And finally we have reached the end of the road :) I've enjoyed my time with this story! But all good things eventually come to an end. Therefore, I have come to a decision on whether I will end this storyline, so its crucial for you to read the ending last author note. As for Red Moon Nine, I am having issues with my laptop right now and so, I cannot update it tonight. The reason being is that I'd plan to fix the story up since it has a lot a major issues and conflicts with the new plot I have in mind. Expect the story to be update either tomorrow or Monday ^^

Musa Tecna bestfriends forever: Thanks for your review!

Vchanny: xD I honestly didn't think about of them making that joke until I read your review. It completely slipped over my head lol

Flareup4Ratchet: That's what I love about them and I really dislike like him being paired with others too ^^' Like you said, Venus and Kunzite's relationship is very natural, after all, which makes it all the more enjoyable to write ^^

Soothing Rivers

24/ Resolution

Evening light drifted into the restaurant window. Piano played in the background, soft chatters balanced nicely with silence, and the candles and romantic feeling of the dining area were very pleasing to a certain guardian. Kunzite and she were dining at their favorite restaurant, the one where they went on their first date a year ago—actually, today was their anniversary. As for Kunzite, he was beyond happy. But Venus figured it had to do with Ace leaving. Venus didn't mind though. She was just relieved that Kunzite was him again.

Or at least as normal as things could be after all that happened.

"We haven't had a nice, romantic dinner in a while," Venus commented drinking her wine. The meal she had was delicious every time she ate it.

Kunzite smiled, "Which is exactly why I decided to take us on one. It's good to be away from the palace…" he drifted off into silence for a moment. "Venus?"

"Hm?" Their eyes met. It was a long gaze before he broke it. Standing up, Kunzite pulled out a beautiful box. Astonished by the box, Venus gave him a perplexed look. What was in it?

"Happy anniversary," he grinned and opened the box to reveal the Ace of Hearts necklace she saw at Naru's shop. Venus was shocked again. Not because of the gift, but because he still decided to give it to her despite its association. He took the necklace out and walked behind her, slipping it around her neck.

"Kunzite…but…" she held the jewel in her palm.

The general returned to his seat, "Don't worry. Not everything dealing with him earns my wrath. Besides, it fits you, beautifully, my dove."

Smiling, Venus felt as if those swift rivers had come to a soothing pause.

Another story on my long listed completed! Yay! But it's also makes me sad to see it end. I really enjoyed writing this and creating this story :) Hope you guys enjoy reading it as well. Now, I mentioned before that I was unsure on whether to do a sequel or not, and initially, the idea I had in mind left no room for a sequel. However, as you can probably tell, things didn't go that exact route, and so things feel...unfinished. That's why I brought up the idea of a sequel in the previous chapters. So, what decision did I come too?


There will in fact be a sequel ;) I already have its name, Devoting Gales, and I'll be using the idea I had for this ending there. The story will be a slice of life and we'll see more of Kunzite and Venus, as well as some other characters from time to time. Fortunately, like Spellbound and Feathered Droplets, I do not have a set number of chapters and so it will be an ongoing series until I feel like it should end ^^

Once again, thanks for reading! Check out my other stories until the next installment for this series (I guess its a series now lol) comes out. Until next time!