I'm back with another fanfiction to celebrate the release of Ahsoka's novel tomorrow! I can't wait to read it. So, about this fanfic, it's going to be based upon the central ideas displayed at Ahsoka's panel at this year's Star Wars Celebration. I needed closure about what happened between The Clone Wars and Rebels, and now we finally have it. Now I get to paint a picture with words, write a narrative my way. This is going to be great. So just tell me in the comments-what do you think? Should I continue this? Just so you know, this is going to be following the canon, so no Anisoka (sadly...).

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, and I think that's pretty obvious. In the reviews: do you guys think that disclaimers are necessary? Do tell, I'm interested to know what your opinions are.

I feel the solid ground beneath my boot. One more step and it's over. There's no turning back. I look back up the stairs again, this time I swear to myself will be the last. Anakin is still there- he's pacing with his hands over his eyes. The Force is rippling with emotion; something tells me he's crying. My mas- Anakin never cries. Anakin. I can't do this to him. Yes, I can, it's for me. Don't be selfish. I'm not! My second foot touches the ground. It's over.

Panic washes over me and I look back again. He's still there, doing the same thing he was doing when I looked back at him last time- crying. He doesn't cry. I feel sick, nausea is permeating through my body and I don't like it. I want to run back up the Temple stairs, back to Anakin. He's always been there for me. If only he could be here for me now... I immediately stop my thoughts and turn away from him, taking another step.

Slowly but surely, I make my way farther from the staircase. There's a tremor in the Force and I turn around-Anakin has his face buried in his hands. His shoulders are shaking slightly. I don't even know what I'm doing-my feet take the path in a saunter, then a walk, then a jog. Before I know it, I'm running. The credits I have in my back pocket are flailing around, making a jingling noise. One foot takes more ground before the other is set down again, more force is exerted as I sprint away from the Temple.

As I run, my eyes tear up. Even so, a plan starts formulating in my head. I don't need to stop helping people. But I'll need new lightsabers. Ilum. But I'll need a ship. I have enough credits for a small one, but it'll only get me so far without enough fuel- which I don't have enough money for. I speed around a corner, then start to slow my pace to a walk. The sun is slowly setting. Before I do anything, I need a place to sleep.

It's perfect timing- there's a hotel right around the corner. I'll admit, it's kind of hard to miss, with all its flashing lights and noticeable architecture. For the first time in what feels like years, a smile graces my lips with its presence. I dig a few credits out of my pocket.

Fifty a night, it says. I can do that. I put on the calmest face I can muster up and walk inside. There's a small fountain in the corner, a sitting area with red chairs and a holo screen in the corner, and a wood and marble front desk. The room isn't bright but I could see all its features easily. Lamps cast a golden glow about the place, and plants-unnatural on Coruscant-are neatly potted on the desk. A human woman sits there. Her skin is a beautiful cocoa brown and she has a bright smile. She also wears an expensive gold necklace. "May I help you?" She asks.

I walk up to her and ask, "Do you have any available rooms?"

She nods. "Yes, we do. Rooms on floors two, five, and seven are open. Which floor would you prefer?"

"Floor seven, please."

She nods and hands me a clipboard and asks me to sign my name, which I quickly write. Ahsoka Tano.

"Alright. Fifty credits, please." I hand her the credits in my hand. "Thank you," she says. "Take that lift up to floor seven, then look for room 7C." She points to the lift beside the sitting area.

I nod and thank her wholeheartedly, then walk over to the lift. I press the button and the lift takes me up to floor seven where I find Room 7C next to 7A, 7B being right across the hall from 7A.

I walk in and turn on the lights. It's a quaint little room with gold lighting like the lobby. There's a dresser in the corner, some shelves on the wall, a queen sized bed, and a holo screen across from it. There's even a mini fridge. Just because I can, I peek inside. There are a few bottles of water in it. That's nice of them, I think. I search around a bit more and come across ration bars-kind of like the ones we have on missions. I wonder when I'll see the 501st next... I hope Rex isn't hurt by my decision. Maybe- I curse myself for thinking about what I left behind.

Damn this whole thing. I head straight to the bathroom for a shower.

I start the water. As soon as it's hot enough, I step inside. I feel the water washing over my skin, cleansing me. The little complimentary bottles of soap sit on a little shelf poking out from the tile wall. I stay in as long as I want.

After about half an hour, I get out, dry off, wrap in a towel, and go back into the main bedroom. I notice the existence of a closet, but I don't have any extra clothes. Just what I wore when I left. So I just throw on my underclothes and sleep in them. I shouldn't worry about tomorrow, but I do. I tell myself not to, but it happens anyway.

I wonder what Anakin's doing right now. Maybe Obi-Wan came and shipped him off to bed. Ugh.

Finally my brain shuts up and I can get some rest.

For three hours, that is. I wake up and glance at the chrono on one of the wall shelves. 0100. I let out a sigh. Then I feel it. I feel like a panic attack is coming. I can feel my face paling, my heart rate speeding up. This isn't good. I remember what Anakin did to help me through these.

The tears are pricking the back of my eyes. I'm only fourteen. Is this normal? Does Master Anakin have these too? I bring my knees up to my chest then wrap my arms around them. I'll just let it pass. Yeah-maybe everything will be okay. I feel sick. I want to cry but all I can do is whimper. My heart rate goes to lightspeed. Maybe if I make myself as small as possible...

My mind goes back to what I saw on the battlefield. They shouldn't have died. They're my friends. Why did I let this happen? The next thing I know, Anakin comes into my room. I look up every so slightly and see the worry in his eyes. I realize that I'm curled up on the couch, hugging my knees to my chest. My cheeks are wet and I'm probably quaking the Force-I forgot to put up my mental shields.

He sits down next to me and puts a hand on my back. His hands are warm and I start to slowly release my knees, leaning more towards him. He's comforting. My master pulls me a bit closer, then into an embrace. My heart rate slows to its normal speed. Anakin gently rubs my shoulders. "It's okay, Snips. I'm right here."

I wrap my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest. His chin rests between my montrals.

I push away the memory. I know I'm going to cry if I don't. But just thinking about it, a sweet reminisce, comforts me. Who knows, maybe I will see him again. Part of me hopes I do, the other part wants to move on. It's split. What if I do? What would I do?

I want to move on, but right away, I know it's not going to happen. I can't just forget the place-the very culture-I was raised in. I'll never forget anyone or anything. And the part of me who wants to see Anakin again is grateful for that.

Whatever happens, my mission is still to help people, in or out of the war zone. And I'm going to do that, no matter what. The closure of that promise I've just made to myself calms me enough to sleep. But will there be closure for anyone else?

Alrighty! That was the first chapter of this story. I hope you enjoyed it! I really don't have anything to blab on about right now, so I guess I'll see you in the next chapter. Pluto out!