A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first ever Clace fanfic! I was inspired by the show, even though I HAVE read all the books. I love the cast of the show so much that I decided I wanted to write a fanfic based on Clace, especially now that we're going into a loooong hiatus till season 2. This fanfic will have OG characters from the show like Lydia (loved her so much) so I wanted to add her. This is TMI but with small twists.

Anyways hope you all like it! Let me know if you want me to continue by leaving me a review! Love you guys!


"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." -Albus Dumbledore


"I'm not going to apologize for that one Lyd." Clary smiled as she looked down at her sparing partner laying face down on the training mat.

The blonde picked herself up and Clary placed her hands on her hips smirking.

"I don't know how you always manage to do that Fairchild." Lydia said as she mimicked Clary's stance.

Clary let out a breathy laugh. "It's because you always have perfect form, try thinking outside the box… if not than your attacks will always be predictable."

"Yeah, yeah…" Lydia said, as she moved past Clary to put up her training stick up on the rack.

"So speaking of perfect form, has your mom told you what the Clave summoned her for?"

Clary sighed, a damp red curl falling over her face. "No. She keeps dodging the subject every time I bring it up. Keeps telling me that she'll tell me soon."

She pushed the curl behind her ear. "When that is… I'm not sure."

"That Sucks, maybe it's nothing important." Lydia suggested.

Clary nodded but she knew better, whenever her mom withheld information from her it was because it was something big.

Clary shrugged it off and decided to change the subject, no need to get aggravated more than she already was. She'd tried all week to figure out what it was her mother was told by the Clave, and to no avail.

"So what did the Clave want from you?" Clary asked.

Clary saw the hesitation in Lydia's eyes… "I- uh they assigned me to a mission… the Clave is sending me as an envoy to the New York Institute. They want me to go check out how the Herondale's and Lightwood's are handling things."

Clary realized now why Lydia held a look of uncertainty. Being her one and only friend, Lydia knew… a pang of sadness hit Clary.

"Great you get to go on a mission, and I stay here in Idris. I swear people are so unforgiving!" Clary huffed in annoyance, her arms crossing. So much for changing the subject.

Lydia gave her a look of sadness. "Clary, you just need to wait it out. Maybe soon they'll have something for yo-"

"You damn well know what people think of me and my mother. If it wasn't for the Clave forgiving her for being involved with Valentine during the uprising, she would've been stripped of her runes and I would have grown up a mundane. Or worse."

"Don't be melodramatic.." Lydia said lightheartedly. She sat down on one of the benches in the training room. She tapped the spot next to her and Clary plopped down both her hands landing beside her.

"You're my only friend. Everyone else around here is afraid to come near me. I hear the whispers… 'She has Jocelyn's face, but what if she has Valentines heart' they say…." Clary sighed and looked down at her barefooted feet, mocking the voices of the people that talked about her and her mother.

"The Clave always kept a close eye on me, especially after I joined the academy. I'm the freak that can create Runes. The freak that can make them stronger." Clary continued to mock their voices in a high sarcastic tone.

"Clary you're nothing like Valentine." Lydia stated.

"I know that. I know who I am… I just wish everyone around me did too. I'm twenty years old for goodness sakes! I graduated from the academy four years ago! I'm a great fighter… yet I haven't been sent out on anything other than your normal demon hunting routine." Clary's red wavy hair fell around her, creating a small barrier. She hated feeling vulnerable, but hearing that Lydia was continuously getting missions and she wasn't, made her feel so furious and upset.

Not at her… no. At Valentine… because of his mistakes she was watched like a hawk. She was persecuted and judged by everyone around her, because of who her father was. She wasn't even born during the events of The Uprising!

She had worked so hard her entire life to be the best Shadowhunter she could be. To show people she was a Fairchild not a Morgenstern, that she may have Valentine's DNA but she was NOTHING like him.

She trained hard and excelled in all the curriculums of the academy, yet in the eyes of everyone in Idris… she was too dangerous… too much of an unknown.

It was as if the Clave had flipped a coin the day she was born, and they were still waiting to see if she landed on the more sociopathic side like her father.

"If it makes you feel any better this mission will probably be super boring…"

Clary lifted her head to look at her friend's blue eyes, her very distant relative to be precise. The blonde was smirking clearly trying to lighten the mood. Clary rolled her eyes letting a smile form, humoring her. She needed to stop feeling so sorry for herself.

"Please you're going to New York… you know who's in New York?" Clary asked slowly a knowing grin on her freckled face.

"Of course! Alec Lightwood and Jace Herondale, I heard they're beyond gorgeous!"

Clary giggled, Lydia always found a way to make her feel better.

"You're going to get to see the "great" Jace Herondale in action. You'll have to let me know if the hype is real with him." Clary said, her mood lightning up a bit.

Jace Herondale was a bit of a legend in Idris. Renowned as one of the greatest Shadowhunters of their generation; and Alec Lightwood his equally renowned parabatai.

It was known that the New York institute ran by the Lightwoods and Herondales was one of the most prestigious in the world.

Then once again despite her mood shifting to lighthearted one, she still felt a pang of jealousy.

The Herondale's and Lightwood's were part of her father's extremist group, called The Circle.

The Circle was a group of Shadowhunters her father created to rid the world of ALL demons once and for all. Then things took a turn for the worse. Those that got out in time like her mother and the Lightwood's and Herondale's… they didn't know that Valentine had created the Circle for the exact opposite.

He wanted to make more Shadowhunter's… wanted to get rid of ALL Downworlder's not just demons. He was a racist dickhead. A crazy dickhead. He'd tricked all those people and he had tricked her mother.

Thankfully the man had died years ago in a fire, after trying to take the mortal cup. A ancient cup that had the power to create more Shadowhunters… Valentine had wanted an army. If he would've succeeded she could only imagine the amount of mundanes that would've been killed, because not all mundanes can handle the transformation. He would of fed the water to every single person without a second thought. Leaving the weak to die.

Then after he had his army he'd try to annihilate downlworlders, breaking the accords.

All those that stepped away from Valentine and The Circle on time had been pardoned including her mother.

The Herondale's and the Lightwood's, they were the lucky ones. They got to escape the prejudice looks and whispers of all the people in Alicante.

Instead their children were able to restore honor to their family names after their parents before them had tarnished them. Unlike Clary and Jocelyn.

Her mother was pardoned, yes, but the Clave kept the both of them in Idris, she guessed to keep an eye out on her- the offspring of Valentine Morgenstern.

"When do you leave?"


Clary sighed she was about to speak when her mother appeared at the door.

"Hey mom." "Hi Jocelyn." Clary and Lydia greeted.

Jocelyn smiled and walked towards both girls sitting down on the bench.

"Hey girls. Lyd I heard you got another mission, good for you. Inquisitor Herondale really favors you."

Clary looked down at her feet once again. Her mother didn't mean any harm by it but it still sucked nonetheless. Hearing once again that Clary had to be stuck in Idris while her best friend was sent on missions all over the world.

When she looked back up she saw her mother's sad and concerned expression on her face.

"Yeah it's great, but speaking of I have to go pack. I leave tonight." Lydia quickly stood up and hugged Jocelyn. She turned to look at Clary and she smiled. "I'll see you soon Fairchild."

Clary despite her disappointment smiled and said her goodbyes to her only friend. She was happy for Lydia… she truly was. She was just hurt, she wanted nothing more than to go on missions around the world.

After Lydia left, the room grew quiet and the tension was so palpable she could cut it with her Seraph blade.

"Clary. Are you ok?" Her mother said, her voice careful.

Clary looked into the mirrored green eyes of her mom. Was she ok? No she wasn't, but what else was new? She hated feeling sorry for herself, but she couldn't help it.

"Yeah I'm fine mom." Clary answered trying her best to sound ok.

Jocelyn sighed sadly and patted Clary's leg in a comforting gesture.

"Don't lie to me Clary, I can see it in those eyes of yours."

Clary slapped her hands on her black tight covered thighs. "Of course I'm not fine mom, but I'll get over it. It's the same crap as always."

Clary got up and stood in front of her mom crossing her pale- freckled- rune covered arms. Her mothers green eyes were concerned, she hated when her mom gave her that look.

"Clary, I'm sorry." Jocelyn said sincerely. She walked over to her and placed her hands on Clary's face. Her thumb stroking her.

Clary felt heaviness in her chest. As a Shadowhunter you were trained at a young age to let emotions go, to let them slide over you. Emotions were a nuisance, they only served to distract you. She WISHED she could let her emotions go, she WISHED she wasn't so ruled by them, but alas she was. She was an emotional person and it pissed her off; because even though she excelled at being a Shadowhunter, her feelings were her greatest weakness.

Jocelyn's apology was heartbreaking, because it wasn't her fault. Sure she'd married Valentine, sure she had been a part of the Circle… but she wasn't a bad person. Not like Valentine. Her mother loved her and everything she ever did was for her.

"It's not your fault mom. I- just want a chance to prove that I'm not HIM."

Jocelyn looked about ready to cry and pulled Clary in a warm embrace. Clary's arms wrapping tightly around her mother's waist.

"You'll get that chance." Jocelyn whispered in Clary's ear.

Clary took a step back and looked at her mother. The way she'd said that… it sounded so… final.

Clary's eyes narrowed in question her mouth parting.

"The other day when the Clave summoned me… they told me they want me to go to New York." Jocelyn said slowly, her eyes looking at Clary who's expression changed into an indignant one.

Clary let go of her mom and moved away. Great now her mom was being sent away too and she had to stay.

"Clary wait." Her mother said behind her.

"Why didn't you tell me? First Lydia now you! How freaking great! I might as well be stripped of my runes if these assholes won't let me do what I was born to do!" Clary could feel her face heating up, a clear sign that she was about to explode… she'd been enduring this for twenty years for goodness sakes!

"CLARY!" Jocelyn showed up in front of Clary, placing her hands on her upper arms. Clary was about to shove her hands away when Jocelyn began to speak again.

"Clarissa Adele Fairchild, calm yourself down." Jocelyn said her eyes boring into Clary's furious and hurt ones.

"Now the reason I didn't tell you was because I wanted to surprise yo-"

"Surprise me! Yeah mom great surprise way to rub it in my fac-!"

"Clary. You're coming with me." Jocelyn said slowly, her voice going into a whisper.

Clary felt her entire body freeze. She was going to New York? With her mom? Was she hearing right?... those five words served to bring a feeling Clary hadn't felt in a long time… hope. It was so instant all her fury gone…

"Are you serious? This isn't some joke?" Clary pleaded with her mom, she searched her eyes to see if she could find anything that told her this wasn't real.

"It's not a joke Clary… we're going to New York." Her mother said seriously.

Clary felt the corners of her mouth lift in a smile and her heart start to beat quick. She made a squealing noise and jumped into her mother's arms .

"Clary, honey. Things are going to change, we're leaving but this is still something that the Clave is demanding we do. This is your chance, to prove to them. To show them how hard you've been working… but we NEED to be careful."

Clary saw a look she couldn't decipher from her mother. She was hiding something once again. Now that the initial excitement had died down, and as quickly as the elation came, it went away just as quick. Now she wondered, where the change of heart came from. Never could the happiness last.

"Why now? Why are they sending us there after years of insisting we stay in Idris?" She asked curiously. She kept a close eye on her mother's expression.

"They just felt like it was time, and it is Clary. We just have to be aware that this is something we have to take seriously."

Clary nodded, she knew her mother was hiding something. The Clave didn't just change their minds.

Clary let it slide though, because as much as it bugged her that her mother was holding something back from her, she couldn't find a reason to worry about it any longer in that instant.

She'd get to the bottom of it later, but right now Clary was trying to let that excitement, the hope come back. To overwhelm her. She was finally getting her chance to be a Shadowhunter a REAL one… and she was going to make damn sure she proved everyone who had judged her wrong.

I hope you all liked the first chapter. Some of you might have noticed that I re-uploaded this fanfic. I went back and edited some things, so I decided to re-upload it all together. But I hope you all gove it a shot and as a treat I will have chapter 2 in as well! Leave me a review tell me what you all thought!