It's been 2 years since I joined the team. I was 16 when I joined. My powers are fantastic! I'll tell you! First of all I can sense your emotions, that allows me to know when someone is in danger, or feeling happy, sad, irritated, even if your horny! But don't tell that last one to anybody. Also, I have magic like Wanda's. but instead of a Scarlett color, I have a dark purple. Yeah, I'm a mutant. Wondering why I am with the Avengers rather with Charles Xavier? Well let's say that I had the pleasure of meeting that school, but for some reason I felt so out of place. Okay, before I start telling you another story, let's focus on this one.

So 2 years ago I found myself at Avengers tower. Why? My 16 year old self liked to wonder around and explore my power by sensing other people's feelings. So I walked past it. This strong feeling made stop in track, and I had to catch my breath, because that strong feeling had knocked it out. Once I looked up, I saw that it was the tower. So curiosity got the best of me and I made my way to the main entrance.

"Hello. May I help you?" a voice made me jump a little. And by little I mean, I almost peed my pants.

"for the love of pizza! Don't scare me like that ever again! God" I said my hands on my knees.

"I'm sorry Miss y/l/n. Do you need to talk to Master Stark?" the voice said. The heck?

"B! How did you know that my last name is y/l/n?!" I said

"I've been programmed with a facial recognition thanks to Master Stark. My name is FRIDAY" the FRIDAY girl said.

"okay, whatever. I just had this weird feeling and I feel like I had to check what it was. Would you let me in? I can ask Stark about it" I said. I was trying to get inside. I needed to get inside that strong felling stings in my whole body. I had never felt something like that before.

"I'll contact Master Stark, but you can wait in the waiting area Miss y/l/n" FRIDAY said before opening the elevator doors for me.

"Thanks" I said

"You're welcome" after a couple of minutes, the elevator finally stopped, and opened its doors. Then it hit me again. That feeling. It was stronger than before. It made wince a little.

"Master Stark will meet you in a moment Miss. Do you need something? You heartbeat seems to be speeding up a little. Shall I call a medic of the upper levels?" FRIDAY asked. I will admit I was scared that I might be dying. It was too strong.

"no thanks. I'll just wait here" I said sitting down on the nice sofa. Like what? 5 minutes later I heard footsteps approach. The sofa was so soft that I was about to pass out on it.

"y/n y/l/n. 16 years old? What brings you here? Xavier must be freaking out" I heard Stark's voice coming from behind me. I sat up straight, I turned my head and saw his face.

"well I know he is not. He knows how to track me down if he needs me" I said

" So what brings you here?" he said

"I had a strong feeling that knocked the wind out of me. I had never felt something like that" I said. I was about to have a fat headache. I can feel it. Hahaha that's funny.

"uhh…okay so, all I know is that you are mutant. Don't exactly know your powers. Would you explain a little more so I know what to look for?" he said sitting in front of me. I sat down.

"well I can manipulate minds, I can sense your feelings. If I'm really close to someone, I can sense it even if I'm in a different country. But I'm still working on my powers, Charles been helping a lot. He thinks, actually believes, that I haven't explore them all. So I was doing that before something stopped me here" I said to him. He looked engrossed by what I was telling.

"mmm. Okay so your powers made you stopped here? And you haven't felt anything like that before?" he said while standing up. I wasn't sure if he was asking me or just talking to himself.

"y/n wanna look around and detect what it was?" he asked.

"umm, sure. But first can I have something for the headache I'm about to have? No wait…yup it's here" I said rubbing my temples. My head was hurting so bad.

"sure follow me. I'll take you to the kitchen" he said we enter the elevator. We were going to almost the top of the tower. The feeling got stronger by the moment. I didn't tell Stark about it. We reached the floor, and he showed me the kitchen. He gave me a pill and water.

"here. So, can I ask you something? But you don't need to give me an answer right now" he said.

"sure" I said while taking another drink of my water after taking the pill.

"would you consider joining u…." I interrupted Tony when I drop the glass in my hand. That feeling. It hit me harder than before. I couldn't think right. I felt to set of arms around me. Both pretty strong arms but one set felt huge. I opened my eyes. When did I close my eyes?.

"y/n are you okay? Sweetheart?" I heard tony ask

"let's take her to the medical wing, she's going to pass out" I heard a strong voice. That voice made me weak to the knees. God!. That was my last thought before passing out in the strong arms of that voice.


I woke up by the sound of voices around me. I could feel worry, confusion, delight, wonder, curiosity, and a little of that feeling. I made a sound almost like a groan when I tried to move. Did my back just cracked?.

"hey y/n? how are you felling?" I heard Tony ask. I open my eyes and my sight almost made me pass out again. The avengers were there. On my left was Tony and Bruce Banner. On my right Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, a purple robot. What was his name again?. Next to him? Wanda Maximoff, next to her Thor. And next to him the hottest guy I've ever seen after Logan was Steve Rogers. Why those the feeling comes from him? Is he okay?.

"y/n?" I heard Tony ask again. I was staring for the love of guacamole!

"yeah. Just I bit of a headache and my body hurts. That's about don't worry. And I know you are the one worrying here" I said giving him a smirk.

"well yeah a 16 year old comes to our tower saying that had this strong feeling that knocked the wind out of her, and then passes out? Heck I'm allow to be worried!" he said. It made me laugh but I soon stopped when my head stared to hurt again.

"okay. Ouch. That's what I get for laughing" I said while rubbing my temples.

"so what was cause you to pass out?" Bruce said " by the way Bruce Banner. Nice meeting you Y/N" he said extending a hand.

"likewise" I said shaking his hand

"well tony was talking about something I don't quite remember but the feeling came stronger than before. I don't know what it was. Sorry" I said.

"don't apologize, you are still in the process of exploring your abilities. Maybe this is one of your powers?" he said. Well it can be…

"the only thing I know is that the feeling is still here. One of you is the one that I'm sensing the feeling from" I said. That made everyone eye each other.

"so who is it?" Clint said eyeing me.

"not you. Captain are you okay? Because it comes from you" I said looking at him. Like everyone else in the room. He started blushing. His hand went to his neck.

"yeah…umm…yeah. I'm fine. Don't the other have the same uhhh…feeling?" he said

"no. Clint feels amused by this. Natasha kind of impressed. Bruce and Tony are just feeling like they need to know more about my powers. Wanda and Thor are just surprised of my powers still. From uhh Vision? I just get like a tingle of confusion. But you. I feel like I can't figure you out. Like a puzzle. But It manages to hit me. Make me weak. I don't like. It scares me that something bad is happening but at the same time I know you are okay" I said.

"y/n. we know that Charles is the one is helping you with your powers. But would you like to be part of the team? And yeah we are asking you. You don't need to answer now. You can talk to Charles about it" Bruce said.

"I'll think about"