"Levi is it really okay for you being here with me? Didn't you say the ginger haired girl called Petra would visit with her family today?"

Levi a young black haired 12years old boy scoffed. He was sitting next to a probably around his age as well brown haired bespectacled girl. Her hair which reached slightly above her shoulders only a mess, wearing some slightly too big boyish looking clothes and was covered from head to toe in some dirt.

Unlike her Levi wore expensive looking clothes a white shirt and black pants along with black shoes. And no grain of dirt was yet on him.

"They just want to talk over some family business stuff like always. And I don't care about Petra. She´s still only 7 years old Hanji. All she ever does is wanting to play house talking about as soon as we become Alphas we would be promised to each other and I would be marrying her..." Rolling his eyes he looked back below him and on the poorly made flowergrown he was attempting to make.

"Hey, how are you making those so good Hanji?"

At this Hanji giggled just having finished her own perfectly made flower crown and placing it over Levi's head grinning from ear to ear while watching Levi's cheeks turn a tiny bit pink.

"Shitty glasses come on now..."

"It's pretty easy if you get the hang on it. Here let me show you again." Starting to look around her where they were sitting Hanji started to plug out the most prettiest flowers she could find. "Your mother likes yellow flowers the most, right? So let's make a yellow one when we bring it to her. That's why you wanted me to teach you how to make them, right?" She said in a matter of fact tone smiling already, knowing she was right.

Puffing his cheeks Levi looked at his poorly made flower crown than at Hanji and placed it onto her head before quickly starting helping her collecting more flowers as well to hide his embarrassment.

"Here you can have this one then. And it's because as you know my mother can never leave the hospital for long due to her weak condition. So we gonna bring the flowers to her I decided."

Wide eyed and with a blush adoring her face Hanji looked up at him while her hands reached up on top of her head, touching the flower crown as if to make sure it really was there. In the next moment Levi found himself getting tackled from behind by a happily laughing Hanji embracing him tightly.

"Thank you Levi!"

"H-hey stop that! You will get me all dirty! Why are you even so filthy and covered in mud!?"

"Ah- I climbed on top of the tree." She pointed upwards at the nearest tree by the flower field. "The view is really amazing from all up there. But as I tried climbing down I slipped and fell down. But I'm fully fine as you can see hehe~"

Levi sighed. He was glad, really glad she was fine however. Peeling her arms from his torso he turned around to face her again. "Hanji. Watch out a bit more of yourself will you? Y-your my friend but such an idiot you know?"

"Of course, we are friends. You´re the one I spend the most time with didn´t you know?"

At this Levi nodded. "Good so don't die and leave me alone..."

"I won't. Besides if there's any need you will protect me just like always. And I will help you as well." She paused for a moment while her hands fidgeted around with the flower crown she was still making. "What type of girl would you like to marry if you don't want to have Petra?"

Blinking confused for a moment Levi looked away to the side saying the first thing that came to his mind. "The opposite of Petra most likely. Not so boring and nice. Maybe have a bit longer hair she could put up into a pony tail. Who Understands me. Simply the opposite."

With a big honest smile Hanji smiled brightly at him. "Hmm... In that case.. If you want to I will marry you so you don't have to marry Petra."

The sound of her cruel alarm clock woke Hanji up, searching around blindly she tried hitting the damn thing to shut it up.

"Hmm... Already morning...?"

Upon not finding it she rolled over only to find the demonic alarm clock lying on the ground while making out in horror the red shinning numbers on the device.

8:30AM in the morning was displayed on the clock as she picked it up from the floor and put on her glasses in a hurry. "Shit! Why must this happen exactly today!? I overslept!"

Getting up in a hurry and almost slipping over some books and papers which was thrown around in the whole room of hers in the process, Hanji disappeared into her bathroom to have a quick shower. While showering her mind however wandered back to her dream.

"... Again the same dream..."

How many years ago was it by now? Around 20 years ago? She believed she was around 10 years old during this time.. now she was 32 years old, 1,70m tall, having a very slim figure and her hair was slightly longer reaching now below her shoulders, long enough to put them up into a pony tail. She was loud, got way too excited sometimes, a bad cook and had her own way of tidying up her small apartment. Which meant in short it was a mess but she knew exactly where everything was stored at despite it. End of the story Hanji was not the common wanted woman on the planet. And she was late for her job interview. Way too late!

Shaking her head she turned her shower off. She had to finally forget about the past and stop being so hung up over some childhood memory. Levi her friend was gone since long by now. She was an adult now for goddamn sake. She finally needed a good job to pay for her rent and her medication. Hanji couldn´t afford to mess this one up. Such a big chance would never open up for her again. She could still remember the shocked state she was in as she received the call from one of the female employees which had to work in the office section of the big company. Hearing her submitted documents got accepted and she would get a chance introducing herself personally in front of the owner of the big company.

Under normal circumstances she wouldn't be allowed to ever be working at such a huge place. Hanji Zoe was a omega. Despite her test results which should have signed her fate to become nothing more than a child breeding object she attended the best schools to study, even for a few years aboard. All this to fulfill her dream to break this chain of fate and prove to anyone that even a omega can become someone significant.

Hanji wasn't dumb so she faked her personal data over herself being a omega, making everyone believe she was an alpha. Having the best grades in her classes Hanji became a scholarship which opened her all doors and made it able for her to attend the schools for only important rich and highly intelligent alphas. Even now officially she was listed as an alpha in her documents, giving her in the end now this chance to perhaps soon work for one of the biggest companies in whole japan.

Coming out of the bathroom while still having her toothbrush in her mouth, buttoning up her white blouse she walked up to her bedside drawer.

"1.. 2.. 3... I have almost none left I need to get myself more suppressants to hide my scent and suppress the heat attacks..." Taking out a pill from the plastic wrapping she went back into the bathroom, rinsing out her mouth before taking her pill and shallowed it down with a sip of water.

A short glance to her clock after coming out of her bathroom for the second time told her it was time to get out of here if she wanted to make it barely in time to her job interview. Grabbing her purse and checking her appearance in her big mirror next to her closet she frowned at herself. Something was missing. She wore a navy dark blue jacket over her white blouse and a fitting navy blue pencil skirt along with some flat black shoes. She couldn´t walk in high-heeled shoes not to forget how uncomfortable and bad they were for the human body anyway. Grabbing a hair tie out of her accessory box Hanji decided to tie her hair up into a pony tail.

"Much better" Nodding in approvement looking at her reflection in the mirror she took her keys out of her bag and went out.

Getting into her red car Hanji quickly started the engine and reversed out of the drive. She just hoped the traffic would be forgiven to her today and not let her end up being stuck in some traffic jam. It was now a bit past 9:00 o´clock. 9:13AM to be exact and she had her appointment at point 10:00AM. She could do this. The drive was bit over 30minutes long if nothing unusual happened.

Unfortunately the traffic jam gods or any other gods out there had forsaken her and had other plans for her. Hitting pretty much any red light she had to pass, waiting for two eldery woman to cross the street and almost running over some child which crossed the street with his bike without looking for any incoming cars,

Hanji parked right in front of the big building. If she weren´t in such a hurry after noticing she was 10 minutes too late Hanji would have appreciated the big skyscraper building more. Iggnoring the most likely threat that she wasn´t allowed to park her car there she approached the building with big steps, entering the big automatic opening glass doors and making her way accross the entrance up to the reception desk on the very end.

"Excuse me. I´m a bit late. I have a appointment for a job interview. My Name is Hanji Zoe" Hanji smiled down at the young secretary, slightly nervous.

A black haired short woman looked up from her desk all the while typing something into her computer.

"Miss Zoe. Your appointment was 10 minutes ago... unfortunately according to the orders given to me I cannot-"

"Yes, I know I am too late. But please could you make a exception and ask if I could get a chance. He won´t regret it. He should know my qualifications are top-"

The black haired girl which was called Nifa according to the name tag Hanji could read resigned after giving it some thoughts and having to look at Hanji´s puppy pleading dog eyes.

"Ok, I will see what I can do. Please wait a moment" Dialing some numbers Hanji watched her quietly calling someone and talking to the phone. The phone call was very quickly over and the woman called Nifa gave her attention back to Hanji. "Mr. Ackerman allows it. Please take the elevator on the left and go up to the top floor. This is his personal office and where your job interview will be held."

Giving her thanks Hanji didn´t loose any time and called for the elevator. Inside the elevator to pass the time she tried to fix her appearance a bit, hoping because she was in such a hurry she did look fine enough still.

Hanji didn´t know much over the owner of the company. Only that the Ackerman company expanded this much around 10 years ago suddenly. During the time Hanji was studying aboard already. They were producing and dealing with environmentally friendly energy producing methods and owning a large scale of solar or air energy producing areas. As well they were inventing new and better ways to produce energy. The company grew this much that they were now searching for a right hand positon which would work alonside the owner of the company all time to help him deal with all the work. Not like a secretary simply but like a personal attentant which is why only highly skilled and knowledgeable people were given the chance to get selected for this job offer. Hanji like all the others even had to take a test to prove her skills.

In the end she was so deep in thoughts making her get startled by the sudden ringing noise coming from the elevator, signaling Hanji they had finally reached the top floor and having the elevator doors opened for her to step outside. Besides the spacious hallway Hanji was standing at currently there was only one big double door right in front of her ahead. This had to be his office. Taking one last deep breath to ready herself Hanji knocked at the door.

"Come in" A male voice gave her permission.

Now it was the time. Her years of studying would finally pay off. She was ready. She knew she could do this trusting her knowledge and smart brain she posessed. Nothing could stop her now.

Oh how wrong she was. Hanji Zoe wasn´t ready at all for what she was facing in front of her, now that she was standing inside the spacious luxurious modern office.

Behind the big desk seated was a young raven haired man wearing a black suit. With his arms folded over his chest he looked at the woman frozen in place right after she had entered his office. Like a deer facing the headlights from a upcoming car. With a shaking breath Hanji swallowed hard before she finally spoke.

"...This cannot be... Ackerman is you... Levi...?"

A small smirk quirked up onto his face. "It has been a while Hanji Zoe..."