It was New Year's Eve, Mike was excited to show El the fireworks, El didn't know what they were, but she asked Mike not to spoil them. Mike had the night planned out, They would go to see fireworks, go back, watch movies until midnight, and fall asleep. It was around six, they were about to leave.

"Hey Mike, would you come here a second?"

"Yeah El."

He walked up to his room


He couldn't find her, when suddenly the door closed behind him, he turned around to a person hugging him.

"What is this for?"

"Being so nice."


He smiled.

They walked downstairs

"Bye mom, were going to see some fireworks."

"Bye you guys."

They walked outside and hopped on Mike's bike, they were headed for the school. When they arrived they found Lucas, Will, and Dustin.

"Since when have you three arrived early to everything?" Asked Mike

"Since never, you guys just seem to always to be late." Said Dustin

It was true, they were always late, it just seemed a little bit harder to pedal two people on one bike, not that Mike complained, he loved El being there.

The sun was setting, the fireworks were about to start. El could never get over how pretty the sunset was, she had never seen the sun in the lab.


"Yeah El."

"Are fireworks, scary?"

"No, but if you get scared, just remember that I'm here."

That comforted her, he always comforted her.


The fireworks were starting, the first bang scared El, she held on to Mike tight, but after the first firework she was amazed, they looked beautiful. However, according to Mike, El was the most beautiful thing there. While she was holding on to her, he kissed her, that made El feel like she the happiest person in the world, she just hugged him fireworks were short lived, the town didn't have that many, it only took five minutes to go through all of them.

"How did you like him-" Will elbowed Lucas

"Them, how did you like the fireworks." Said Lucas

"They were beautiful."

Mike and El headed home

"Hey El?"


"Do you want to go to the movies?"


They made a stop so Mike could quickly grab some money

Mike ran in and was on the way up the stairs when.

"Stop, right there."

Uh oh, it was Mike's mom.

"Yes mom?"

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Grabbing money for the movie theater."

"You have spent way too much money in the past month!"

"Mom, I saved up a lot during the summer."

"Why are you even going to the movie theater? You've already seen everything!"

"Will wanted to see 'The Rescuers', he hasn't seen it yet."

"Fine. But be back here in two and a half hours."

He ran upstairs, he had only half lied, Will wasn't going, but they were seeing 'The Rescuers'. Mike grabbed ten dollars and ran back out to El

"Ok, let's go."

They went over to the theater

Mike bought the tickets and went over to the concession stand

"El what do you want?"

She pointed at the Twix bar in the case

"One medium popcorn, and a Twix bar."

Mike gave the attendant the rest of his money

They went to go sit down, it wasn't too full, they sat down near the top.

The movie started and El was enthralled, it was a good movie, but Mike enjoyed looking at El's reactions more. El got scared at one part and hugged Mike.

"It's ok." He said and kissed her forehead

After the movie they left and got on Mike's bike.

"How did you like it El?"

"It was good, how did you like it?"

To be honest, Mike wasn't paying attention to the movie, he was paying attention to her.

"I don't know, I couldn't pay attention."

"Why?" She frowned

"I couldn't stop looking at you." He smiled


"Because you're too pretty, I couldn't take my eyes off of you."

She smiled


They got home right before the two and a half hour mark and walked in.

"Oh, hey guys."

"Hey mom." Said Mike

"There are only three hours left until the new year! Isn't that exciting?"

El still didn't get why the new year was so special.

"Yeah!" Said Mike

"Well, I say we get out the ice cream and play a board game." Said Mike's mom

"Ok." Said El

They got 'Monopoly' out and explained the rules to El, she got the rough idea, but not the whole thing.

"El, why don't you just play with me on my team?"

"What? No fair!" Said Mike's mom

Nancy would've played but she was at the Byers' home with Jonathan

They played the game for a few hours, but Mike's team won at around eleven thirty.

"I still say it's because you have El on your team." Said Mike's mom

El smiled. Sadly they hadn't talked to each other in their heads enough to do it without their noses bleeding.

"Hey El, why don't you go shower while my mom and I clean up the game?" Said Mike


They cleaned up the board game and sat down on the couch, there was fifteen minutes left until the new year. El came down.

"Come on El! Only ten minutes!" Said Mike's mom


There was one minute until the new year.

"Hey El, could you follow me for a second?"


They walked down the basement stairs just to where their heads weren't poking out.

"I want to show you something." Said Mike

"What?" Said El

"A magic trick."

"Really, now?"

"Yep, watch."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six-" Said Mike's mom

"Ready?" Said Mike

"Yes." Said El

"Three, two-"

Mike kissed El, for a while.

"One, zero!"

"Ta da!"


She liked the kiss but was confused on what the magic trick was.

"It was a kiss that lasted in one year and another."

She smiled.

"Funny, now let's go join your mom before she gets suspicious."


Mike and El went to bed ten minutes later

"Good night El." Said Mike

"Good night Mike." Said El