Haha, so for the fans of Healing Fire, this story is LONG overdue, but I couldn't come up with a good premise for it and then bingo! Decided to test the blooming relationship between Kunzite and Venus. Yes, this is the sequel to Healing Fire, and it will have much more romance than in Healing Fire. As usual, this story will feature chapters that are 300 words.

Note: You do NOT have to read Healing Fire to understand this story. The plot here is stand alone, but still continues after Healing Fire.

*This story takes place a year after the events of Healing Fire. Set in Crystal Tokyo and features the pairing of Venus/Kunzite.

Soothing Rivers

1/ Aurora

Sunlight pierced through her balcony doors, lighting the dim room, and aiming directly for Venus's face. Groaning she tried to turn away from the light only to realize that someone had their arms wrapped around her—tightly. Slowly opening her eyes and squinting, the ray of sunlight barely missed her eyes. Blinking the blurriness away, Venus looked, as best as she could, around and noticed strands of white hair spilled over her shoulder and that her head was neatly tucked underneath someone's chin.

White hair. Wait, white hair?

Her heartbeat sped up and it took her a minute to realize the lack of clothes she wasn't wearing, "By Aphrodite's grace," she muttered unsure what to do. "what did…what happen last night?"

"And what do you suppose, my dove," a deep voice muttered bringing chills down her back. "I told you not to drink too much last night; though I will say that I much appreciated you being easygoing last night."

Venus's eyes widen, "Don't worry," he shifted his head. "I made sure to be very delicate with you," he chuckled, losing his grip on her, and Venus, the second he let go, shot up from the bed covering her bare chest.

Venus turned, glaring at an amused Kunzite, "The sores I'm having right now tell a different story," she grumbled. "Couldn't you have waited until I wasn't so drunk? Does consent ring a bell?"

"I wasn't the one who took it farther," Kunzite grinned. Venus blushed and looked away. It didn't make a damn difference! She was drunk. This wasn't the first time she woke up in his bed and it, unfortunately, wouldn't be her last. Wincing, Venus placed her feet on the floor.

"Need some help?" Kunzite asked still chuckling quietly to himself.

"Shut up."

Ha! Maybe you should listen to Kunzite next time, Venus. Alcohol will make you do things that you normally wouldn't do lol And I'm glad to be continuing the story of Healing Fire once again. Hope you guys enjoy! Any reviews would be appreciated. Until the next update ;)

Note 6/9/17: I have extended the chapter lengths for any new stories of mine to 500 words. Unfortunately, Soothing Rivers will remain at 300.