Nora examined her nails as she waited for Mary Lou to return.

It was a nice, cool night and Nora was content in the fact that Mary Lou and herself would soon be on a plane, heading back to Mystic Falls.

The blonde strolled round the corner, her mouth stained with Hugh's blood and a predatory grin on her lips.

Nora returned the grin, righting herself, as she'd been leaning against the wall of the abandoned factory.

"I wondered where you'd gotten to." Nora said as she met Mary Louise.

The blonde grabbed the back of Nora's head and crushed their lips together, letting Nora taste Hugh's blood.

Nora moaned into the kiss and her hands came up to dig into Mary Louise's hair.

The blonde grinned and pulled back slightly.

"Now, what to do about this place." She said, glancing up at the factory.

All the vampires and Neo, had escaped and were now running free so it was clear, save for all the human corpses.

Mary Louise was a little hurt that Tamra hadn't come to see her but now that Nora was here, that only bothered her a little but not enough to sulk over.

Nora shrugged.

"Leave it."

Mary Louise frowned.

"Leave it? And what if they start it all up again? It'll be used for the same thing or worse."

Nora looked thoughtful.

"I suppose you do have a point."

Mary Louise stepped back from Nora and smiled as she muttered a spell and fire instantly lit up the building from the inside, devouring everything in it's path.

Mary Louise smiled and looked at Nora as the fire reflected in her eyes.

Nora then took hold of Mary Lou's hand.

"Let's go home."


Author's Note- So that's it guys. Thank you so much for all your reveiws, follows/favs. (I know I say that a lot ;))

I hope to upload some more stories involving these two.

If you liked this one, don't forget to check out my other Noralise fanfic,

'I Will Always Choose You', if you haven't done so already.

Thanks again. X