Note: I've since updated and extended this little fic so it's a bit longer. Enjoy.

"Sorry I'm late!" Sakura called out as she rushed down the familiar, florescent-lit hallway to check her schedule for the day.

She peered in Shizune's office, finding an abandoned cup of coffee and a stack of patient files on the desk. No Shizune.

The older medic had probably had to cover for Sakura's absence that morning. She felt a wave of guilt wash over her. Shizune was always working so hard, and now she was adding onto that burden.

Sakura should offer to work late. Maybe she could help out with some of the paperwork that weekend, too.

"Oh, hey there, Forehead!" Ino greeted, spotting her on the way to her next appointment. "Weren't you scheduled to come in at 7? Because it's 9:15 now."

"Ah, yeah, something came up! It won't happen again," Sakura replied, anxiously looking down at the clock on her phone. She internally cringed at all those times she scolded Naruto and Kakashi for showing up late when she was now no better herself.

"Ohh, was that something Sasuke's dick?"

Well, shit.

"What?" Sakura choked.

"You're flushed from head to toe and practically glowing. Obviously it's from all that sweet, sweet Uchiha love you've been getting lately." The blonde teased, nudging her friend in the side with an elbow.

"No! I just overslept!" Sakura quickly refuted, her face growing hot.

"Uh huh. Well, congrats on that. It must have been a great sleep," Ino said with a wink as she sauntered off around the corner.

Sakura sighed and glanced over at her reflection in the window beside her.

"Is it really that obvious..?"

She quickly straightened out her hair and tried taking deep breaths in an attempt to regain some composure.

Ino was just teasing her. There's no way anyone else would notice anything out of the ordinary. Plenty of people overslept from time to time.

Making her way to the first patient's room, she popped her head into Tsunade's office to let her know she had arrived.

"Hey! Sorry, I overslept! It won't happen again." Sakura called out at the Sannin, who was halfway through both reading a hospital report and drinking a glass of something that was definitely not water.

"Gotcha," Tsunade glanced up at her with a wink. "I had Shizune fill in for you, so no worries. I can see the Uchiha brat made good use of those two extra hours with you."

Again? Seriously?

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT, OKAY?" Sakura squealed, face now boasting a shade of pink to rival her hair. "I HAVE TO GET GOING. A PATIENT IS WAITING ON ME. I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER."

The young medic-nin darted out of the office and back into the hallway in a fluster.

Continuing down the hallway, she thought back to the sleepy mess of dark hair and soft lips that she left behind at the apartment that morning, and hoped that at least Sasuke would be able to enjoy his morning in peace.