This is the final chapter. I'll probably do a bit of modification because I'm just not completely happy with it. However, I didn't want to delay posting it. Hopefully it's not too bad. Keep an eye out for my next project, tentatively named "A Heart Divided".

In the days that followed, Hermione was released from the hospital and was taken to Malfoy Manor. The other three residents of Grimmauld Place relocated to the Manor as well. Apollo was brought along as well so they could all be close to Hermione. Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Greg joined them, happy to stay close to their friends.

Despite Hermione's condition, they all made the best of it and their time was spent talking and laughing. Draco had been working on a new song, so the band practiced with their instruments set up in Draco's large bedroom. Hermione was normally propped up in Draco's bed in a nest of pillows with Scorpius snuggled against her side with his stuffed dragon.

Severus didn't feel comfortable staying at the manor, but he arrived at breakfast every morning and allowed himself to be convinced to stay for dinner each evening. He brought Hermione books and took time each day to talk to her before spending most of the day in the lab. He was joined frequently by Draco and Blaise and they worked on the cure. Hermione even assisted by going through all of the research left behind by her attackers and making notes.

Others came to visit with Hermione as well. Daphne and Astoria Greengrass arrived at the manor and fawned over Hermione in a manor that made Pansy roll her eyes in disgust. The sisters had seemed a bit snobbish, but they seemed to genuinely like Hermione so their presence was accepted. Millicent Bulstrode was very quiet when she came by, but she'd brought flowers and asked to be informed of Hermione's condition. A few people from each of the Hogwarts houses arrived and offered Hermione their support, doing what they could to seem optimistic.

The rest of the Weasley family had arrived at the manor together. After the Christmas party, they didn't doubt their welcome. Narcissa seemed genuinely pleased to see them and Draco was grateful for their determination to make Hermione smile. Draco had been thrilled when George had pulled out an odd array of new items for the joke shop. Hermione looked torn between amusement and annoyance. It was infinitely better than thinking about the illness that was keeping her confined to a bed.

Two weeks later, it became clear that Hermione's time was running out fast. Draco woke up and was horrified to hear a gasping rattle coming from Hermione's mouth as she struggled to breathe. He'd shouted for the others and Harry had come barreling into the room looking frantic. He helped to get Hermione securely cradled in Draco's arms and they flooed to St. Mungos.

Doctor Hartley and Healer Abbott examined Hermione carefully, shooing a nearly hysterical Draco from the room until he could calm himself. Draco paced in the hallway while Harry and Severus watched him with wary expressions. Draco stopped abruptly and pressed both palms to the wall, drawing in a shuddering breath. "Severus, please tell me the cure is ready to test out," he said, not bothering to keep the painful desperation out of his voice.

Severus frowned, shooting Harry an anxious look. "Not quite," he admitted, though the words seemed to pain him. "Keep me informed," he muttered before he hurried down the hall to continue his work.

Harry sighed and reached out to catch hold of Draco as the blond moved to resume pacing. "Just stay calm," Harry said quietly.

Draco shook his head fervently, squeezing his eyes shut. He shuddered as Harry pulled him into a tight hug, offering what little comfort he could. "I can't lose her," Draco choked out. "I can't stand it. I need her."

"I know," Harry whispered, his tears falling, unchecked. "I know you do."

Doctor Hartley stepped into the hall, her eyes darting to the two men. "She's stabilized for now," she said, watching intently as Draco and Harry hastily swiped at their tears. "You can go in and see her." Her eyes were sad as she watched them hurry past her.

Draco felt as if his heart was being crushed as he looked over Hermione's sleeping form. She looked even more fragile and her breathing was still harsh and rasping. Healer Abbott stood at her beside, a grim frown creasing his brow. He met Draco's eyes sadly.

"It's terrible to watch someone so brilliant waste away," Abbott said quietly.

"We're not giving up yet," Draco responded firmly, his voice rough with emotion.

"Of course," Abbott murmured. He cast a pensive look at Hermione before walking over to Draco and giving his shoulder a comforting squeeze. "If you need any assistance at all, don't hesitate to send for me." When Draco nodded his acceptance, the old healer left the room.

Harry and Draco sat down on chairs on either side of the bed, each carefully taking hold of one of Hermione's hands. Harry sighed, watching Draco stare at Hermione fixedly.

Two days passed and Draco was forced to admit that the potions he'd been giving Hermione were no longer helping. It was as if her magic had given up on protecting her. Every breath she took was a struggle and she'd become so weak that she could barely lift her head or move her arms.

Narcissa brought Scorpius to St. Mungos to see Hermione. The little boy had been crying for her and, though Narcissa wouldn't admit it out loud, she felt that this was likely the last chance Scorpius would get to see Hermione.

Draco slid into Hermione's bed and propped her up against his chest in a sitting position. Once she was secure, Scorpius was place on Hermione's lap and Draco reached around her to keep his son in place.

Scorpius kissed Hermione's face and snuggled against her. She smiled weakly at him, her heart bursting with love for the little blond. When "Mummy" was whispered against her skin just before he put his thumb in his mouth, her tears poured out and she choked back a broken sob. She heard Draco make a soft, wounded sound behind her and his arms tightened around her. It was a bittersweet way to say goodbye.

That night, Draco fell asleep in a chair next to the bed. He was leaning forward with his head resting on one arm while his other was stretched out to hold Hermione's hand. Their friends had left in order to give the couple a little bit of time alone. Dr. Hartley had informed them that Hermione wasn't likely to survive the night. Draco was devastated, but he was determined to spend Hermione's last moments with her.

Draco was overwhelmed with grief and exhaustion. He really hadn't rested since they'd brought Hermione back to the hospital. He cried himself to sleep, clutching Hermione's hand. So, he was oblivious to the dark figure that slipped into the room at midnight. He was equally unaware when the figure left again ten minutes later.

Draco slept fitfully, never hearing when the rattling of Hermione's breathing suddenly stopped a few hours later and the room became deathly silent.

Harry and Ron walked into Hermione's hospital room anxiously. The quiet in the room was chilling. Tears welled in Harry's eyes as he gazed at the too still form of his dear friend. "She's gone," he whispered, feeling as if he was being suffocated with grief.

Ron's hands trembled and he clenched them into fists. "I think Draco slept through it," he murmured quietly, his own eyes growing damp.

The two aurors approached the bed, their thoughts scrambling to comprehend the concept of continuing on with life without Hermione Granger. Harry pressed his hands to the mattress, suddenly feeling as if his legs wouldn't support him much longer. Ron stared down at Hermione's peaceful face. He reached up and pushed some of her hair away from her face.

Hermione's eyes opened.

Ron screamed. Loudly.

Draco was startled from his slumber and jerked back so suddenly that his chair toppled over. His head hit the floor with a loud crack.

Harry hurried around the bed to help Draco up, wincing as he saw blood pooling on the floor. In the next moment, Healer Abbott and Severus came rushing in with wide eyes. Abbott's gaze swept over everyone before settling on Draco. After a few charms, Draco's head was healed and the floor cleaned of blood.

"Now, would anyone care to explain what's going on?" Abbott asked impatiently.

"We thought she was dead," Ron said, still looking shell-shocked as he gaped at Hermione.

"So Ron shrieked like a first year girl," Harry added with a smirk. He gasped in surprise when Draco launched himself at the bed, checking Hermione over with a manic sort of expression.

"Your breathing..." Draco began, his panic dying down to be replaced with bewilderment.

"Ah yes," Abbott said, smiling slightly. "Snape and I were just coming to check on everyone's favorite patient."

"I completed the cure," Severus said stiffly. "I administered the potion last night while you slept."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Draco demanded with a scowl.

"To be honest, I doubted that it would work," Severus replied. "The original potion was very slow acting and forced the immune system to do damage over time. She was so weak that I didn't think she'd live long enough for it to work. But..." he paused, looking decidedly uncomfortable. "I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make the attempt."

"She's cured?" Harry asked carefully, his mind struggling to keep up.

Severus pursed his lips, though he didn't quite manage to conceal his smile. "She is," he replied, meeting Hermione's eyes. "I think it will take some time to reverse all of the damage though. I also gave you a potion to help your lungs," he added.

Draco leaned forward and cradled Hermione's face, his tears running down his cheeks and dripping onto her chest.

"Don't cry," Hermione whispered, her lips curving into a sleepy smile.

"It's liquid joy," Draco retorted, making Harry and Ron snort with laughter.

"Get Severus, you silly man," Hermione said, yawning as Draco motioned for Severus to move closer. When Severus finally stood looking down at her, she reached out and caught his fingers with hers. "I can never thank you enough," she said softly. "I'm so glad that we're friends now."

"Insufferable know-it-all," Severus said lightly, sliding his hand more firmly into hers. "In the end, it was your notes that helped me finish the potion." He offered her a tentative smile. "I'm glad that you're alright. Now I'm going to go make more potions for you. I don't trust the imbeciles that this hospital deems appropriate to be handling potions." With a parting smirk, he swept out of the room.

Harry kissed Hermione's forehead gently. "You get some rest," he told her. "We'll bring everyone up to visit at lunch if you're feeling up to it." He turned to Draco and smiled. Before Draco could object, Harry had jerked him into a crushing embrace. Ron joined in, making it especially awkward when he rested his head on Draco's shoulder. Hermione giggled softly.

Hermione had so many visits that day that the hospital staff started complaining. The ex-Slytherins had caused a bit of an uproar when they swept through the doors as if they owned the place and imperiously demanded to see Hermione. Of course, they'd brought along an alarming number of gifts as well.

Hermione was rather grateful that she was awake when Blaise and Luna happened to be in the room at the same time. Blaise was eyeing Luna hungrily and she seemed perfectly at ease with his less than subtle staring. Hermione rolled her eyes when she heard Blaise say "You have gorgeous skin. It's just begging to be touched." Then he winked.

Luna peered at him for a moment. Then she turned to Ginny who was suddenly looking horrified at the idea of being included in the conversation in any way. "I still think it's Nargles," Luna told her.

Ginny groaned, covering her face with her hands for just a moment. She dropped her hands to give Luna an impatient look. "Nargles didn't attack his sodding eyeball," she growled. "He's winking at you. He's trying to flirt, but he's not good at it."

Blaise looked offended by this comment, but Ginny just smirked at him.

"You think?" Luna asked, her voice suggested mere polite interest in the topic. But then, she turned to Blaise again. "Would you like to shag me?" she asked him. "I think that would be fun."

Blaise looked as if he might have a stroke for a moment. "Sweet Salazar, yes," he moaned, lunging at Luna and snogging her enthusiastically. The fact that she was giggling didn't faze him.

"Not in here!" Draco yelped, when Blaise's hands started to wander.

Ron had clapped his hands over his eyes howling "My eyes!" Pansy cackled gleefully.

Luna pulled away from Blaise and grasped his hand firmly, practically dragging him from the room. Blaise's face was lit up with an ecstatic smile. "Best day ever!" he shouted over his shoulder to his friends, just before the door closed.

Ron continued to rub his eyes vigorously. "Bloody hell," he grumbled. "Gonna need therapy after all this."

Hermione's body healed very slowly from all the damage that the Multiple Sclerosis had caused. After a few weeks, new testing showed that the lesions that had been found on her brain and spinal cord were starting to heal and shrink. She slowly regained her ability to walk though she still battled numbness in her legs on occasion.

Draco insisted on her resting as often as possible. He doted on her and eagerly anticipated her needs in an adoring manner that their friends found rather amusing. He bypassed using the house-elves and always seemed to be rushing about fetching things or running errands.

One morning, Harry and Ginny had come by to visit and had witnessed Draco darting up the stairs with a plate of hot croissants that smelled rather sweet. Narcissa watched him go with a happy sigh. She turned to Harry and Ginny with a smile and shooed them up the stairs.

When they got to Draco's room, the door was sitting open and Draco could be seen sitting on the edge of his bed. Hermione was propped up in her pillow nest with Scorpius in her lap. Scorpius was holding a croissant with both hands and eating with obvious delight. Some of the flaky pastry stuck to his pale skin, but he didn't seem to mind. Draco was pulling apart one of the croissants and feeding it to Hermione. After each bite, he pressed a hungry kiss to her lips, tasting her mouth languidly.

"I'd tell you to get a room," Harry quipped, "but you've obviously got one." He walked into the room, followed by Ginny. "I see you're having a great morning." He watched as Draco turned his head to smile at them, and Harry was reminded of how much Hermione's recovery meant to Draco. The former Slytherin seemed incapable of containing his happiness at that moment.

"Good morning," Draco said pleasantly. He gestured to the plate of croissants. "Help yourselves. Those have a light coating of butter and honey. My family is quite fond of them," he added, his eyes drifting back to Scorpius and Hermione momentarily. Hermione blushed slightly, accepting another sweet kiss from Draco.

Ginny swallowed hard around the lump in her throat. Draco was obviously so in love with Hermione and overjoyed to have her on the way to recovering. Draco Malfoy had changed so much since they'd been in school, and Ginny was glad to see him so happy with one of her dearest friends. Watching the couple together filled her with warmth.

Ginny and Harry each grabbed a croissant from the plate and took a bite. Harry's eyes widened instantly. "Oh Merlin," Harry groaned, his eyes fluttering closed in bliss. He swallowed, and licked honey butter off of his lips. "This is amazing. Your house-elves made these?"

Draco flushed slightly. "Ah... no," he said hesitantly. "I made these. I wanted to do it for Hermione. There's not much I know how to make, but they turned out well."

Ginny moaned her approval, sucking sticky sweetness from her fingers. "They're fantastic," she said with a happy sigh. "You're a lucky woman, Hermione." She giggled when Draco winked.

"Alright, that's enough," Harry chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Draco doesn't need to have his ego stroked."

Draco smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, but I do so love to be stroked," he drawled, casually shifting his weight to rest more fully against Hermione. Hermione blushed scarlet at that comment, swatting his arm indignantly. Harry groaned at the insinuation while Ginny cackled gleefully.

"Well, this sounds like fun," Pansy said, entering the room with a smile. "I take it that Draco's being naughty?"

"A bit," Ginny responded with a grin.

Pansy shook her head fondly. "Well, it's too be expected," she commented airily. "Obviously he's deliriously happy that Hermione has been cured. Add that to the fact that she's regaining sensation in her legs, and he's probably euphoric." She shot Draco a sly look. "Nothing like re-acquiring a sex life to cheer a bloke up."

Draco's cheeks flushed with embarrassment while Hermione made a startled sound and hid her face in her hands. Ginny and Harry looked embarrassed but confused. "Do we even want to know what that means?" Ginny asked. Harry's grimace seemed to indicate that he would prefer to remain ignorant on the matter.

Pansy sighed. "Hermione has been numb," she said patiently. "Everywhere," she added pointedly. "Draco might be a randy bloke like the rest of you men, but it doesn't mean he'd push sexual activity on Hermione when she can't even feel it."

Harry made an odd choking sound.

"I hadn't thought about that," Hermione said quietly, her cheeks still rosy.

Draco scowled at Pansy before meeting Hermione's gaze. "Do not feel guilty about that," he told her firmly. "It's not that I wouldn't like to shag you senseless, but I'm content to wait and spend this time taking care of you. We'll re-establish our physical relationship when you're ready. I can wait." He kissed Hermione tenderly before standing up. "I have to go into work for a few hours. Those Hogwarts students are coming in for a check up."

Hermione looked very close to pouting. "I wish I could help," she said quietly.

Draco smiled. "You have," he assured her. "Your notes helped Severus make the cure that's reversing your condition. That same cure has saved the others. Now I need you to finish getting better. Please?" he asked, letting his fingertips stroke over her arm gently.

Hermione sighed softly. "Go to work," she told him. "I'll see you when you get home." She smiled when Draco kissed her again and then leaned over to kiss his son's forehead.

Draco hurried from the room with a wave to the others. Once he was gone, Pansy and Ginny jumped onto the bed making Scorpius giggle. "Now we can get to work," Ginny said excitedly.

"What are we working on?" Hermione asked.

"We're going to surprise Draco at the next 'Hogwarts Night'," Pansy said. "We hope to have you walking around much better. Doctor Hartley mentioned muggle physical therapy and gave us some ideas so we could work with you. You're still a bit unsteady and weak."

"Harry, why don't you give Scorpius a bath?" Ginny suggested. "We'll take care of Hermione."

Harry dutifully approached the bed and lifted Scorpius from Hermione's lap. "Let's leave the ladies to their plotting," Harry muttered. Scorpius managed to shove his finger into Harry's mouth. Harry pulled his head back and gently pushed the little hand away from his lips. "You're delicious!" he chuckled.

"Mmm..." Scorpius hummed happily, licking his sticky fingers.

Draco accepted a drink at the bar and looked over the crowd. Former Hogwarts students from all four houses were talking and laughing, all mixed in together. It was a strange sight, but it pleased him. The Slytherins and Gryffindors were mostly still rather wary of each other, but they were managing to be civil and that was quite an accomplishment.

Draco had left Hermione at the manor with his mother and Scorpius. Draco would have preferred to have his girlfriend with him, but he wanted her to get better. She'd made a great deal of progress, but she still had some recovery ahead of her. She still tired so quickly and she still had numbness in her extremities at times. Draco was happy to let her recover for as long as she needed.

"You ready mate?" Seamus asked, approaching Draco with a wide grin.

"Of course," Draco said, swallowing the last of his firewhiskey.

"Great," Seamus said. "Just wait here a moment."

Draco watched as Seamus wove his way through the crowd to the stage. For a moment, Draco cringed as he wondered what ridiculous name Seamus would announce for the band that night. At the last "Hogwarts Night", Seamus had welcomed the "Snake Charmers" to the stage and Draco had been mortified. Pansy had nearly collapsed in a fit of uncontrollable giggles at Draco's expression. Of course she was behind the series of increasingly ridiculous band names.

Seamus stood on the stage and patiently waited for the applause and cheering to die down. Once the audience was quiet, Seamus smiled broadly. "Welcome back to another Hogwarts Night at Mischief Managed," he said cheerfully. "I have very good news to share." He paused, seemingly for dramatic effect. "Hermione Granger is on her way to a full recovery." He laughed as cheers erupted again. "Thanks to Snape and Malfoy, a cure was made to heal Hermione and the others that were poisoned with tainted Pepper-up potion. So tonight, we intend to celebrate." Then, Seamus moved to stand to one side and watched as Pansy marched to the front of the stage.

Pansy offered a sassy smile before she glanced over her shoulder to see Ginny, Luna, Daphne and Cho stepping onto the stage. The five women stood in a line as Blaise flicked his wand at the instruments and they started to play. The women began to sing together, their movements synchronized as they danced to their own song. They kept it simple, but the crowd loved it.

Draco sat down at a table with Severus and Minerva, grinning as he watched the women. He was glad that Pansy had included women from each of the houses. Pansy had obviously worked with her friends to get every move and note correct. He leaned into Severus. "This is impressive," he said, nodding at the stage.

"Indeed," Severus agreed, his lips twitching slightly.

After two verses, three of the women stepped to the right while the other two shifted left. In the gap between them, there was a sudden flutter of movement. An invisibility cloak was swirled and tossed aside to reveal Hermione Granger. Her legs were clad in denim and she was wearing soft black boots with very low heels. The top she wore was also black and clung to her slim frame. Her skin was glowing with health and she moved as if her brush with death had never happened. Draco's eyes traveled her lithe frame hungrily and his mouth suddenly went dry.

When the five women fell silent and Hermione began singing, Draco's face lit up. He was so enthralled that he didn't see his mother come to stand next to him until she placed her hand on his shoulder. He smiled at her, seeing that she was holding Scorpius. Scorpius squirmed excitedly and he smiled when he was set down on the floor.

All of the women were singing now, and Draco was overjoyed to see Hermione join in on the dance flawlessly. Scorpius ran to stand directly in front of the stage, waving happily at Hermione. Then he was attempting to dance, though his dance was more a series of wiggles and clumsy hops. The audience was clapping, singing along and grinning at the youngest Malfoy's joyous dancing.

When the song ended, Scorpius looked up at Hermione and held his arms up expectantly. "Mummy!" he cried, his round cheeks dimpled with his sweet smile. While the audience clapped, Draco hurried forward to lift Scorpius and pass him to Hermione. Draco climbed onto the stage and hugged Hermione and his son. "You were amazing," Draco said, pulling back to smile down at Hermione.

Hermione kissed him swiftly. "You're turn," she said playfully, turning to leave the stage and sit down next to Severus.

Seamus hurried to the front of the stage again. "That was a lovely surprise," he said with a cheeky grin. "And now for the main act..." He glanced at Draco, seeing the blond drinking from a glass of water. Seamus winked at Pansy and then turned to look at the audience, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "It is my great honor to welcome Draco Malfoy... And These Other People," he said, gesturing to the band.

Draco spit out his water. Blaise was scowling at Seamus while Theo and Greg were snorting with laughter. Pansy had covered her face with her hands and she was shaking with suppressed giggles. Harry stepped onto the stage, smirking and shaking his head.

"What the hell Finnegan?" Draco growled, wiping water off of his chin impatiently.

"It was her," Seamus said hastily, pointing an accusing finger at Pansy. Seamus left the stage, winking at Pansy as he passed her.

Draco shot Pansy an exasperated look before he waved Harry over and the band started to play. By this time, Harry had evidently been integrated into the group. Draco enjoyed singing with him and Harry had been consulted about the songs that the group had been writing. Harry felt a bit awkward on stage, but after a bit of firewhiskey, he relaxed enough to perform well.

The group went through a few songs, and the Hogwarts alumni danced, drank and sang along. Then Draco signaled for quiet and his gaze drifted to Hermione. "We have a special song to share tonight," Draco said, his pale face turning a bit pink. "Hermione... I love you," he said, blushing a bit more at the catcalling from some of the audience members.

The song was beautiful and Draco's voice was rich and warm. The lovely baritone caressed each note and sound filled the nightclub. Harry and Blaise were harmonizing, and shifting their gazes between Draco and Hermione. By the time the final chords were played, Hermione's eyes were brimming with tears.

The applause was deafening. Draco gave a small bow, his smile widening. He led the band in a few more songs and the audience joined in again, mingling between houses easily. Narcissa took Scorpius back to the manor early on since the little boy started falling asleep on Hermione's lap despite the loud energetic music.

Draco decided to wrap things up a little sooner than he ordinarily would have so he could take Hermione home. The crowd seemed to understand and bid the couple a good night as Draco pulled Hermione close to apparate back to Malfoy Manor.

Narcissa threw a dinner party the next evening. The Weasleys and Harry arrived just before dinner to find that Severus and the band members were already there. Dinner was rather extravagant and Hermione thought it was a bit too much, but Narcissa was looking so delighted to have everyone there.

After dinner, everyone gathered in the sitting room for tea. Hermione and Draco sat on one of the couches together with Scorpius snuggled up against Draco's chest, sound asleep. Hermione smiled at the little boy, running one finger gently over a soft round cheek.

Draco's eyes roamed Hermione's face for a moment while their friends chatted around them. He leaned a bit closer, locking eyes with her. "Will you marry me?" he asked softly.

Hermione's eyes widened and she gasped softly. Everyone fell silent, staring at the couple. Draco turned his head and caught Harry's eyes, prompting Harry to stand and walk over to them. Harry carefully picked up Scorpius and went to sit back down with Ginny, cradling the little boy gently while watching Draco and Hermione with a knowing smile.

Draco slid off of the couch and knelt in front of Hermione, ignoring their friends. "I nearly lost you," Draco told her quietly. "I've known for some time now that losing you would break me beyond repair. I love you so much, and I would do anything to keep you safe and happy. Will you marry me?" He reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a small black box. He flipped it open and held it out to her, his hand trembling slightly.

Hermione breath caught in her throat. The ring was stunning. The largest diamond in the center was surrounded by a ring of smaller diamonds and there were more diamonds nestled in the band. "It's beautiful," she murmured. She drew in a shaky breath, tears spilling over her cheeks. She pressed a kiss to Draco's lips, her hands coming up to cradle his face.

When their lips parted, Draco smiled. "Is that a yes then?" he chuckled.

"Yes," Hermione laughed, kissing him again.

Their friends erupted in cheers. The sound woke Scorpius, who looked around with a bewildered frown. Harry grinned at the child fondly. "Now Hermione will really be your mummy," Harry said, smoothing the blond hair down.

"Mummy?" Scorpius asked sleepily. He looked around and then wiggled to get down when he spotted Hermione. He stumbled over to the couch, holding his arms out expectantly. He yawned adorably as Hermione lifted him into her lap.

Draco moved to sit next to Hermione again, wrapping his arm around her so she was pressed against his side. He smiled tenderly as Hermione kissed his son. His eyes grew misty when he heard her whisper "My sweet boy."

Two Years Later

Draco walked into the Manor looking quite flustered. Harry and Ron followed, each wearing an amused smirk. Scorpius was walking between the two ex-Gryffindors, his arms extended upwards as he grasped their hands. Draco turned and looked at his friends. "I hate both of you," he hissed irritably.

Harry chuckled. "Oh come on," he said cheerfully. "It was hilarious."

"It was horrifying," Draco groaned.

"What was?" Hermione asked, entering the room with Narcissa, Ginny and Pansy. They had been enjoying some time together while the men went to lunch with Scorpius. Hermione's abdomen was at the end of her pregnancy and would be ready to deliver at any time. She had one hand resting against her round belly, while the other rubbed at her aching lower back.

"How are you feeling?" Draco asked, moving closer and caressing her stomach gently.

"Fat," Hermione responded with a tired smile. She kissed Draco's lips sweetly. "So, what happened?"

"We did some shopping in Diagon Alley," Draco said reluctantly. "I wanted to pick up some clothes for Scorpius, so we were browsing through the racks." He paused, his expression looking a bit pained. "Suddenly, in a store full of people..." He paused again, his face flushing a bit in embarrassment.

"Your son," Harry said, looking at Hermione with a grin, "made a very interesting discovery and decided to share with the public." He dissolved into helpless laughter, unable to continue.

"Scorpius walked up to Draco and said 'Daddy my penis is pointy!'" Ron said grinning widely. "And he wasn't quiet about it. Everyone was laughing."

"Oh my," Pansy choked out, bringing her hand up to stifle her giggles. Ginny pressed her face to Pansy's shoulder, her body shaking with laughter. Even Narcissa seemed to be struggling to maintain her composure.

Hermione laughed in delight. She looked over at her husband and grinned at his miserable expression. "Draco, he's three," she reminded him gently.

Draco sighed heavily. "A shop full of people, Hermione," he said flatly. "Malfoys don't say... that."

Hermione kissed Draco again. "Apparently they do," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She was pleased when Draco smiled slightly. She turned her attention to her son. "Did you have fun Scorpius?" she asked him.

"Yes," Scorpius replied, moving closer to place one chubby hand against her stomach. "I missed you Mummy." Narcissa, Ginny and Pansy made soft cooing sounds in response. Scorpius was a sweet little boy.

"I missed you too," she said fondly, reaching out to stroke his cheek. "You know, you probably shouldn't talk about your penis while in public darling."

"Okay mummy," Scorpius said with a dutiful nod. He glanced at his father and then back at his mother. "I make Daddy's face red," he said in a loud whisper.

"I'm sure you did," Hermione giggled.

Draco rolled his eyes, but scooped Scorpius up into his arms. Scorpius eyed his father uncertainly, obviously wondering if he was in trouble. Draco offered a reassuring smile and kissed his sons forehead, sighing with contentment when Scorpius hugged his neck.

The contentment faded in an instant when Hermione gasped sharply. Her eyes jerked to Draco's face fearfully. "My water just broke," she whispered.

Narcissa was the only one that remained calm. She gave out orders in a manner that suggested that she did this sort of thing everyday. Her authoritative attitude carried over to St. Mungos as well, since Draco was frantic and harassing the healers that attempted to care for his wife. Before long, Narcissa summoned Severus to give Draco a calming draught. Scorpius had been left with Harry and Ginny so the three year old wouldn't have to wait around at he hospital.

A few hours later, Hermione gave birth to a baby girl. She tiny head was crowned with fuzzy blonde curls. Draco and Hermione could hardly take their eyes off of her. "She looks just like Scorpius did," Draco said softly, peering down at the baby cradled in his wife's arms. "Except for these curls," he noted with a grin, carefully running his fingers over the baby's hair. He kissed Hermione's temple, feeling like the luckiest man alive.

Scorpius was excited to see his new sister when they came home from the hospital. He sat on his parents' bed and stared at the new baby as Hermione finished changing her daughter and bundling her in a soft blanket.

"I can name her?" Scorpius asked quietly, reaching out to gently touch the baby's face.

"We've already named her Scorp," Draco laughed. "Her name is Lyra."

"Lyra," Scorpius said, nodding his head solemnly. "She's pretty. I can hold her?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course darling," Hermione said. "Come here sweet boy."

Scorpius crawled across the bed to sit next to Hermione. He held his arms out and smiled broadly as Hermione helped him to cradle his new sister. Hermione and Draco exchanged watery smiled when they saw their precious son lean close to kiss Lyra's forehead.

Draco sat down on the edge of the bed wrapping his arms around Hermione. He kissed her tenderly before resting his forehead against hers. "I love you," he said softly. "You've made me so happy."

"I love you too," Hermione said, relaxing in his arms. She couldn't imagine a more perfect moment with her beautiful family.