The song Karen sings in this chapter is Adele "One and Only" I don't own it or any Smash character.

"Are you sure we have to go back; I'm more than fine skipping the rest of my birthday weekend to stay here." Karen said as she stretched out in the bed lying next to Derek. The hem of the shirt she wore rising just enough for the Brit to catch a peek of her naked body beneath. Reaching out to pull her closer he enjoyed the squeal she made at the unexpected act.

"As tempting as that sounds, I promise Love the cottage isn't going anywhere. We'll come back I promise. But, I do think you would regret missing out on your next surprise." He informed as he let his hands wander freely over her body. His ministrations earning him the pleasant melody of her moans and sighs. "We must get going, Love or we'll miss our ride back." He kissed her soundly finding the pout on her face when he pulled away adorable.

"I thought you said Ana was going to meet us here," Karen stated as the helicopter carrying the couple touched down on the pad. Derek who was sitting closest to the door looked out the window. He knew the reason why the arburn haired woman wasn't waiting to greet them.

"She is meeting us, I'm sure she is just waiting inside the terminal." He assured. "Do you have everything," he asked taking the two bags from the seats as he opened the door to exist. Giving a quick glance to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything, Karen nodded and began to make her way out the door. Taking her lover's hand she stepped off the helicopter. Her back facing the terminal she had yet to see the trio who had just exited the building.

Finally having her two feet on the ground, the brunette turned around to face her boyfriend. Smiling at him as he allowed her to step past and lead the way inside. Derek watched Karen closely waiting for realization to sink in as she looked past him for the first time at the trio now waiting for them near the terminal entrance. Her expression was priceless and one he knew he would remember forever.

Eyes wide, tears starting to form she looked at him and then back at the trio. "This…?" unable to finish her thought. "How..?"

"Go on Love, they're waiting." Derek smiled giving her a slight nudge to urge her forward. Tears now freely falling she gave him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen and with a nod took off in a sprint.

"Mom, Dad" she yelled just as she stepped into her parent's embrace.

"Shush, sweetheart, why the tears?" her father inquired. "We're here now," her mother assured.

"I've missed you so much. I didn't think I'd get to see you anytime soon." She confessed trying to control her sobs. "How are you here?"

"I think there is a certain gentleman we have to thank for that." Her mother informed, turning to Derek who had just joined the small group.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, it's an honor to meet you, thank you for agreeing to help me." He said extending his hand in greeting.

"The pleasure is our and please call me Roger," Karen's father said taking the man's hand. "And I'm simply Elizabeth," the older woman greeted with a hug. "We are the ones who owe you a debt of gratitude for granting us this." She stated. "It has been a long time since we've seen Karen this happy."

"Your daughter's smile is all the thanks I need." Derek informed as the group turned to walk back inside. "I would do anything to anything to make sure it stays on her face."

Karen stopped mid-stride and turning to face Derek cupped his face "You are more than enough to make me happy." She kissed him not caring of her parent's presence. Stepping back, she laughed "but feel free to continue spoiling me, I won't complain." She teased, earning a laugh from the others including her boyfriend. His free hand now securely around her waist. Turning to Ana she exclaimed "You knew everything! Thank you for packing a bag for me and for meeting my parents."

"Of course." Her friend replied. "I take it from the tans you both sport it was a good time."

"The best," Karen answered without hesitation. The group existed the terminal and stopped at two parked cars. "You aren't going with us?" Karen looked at her best friend and her boyfriend.

"I thought the three of you would enjoy some time alone to catch up. We are still on for dinner at my place if you agree."

"Yeah and I promised Sam I would help him with a certain gift we owe someone for their birthday." Ana answered.

"Alright, thank you both." She moved to hug Ana tightly and then standing in front of Derek tip toed to kiss his lips. "I love you, thank you."

"I love you too." He kissed with a roughish smile playing on his face. "I'll see you tonight."

Thirty minutes later Karen and her parents sat in a small cozy restaurant Karen enjoyed eating at. This was her parents first visit to New York now that her daughter was famous. As they sat waiting for their food they endured patiently as fans approached their daughter asking for autographs and photos.

"Is this how it is every time you go out?" her father asked.

"Not always, plus once our food comes fans usually will back away to let us eat." She informed. "I still can't believe you're here, how, when did you get here and where are you staying?" The questions coming to allow a response.

Laughing Elizabeth Cartwright waited for her daughter to take a pause for breath. "Ana called a few weeks ago. She told us about Derek and that he would be calling to ask a favor. True to what she said, Mr. Wills called a few days later." Her mother stated.

"He introduced himself and confessed he was in love with you. He wanted to do something very special for your birthday and hoped we would help." Her father advised. "To say we were surprised would be an understatement but you had already told us about him and it was obvious from the way you spoke of him, that you likely felt the same way." He continued. "Anyway, let's just say I would have been sleeping on the couch if I had turned down his offer to pay for us to visit." He smiled as the waitress appeared with their food.

"We flew in last night," Her mother said. "Ana met us and helped us get settled in our hotel room. Derek arranged for us to stay in a beautiful suite at the Crosby Street Hotel."

"A hotel?" Karen asked confused as to why her parents would be in a hotel and not at her apartment.

"Yes, Derek thought it might give all of us privacy." Her father answered. "I tend to agree with him. I love you sweetheart and I understand you and Ana are grown women; but, I'm not sure I could handle seeing either one of you with a man in your room." Karen's face flushed at her father's confession and she knew in that moment she how much thought and consideration Derek had put into his plans.

"Plus, your father is in love with the big screen television in the living area and bedroom at the hotel. And the location is convenient, we already took a quick stroll around what I was told the SoHo district."

Karen laughed "You're staying in SoHo, that is great. It's close to my apartment and Derek's and not too far from the theater." She said. "How long will you be staying?"

"We are staying through your first preview." Elizabeth Cartwright informed.

"Oh my god, I can't wait then to show you the sites. You don't know how much I've missed you. This is by far the best birthday ever."

"I'm sure that has to do also with a certain British man who seems to be equally smitten." Karen's mother teased. "I've been eyeing that necklace you're wearing; I'm assuming it was a gift."

"Yes, he bought it for me on our trip to the Hamptons. I love him," Karen admitted. "I can't explain how he makes me feel other than free."

"Free?" Her father asked.

"Yes, I know it sounds crazy but when I'm with him, I don't see boundaries. All doubts in myself vanish and all I see are possibilities. I'm not afraid of failing. Aside from you guys, I've never had anyone make me feel like I'm worth loving, worth the effort. Like I said I know it's crazy." She said turning a deep shade of red.

Roger Cartwright was amazed. He knew the day would come when a man would steal his daughter's heart but to hear Karen talk about Derek Wills, in that manner it hit him. His little's heart belonged to someone else. He would no longer be the first person she turned to. "It's not crazy and as your father, it helps to know that if my little girl had to give her heart to someone; it is to someone who sees her as the gift she is and from what I saw earlier obviously treasures her." At her father's words Karen began to cry again.

"You will always be my first love daddy." She leaned over to kiss his cheek. Elizabeth Cartwright smiled at the exchange. She knew since they received Derek's call her husband had concerns. She was glad now to see they were put to rest. He would always keep a watchful eye on Derek but she also knew the young man had already impressed her husband.

"Is everything ready," Derek nervously asked Ana. He gave one last glance around at the guests who were now gathered in his living room. The last part of his surprise was a dinner for Karen that consisted of her two best friends from Iowa and friends from New York.

"Yes, stop fidgeting and turn off the lights." Sam was the one who answered. "Fred the doorman had announced Karen and her parent's had just arrived.

Karen smiled at her parent's expression when they entered Derek's building. The lobby was modern and sleek but it oozed wealth. It was an impressive sight she had to admit. "Hi Fred," she greeted the doorman. "These are my parents, Roger and Elizabeth Cartwright."

The older man smiled "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, it is a pleasure to meet you. You have raised a fine young lady here if you don't mind me saying so. She is always so pleasant and down to earth." He complimented before reaching for a small box behind his desk. Handing it to the brunette he said "This is for you, happy belated birthday."

"Thank you," Karen took the gift and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. A faint blush tinting his face.

"Did you enjoy the Hamptons; the cottage is beautiful isn't it. My Helen was over the moon when we first saw it. I can never repay Mr. Wills for letting me borrow it to surprise her."

"It was," Karen answered. "Maybe the four of us can go in the future, I'd love to meet Helen." She said leading her parents to the penthouse elevator.

The ride up was silent as Karen knew her parents were taking everything up. The type of money Derek had was not something the older couple from Iowa ever experienced and Karen herself had to admit it took her time to get used to. When the doors opened into the apartment she was confused as to why it was completely dark. "Derek?" she called out using only the city lights coming in from the windows to guide her.

As she and her parents rounded the stairs into the living room she was startled when the lights came on and shouts of surprise and Happy Birthday filled the room. Looking around she was again brought to tears at seeing herself surrounded not only by her close New York friends but also her two best friends from Iowa. Making the rounds to get everyone it was finally time for eat. Seated at three table set in a u-shape so that everyone could participate in conversation the night was light and full of easy conversations. She was pleased to see her Iowa friends got along so well with her New York friends. Watching Derek mingle effortlessly with everyone she knew she wanted to do something special tonight for him. Gathering Ana, Jessica, Sue and Selena she put her plan to work.

Taking a seat at the piano others had used earlier in the evening, Karen called for attention. "I have a favor to ask of all of you here. I would ask if you would indulge me for a few minutes as there is a song I've written but never performed before. So if it's a little rough please forgive me; Derek, my love, this is for you, I wrote it the day after we met and it was inspired by something you told me sitting in your hospital room. I hope you like it."

The room instantly still and the Brit moved to sit at a chair near the piano. The keys came alive and soon Karen's sultry voice filled the room.

"You've been on my mind. I grow fonder every day, lose myself in time, just thinking of your face. God only knows, why it's taken me so long to let my doubts go. You're the only one I want."

"I don't know why I'm scared, I've been here before, every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all; You'll never know if you never try, to forgive your past and simple be mine. I dare you to let me be your one and only. I promise I'm worth it, to hold in your arms. So come on, and give me a chance to prove I am the one who can walk that mile until the end starts."

Her eyes never leaving Derek the director was lost in the moment. The crowded room gone as only the woman he loved existed. His mind went back to their conversation back in the hospital room. He remembered how he had hoped she realized he saw her more than just a singer and he wanted her to see more than a director. This song said it all. It was the song he heard her working on. He didn't know at the time it was his song. Listening to her words, he knew Karen Cartwright was his forever.

"If I've been on your mind. You hang on every word I say, you lose yourself in time…."

This was exactly how she made him feel. She was the first person he thought of when he woke up and the dreams that filled his nights. As the second verse finished the harmony of the Ana, Jessica, Sue and Selena added to a new dimension to the melody. The song was brilliant.

When the song ended the room erupted in applause but Karen only cared about one person. Walking over to her British beau "I love you. You are my one and only." She said before embracing him. Her tear streaked face hidden in the crook of his neck. "I love you too and I will be here to hold you in my arms forever."