Chapter Seventy-One

//Bilbo once told me his part in this tale would end...that each of us must come and go in the telling. Bilbo's story was now over. There would be no more journeys for him. Say for one.\\

- Frodo Baggins, 1423, S.R.

Frodo Baggins was still living at Bag End when the Elves had sent word they had a spot for Bilbo on the last ship to leave Middle Earth.

Those of us who knew Frodo, knew that he was never the same after our journey. On the outside he seem like the same, happy-go-lucky hobbit that would sit in the forest and read, or help with chores around the house, but we knew.

He spent much of his time, trying to be as he once was. He would go town meetings, go to everyone's birthday party, spend nights at the Green Dragon with us, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be what he once was. But there was one thing, we all knew he had actual pleasure in.

He loved playing with the children, mostly with little Elanor and baby Frodo. Our Frodo would sit with Elanor and listen to her little stories, and take her to play in the yard. He also played with the other children of the Shire. And they loved playing with him. Many of the children called him 'Frodo the Nine-fingered', but my children would never meet him.

We had our ponies out in the town square, waiting for Gandalf to come with Bilbo. Frodo would be accompanying his Uncle in the carriage while the four of us rode.

I held to the reins and ran my hand along Cricket's smooth neck. She bobbed her head; she was antsy and ready to go.

"Are you all right to travel?" Pippin, my husband (I practically swooned every time I thought that), asked, coming beside me, putting a hand on my swollen stomach. Ever since we found out, he couldn't stop touching my belly.

"Yes," I put a hand on his. "Besides, Frodo really wanted me to come," he agreed and kissed me. I held to the horn of the saddle. "I just need some help getting on."


We traveled down the dirt path that led right from The Shire to the harbor. Pippin helped me off the horse, and the six of us and Gandalf walked to the dock. Frodo and Sam were helping Bilbo down the stone path.

Waiting for us was a white boat, and three Elves, Lord Elrond, Galadriel and Celeborn.

"Here is a sight that I have never seen before." Bilbo gasped.

"The power of the three rings is ended," Galadriel told. "This time has come for the Dominion of Men."

"I Aear can ven na mar," Elrond said.

Bilbo chuckled, and wiggled away from Frodo and Sam. "I think I'm quiet ready for another adventure," and with cane in hand, he hobbled down the path, and was escorted onto the boat with the Elves.

And now the moment we had been secretly dreading. Gandalf was going with them. "Farewell, my brave Hobbits. My work is no finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea, come the end of our Fellowship." I could feel the tears in my eyes and I heard Merry and Pippin sniffling. "I will not say 'do not weep'. For not all tears are an evil," those words would haunt my memory for the rest of my days. The wizard walked towards the boat, but stopped. "It is time, Frodo."

No. No, he can't...

Frodo turned to us.

"What does he mean?" Sam questioned.

"We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved, but not for me,"

Sam was already crying. "You don't mean that. You can't leave."

Frodo took a red leather book, Bilbo's book, from his cloak and handed it to him. "The last pages are for you, Sam."

I covered my mouth, to hold back the sob in my throat, but tears were still freely pouring down my face. This couldn't be happening. Frodo couldn't leave. He was apart of all of us and now...

Frodo hugged Merry first. We were all crying, and each one of us crying harder than the first. Pippin was after Merry and finally he came to me. I wanted to tell him how much I would miss him, but words wouldn't form, my lips could move.

After all we had been through, growing up down the road, Weathertop, the death of Boromir, Gandalf. This was a Hobbit that we had all grown up with. We had all spent time together at the Green Dragon, drinking and laughing at the drunken patrons, we would occasionally have a meal or to at Bag End.

He smiled at me, with his large blue eyes and pulled me into his arms. I let out small, silent sobs. If it hadn't been for him and this journey, I don't think I could have ever realized or come to terms with my feelings for my now husband and he probably would have married someone like Diamond of Long Cleeve.

Frodo pulled away and was still weakly smiling. He placed and hand on my stomach, and for the first time, my baby kicked. "Take care of this."

All I could do was nod. He softly touched my chin before moving on to Sam

Oh Sam! I could not even possibly describe the sorrow that poor Samwise was going through.

We didn't know what had happened with Frodo and Sam along their journey, but whatever it was, they were entirely bonded together. And now..

Frodo embraced Sam tightly, we could see Sam sobbing. When Frodo pulled away, he placed a blessing kiss on top of Sam's head. They both looked at each other, before Frodo turned as went to Gandalf.

The Hobbit and the wizard walked up the plank and onto the boat, but Frodo stopped. He looked back at us, and smiled. For the first time, he looked...happy and at peace. And that's how I'll always remember, dear sweet, Frodo. Standing there on the dock, smiling.

The ship began to sail off into the West, right into the horizon. Sam just stood there and watched, until the ship was out of sight. "Come on Sam." I touched his shoulder. "Let's go," he watched a few more minutes before listening to me.

Pippin held my hand and we headed home.


I sat on the red, comfy chair in the den, in front of the fire. Sitting on the mantle were a few vases with flowers in them, and some other knickknacks. Hanging above the fire place was Pippin's sword of Gondor.

I set my hands on my stomach, and watched the flames. Frodo was gone, it would be so odd. Our company was now narrowed down to the four of us (excluding Rosie and Estella). He never was able to go back to who he once was.

I let out a heavy sigh and stretched out my arms, then put them back on my belly. Just three more months. I felt the soft walloping coming from my child and I smiled, with a tear running down my cheek. "Pippin," I called. "Come feel the baby kick."



::sniffle:: It's finally over! I don't want it to be, but sadly it is. I didn't want to post this chapter, but I had to. You understand. I must say thank you to all of you who kept me going, and to my loyal reviews (names that I saw ALL THE TIME) Rosa Cotton, DiamondTook3, Harper's Pixie, Captain Sparrow (your name changed all the time lol), Isdule07, she-hobbit, Ninthring6289, breeNbloom, Hard Habbit, and everyone else. You kept me going and even gave me some Ideas. This story was, by far, the best and longest Fanfic I've ever written, and the most reviewed story I've ever had.

And did you all want to see an actual proposal from Pippin? How Wisteria's parents reacted? When she found out she was pregnant? More children?

I know several of you had requested a sequel and guess what? I've been planning one since Chapter 32! LOL. It will be published soon, under the title "Through the Years". I don't know how long that one will be, but it will be starting with the return to the Shire and go up to (at least) the birth of their last child. And I don't know how long it will take to write, because well just because LOL. (don't want to give anything away) And let's see if I could beat this many reviews! LOL I doubt it but oh well.

So yes, thank you EVERYONE. You don't know how much it has meant to me. I'm so glad that you've enjoyed this story, and if you liked this one, remember to check out the sequel, "Through the Years" (and review it!)

PS-Please review this chapter, you're opinions of this final chapter are very important.

Once again. THANK YOU ALL!