pulled on one of his cute puppy ears.

"Hey!" He squawked.

"Shut up Inuyasha," Sesshomaru said.

Koga smirked before he took a bite of his pancakes. "Mmm. These are fantastic," he mumbled though his mouth full.

"Thanks," Kagome said as she sat down with her own plate. "So, what's a Shaolin?"

"It's basically a bar hop, but you put your legs to either side," Sesshomaru explained.

"Sounds like fun," Kagome said smiling.

"Don't even think about it," Sesshomaru cautioned gruffly.

Kagome frowned, but didn't say anything; her time would come. This was a game that the two of them had been playing ever since she had moved in four months earlier. Now it had progressed into a daily thing; she would beg for him to teach her something new and he would refuse.

"And you want me to try this Shaolin flip thing first?" Koga asked in between shoveling pancakes into his mouth.

"Into the foam pit," Inuyasha clarified.

"I was going to try it on dirt-" Sesshomaru started.

"Dirt huh? Well it doesn't seem that complicated, why don't you want to?" Koga asked

Sesshomaru pointed at Inuyasha. "He believes it to be impossible."

Koga scoffed before he choked. "You should...know better than...that." He criticized in between gasps. "Your brother isn't going to back down because you say he can't do something, dumbass."

"Shut the hell up," Inuyasha shot back. "You know how our dad is about us trying everything into the pit first."

"If you can do a bar hop, this Shaolin couldn't be much more difficult. It's just a further extension," Kagome said before taking a sip of her orange juice.

The three men at the table looked at her.

"What?" She asked with a slight smile. "I can do a bar hop and I'm pretty sure I could do this Shaolin thing too."

"No," Sesshomaru said simply, causing Kagome to pout. "Not until we're landing it solidly on dirt and never in a back flip."

"That's so not stinking' fair," Kagome said before taking another bite of her food.

Sesshomaru shook his head before looking back to Koga. "After breakfast then?"

Koga nodded.


"Now," Sesshomaru said loudly so that Koga could hear him over the exhaust of the bike. "You remember what a bar hop is right?"

"You put your feet over the bars, between your hands."

Sesshomaru nodded. "Now for a Shaolin, bring your ass over the bars then hold your legs out."

"Hold them out?" Koga asked confused.

"Yeah, like...spread eagle," Sesshomaru said with a smirk as he looked over at Kagome.

Koga nodded and Kagome shook her head, overhearing their conversation.

"And you want me to do all this while doing a back flip?" Kouga asked with his usual excited expression.

"Yes. Since you're in the pit you don't really have to worry about spotting for a landing. Hell, don't even worry about it. I just want to see if you can get the rotation and the trick done in time to try and make a landing."

"Okay," Koga said as he picked his feet up off the ground and started to ride in a circle, preparing to take his first run at the ramp.

Sesshomaru moved next to Kagome and Inuyasha, who was videotaping the whole event.

"Why don't you move closer to the ramp?" Sesshomaru suggested.

Inuyasha nodded and ran towards the ramp, but off to the side so he could get a better angle than looking straight up.

"When can I try a back flip?" Kagome asked, turning towards Sesshomaru and making her question sound as innocent as possible.

Sesshomaru gave a heavy sigh. "Kagome, why do you want to do one so badly?" He asked keeping his attention on Koga.

"It's just something I want to do. You taught Special and he didn't even know how to ride a motorcycle. At least let me try on a pit bike."



"No," Sesshomaru repeated.

Kagome folded her arms across her chest with a huff as Koga started towards the ramp.

"Faster," Sesshomaru said aloud. "You've got to be going faster!" He yelled.

Then Sesshomaru noticed that Koga was not riding towards the right ramp, he was going for the wooden one that was attached to the pit itself. They only used that one when they were doing a simple back flip, playing on the pit bikes, or on BMX bikes.

"Wrong ramp!" Sesshomaru yelled.

Koga hit the ramp and, once in the air, attempted a back flip, but he didn't have enough height and he fell into the foam pit on his back, the bike landing on top of him. Inuyasha ran towards the ladder on the side of the pit and between laughing and holding the camera, he made an uncoordinated attempt at climbing it.

"Are you alive Special?" He yelled.

Koga gave a muffled yell, which made Inuyasha laugh harder. Inuyasha finally made it to the top of the ladder and set the camera on the ramp before jumping into the foam.

"You dumbass, you have to take the steel ramp for a back flip if you're doing a variation with it," Inuyasha laughed as he attempted to wade through the foam chunks towards Koga.

"Get the effin' bike off me!" Koga yelled.

"Chill God damn it!" Inuyasha yelled back as he grabbed Koga's flailing hand. "Sesshomaru is working on it."

As if on cue, Sesshomaru swung the cable out for Inuyasha to attach it to the bike. He skillfully anchored the cable around the bike's frame and yelled for Sesshomaru to winch it up. Seconds later the bike was hovering in the air with both Koga and Inuyasha clinging to it. Once they were back on the ground, Sesshomaru shut off the winch and walked over to them.

"Next time, take the steel ramp and go faster," he directed as Koga glared at him through the opening of his helmet.

"You should have told me that before I went the first time," Koga said angrily as he started his bike.

Sesshomaru shrugged and slapped him twice on the top of his helmet. "This time don't disappoint me."

Koga nodded and rode back over to his starting point. Sesshomaru walked back over to Kagome while Inuyasha climbed the ladder once more to retrieve the video camera.

"Wouldn't have been a better idea to let him try a Shaolin the regular way before he attempted it with a back flip?" Kagome asked.

"Probably not. This is Special we're talking about." Sesshomaru smirked. "There's a reason we call him that."

Koga revved the bike once and headed for the steel ramp, standing up on his foot pegs. This time he achieved the back flip, managed to do the bar hop and turn it into a Shaolin, but he over rotated and couldn't get back over the handle bars. He bailed off the front of the bike and landed a couple feet away from it. Knowing Koga wasn't trapped under the bike this time; Inuyasha worked the winch and cable, once again hoisting Koga and his bike from the foam.

"Awe yeah!" Koga yelled holding a fist into the air as he held the cable with the other.

Once he was back on the ground, the others laughed as he did his 'I did it' jig.

"One more time and I'll have it mastered," Koga said when he returned to where Sesshomaru and Kagome were standing.

"You've got to bring your legs back over the bars," Sesshomaru reminded him.

"Minor details," Koga said with a dismissive wave of his hand as he rode off once more.

Everyone watched as he again took the ramp and this time preformed the trick correctly, or what they assumed was correct, as none of them had ever seen it done before. After Koga was out of the foam pit and on the ground, Sesshomaru walked over to the garage and pulled one of his bikes off of it's stand and walked it back over towards the ramps. He hopped on and kick-started it, sitting there for a minute afterwards to let the bike warm up.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Inuyasha asked as he walked towards him.

Sesshomaru cocked his head to the side and gave him a weird look, not having heard what he had said.

"Brain bucket!" Inuyasha yelled as he pointed to his head.

"Oh." Sesshomaru nodded and rode the bike back to the garage.

He grabbed his helmet off of the bike that he had been riding earlier that morning and pulled it on. He then rode back to where his brother was waiting and stopped, tying the strap on his helmet. Koga sat on his bike next to Kagome while they watched Sesshomaru get ready.

"How hard was it?" Kagome asked.

"Not that hard, but it takes some major skill to get your ass back on the right side of the bars," he answered with a smile.

Kagome laughed. "As tall as Sesshomaru is, this could prove to be a tough trick for him," She said smiling as she thought of how pissed off he would be if he didn't get the trick perfect the first time.

"Hey, wanna do a back flip?" Koga asked with a grin.

"Yes!" She answered immediately. "Can I use your bike and helmet?"

He laughed and shook his head. "Yeah right, we'll go double."

Kagome thought for a second. Sesshomaru had never offered to do that with her. Was it possible? Sesshomaru would probably kill her just for riding on the bike with Koga, let alone doing a back flip with him.

"He'll kick both of our asses," She said disappointed.

"We'll do it when Inuyasha's got him on the cable. Go get your helmet."

"Okay," Kagome agreed excitedly. "Can we do it off the steel ramp?"

"Sure, hurry up." Koga shooed her away.

Kagome ran across the asphalt towards the garage.

"Hey, what'cha doing?" Inuyasha asked, watching her streak by.

"Getting a drink," She lied as she ran.

"Whul he's going right now," Inuyasha pointed out, a little shocked that Kagome wasn't planning on watching Sesshomaru's attempt.

"Tell him to wait thirty more seconds," she hissed before she disappeared into the garage.

Sesshomaru complied and waited until he saw her partially emerge from the garage.

"Okay," Kagome said waving.

Sesshomaru shook his head, considering her odd behavior for a second, but started for the ramp anyway. Once he started, Koga rode over to Kagome as she pulled her helmet on and watched Sesshomaru. Having done thousands of back flips before; that part came as almost second nature to him. He'd been playing around with the Shaolin the last week or two and pretty much had that down also. However, combining the two proved to be less simplistic then Sesshomaru had convinced himself it would be. He performed the trick to perfection, but if he hadn't been trying it into the foam pit, he probably would be a broken, bloody mess. He flat out ran out of time to get his entire body back over the handle bars before landing into the cushiony foam, his back slamming against the seat of his bike and his head smacking against the rear fender.

Inuyasha wasted no time in getting the cable out to him, laughing when he saw Kagome climb on to Koga's bike in front of him. The two were obviously panning on doing something very stupid. The fact that Kagome was even on Koga's bike showed a serious lack of intelligence as far as Inuyasha was concerned. Koga revved the bike and grinned as he leaned to the side of Kagome's helmet.

"Ready?" He asked and she nodded vigorously. "Alright, hold on to the center of the handle bars and don't let go."

Kagome nodded again and Koga took off towards the ramp. Sesshomaru was still on his bike and attached to the cable when he noticed Koga start towards the foam pit with his girlfriend in tow. He wanted to yell, but he knew there would be no point in it. Koga wouldn't be able to hear him and it was too late. Oh, how Koga would pay.

Koga stood up once they hit the ramp and pulled the bike into a textbook back flip, landing with the front end down slightly. Kagome was laughing so hard she started coughing.

"Are you okay?" Koga asked.

Nodding was the best that she could do as she gasped for air.

"That was so much fun!" She chirped as she pulled her helmet off.

"Yeah," Koga laughed. "Are you prepared for death?" He asked grabbing the cable as it swung over their heads.

"Today's as good of day as any. At least now I can say I've done a back flip. Not on my own, but close enough."

Koga shook his head as he attached the cable and pulled Kagome onto the bike. He then waved a finger around to signal Inuyasha to hoist them up. Once they were back on the asphalt Sesshomaru stood waiting, leaning against his bike, with a frown on his face.

"You stupid son of a bitch," He said glaring at Koga as he took his helmet off.

"It was my idea Sess," Kagome said placing a hand on his chest.

"There is no way in hell you would have thought that up. It has Koga written all over it," Sesshomaru said coolly.

"I'm going to choose to ignore that comment," Kagome said narrowing her eyes at him. "You never said that I couldn't do a back flip with someone else."

"I never said that you could do one with him either."

"Well, you've certainly never offered!" Kagome yelled before she gasped.

She had just let it be known that it hadn't been her idea. Sesshomaru smiled.

"I knew it wasn't your idea. For that you're banned forever from doing a back flip.

Whether with me, or anyone else, and especially on your own."

"You can't-" Kagome started to protest.

"And you," Sesshomaru said pointing to Koga who was laughing. "You're cut off from pancakes."

Sesshomaru smirked, knowing how Koga would react to such a statement.

"What?!" Koga yelled as if Sesshomaru had just informed him that he would be kicking him out of the house. "No, come on. It was harmless. She really wanted to do one and I figured, no, I knew she'd be safe. See-" he said holding his hand out towards Kagome. "She's still in one piece. Not a scratch on her."

"That's not the point," Sesshomaru insisted.

"Relax Sesshomaru." They all turned to see Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's dad, Inu, walking towards them from the garage. "You would save yourself a lot of wasted energy if you would just teach her how to do it herself. Kagome's a competent rider; I doubt that she would get hurt," Inu continued as he stepped closer.

"Thank you, Inu," Kagome said smiling.

He nodded. "As far as cutting your cousin off from Kagome's pancakes...that's just flat out cruel. Speaking of pancakes," Inu said looking at Kagome. "Can I beg you to fix me some?"

Kagome smiled and stepped towards him.

"You don't have to beg for them Inu," she said sweetly as she roughly shoved her helmet into Sesshomaru's hands.

"Fantastic," Inu said grabbing Kagome's hand and turning towards the garage.

Kagome looked over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at Sesshomaru. Inuyasha sniggered.

"What just happened there?" Koga asked no one in particular.

"He always shows up at the worst times. I swear he's turning her against me," Sesshomaru grumbled.

"Does this mean that I'm not cut off from pancakes?" Koga asked, hopeful.

Sesshomaru started pushing his bike towards the garage with Koga and Inuyasha following closely.

"No, you're still not getting any."

"Aw man," Koga whined. "That's the last time I ever do anything nice for her."

A/N: Now, I take it for granted that I know what these tricks are just by their names. I know that there will be some of you that will have no clue what the difference between and Indian Air and a Hart Attack is or how they're performed. I will try to explain things throughout the chapter, and definitely at the end of every chapter. Thanks for at least reading the first chapter and I hope that I'll have you hooked onto it enough that you'll read some more. o.O

Bar Hop: When the rider moves both feet through the handle bars.

Shaolin: A 'bar hop' with legs pointed out to the sides.

Back Flip: The rider rotates the bike backwards until they have done one full rotation. This was once the Holy Grail of motocross (moto-x), but now is a very common trick having many variants. Variants of this trick include any of the regular tricks, whilst doing a back flip. When naming the trick, the regular trick, for example a Shaolin, is said followed by 'back flip'. Eg: 'Shaolin Back Flip'

Re-posted on: October 3rd 2016