(A/N: this is part one of 4, hope you like it.)

Warning: Bad grammar and spelling

She didn't understand, why did everyone hate her? She wasn't that different from everyone else was she? Oh...right...she was, she was completely different from everyone else. Out of everyone in the whole orphanage she was the only freak, the only outcast, the only...


She sat on the floor, it was completely dark. Her room was destroyed, the walls were decorated with deep claw marks and the heavily bolted metal door had small dents in it. This was the outcome of her anger, she had let her temper get the best of her again and took it out on her surroundings.

Tigress sighed, she could hear the light clapping of thunder and the pitter patter of rain, she knew it would only get worse as the night progressed. She hated thunder, she hated it with a passion because it always reminded her of how alone she truly was. She didn't have a mother or father that could comfort her in her time of need, she didn't have a friend she could talk to when she felt down, she didn't even have an acquaintance she could say simple hello's to, she didn't have anyone.

Tigress felt her eyes sting with fresh tears, she choked up but stopped herself once she saw a small but bright light appear in her dark room. The light then became bigger and brighter before it quickly disappeared. She felt fear overcome her when she looked at what it left behind.

Standing before her was a tall, dark figure. She couldn't really tell if they were male or female due to the fact that their body was hidden under a cloak and their face was concealed by the hood.

"Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you" The figure said, their voice was very smooth.

"W-who are you?" The cub managed to stutter out.

She felt her fear increase when the figure slowly walked towards her. It stopped a short distance away from her and sat on its knees, tigress heard rustling and saw two paws come out from under the cloak, they moved and reached for the front of the hood. She noticed gold sleeves on the figure, a red vine went up each arm. The figure took ahold of the hood and slowly removed it.


When the cub saw the mysterious figures face she didn't know what to think, although she was definitely surprised and a little fascinated to see another like her. Another like her meaning another of her species. She noticed that the older tiger had eyes and facial markings very similar to hers but thought nothing of it.

The older tigress smiled softly at the young cub. She knew she would end up somewhere in the past but she didn't think it'd be this far. In a weird nostalgic way she was glad to end up back here, she didn't know why but she just was.

"Who I am isn't important, I'm just here to pass on a message." She paused and looked at the cub as if giving her a moment to process this.

"Wha-what is it?" The cub said

Tigress looked the cub in the eyes, her smile never faltered "no matter how painful and lonely things are right now, just know that they're going to get better."

For some unknown reason this statement enraged the cub.

"how do you know!" She didn't stutter this time.

"I just do, I know you think your a monster, don't ask how I know but believe me when I say your far from that."

The cub was speechless as she stared at the older tiger. Her anger slowly faded and was replaced with sorrow, her eyes watered again as she struggled to speak.

"H-how am I not a monster? I destroy everything I touch and just look at me! I have fangs and claws..." Tears ran down her cheeks as she sobbed, small paws covered her eyes in an attempt to stop them but the harder she tried the more she cried.

Tigress looked at the cub with saddened eyes, she took her arms from underneath and opened her cloak, embracing the cub in one swift motion. The cub didn't resist as the darkness and warmth of the cloak engulfed her. Tigress tightened her grip as the cub sobbed in her chest, even though she was technically hugging herself, she still hated seeing children suffer.

She began to softly stroke the cubs head "How you look doesn't define who you are. People are only afraid of you because they don't understand you and believe me when I say I don't see a monster, all I see is an innocent little girl." Tigress said as she opened the cloak slightly to look down at the cub through half lidded eyes.

The cub gasped and looked up at tigress, that was the nicest thing anyone's ever said about her.

"In 6 months time your going to meet someone, they're going to help you. They're going to change your life, it may be for better or for worse but give them a chance when they arrive alright." Tigress finished.

The cub nodded, for some weird reason she felt she could trust her, a complete stranger. Even though she hasn't know the older tiger for long, she feels she could tell her deepest darkest secrets to her. The cub continued staring at her but then all of a sudden the older tiger started glowing. The cub released her, came out from under the cloak and moved to sit in front of her.

Tigress Looked down at her paws, the glow got stronger 'looks like times up.' She thought. She looked up at the cub and smiled slightly "it's time for me to go but don't forget what I said. Everything will get better you just have to give it time ok?" Tigress said.

The cub nodded and smiled.

Tigress put her hood back on and gave a little wave before disappearing completely.

The cub stared at the spot where the older tiger was moments ago, her smile grew. For now she'll believe, she'll give it time. She just hopes that in the end the stranger is right and that the person she's supposed to meet in six months changes her life for the better. It takes her a moment to realize...

She never learned the strangers name.

Six months later she met Shifu.

(A/N: ok so that was part 1, the next 3 will be out later today so stay tuned for that)