A.N. Well, folks, here it is! Just a little over a year after I posted my first chapter, we have reached the end of this journey, but worry not, it will lead straight into another one. 😊 Thank you all for continuing to read my story, and I hope you follow the next one as well. IT IS OUT! It's called "What Dreams May Come."
Guest: Oh my goodness, thank you! :D
Queen MariaTheresia: It came up really quick, but it was something I had been planning for a while. I hope you like the sequel! Thank you for your steady comments. They really help me keep up the inspiration.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except my original characters and plot points.
Without further ado, onto the end!

Danica's heart had been heavy the entire time she had been saying goodbye to the dwarves, and then on the walk up to Dale. Adrenaline had kept the devastation at bay, keeping her thoughts on returning to her world after a year-and-a-half. What had changed? Were her parents alright? How was she going to explain what happened, and how Thorin came to be with her? Speaking of Thorin, what in the hell was he going to do? She worried that he would never be content in her world.

"The people of this region will sorely miss you," Bard commented, drawing her from her thoughts. "You have been such a help, and source of guidance and hope to them,"

"I will miss all of you as well," she smiled sadly. "Unfortunately, I will have to limit my farewells to Sigrid, Bain, and Tilda. We can't have too many people knowing we're alive if Fili is going to be trying to fake our deaths,"

"Of course. I know they will take the truth to their graves,"

They greeted people as they made their way through the streets of Dale, stopping here and there to listen to a complaint. The sun had just set beyond the horizon when they got to Bard's house. Only after the people had insisted, did he move his family into the Lord's manor. The children were elated to see Danica, especially after hearing about the dual. It struck her how strange it was that the fight felt like a whole lifetime ago. Only a few hours, but so much had changed since then. As she spoke with those who had become like family to her, the smiles turned to tears. For the sake of Tilda, she just said that she had to go away for hers and Thorin's safety. She knew Bard would at least tell Bain the full story.

As Danica hugged the girls, she found herself wishing that, if she had daughters, they would be like these two. She brushed a tear away when Sigrid gave her a scarf she'd been working on that was a startling shade of red. The wool had come in with the most recent trade, and was also remarkably soft.

"Sigrid, you should keep this for yourself," Danica attempted to give it back, but Sigrid smiled and declined.

"I want you to have something of us. Something to remember us by," she said this tearfully, and all Danica could do was hug the girl tightly.

"I love all of you dearly, and will miss you,"

She could have spent all night with them, but felt the urge to get back as soon as possible. Bard was to escort her, and as they walked, unspoken words hung in the air. For a bit, she didn't know how to begin, or what to even say, but once they reached the valley, he touched her arm to stop her.

"Are you sure you can never return?" he asked, looking down at her in the dim moonlight.

"I'm afraid so. But I wanted to let you know how much your friendship has meant to me. We wouldn't have succeeded in gaining the mountain, defeating Smaug, or surviving without you. We owe you our lives. Thank you," she realized it sounded a bit quaint and formal, but didn't know what else to do. It was a bit frustrating that this was the last she'd see of him, and she mucked it up by being awkward.

Bard just shook his head, not even noticing her fumble. "You make it sound like so much more than it was," he took her hand in his. "My family will always be friends to you. I have to admit, for a short while, I had hoped you would become a part of that family," when her eyes widened a little, his face seemed to ease. "But you are not mine, and all I wish for you is the kind of peace and happiness you, and Thorin deserve,"

"Bard…" she watched sadly as he kissed her hand. "You deserve happiness too,"

"Do not worry about me. My happiness comes from the well-being of my children and people,"

Damn noble man. Still, she knew he was telling the truth. "I can promise you that both your children and people will prosper for many generations,"

Though it was dim, she was sure he smiled. "Thank you. Come, now. We should get you back,"

They had only gotten about halfway, when Danica's steps began to slow. Her head felt light, and a buzz in her ears was making her dizzy. She blinked hard a few times, trying to dispel whatever it was, but it only got worse. Her stomach churned, feeling like it was being pulled somewhere else against her will.

"Dani, are you alright?" Bard had to grab her arm to keep her from collapsing to the ground.

Unable to answer, she weakly shook her head. She realized what was happening, and tried her best to fight it, but knew it was only a matter of time. Someone, likely more than one someone, was using a spell to call her away, to Sauron. An obvious offender was Saruman, but she suspected two more. How had he possibly gotten word to them? What did this mean for the future?

"Danica!" Thorin's voice was far away, but it gave her strength to hold on just a little longer.

"Over here!" Bard called back, then hauled her up into his arms to meet the others halfway.

The moment she was in Thorin's arms, she turned into him, wanting his strength to be enough to keep her there. A cool hand touched her forehead, easing some of the vertigo. She risked opening her eyes, and saw Galadriel standing over her.

"Can you stop it?" she asked softly.

"I am afraid not," Galadriel's words had Danica going cold with fear. "My strength is still weak after our confrontation with Sauron. However, the three of us may be able to alter it; send you somewhere away from Sauron,"

"We likely will not be able to send you to your world," Elrond explained, but we can at least change your course. Give you a chance until we can find you and send you to safety,"

Danica nodded, but something crossed her mind then. It must have struck Thorin as well, for he said, "You keep mentioning just her leaving," his voice held an edge to it that warned of growing temper.

"I am sorry, Thorin," Gandalf put a hand on Thorin's shoulder. "We do not have the time or strength to safely send both of you,"

"No," Thorin growled, shrugging the wizard's hand off.

"We have to get started," Elrond urged.

"No!" Thorin's grip on her tightened, but she could feel more magic pulling her away.

Sounds that she knew were not from their area floated around her ears, making her chest constrict. "No," she groaned, returning the tight grip.

With everything she had, she looked up into Thorin's face, and willed him to stay with her. Every memory of them she could pull up of their time together she played in her mind, paying attention to each detail. His voice, his touch, the way he smelled. She didn't care where she went, but she couldn't lose him. Not now. "Look at me,"

Her voice wasn't loud, but he heard her, and looked down. "Don't leave me,"


Her head ached intensely with the effort it took to focus on him, but she never broke eye contact. Even when she thought her brain was about to explode from the pressure, and tears were running down her cheeks, she kept her eyes on him. Concern etched on his face, he opened his mouth to speak, but a blinding light swallowed them. All thoughts and memories blurred together, and began to fade. Panicking, she repeated his name over, and over, until it was all that was left. She held onto that name until the dark came rushing up, and hit her like a wall of bricks.

Buzzing filled his ears, making him irritable as he slowly lifted himself and opened his eyes. Cursing, he quickly closed them again to black out the searing light. Using his hand as a shield, he blinked until his eyes got used to the sunlight, then looked around in confusion. The warmth wasn't unusual for summer, but there was no earthly explanation for the grassy hill he found himself on, nor the hobbits bustling around below.

"Impossible…" he frowned, knowing he was in the Shire, but not knowing how or why. The last he remembered, he and the Company had just arrived in Rivendell. Turning to try and better place himself, he saw Danica laying in the grass beneath a tree.

She was dressed in a gown lined with fur, the likes of which he'd only seen in Erebor. Pushing confusion aside, he knelt beside her, and pressed his fingers to her neck. He breathed a sigh of relief at the feel of a pulse, but was still concerned at the blood trickling from her nose.

"Danica? Can you hear me?"

He kept his voice soft, gently nudging her shoulders until she turned, and her eyes began to flutter open. With a jolt, he saw the braids in front of her ears. Braids kept together by his beads. "How…?"

Her brows drew together, and she put a hand to her head as she sat up, groaning in pain.

"Easy. Just take it easy," he put an arm across her back to support her, noticing that, though she looked healthier than he'd last seen her, she was still thin. Her hair was also nearly a foot shorter.

"Thorin," she murmured, voice hoarse and distant.

"Yes, it's me. Are you alright?"

"I…I don't know," her frown deepened as she looked at him, no recognition in her eyes. "Your name is Thorin?"

"Of course," troubled, he turned her head from one side to the other, looking for signs of trauma. "You don't remember?"

She shook her head, searching his face for answers. "I don't remember anything. Not who you are, or where we are," her breath hitched a little bit, and her eyes began to glisten.

Those last words rendered him speechless. What could have possibly happened to them that he couldn't remember giving her his beads, and she couldn't remember him at all? Just when he thought it couldn't be worse, she spoke again.

"Who am I?"

By Durin, how could he answer that? They were barely beginning to get to know each other, and most of their conversations had been in dreams. It was all too much to think about at one time.

"Your name is Danica MacKay," he started. "I am Thorin Oakenshield, and we are friends,"

Her eyes searched him again. "I think I believe you. Your name and face are so familiar,"

That was a good start. "I can tell you more, but why don't we find somewhere you can get cleaned up," and maybe start to figure out what had happened. "I may know a house we can use," he only hoped no one else had thought the same thing with Bilbo's absence. He also hoped he could find the place.

It was with immense luck that, as they descended the hill, he recognized the hobbit hole they'd been sitting on. Not daring to believe it, he led Danica down to the round, green door, and knocked. No one answered, so he knocked again. If there was silence again, he was going to open the door to let them in, but he heard someone call from down the hall. A couple moments later, the door opened to reveal an aging, but still energetic hobbit in a crisp, gold vest. Along with some disappointment, Thorin felt a sense of familiarity.

"I beg your pardon, but I'm-"

"Thorin," the hobbit's eyes widened. "And Dani. Well I'll…how are you-" without further ado, the hobbit's eyes rolled back in his head, and he keeled over backward.

Thorin and Danica stared down at him, before she looked up at Thorin. "Now what?"

P.S. Ending a story on a cliffhanger! Sorry, I really couldn't resist. I know this chapter was shorter than the rest, but it was more of a lead-in to the next story. NEXT STORY IS OUT. Thank you, and love you all!