Disclaimer: One Piece is property of Eiichiro Oda I do not own One Piece.

Nami had found herself out of the forest where she left Luffy still her mission right now was to find Brook and Pedro. Her log pose didn't do anything it didn't move nothing, Nami was lost.

'I can't believe that me out of all people got lost!' She yelled yelled so loud that she even scared some birds.

'Those kind of things can happen to anyone dear' Said a voice behind her.

'Who are you?! Show yourself! Nami turned around seeing the mysterious person the voice was coming from as soon as she saw who it was she quickly took her climatact out ready to fight. 'It's you… Where's Sanji-kun?! Give him back!'

'Out of all the people my little brother could have fall in love with he fell in love with you? You yell a lot, you have an ugly attitude, you expose your body more than your feelings but I guess that's normal for a girl who only cares about money'. Reiju sighed.

'You're one to talk you only want him to get married with some girl'

'It hurts you right? The tought of him marrying someone else makes you want to cry, am I right?'

Nami didn't answer she was looking as the floor lost and let her climatact fall.

'And now you just realized what you had until you lost it. Why don't you admit it? Admit that you love Sanji!' Yelled Reiju mad.

Nami fell on her knees crying, like a little girl. 'That's not your problem! You are his sister and do you give a fuck about him?!'

'I was the one who helped him escape back then… Since he was a little boy he had such a big and beautiful heart, he's dream was to be a chef he wanted it so bad. He's the best out of all of us that came from our mother, he's the only thing left from our mother. Believe it or not I love my little brother' Said Reiju while tears started to fall from her eyes.

'He lost his mother also… May I ask how?


'A man killed my mother also, well a fishman… I know your pain'

'I told him not to come back, I was thinking he'd be a great chef by now' Reiju smirked 'Out of all my brothers he's the only one I care about'

'He's the best chef in the world! I sounded like Luffy… Sanji-kun has a new dream now its to find the All Blue'

'What is yours?'

'Me? I want to draw the biggest map of the world' Nami smiled.

'You two have very similar dreams' Reiju smiled. 'They call you Cat Burglar right? Im on my way to Big Mom's place they want me there for the bridesmaid dresses. If we get you on a disguise as my servant can you get me a key? I'll keep an eye on Big Mom'

'Big Mom? I can but what type of key? And isn't this her land cant she hear you?'

'No dear this land is of the Vinsmokes so don't worry'

'You still haven't told me what key is it'

'The ones to save Sanji's life and be with you forever'

Nami blushed and hugged Reiju

'Do we have a deal?' Reiju hugged her back.


'One more thing make sure he finds the All Blue and tell him you love him'


Thank you for reading If you liked this One-shot would you like me to continue it? Tell me your opinions. Also check me on whattpad as NakiriSoma my username was already taken. Peace and love, lovely souls 3
