Piers woke up to find Skyla not asleep or around. He got out of her bed and checked around finding her sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee. Piers walked up to her and places a hand on her shoulder, Skyla looks up at Piers and sighs. Piers circles around and sits down beside her.

"Are you okay?" Piers asked her.

Skyla nods and sips her coffee.

"So what's going on?" Piers asks looking over at her.

"Nothing," Skyla replies stating at the floor.

Piers sighed and got up and walked into the kitchen he opened the refrigerator and grabs a bottle of water.

"Skyla you know you can talk to me," Piers tells her as he opens the bottle.

"Piers I'm just not sure what to say," Skyla replies.

"Is this going back to what we were talking about last night?" Piers questioned her.

"Yeah, I know what you said, but in getting my memories back, I remembered that I have I have been fighting with myself," Skyla replied.

She placed her coffee on the coffee table and turned and faced Piers.

"How long?" Piers asked looking at her concerned.

"That I'm not sure," Skyla replied.

"What were you going to do take off like you did before?" Piers asked her with a hint of frustration.

"I wish that would quit getting thrown in my face; you have no idea what you are talking about, you weren't here. I lost it, and I was losing him too so I didn't know what to do," Skyla replied looking away.

"You did lose it?" Piers asked with a pained expression.

"Yeah, when I lost communication with you and Chris during that mission I guess the stress of the situation wasn't good or at least that's what the doctors thought," Skyla replied.

"Shit Skyla, do you want to go back to Chris and try to work it out?" Piers asked.

"I have no idea what I want at this point. I don't want to hurt Leon, but I can't help but not wonder if Chris and I can't work things out. Also who is to say he would want to work things out," Skyla replied.

"You could always just call Chris over and kiss him and find out that way," Piers joked.

Skyla glared at Piers, she turned around and grabbed her coffee and took another sip of her coffee.

"Is that Irish?" Piers smirked at her.

Skyla put her middle finger up and lowered her cup and blew him a kiss. Skyla got up and went into her room and grabbed her phone. She stared down at it for a moment before sending a text.

She grabbed some clothes from her closet and dressed. She exited her room to find Piers sitting on the couch watching TV.

"You're supposed to be keeping an eye on me; come on were going out," Skyla said.

Piers turned and looked at her.

"Can I get dressed?" He asked her.

"Nah, we need to get you a girlfriend or something," Skyla smirked.

"Uh huh, let me take a shower if I am going out and getting a girlfriend. But if I were interested in girls I would have been working on someone already," Piers replied shaking his head.

"Damn it Piers why didn't you say something! I would have jumped your bones a long time ago!" Skyla yelled at him as he shut the door.

Skyla's phone dinged, and she looked down and sighed.

"So where are we going?" Piers asked as emerged out of her room 20 minutes later.

"I'm taking your advice; we are going out for breakfast," Skyla replied.

"I didn't say anything about food," Piers looked at her confused.

"No but your apartment has more food than mine does," Skyla said with her eyebrow raised trying to hint at what was going on.

"Why don't you have any food here?" Piers asked.

"Been staying at Leon's," Skyla said grabbing her bag and keys.

Skyla and Piers left the apartment and stopped outside her car.

"Want to drive?" Skyla asked holding the keys up.

"You trust someone else to drive?" Piers asked.

"I trust you to drive," Skyla replied.

"Why is that?" Piers crossed his arms and smirked at her.

"Aren't you the best driver the BSAA got?" Skyla smirked.

Piers grabbed the keys and got in with Skyla following suit. They drove in silence listening to the radio. Piers pulled up to his apartment building and parked, he looked over at Skyla who raised her eyebrow at him.

"What?" She asked him.

He shook his head and got out, Skyla following him a moment later. Piers handed her the keys, and she threw them in her bag and followed him into the building. Piers pulled out his own keys once he got to the apartment he shared with Chris and unlocked the door. The living room area was empty, and Skyla sighed inwardly. Piers set his keys on the counter, he turned to Skyla.

"Want anything to drink?" Piers asked.

"Stay out of the alcohol you two," Chris said coming out his room.

Skyla stuck her tongue out at him causing Chris to walk up to her.

"Unless you're using that for something else I suggest you keep that in your mouth," He whispered to her.

Skyla smirked at Chris but looked him in the eye.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Skyla asked him.

Chris looked over to Piers, then back down at Skyla.

"Of course," he replied.

Chris headed back towards his room and motioned for Skyla to follow him. Skyla followed him into his room and shut the door.

"What's up Skyla?" Chris asked.

Skyla sat down on his bed and looked up at him; Chris sat beside and looked over at her.

"I don't know where to begin Chris," Skyla started looking down at the floor.

"Talk to me; that's why you're here," Chris encouraged her.

"Please tell me you moved on; that you have someone else," Skyla whispered.

Chris' face went hard, and he looked at the floor as well, he was quiet as well for a long while.

"I can't do that Skyla," Chris replied looking over at her.

"Which part?" Skyla asked him.

"Skyla I can't move on, I love you. Why are you asking me this?" Chris replied looking at the floor again.

"Fuck Chris, you know how to make things hard on me don't you?" Skyla smiled at him.

"What about the whole Piers kissing you thing? There is nothing going on between the of you?" Skyla asked curiously.

Chris looked back at her completely confused. Skyla bit her bottom lip and shakes her head.

"Come on Skyla, he was drunk, and I thought about it, after you told me abou it when you were here last, but I am just not interested in men," Chris replied

"I'm probably going to regret this," Skyla tells him as she grabs his face.

She hesitated for a moment before connecting their lips and feels familiar electricity that she had not felt in a long time. Chris pushed her back onto his bed pressing his weight into her. He licked her bottom lip asking for permission into her mouth, she opened her mouth meeting his tongue. She battled him for dominance, letting him win but breaking the kiss once he did win; she leaned back and looked into his eyes.

"You know when I said to either use your tongue for something else or keep in your mouth, this isn't what I had in mind," Chris panted.

Skyla smirked and shook her head; she leaned up and gently kissed him again.

"I need to do something; but I promise we are continuing this," Skyla told him.

Skyla went to get up, but Chris grabbed her arm, Skyla looked at confused.

"I want something from you if I agree to this," Chris said to her.

"What?" Skyla asked him looking confused.

"I want what you promised when I got back from that mission," Chris replied looking at her seriously.

"Does it have to be right away?" Skyla asked worriedly.

"I'll give you one year," Chris replied.

"I think I can work with that, do you think the BSAA will take me back?" Skyla asked.

"You want to come back to the BSAA?" Chris asked hopeful.

"I should have never left; it's where I actually belong," Skyla smiled.

"Yeah that shouldn't be a problem," Chris replied.

"I need to take care of few things back at my apartment and work on my transfer. I'll see you in a day or two," Skyla said getting up.

"Do you know where you're going to stay?" Chris asked her.

"Not yet, I guess I will work on that too," Skyla replied.

"Why not stay here for the time being? Bring a bag and put everything else in storage." Chris replied.

"Are you sure?" Skyla asked.

Chris smirked and pulled her into his lap wrapping his arms around her waist; he leaned in and kissed her. Skyla tangled her fingers in his hair, causing Chris to moan using this Skyla slid her tongue into his mouth; she explored his mouth tasting him one last time before she broke the kiss.

"I really got to go; I don't want to, but I need to make these arrangements," Skyla told him.

Skyla got up and made her way to the door, she stopped and lingered at his door. She nodded to him and walked out Piers was sitting on the couch looking at his phone; his eyebrow rose when he saw her.

"What?" Skyla asked when she got closer.

Piers snapped a picture of her and turned his phone and showed her. Her lips were swollen, her hair was about the same, but it was slightly frizzy.

"Care to explain?" Piers asked.

"Nope," Skyla said making her way to the door.

"You're just going let my imagination run wild?" Piers asked.

"Already is apparently," Skyla replied.

Skyla opened the door to leave, Piers was about to follow her out.

"Stay here; I don't want him blaming you for this," Skyla turned and told him.

Piers looked at her surprised but nodded. Skyla left the apartment and drove to HQ; she walked in and slid her badge she made her way to Johnson's office and knocked.

"Come in," Johnson called.

Skyla walked in and shut the door. He had a surprised look on his face but gestured for her to sit down in a chair.

"What brings you in Skyla, Leon said you might be out for a little while, Johnson questioned.

"I need a transfer back to the BSAA," Skyla said bluntly.

"May I inquire why?" Johnson asked.

"You may, but I am not telling you. It's not your concern," Skyla replied.

"Very well, go pack up your office," Johnson replied.

Skyla nodded, she got up, and as she went to open the door, Johnson cleared his throat. She turned and looked at him.

"Let him down gently," Johnson told her.

Skyla nodded and left the office; she walked to her office and packed it up. As she was about to erase the hard drive she stared at the monitor one last time; it was a picture of her and Leon, it wasn't obvious, but you could tell they were together.

'Sorry Leon just wasn't meant to be,' Skyla thought erasing the hard drive.

She grabbed the box with her things in it and headed towards the door. She looked back at her desk and sat down at the desk and grabbed at the pen. She ordered at lyft while she wrote a note. She put it in an envelope and sealed it. She left her office and stopped by Hunnigan's office. She set her box outside.

"Hey Hunnigan," Skyla said.

"Skyla I'm surprised to see you here," Hunnigan said looking up from her computer.

"Not here for very long," Skyla said.

"Oh good, you don't need to push yourself," Hunnigan replied.

"Hunnigan can you do me a favor?" Skyla asked.

"Sure, what is it," Hunnigan asked.

"Can you give this to Leon in about a week?" Skyla asked.

"Sure," Hunnigan replied suspiciously.

"Thanks," Skyla replied handing Hunnigan the envelope.

Skyla turned and left her office and then HQ. Her lyft arrived a moment later, she gave the driver her address, she sent Leon a text to text her when he had some time because they needed to talk. When the driver got to her apartment, she gave them the money and got out and headed upstairs. She was surprised to find Leon leaning on her door.

"What are you doing here?" Skyla asked.

"Where have you been?" Leon asked concerned.

"Come inside we need to talk," Skyla said.

"Yeah I just got your text; what is going on," Leon replied.

"Inside," Skyla said opening the door.

Skyla set the box on the counter and turned to face Leon with a serious face.

"What's wrong Skyla?" Leon asked.

"I don't know how to say this, so I am just going to say it. I just resigned; I am going back to the BSAA. We are also done," Skyla said coldly.

'God Skyla, you could have done that so much nicer, gentler,' She thought.

"Do you even know what you're saying? Last night you had no idea who I was or what the hell was going on. Now you just resigned from your job, and you're breaking up with me?" Leon asked.

"I got my memories back late last night and to be honest this something that I have been thinking on for a long time," Skyla replied.

"Skyla you just told me you loved last night, and now you breaking up with me. This doesn't make any sense," Leon said taking a step towards her.

"I know, I thought I did love you, but I am not in love with you. You're a great guy Leon, and you don't deserve this," Skyla replied.

"Your damn right I don't I deserve to know what the hell is going on here," Leon's voice was raised slightly.

"I'm really sorry Leon," Skyla said

"Don't, I thought you were different Skyla," Leon said walking towards her door.

Skyla watched as he opened the door and went through slamming it, flinching slightly when it did slam.

'It's better I did it this way.' She thought.

Skyla packed her things; it felt like it was taking forever. She packed well into the middle of the night. She looked around her apartment. It had been a year and a half since she had moved into the apartment and here she is moving out. She moved into it and joined the DSO to get away from the one person she was running back to. She snorted to herself at how things were now when she had come her she hadn't planned on getting into a relationship with Leon, her plan was to sort out her feelings for Chris. Then she had gotten tangled up with Leon, and things got messy and complicated, she just hoped she made the right the decision in all of this.

Skyla finally lay down in her bed when the sun was coming up and went to sleep. She got a few hours of sleep when there was a knock at the door. She got up and answered it. Two big guys in yellow uniforms stood at the door.

"Ms. Matthews?" One of the men asked.

"Yes?" Skyla asked sleepily.

"We are with the moving company that you ordered, we are here to pick up your items," The other replied.

"Oh right, everything except those 3 bags is going to this address," Skyla replied handing them a sheet of paper as she pointed to three bags in a corner.

Skyla grabbed her phone and ordered a lyft, she was fairly surprised at how fast it arrived. She grabbed the 3 bags, and she left the keys on the counter and with final look around her apartment she sighed and shut the door and left.

And that is the end to Assignment S guys.