Things might be confusing in this chapter but hopefully not too much.
Thank you so much to DemigodHalliwell, SnowEmber1, GFM, Little Angle of Love and Peter Hale Derek Hale. You guys rock.
To Little Angle of Love, I do enjoy breaking people's hearts, brings me great pleasure. 'laughs maniacally'

WARNING: Thing get graphic in this chapter. Descriptions of rape and graphic descriptions of Theo's death.

Chapter eighteen.
The End.

"How I wish I had chosen differently. If I had
done so, this could have been a beginning instead
of an end."

"Oh, no. It costs a lot more than your life.
To murder innocent people?" says Peeta.
"It costs everything you are."

Suzanne Collins,Mockingjay

"We're predators; we don't have to be killers." –Derek.

Scott POV.

He had run to the forest. He hoped that he could get out of town before Isaac or Derek discovered that he was gone but when a howl sounded, he knew he had failed. He fell to his knees and fought against the instinct to run to his Alpha, he just couldn't do it; he had to save them all.

He lifted his head up and looked around again, he didn't know where he was, just that he was close to the borders of the territory.

The loud ring of a phone he had forgotten he had, brought him out of his thoughts and he absent minded took it.

Derek POV.

He sighed in relief when the phone was taken.

"Scott, come back right now!" he demanded, his voice laced with command.

For a while there was no answer from the other wolf but then a small voice sounded.

"I'm sorry Derek, this has to end, the beast has to end and I'm going to take it down with me," the pup's voice sounded, way too confident and way too happy with the end.

"Scott, NO! You can't do it. We need you, the pack needs you, Isaac needs you!" he tried as he walked a small circle around himself and tried to catch Scott's scent.

"I started it Derek, I'm going to end it too," and with that the phone went dead, leaving Derek standing with wide eyes and an arche in his chest that was all too familiar.

Another snarl escaped him as he saw Malia walk up to stand by his side.

"Where's he going?" she asked.

"Nowhere good. He's going to track the beast down, kill it." He huffed and turned away. Isaac was back home, the younger beta had panicked so much that it had taken all of Derek's power to even calm him slightly down. He was chained up. Derek shuddered as he remembered to feral look in the beta's eyes, the panic of being unable to help and comfort his mate. Malia's concerned eyes sought out his and asked all the questions that she didn't dare to voice.

"We'll find him," was all he said and disappeared back among the trees again.

Scott POV.

He crunched down and laid his hands flat against the ground. He had just found a scent, blood, but the trail had ended just as quickly as it had begun.

He had finally lost the pack in the deeper part of the forest, now he just needed. . .

"Scott," a bemused voice sounded from behind him, causing him to turn around and come face to face with Theo.

The blond chimera laughed as he stalked forward and Scott stood up, his blue eyes flashing.

Theo laughed, a smirk coating his face, "You really want to fight me now Scotty. Your Alpha's too far away and your mate chained up. There's nobody to help you and you're too weak," the blond said in a mocking tone and he moved to press Scott up against a tree.

"You are not the one I'm planning on fighting Theo," he spat out, his wolf surfacing in the heat of the moment.

He could see the chimera roll his eyes and realizing that he had no way out and that even if his pack was too far away to reach him in time, he opened his mouth to let out a howl but was stopped when Theo took him by the throat and tossed him against the ground.

"Let me show you how you really submit Scott, let me show you how beautiful you would look when you lay under me!" he snarled and Scott could fell a hand against his throat and claws scrape against skin. Searching for his bond with Derek, he sent out a distress call and hoped with all his might that at least Theo would die too.

He tried to make Theo let go of him, bucking wildly but the other teen just pinned him by sitting on his hips and watched his attempts with a cruel smile.

"No use Scotty. Didn't your daddy ever teach you how to behave?"

Scott froze at Theo's words. He had happily forgotten everything about his father, Derek and Isaac had made sure of that, but here and now, with Theo sitting on top of him, he knew what was going to happen and he wished with all his might that Derek would come, that he hadn't wandered off, hadn't left.

A bruising kiss made him try to turn his head to the side but Theo just gripped his chin tightly and turned it back again, an even more wicket smile coating his face as the teen bit Scott's lip harshly, drawing blood in the process.

Taking the chance Scott let out a loud howl but was just as quickly cut off when Theo tore his shirt off, his claws tearing the almost healed wound on his chest, causing the howl to turn into a cry of pain, Theo's smile growing even more at the sound of Scott's pain.

"Enjoy it Scott, cause it will be the last thing you'll ever do," Theo growled and kissed Scott even rougher, fingers sneaking down to his pants and opening them. When he discovered that, Scott tried to crawl away, to do something but the other's weight on top of his was unmoving and Scott was powerless.

Scott just laid on the ground as Theo removed his pants and he only looked up when the chimera whistled, "Wow, didn't know you were that well-endowed Scotty. We're going to have so much fun."

Scott tried to keep the whimper from escaping him but it came out as a sob instead. It was something Theo seemed to relish in, the fact that he was causing Scott even more pain than he already had.

Scott tried to claw Theo when he could fell Theo's fingers draw nearer his ass cheeks. God, how much did he have to suffer? Hadn't he suffered enough already?

He lost himself in his own mind, thoughts going back to the past, to when things were simpler and the only worry he had was when he and Isaac could get alone together again, back when he was human.

He cried out, almost howled when he felt a press against his entrance and he tried desperately to get away from under Theo, claws digging into the ground under him as he twisted and turned. But the other teen had him pinned firmly underneath him, hands pinned his arms to the ground, making it impossible to move. Scott looked up at him with tears in his eyes and an arche deep in his chest.

He couldn't stop the scream of pain even if he tried, when Theo pushed in, he could feel skin break and blood start to drip. His claws left deep and bloody scratches in Theo's skin but the chimera didn't seem to notice, his face scrunched up in concentration at the task at hand.

His pain numbed as he felt Theo move and he settled down, stopped fighting and locked his sanity away deep into his mind, closing himself off from the world around him, only absent minded feeling the man on top of him move, the slow drag of the others cock inside him.

Deep inside him came a sudden primal anger, someone were violating him, he had a mate. His wolf saw the light again and took over the control of his body, and with anger he didn't know he possessed, he tossed Theo off him, a small cry of pain escaping him as the chimera's claws catching skin, but he didn't notice Scott wasn't there.

He jumped up in a half crunch, his eyes a cold blue and fangs bared. He didn't notice the blood that coated his legs, nor did he notice the open wound in his chest. Only Theo.

The other teen had gotten back up and smirked at the wolf, he was too confident.

"Bring it on Scott," he mocked and with a howl the wolf jumped at the chimera, both of them smashing into the hard and cold ground. Scott was fast to take control by slamming Theo repeatedly into the ground, relishing in the broken sounds he made.

"You never hurt pack, bitch," the wolf snarled.

Theo tried to regain control by raking his claws down Scott's arms but the wolf on top of him just looked like it was the stupidest thing in the world that he could do.

Scott crooked his head to the side and looked at Theo, his words muffled around his fangs, "Let's see how you like getting ripped apart, feeling all the hurt and pain I felt when you killed me."

For the first time in his life, Scott saw true fear in Theo's eyes; the other teen was terrified of him.

Scott took a deep breath and smiled around his fangs, oh this was going to be so much fun.

With a howl of victory, the wolf lunged for the neck while his claws tore at all the skin they could find. The screams the teen under him, made him smile around the mouth full of flesh in his mouth. He felt a weak hit on the side of his head and leaned back to glance at his masterpiece.

Theo laid gasping after breath, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. It wasn't that that got to Scott, no, it was his eyes, so wide and so fearful, the beast inside him laughed at the sight. Theo was a person that he could let out all of his anger on without worrying to kill an innocent person again because the man under him was so far from innocent that he couldn't have been further away.

"This will be YOUR end Theo," he growled and with his mouth open and fangs out, Scott ripped Theo to shreds, covering himself in blood and intestines. With another growl, he ripped Theo's heart out, but he didn't stop there, even when the body under him stopped moving he continued to slash and maim the body.

He only stopped when he heard footsteps coming closer and then a snarl came from behind him. He didn't hear them, he had become numb again and starred down at the mangled body and then at his claws, bloody and uneven. He shrugged and stood up, stopping only to spit one last time at the chimera before he turned around the face the people that had come.

Derek POV.

The first thing that he had noticed was the smell of blood, a lot of it. For a moment he feared that it was Scott's but he had become too familiar with the smell of the younger wolfs blood and knew that it wasn't his.

He couldn't hold back the growl when he entered to small clearing in the woods. In front of them was Scott, naked and covered in blood and something Derek really didn't want to think about, dripped down the beta's legs. Scott's eyes were blue and it took the Alpha half a second to realize that Scott wasn't in control right now.

He pinched his lips tightly together and looked behind him. The body behind Scott was so mangled that Derek didn't know who it was. The throat was ripped out, so was the stomach and the body was, in the lack of better words, ripped apart.

"Theo," he heard Malia snarl from her place behind him. The name seemed to spark a reaction in Scott and the teen turned sharply around and bared his teeth at the body, like he was afraid that it would stand back up again.

Derek carefully removed his eyes from Scott and looked around. There were signs of fight and when he scented the air around them, he smelled just the smallest amount of arousal, not Scott's.

"Oh god," he whispered and let out a low whimper, the sound caught Scott's attention again and Derek starred into the blue eyes of his beta.

For a minute nobody moved, not even Scott.

A heavy sigh snapped Derek's attention to Scott again and he could see the haze in his eyes slowly disappear and Scott looked around him.

Derek could hear the pup's heartbeat skyrocket and pulses of fear and shame could be felt through their bond. That wasn't what scared Derek, no; it was the happiness that was so strong that he could smell it from where he stood, serval meters away from Scott.

"Scott," he said quietly and slowly began to move towards the beta. When he was two meters away, Scott snarled and bared his teeth. The reaction from Scott brought the Alpha in him out, and he let his eyes bleed crimson and he snapped his teeth at Scott.

There was no reaction from the beta and Scott continued to just stare at him, fangs out and eyes showing.

His eyes opened even wider as people started to move out from where they had hid among the trees. If he looked away from the guns and knives they were holding, they could have passed as normal people, just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

But as it was, it was hunters and when a woman stepped out from among the men around her, the entire pack took a step back.

The Calaveras.

No one spoke as the men spread out among them, their guns not once wavering from where they were pointed at

He could feel his pack getting restless and saw them look around nervously, they didn't like how it turned out, and they didn't like that the hunters had showed up.

Araya walks up and stands beside him and together they look at Scott.
"Looks like he's killed again, Alpha," the woman said with a calm voice, too calm.
"We can help him Araya. It doesn't have to end in more blood than it already have," he replies just as calmly, even as his heartrate was so fast that if he were human, he would have been dead.

"If he can kill once, he can kill twice, and if he can kill twice, he can kill again. The thing is Derek. We can simply not let such a feral and dangerous wolf live without surveillance." She looked up at him, her eyes crinkling and Derek saw just the smallest hint of sadness.

"What about his mate? What about the pack?" he asked. But deep, deep down he knew he had lost the fight.

Araya sighed deeply and returned her eyes to Scott. "You and his mate can come with him. In this state of mind I wouldn't keep two mates away from each other. But the rest of the pack stays." She said and shook her head at the young beta still standing, covered in blood and something else Derek tried not to think about.

Derek gasped as Araya stepped forward but the click a gun made him back down again as the woman walked the few meters forward, standing right in front of Scott.

"I need you to listen to me very closely now Scott, cause this is your decision, yours alone. We can end it all right here and now, end the sufferings that have enveloped this pack. We can let you and your mate live. If you come with us willingly and live under our rules, our roof."

She shrugged her shoulders and pulled out a gun, "Or we can shoot you right here and now."

The pack gasped and Derek had never felt pain like he felt it now. No one dared to move as they watched Scott think about his choices.

His beta looked Araya straight in the eyes and his hand reached forward to touch the gun and then his forehead, a small whine was let slip out between his lips.

"If they get to live, Isaac too," Scott looked desperately at Derek, "Please don't let him die."

The Alpha closed his eyes and nodded, "I won't."

Scott smiled and returned his gaze to Araya.

"End it."

Araya sighs like the answer saddens her and she crooks her gun, clicks the safety off and points it at Scott's forehead, the teen not even flinching.

"Some ends are beginnings Scott," she says and pulls the trigger.

"Oh how I wish I had chosen differently."

Yes, I am a very cruel person. This just seemed like the place to end it. Don't worry; there will be a sequel when I have time, hopefully soon.
I want to thank every person that have followed, favorited and reviewed and for sticking with me on this piece of work, I hope you will like the sequel too.

If people are interested, I want to write a story, only flash back, from this one, mainly of Isaac and Scott when they were humans and about Scott's fathers abuse.