Lubbock grimaced at Leone's bright, overly sweet personality as she settled a small dispute between a customer and the pink-haired waitress from early. Granted, he did not mind watching her bend down to expose her cleavage as a cheat. It just disgusted him how she could switch from sweet manager outside to demon in hell behind the closed office door when he drops a plate.

"What's with the face, newbie? You'll scare away customers." Akame asked beside him with her usual dull look, which he found ironic. After a while of helping him clean up broken plates, they ended up getting well acquainted. Lubbock blinked away his narrowed eyes of displeasure and fixed his grimace.

"Nothing. Just witnessing a first-hand sight on the definition of bipolar." He answered, watching the customer go completely nuts for Leone.

"If you were the customer, you would do the same." Akame said smartly.

"I know. And that is what's pissing me off." Lubbock muttered, turning away when the door opened, signaling a bell to jingle. His mother, world-famous for her actress career, had a knack for deceiving people with her ability to switch into multiple personalities. It grew to a point where Lubbock had no idea anymore on when his mother is being real or fake since he was a child. She faked being in love with his father. She faked her sickness after she said she could not come to his youth piano recital. Even to this day, he is gullible for still having hope that there are times when his mother's true nature show. That is how he came to admittedly leaving his vulnerability out in the open occasionally.

"Welcome to this dumb- er lovely Imperial Cafe." He corrected himself to the male who had just walked in. "Table for yourself?"

"Table for two actually. My friend will be in shortly." The tall black-haired male said. Lubbock had to look up at him and glanced out the door of the shop.

"A friend."

"He's new here so it'll take him a while to meet-up."

Lubbock opened the reservation book. "Name."

"Wave." The green-haired male slowly looked up with a raised eyebrow. "I figured just my first name is easy enough to find."

Lubbock shrugged with a sigh and guided the male to a table with two chairs. Come to think of it, he could not remember the last time he ever hung out with a friend. That is if he had any. Of course he did! Like his childhood best friend who... moved away. Has he really grown that unsocial?

"Shall I get you something to drink?" Lubbock asked while taking out a pad.

"Ah, no thank you. I'll wait." The male said with a small wave. Lubbock blinked and sighed again before moving along.

"Well well, looks like you're getting better with the heels." Leone commented, walking beside him.

"Finished having him drool over you?" Lubbock said. The blonde haired woman hopped in front of him, her large breasts bouncing along.

"You're just jealous cause you don't have these! Flat chest!" Leone joked and Lubbock blushed with a twitching eye.

"The hell- I'm a boy!" He angrily whispered with an embarrassed look. "Of course I don't give a shit about your stupid chest!" Which was not completely untrue.

"Ooh? So you haven't been drooling along, pervert?" Leone asked slyly as she purposely moved her chest into his red face. "You wanted the same treatment, right?"

"Th-That's not it!" Entirely.

The door opened and Lubbock finally managed to get away from her. Leone laughed and ruffled his hair, leaving Lubbock to pat it back in place with an indifferent look.

"I already seated the customer down. Table six." Akame simply said as she walked past him.

"Ah, right." It was the same table as he had seated the previous guy from before. Perhaps his friend came.

Lubbock walked up to the table with his pad in hand.

"Alright, what would you two like to drink?" Wave had finished looking through his menu.

"I would like a glass of water for now." He ordered. Lubbock wrote it down, mentally wondering why of all drinks this guy chose a simple cup of water. Nonetheless, he looked up from the pad.

"And you, sir?"

"Apple cinnamon tea sounds nice- ah..." Lubbock froze when the rather attractive brunette looked up at him with interested dark green eyes. Lubbock furrowed his eyebrows with a growing blush when he felt his heart slowly begin to race, while the other person flushed at him. Oh no...

Needless to say, both boys had one thing on their flustered minds:


"What was that?"

"What was what?"

Tatsumi tried not to pay any mind to Wave's observing look.

"You know what I mean." Wave said. "Just before in the shop. You guys couldn't keep your eyes off of each other."

"That's not true!" Tatsumi said with a very unconvincing blush. He and the green-haired waitress just happened to glance at each other from time to time. Then they would blush and act like they weren't looking at each other. Personally, he found it cute how the waitress would shyly brush her long green bangs to the side. Or how she would stumble occasionally on orders around him each time he caught her look.


"It's not my fault she's pretty..." He mumbled under his breath, sweating when Wave raised an eyebrow. Hopefully he did not catch that.

"... You like her!" Wave suddenly exlaimed.

"I do not!" Tatsumi protested, hating the fact that his childhood friend could see right through him. He ignore the predestrians weird looks. "I-I can't like someone just by one glance."

"You two weren't glancing. You were practically undressing each other with your eyes."

"I wasn't!" Entirely.

Wave smiled slyly.

"Alright. So where do you want to go tomorrow?" He asked smartly. Tatsumi hid his blush.

"... m-maybe the cafe... only because I like the tea!" He reasoned carefully. Wave suddenly looked serious.

"Just remember, your parents want you to end up with someone else. If they catch you fancying anyone else, especially from the city, they won't hesitate to act out." Wave said. Tatsumi knew this. Of all people, just why did he have to become attracted to the green-haired, city waitress? It certainly would not end well.