Chapter 3: Ready, Set, GO!

"Good Morning to all of the people in town. Today we have an incredible story coming from our one & only Prince Choromatsu Matsuno from the Matsuno Kingdom. It is such an honor to have a nobility such as yourself on our Radio Station." Talk Show host #1 spoke.

"I'm honor to be here. Yes, My brother and myself have important news to have the viewer intrigued. It is sad news to begin with." He explains.

"Sad news? What is the sad news?" Talk Show host #1 stated.

"Well, our parents has passed away recently. So it is up to my brother & myself to run the kingdom but none of us knows who is capable to carry such responsibility. Which is why we present an idea we have come to an agreement. We will be running to see which brother the town prefer to run the city. It will not be up to us but the town. We will also be needing a queen to accompany us with this. We can do this alone. Please support our situation & how you understand." Choromatsu weakly said.

"We are so sorry for you lost Prince Choromatsu & for your family. You heard it here folks. Go out there & support your Prince. As for being queen, how will that go? Do you have plans for it?

"At this moment of time, no. Maybe later on we might come up with a plan but we just wanted to get our situation heard."

"It sure has been heard, Your Highness. Thank you for coming for on our show & giving us your story"

"No No, I should be thanking you for having me here today. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have known where to tell this. Thank you very much" Choromatsu bowed a few time to so his gratitude to the Talk Show Host & Staff. With that said. He headed his way back home, but before arriving he passed by a village. All the villager greeted him with flowers, sweets, & treats to share with his siblings. He was giving many baskets to carry home, but he stopped by his favorite shop. The vegetable shop. There was a young female, in her early 20's guarding the stand. She was one of the owners of the shop along with her mother. Choromatsu waved at her & she waved back. They have been talking for the past 4 years.

"Good afternoon, Yuki. How is the store going?" He asked

"Ah, Choromatsu! Long time no see. The store is doing fine. How are you doing? " She asked. She was grateful to see her friend back in town.

"Could be better. Have you heard the news or the radio?"

"No, our radio died on us this morning. We don't know anything at this moment of what happens. All we know is that it might rain in a few days. Why? Did something happen? You look more….paler. Like a ghost caught your tongue? You ok?...You're sick aren't you!? Are you sick? Do you need medicine? Come in! Rest. " She insisted

"No no. I'm fine. Maybe just a little tired. Didn't sleep so well. Well, since you couldn't hear the news, I'll tell you. My parents passed away recently and no one knows who is going to take the thrown. So we are hosting a competition to see who, the people, vote for. "

"OMG! Your parents passed!? I'm so sorry to hear that! Come me give you a hug! You are going through a lot of stuff now. Put your stuff down in the back. Ill help. You can stay here for the night & rest all you want. I'll let mother know. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" She asked

"It's fine. Beside, I need to take care of my brothers." He kept insisted.

"Choromatsu. Im saying this cause i care for you & your wellbeing. You are not in the right mindset to take care of anyone. Not even yourself. Im offering to take care of you. Now, are you going to persisted on denying my request, or are you going to accept it. Its up to you. You don't have to stay the night but at least take a rest. " She looked at Choromatsu. He sees the concern in her eyes.

"Fine. I'll take your offer & take the rest. But in return, I want to eat your famous dish." He smiled at her

She smiled back & replied "Anything you want, your highness." She loved teasing him by replying with 'Your Highness'

"I told you to stop calling me that. " He said while blushing

"Sorry but it's just really cute seeing your blush when I call you that." She laughed & smiled

"IT-IT ISN'T CUTE!" Choromatsu blushed more red than the Target logo sign. Yuki laughed more at his reaction.

"Stop lying. Anyways I'll start making the food soon. Just give me a moment."

"...I'm not lying…" He quietly enter the home followed by He sat down on the couch and looked around the room. This is his 3rd time entering her home. He usually pass by her stand to pick up vegetable & talk.

"Choromatsu, Lay. Down. Do I have to use force to make you do so because I will."

"NO NO! No force. I'm lying down." He nervously laughed.

"If i come back in 5 minutes & you aren't lying down and resting, I will use force. Got it Mister?" She asked.

"...Yes Ma'am.." He put his head down. He checked to see if she left. Once he saw the coast is clear, he got up to go see the home. Of course it is still the same. Still more normal than his home but in a cute way. The home is organized. Nothing messy at all. It felt, refreshing to him to observe a home like that again. . He is use to his fancy way of life & being here calmed him down in a way. Now he is starting to become sleepy just by taking a look in the home. The smell of peppermint started to put him at ease. He walked back to the couch and laid down then ending up going to sleep.

"Hey Choromatsu. I'm mom is covering my shift. Are you sleeping now?" She walks in, wiping her hands on her apron. She looks up and notice that he fell asleep final. She let out a small giggle & a smile. "Take care of yourself first before you try to take of others. Stupid" Yuki let out a whisper. There was a soft blanket right next to him, she grabbed it & covered him so he wouldn't get cold.

She starts preparing the meal Choromatsu asked for. Chicken & cream soup. It was passed down by her grandma to her mother then to her. It was a simple recipe but it takes time to cook.

"Ok….so I have everything I need. Let's start. " While prepping the meal, she starts to remember the first time Choromatsu tried it .

*Flash back! QUEUE DOCTOR WHO OPENING. This is what happens when you are in too many freaking fandoms. Can we talk about yuri on ice though! Episode 7-10 , im like dead! I wish i can do a reaction but my computer is slow, i cant do it on campus because i would be screaming my heart out. RIP to my soul. I swear, i never thought i would be so attached to the characters & their story. This show knows how to play with my heart!*

"Let's see here…..I have everything here. Now time to try this out. " Yuki stretches her bow & arrow to try to aim to the target.

"Now sweetheart, The best way to aim almost perfect in my experience is by shutting either your left or right eye so you could have a precise idea on how much you need to adjust. Give it a try." Yuki father responded. He was a professional archer. Ever since he was young, he had a interest in it.

"So….like this." As she take aim, she closed her left eye & shot.

20 points. Thats where the arrow landed. "Yes!" Yuki screamed out.

"Beautiful! Now, do the opposite eye. See which side helps you take better aim" He responded. Even though his daughter won't become a pro archer, he stills wants her to have the skills he has for the future.

"Ok…Close my right eye." Following her father instruction, she does. Take aim, and fired.

45 points.

"There you go. Your left eyes gives you better aim. Keeping pract-"

"Yuki, Come help me with dinner!" Her mother yelled.

"Coming! Sorry dad. Maybe this weekend we can practice more"

"That is ok sweety"

Yuki ran inside her home to help prepare dinner.

"Dear, can you chop up the onions for me. Small dices."

"Yes mom…..Where is the onions?" She asked

"I wasn't able to grab them, but they are in the front of the shop. I placed them in a plastic bag."

Yuki went out in front of the shop to locate the onions but it wasn't there. She was a bit confused. "Maybe it is on the other side." she thought. As expected, it wasn't there either. Now she is searching all over the place to find it.

"Are you looking for something?" A young gentleman asked.

Startled by the voice, she jumped and fell back.

The young gentleman laughed to her reaction. "Are you ok Ma'am? I didn't mean to startle you. My apology."

Yuki shook her head and quickly got up. Wiping off any dust off her apron she replied. "No no it's fine. I should have notice you were there…...Wait, you wasn't there before….How did you- Never mind. How can I help you?" She smiled.

"Well, I'm just looking for now but it seems you were looking for something? Anything I can do to help?" He asked.

"Oh…..It's nothing. My mother is cooking dinner in the back & she asked me to get bag from the front but the bag isnt' here. I assume someone might have like stole it. Maybe a little kid. Imma just go buy more. "

He pulled out a bag. " Is this the bag you are talking about? "

" Does it have onions in it?" She asked quietly.

"If I say yes, what will I get in return?" He asked.

"...I'm not use to making offers like this so…...whatever you want, I guess?" Confused on what this gentleman is asking for, she looked around.

"I'll give you the onions if I can try what your mother is making. Maybe I can make it for my brothers." He requested.

"T-that's it? Nothing else?" She questioned.

The gentleman is more confused than she is. "Nothing else? What do you mean?"

"Normally someone who request something like in this situation would be like 'Give me something for free' or ' You will be my servant for the rest of your life' you know?" She replied

"No…...I don't. I didn't know that people do that " He tilts his head.

"...Well… just wanted to try it right? Give me a moment. Would you like to come in? I'm Yuki. My mother & father own the shop." She gesture for the male to enter.

"Thank you. Im Choromatsu. I'm kinda the middle child between my sibling. I have 5 other sibling to deal with at home."

"5!? My god, must be crazy in the house right? How many years are each of you apart?" Yuki asked

"Oh, not by years. By minutes. We are sextuplets."

"What!? No way! That is even more crazier!"

"Yeah. I'm surprised you don't know who I am. " He asked

"What do you mean? You are Choromatsu as you said. That is all i need to know."

Surprised by the answer. He didn't question it anymore. For once someone didn't recognize him. It kinda felt good that she didn't notice him.

"Mom! Dad! We have a guest here. He helped me find the onion. "

"Who is this guest!" Her father screamed from the back.

"He said his name is Choromatsu. Ah, mom. Here is the onion. " She gave her mother the onion.

"Choromatsu? You mean Prince Choromatsu from the Matsuno Family?" Her mom said stunned.

"Huh?" Yuki is confused.

"Yes I am Ma'am. Thank you for letting me into your home.

"Honey! We have a prince in our home! Show respect!" Yuki mother screamed out.

The father comes into the home & showed his respect. "We are honor to have you in our home. Have a seat" He offer

"Thank you but I won't be here for long. I apologize for disturbing your home" Choromatsu bowed.

"Nonsense my boy! You are no bother!"

"Wait, what is going on here? Is there something I'm missing? Prince Choromatsu? He is a prince?" Yuki stated

"Sweetie! You didn't know?" Her mother asked.

"No, I don't listen to the radio like you two. "

"Well, now you know, show respect!" Her mother told her.

"I already did outside when I meet him. Mom, he want-' She was interrupted by her mother.

"Use proper manner! I'm so sorry Prince Choromatsu. Forgive my daughter manors" Her mother bowed profusely.

"No worry Ma'am. It's quite alright. She doesn't have too. Say what you were going to say Yuki." He said.

"Thank you Choromatsu. I was gonna say that he wants to try the soup you are making, Mom."

"The soup? It isn't even ready. You would need to wait for at least 30 minutes but I don't want to keep you waiting." Yuki mother answered

"Don't worry, I am in no rush Ma'am."

"I'll chop up the onions & then you just have to cook it. Shouldn't be too long. "

Yuki goes to the kitchen & chops up the onions how her mother want it to be. Once that is done, she adds it into the pot & start to heat everything in the pot.

Choromatsu & Yuki father are having a conversation about archery since Choromatsu took a few lesson on it.

"Where are my manners? I'm Howard Edgear Tayoshiki . I am half American & half Germany. We recently moved here after the war in Germany. It was the best choice we had. "

"I see, well, I'm glad you & your family feels safe here. "

"Thank you very much for welcoming our family. We had such a warm welcoming moving into this neighborhood. Other Kingdoms wouldn't allow us in because of our background. I do not regret this decision."

"Well, I am pleased with your statement."

"Hey dad, Choromatsu. Dinner's almost ready. Take a seat" Yuki stated.

"We are coming"

I swear to god this was not meant to take like 10 years. I am so sorry for it! I completely forgot about it, tbh. I really didn't want to but i did with college. I will try my best to continue & get a new computer cause mines sucks!

I'm actually working on my Art History presentation but i can't find enough information about the Artwork.

On Google Drive, this chapter is apparently 7 Pages long! WHY!? Not only did I forget about this story, I am heavily addicted to…..You guessed it, Yuri on Ice. Am i proud of it? Yes.

Should i be studying instead of rewatching episode 10 all over again? Probably.\

Will i stop? No.

Ok, Now on to page 8! Imma just end it here. Thank you for waiting & reading! Seriously you guys are the best!

Love you all!