"Well, that was easier than I anticipated," Tommy commented as he tilted his head to the side and stared at the man in front of him. He frowned and leaned in for a closer inspection, "I really thought he would have put up more of a fight." The man in question was currently squirming around in the chair they had tied him to. Trying to scream through the duct tape they had placed over his mouth.

"You sound disappointed," Skye told him as she too tilted her head to the sigh, inspecting the man like a piece of abstract art. She noticed movement out of the corner of her eye and saw that Tommy was lifting up his phone. She heard the telltale click of the camera going off and chuckled, "Did you just take a photo of him?"

Tommy held the phone away from his face more, inspecting the image he had just taken, "Yup," He then clicked on something and mumbled, "And save. Well, that's my new background for the next six months."

Skye rolled her eyes, "Child," She mumbled to him and walked forward while uncrossing her arms. She leaned down and looked the frightened man in the eyes, "Look," She told him, "We don't want to hurt you but we need to know what Raina was doing here."

His breathing was hard and Skye could see that he was trying his best not to panic. Mr. Rathman looked at them widely, like he didn't believe that they were not going to hurt him. Which, in his full defense, they didn't make the best first impression by duct-taping him to his chair. He mumbled something through the duct tape and Tommy was the one to pull it back.

"Owe," he muttered and then looked at the two fearfully, "Look, whatever that Rania chick told you, she's lying." He stuttered out.

Tommy got down to his level and stared into his eyes, while his head tilted to the side. She watched in fascination as Mr. Rathman's eyes widen in fear. His whole body started shaking and his lip was wobbling, yet he could tear his eyes away from Tommy.

Tommy smirked and placed a hand on his shoulder, causing Mr. Rathman to jump, "You're afraid of her," Tommy said simply, "You're afraid of what she can do."

Mr. Rathman nodded his head weakly, "She's crazy man," he whimpered out, "The shit she wants the people she knows."

Tommy nodded his head in understanding. "Do you want to know how to conquer those fears?" He asked him and the frightened man nodded his head vigorously, "You confront them. So, in order to do that I need to know what Rania wanted from you."

He looked to be fighting Tommy's influence but Skye could already tell he wasn't strong enough. His forehead was sweating and he scrunched his face up in pain. He started squirming and Tommy grabbed him by the shoulders forcing him to look at him, "Tell me," He demanded.

Rathman gave in, "She needed to transfer money to another account," He murmured, "She moving cargo, important cargo, and needed more money for it."

Tommy looked up at her and the two friends shared a look, "That has to be Coulson," Skye said and Tommy agreed. He then looked back to Rathman and stood up, towering over the smaller man. He lifted his hand, curling it into a fist, and punched Rathman in the face. The single punch had rendered the man unconscious and Skye huffed in annoyance. "I still needed to ask him some questions."

Tommy shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry," He said unapologetically.

Skye groaned, "I'm going to have to hack the records now," She muttered to herself and move to the computer, "Which means that we have to spend more time here."

She started furiously typing away on the computer, not at all surprised that it was easy to hack into, and tried finding the files. Her entire focus was on finding the file that contained the information about Rania. She just wanted to get Coulson back, if she got Coulson back then she could explain everything and half of her problems wouldn't exist.

Though it begs the question as to why Rania wanted Coulson in the first place. Sure, he was a high-ranking SHIELD agent but Raina never cared about that stuff. She was about evolution and how to make herself Inhuman, not about spies, secrets, and information. She had never cared about that, not even working with her father. There had to be something about Coulson that was peaking Rania's interests. That was causing her to kidnap someone who was very important to Nick Fury and the Avengers.

"Hey Skye," Tommy called from his place by the window, "It looks like we got company."

Her eyes shot to his, "What!?" She nearly shouted and got from her seat, rushing over to the window. She looked down and could see that SHEILD was outside, readying themselves to go in. "I'm not done yet."

"Want me to hold them off?" Tommy suggested.

"No," She told him firmly, "We're just going to have to wait till the very last second and then book it out of here." She then ran back to the computer and forced her fingers to type even faster than before. She just needed a place, one place, and then they were good to go. Unfortunately, it seemed that Mr. Rathman had a lot of clients and that meant a lot of files to go through.

By the time she had gotten down to the R's, SHIELD was already halfway up the building. She scrolled through all the names until she saw the first S. When there was no mention of Rania's name, she started to panic. "Where are you?" She muttered to herself and went back to the top again.

She was halfway through the C's when she saw something that caught her eye. It wasn't a name on the list but a title. "The Clairvoyant," She mumbled and clicked on the name. It brought up a list of financials and then a list of different locations.

"Skye!" Tommy called again this time more urgent.

"I'm almost done," She called back not taking her eyes off the screen. She stumbled a bit as she took out her phone and held it up to the computer screen. She quickly took a picture of all the locations as she heard the sound of a door bursting open and large heavy footsteps from outside.

"I'm done!" She called out.

Tommy didn't even hesitate. As soon as the words left her mouth, he ran over to her, shadows collecting around him, and dove for her. He leaped over the desk and wrapped his arms around her, pushing her back, as the door busted open revealing Mike Peterson leading a group of SHIELD agents.

Skye hardly got the chance to understand what was happening to her. She and Tommy were falling to the ground but her back never seemed to hit the ground. Instead, she was greeted with the sense of falling, a never-ending fall, with emptiness all around her. It was dark, so dark, and there was a menacing chill that was creeping up her spine. Her arms that were wrapped around Tommy suddenly became numb and limp. She felt so tired and Skye closed her eyes letting her arms fall and letting go of Tommy.

She could hear him cry out for her but it was muffled. It was like she was underwater and instead of water surrounding her it was darkness. She had never felt this way before, never felt so tired and hopeless. Never felt so cold and incomplete; she had never felt this empty inside.

When her eyes opened again she had stopped falling. There was darkness all around her except for the shining lights of what looked like a Diner in front of her. There were no cars parked in front of the diner and the lights itself seemed to be flickering. The neon green sign reading Manny's Diner, and Skye could see that there was movement inside.

She walked forward slowly, unsure of what was on the inside. She tried to feel out the vibrations but cocked her head to the side when she felt nothing. There were no heartbeats yet Skye could clearly see that there was activity going on inside the diner. Coming up to the door, Skye placed her hand on the door handle and pulled it open.

The atmosphere changed once she entered the place. It was no longer cold and dark but rather warm and inviting. There were people milling about talking, drinking, eating. It was like they didn't realize that they were nowhere. That there was nothing but this diner; it was like they didn't care at all.

A kind woman came up to her, she was wearing a typical sixties pink diner dress, a smiled at her. "Just take a seat anywhere you like, hun," She said while chewing a piece of gum.

Skye furrowed her brow and looked around for a place to sit. All the booths seemed to be empty except for one that was in the back. She stiffened. She knew the back of that head. She had seen it for years, killed for that head, she almost died for that head. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Skye walked towards the booth and sat down across the other occupant.

"Hey Johnson," Lucifer smiled at her and took a sip from his mug, "It's been a while."

Tommy crashed to the ground and proceeded to cough until tears came out of his eyes. He had no idea where he was, where he had landed. All he knew was that one moment he was holding onto Skye and the next she was falling from his grasp. He tried grasping for her but by the time he yelled out her name she had already disappeared into the darkness surrounding them.

He had never seen anything happen like that before. He had never seen the darkness consume someone like that before. It wrapped around her in tendrils and pulled her back, enveloping her in a shroud of pure and utter darkness. Then, as he fought back, the darkness started attacking him. It was like he was suddenly an enemy for trying to take his friend back. He didn't understand, that had never happened before.

Tommy leaned against the wall for support and tried to pull himself up. He was weak, his body was weak, everything about him hurt. It had never felt this bad before and he didn't understand why he hated not understanding why.

Opening his eyes he tried to take in the scenery around him. He was on top of a building, that much was obvious, and as he looked at the skyline it seemed that he was in New York. Why of all places would he have transported himself to New York? He had spent little time there and the time that he had spent there was not exactly times he wanted to revisit. Pulling himself to his feet, he let his body rest against the brick wall that housed a door. He reached for the doorknob and was about to open it when a voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," A voice told him. It was light and feminine, but he could tell that there was something behind it that sounded knowing. He turned around to see a woman standing there. Her skin was pale, her head free of any hair, and she wore robes that were a bright fluorescent yellow. The woman smiled at him, her blue eyes lighting up.

"Why?" Tommy asked her, "Am I going to die or something."

The woman chuckled, "No," She replied calmly, "I just had the floors waxed, it's quite slippery in there."

Tommy forced his tired body off the wall and walked closer to the woman. He narrowed his eyes at her, trying to figure her out. She had been here the whole time, had seen him land, and she wasn't fazed about it. The way she was standing, it was almost like she was expecting him to be here.

"Where am I?" He asked.

The woman caulked her head to the side, "You're in New York," She answered simply, "Though I'm getting the feeling that's not the answer you wanted." The woman walked closer to him, so close that if she reached out with her arm, she could touch him. "Your friend is lost Thomas Ward, I'm afraid the only person that can get her back is herself."

Tommy's entire body stiffened and he glared at her, "How do you know about Skye?" He asked menacing, his hands curling into a fist by his sides.

"I've known about her and you for a while now," She placed her hands behind her back, "Your stories and truly remarkable."

"Stories," Tommy said incredulously. He watched as the woman walked away from his and started making her way over to a tree. She picked up a pair of clippers and began trimming it, acting as if she hadn't just said something ominous. Tommy was baffled by this action and walked over to her, "Hey," He snapped at her, "You can't just say something like that and walk away."

He reached out to try and touch her shoulder but the woman was quicker than that. She turned around with a speed that Tommy had never seen before. She thrust a hand out and hit him in the chest, knocking his body back, but not him. He felt something release and detach from his body, like a rubber band being pulled out before it's snapped back. He looked down to see that his body was still falling but yet somehow, he was still standing.

"Who are you," He demanded.

The woman quirked an eyebrow, "I am the Ancient One, Master of the Mystical Arts," She said and began walking again, this time he was being pulled with her, "I protect the world from mystical threats. Threats, it seems, that are increasingly more and more as you and your friend meddle in affairs that are not yours."

Tommy swallowed, "Skye," He croaked, "You said she was lost, how do I get her back."

"You can't," The Ancient One said sternly, "Only she, herself, can find her way out."

He shook his head, "That can't be," He insisted, "I've been controlling this for years, there has to be a way that I can save her."

The Ancient One chuckled, "Controlling?" She said as if it were a question, she then shook her head like a teacher would scold a toddler, "My boy you haven't been controlling anything, merely harnessing its power. The only reason it does not work now is that you do not want it to work."

"What do you mean?" He asked his interest peaked this time. "I've had these powers for years; I would think I know about them a little more than you do."

The Ancient One huffed and swirled her hands around. Orange lights began showing up around her hands. Then created a picture all around them as if they were holograms. The images were the place in which he always traveled through different people that he had encountered. "Why are you showing me this." He asked.

"Haven't you ever wondered where your powers come from?" She asked, "How they came to be?"

"I know how they came to be," He snarked, "I was shot in the chest in San Juan, a diviner went off, and then I became Inhuman."

The Ancient One smiled and placed a hand upon his cheek, "I'm afraid you've been told wrong," She said and with a swirl of her hand, the images changed again, "There is a reason, Thomas Ward, that you have the powers that you do. It was no accident what happened to you that day, underground."

Tommy narrowed his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"The diviner is not what brought you back from the dead Thomas Ward, though it did help, it was your friend who did. In her pain and sorrow, with the fear of living without you, Daisy was able to bring you back. But not without its consequence," She frowned at him, "When she brought you back, something came with you."

"I don't understand," He said quietly.

The Ancient One sighed, "The reason that you lived, that reason you're here standing now alive, is because when your friend brought you back, she created an opening."

"An opening?"

"A small one, a tiny crack in the Universe, and from that portal something escaped and made a home inside you." She then smiled again, a real smile, and Tommy felt even more confused, "A part of the Darkforce lives inside you."

He couldn't help it; from everything that he was feeling he snort. That name sounded so ridiculous, "Well," He said sarcastically, "That name doesn't sound totally ominous or evil at all."

"Very few have been able to bear witness to the Darkforce Dimension. Those who have did not live very long after to tell the tale. I say you should consider yourself a very lucky man Thomas Ward."

Tommy shook his head, "Luck is not a word that I would use to describe this,"

The Ancient One looked saddened, "You've been told your whole life that darkness creates darkness and that fear will only breed fear. What if I were to tell you that that is wrong. That in darkness light can be created and that sometimes fear can create hope."

"I would say that you have a very optimistic outlook on life,"

"On the contrary, I'm a bit of a pessimist," She retorted and tilted her head to the side, "What you have is a gift Thomas, not a curse,"

"I know that," He yelled at her. He had heard that saying so many times when he was in Afterlife. That what he could do what not a curse, that it was a gift to be cherished.

"Then start acting like it," The Ancient One scolded him loudly, "You say that your life has only been filled with misery and death, but you are wrong. You found love and loyalty and friendship in the face of uncertainty. You have done bad deeds but those deeds do not define you, your enemies and allies they do not define you, only you can define you," She stopped and Tommy meet her gaze, "I know you are afraid of your future and that is why you spend so much of your time in the past. But Thomas, it is time to move on."

He was silent for a minute. Even though he was not in his body he felt his heart flutter at her words. Never had someone actually spoken them out loud before, not even himself. They were only thoughts and if he spoke them, he was afraid they would come true. He was too afraid that he would let everyone down and that he would fail.

"What if I fail?" He asked her, his voice thick with emotion.

The Ancient One merely shrugged and smiled at him, "What if," She replied back to him, "That is the glory of the unknown, I look forward to finding out." She then looked over to where his body was. Still falling, inches away from hitting the ground, and he wondered for a second that if he fell, would he still feel it even if he was outside his body. The Ancient One twirled her hands and like a rubber band smacking back, his conscious was snapped back into his body.

It was disorienting, having your mind placed back into your body, would not recommend. Every was fuzzy and his head was pounding. It was one of the worst headaches of his entire life. Everything was spinning around him and he could barely lift an arm into the air. The Ancient One could have at least warned him about vertigo before forcing him back into his body. He groaned as his body fell to the ground and he had to blink a few times before looking up and seeing the Ancient One smirking down at him.

"I believe you have somewhere to be," She said cheekily looking down on him.

"Skye," He started as he got up again, his friend was in trouble and he wanted to help her.

"Will be fine if she is every bit the person, I believe her to be," The Ancient One finished for him, "Have faith in your friend Thomas Ward, she will find her way out."

He had faith in his friend, he had faith in her friends, and he had faith in his brother. It was about time that he held faith in himself. Clutching his hands into a fist he narrowed his eyes and felt something well up inside of him. It was time that he stopped losing and it was time that he started winning. He was going to find Coulson and he was going to bring him back.

"What do mean they disappeared?" May asked as she stood in her normal pose. Legs spread apart, back straight as a pin, and arms crossed over her chest.

Ward rolled his eyes, annoyed that he had to explain the situation again. He had just come back from the briefing with Hand. Fitz had not been able to hear a lot of it but what he was aware of was the yelling that came from Agent Hand. Even from down in the lab, where he was, he could still clearly hear her yelling at the agents and cursing them out. If it was on any other given day he may have laughed, but today his friends were in trouble and he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Ward sighed, "When the tact team opened up the door, they said that Tommy and Skye just disappeared into the shadows."

May squinted her eyes, "Are they sure that's what they saw?" She questioned him, even after all this time May was still skeptical about gifted individuals.

"Yeah, it's what they saw, they had cameras on the side of their helmets. They recorded the whole thing from start to finish."

May moved her arms and rubbed the side of her temple with both of her hands. She began pacing back and forth looking like she was formulating a plan. "Do you have an idea where your brother, or even Skye, could have went?"

Ward frowned and shrugged his shoulders, "They could be anywhere," He said defeated, "There's no telling where they went."

As if on cue, there was the sound coming from the corner. The temperature in the room had dropped and all the shadows collected into one corner. They watched with wide eyes as Tommy came running out of the darkness, a hardened look in his eyes. There was a tired look about him, Fitz noted, that made it seem like he had not sleep in days. That even though he hadn't even been gone a full twenty-four hours, he looked to have been up for three days.

"Tommy?" Grant said taking a step closer to him, "What the hell are you doing here? It's not safe for you to be here right now." He then looked around and noticed that he was alone, "And where's Skye?"

There was a pained look in his eyes and Tommy clenched his jaw, "I'm here to find Coulson, I'm done with this little spitting match with SHEILD," He then paused and looked directly towards Grant, "As for Skye, well, I don't know. We got separated in…" He trailed off and shook his head, "Where she is, I can't reach her, she'll have to find her own way out."

"What does that mean," It was Jemma who had asked it this time. She had practically silent since she had heard the news of Skye and Tommy. It was the first time that Jemma seemed genuinely concerned for Skye since finding out about her powers. They had not talked about it a lot but Fitz knew that Jemma had felt hurt by Skye's lying.

It was hard to truly warp your feelings around, he thought. When he had first found out, he had felt a whole spectrum of feelings at once. Anger, betrayal, fear, aww, wonderment, bafflement, and a slew of other feelings that he could hardly describe with words. Skye was his friend and yet there she was lying to them about a huge part of herself. He could understand why she didn't tell them, after all, they were natural enemies of each other. However, he just thought that they were good enough friends that she would have told them the truth.

It makes sense now, looking back, her having powers. The earthquake that had happened when they retrieved the 0-8-4. The way she was able to find her way around places without even knowing the layout beforehand. When Fitz had witnessed her using her powers, it had all made sense to him, the last puzzle piece coming into place. It had opened up a whole new world to him, a world that was scary but filled with possibilities waiting to be explored.

Tommy's voice is what brought him back to Earth, "I can't explain it now," He insinuated. He then reached out his hand and looked at them with pleading eyes, "Come with me and together we can find Coulson."

"But Hand," Fitz started but Tommy had cut him off.

"We're never going to find Coulson if we keep squabbling like children," He snapped, "I'm done playing these games. Either we work together or not at all?"

There was a lapse of silence as the Team looked around at each other. They all gave each other questioning glances wondering who was going to be the first. Fitz thought that Ward would have been the first one to take Tommy's hand. But as he looked at the older gentleman, he saw that there was hesitation behind his eyes. There was something holding each of them back and none of them would move forward without one of the others going first.

Screw it, he thought and Fitz went forward and placed himself beside Tommy. The others looked at him for an explanation, "He's right, SHIELD doesn't know anything about these guys but we do. We are the only people who can find Coulson."

Jemma then stepped forward and looked him in the eyes, "I'm in," She said and walked over to be beside him.

A moment later May stepped forward, "This has already gone on long enough, it's time we get my friend back," She said sternly and made her way to the other side of Tommy.

All that was left was Ward. He looked conflicted and Fitz could tell that he was struggling with something on the inside. Like he wanted to go with his brother but there was something holding him back, there was something that was weighing him down.

"Grant?" Tommy asked in a small hopeful voice.

Ward took a deep breath, "They'll come after us," He told them, "They could take our badges for this."

"They could," May confirmed and his eyes snapped to hers. "But we're a team, Ward, and no man get's left behind, no matter what."

Something sparked in Ward's eyes, a flash a fear and surprise. Fitz narrowed his eyes and wondered what the older agent was thinking about. However, he didn't get much time to think before Ward reached out his hand and grasped his brothers'. "Let's save Coulson," He said to Tommy but Fitz knew he was speaking to everyone, "Let's do the right thing," Tommy smirked and Ward returned it. They had the same smirk, Fitz noticed, they shared a few similarities but that smirk was the exact same.

Fitz then felt a coldness crawling up his back. The room around them becoming darker with each passing second. Something was wrapped around him and it took everything in him not scream and call out. He had only felt this feeling once before, but too many things had been happening for him to realize what was actually happening to him. It was an odd feeling, not unpleasant, but not a good feeling either. It felt like the climb up on a roller-coaster, and when the darkness complete enveloped him and he could no longer see was the drop. His stomach rolled and he felt like he was free falling through the air, he was weightless, surrounded by darkness and silence.

When the light returned to his eyes, he could see that they were no longer on the Bus. Rather it looked like they were in a living room. Turning around slightly, Fitz could tell that this was an apartment by how small and compacted every room was. A rather messy room, by the looks of it, with papers flown everywhere. Files that seemed to be stacked on each other creating pillars where they were placed. Empty containers of take-out laid on the floor and Fitz wrinkled his nose at that, this place was in need of some serious cleaning.

There was a loud bark and Fitz turned around to see a very plump dog running towards Tommy. He watched as Tommy smiled and kneeled down, running his hands all along with the small dog, who was currently licking his face. "Oh, my baby!" Tommy squealed and the corgi flopped over while Tommy began rubbing its belly, "I've missed you too, sweetie."

"Tommy," Ward said while giving his brother an odd look, "What are you doing?"

Tommy picked up the dog and cradled it as if it where a newborn baby, "This is my baby girl, Bugby, I've missed you so much, my sweet little girl." The dog began licking his face and Tommy did not make a move to stop it.

"Where is this place?" May asked as she looked around inspecting the apartment.

Tommy shrugged his shoulders as he also did a three-sixty of the place, "This the apartment of my old F.B.I partners place. I know for a fact that he has some information that could help us but it looks like he isn't here right now."

"Wait, you mean Uriah Tessler?" Ward asked looking confused, "The one that gave the interview."

Tommy rolled his eyes, "That stupid interview," he muttered, "I almost called him up for that but decided against it. But, yes, that same Uriah Tessler."

"Are you sure he's willing to help us," May asked as she inspected the collection of files on the table.

Tommy smirked, "He'll help," he reassured them all.

Fitz got the feeling that Tommy knew something that they didn't.

After the initial shock of seeing her old dead mentor/torturer wore off. Skye had finally come to her senses and reached for the knife on the table. It was a butter knife, probably wouldn't do much damage, but she would try her hardest to make sure that it did. However, before the tip of the knife could even reach his eye, Lucifer's hand shot out with lightning speed and caught her hand. Stopping her from any further attack, she was stuck there, looking into his cold grey eyes.

His expression had not changed. He had not even flinched when she had lunged for him, his smirk was still plastered on his face. His eyebrow merely twitched upwards as if questioning as if she had just really tried to kill him or not. Skye pushed harder, but her arm would not budge, "How are you alive?" She grunted out angrily.

"If you want to get technical, I'm not," He replied casually, as if a knife was not to his face, "Though I'm not quite alive either."

Skye let the knife drop to the table, the clattering of steel hitting would creating a large echo, and she slumped back down into the booth's chair. "What does that mean?" She asked while crossing her arms over her chest.

"It means what it means, Kid," He said while moving his had in a rolling motion, "Can we move on from the technicalities and into the more important business."

"Such as,"

"You," He responded and made a point to gesture to her with his index finger.

Skye rolled her eyes and made a movement to get up. Suddenly, the entire diner went still and quiet. All of the patrons that occupied the space had stooped moving and talking. Instead, their full attention was now on her. She looked around to see that all eyes were on her, glaring and menacing, looking at her as if she kicked a puppy. The looked ready to pounce if given the command. Skye turned towards Lucifer, "What is this?" She asked with fear creeping into her voice.

"I told you, Kid, we have some stuff to talk about, now sit down,"

She did as she was told, sitting down immediately. A part of her was still commanded by the sound of his voice. Another part of her hated the part of her, the part that still listened to him even after everything he had done to her. Skye noticed that as soon as she sat down all of the patrons in the diner returned to normal. Their stares looking away from her as they returned to the activities they had been doing beforehand.

Lucifer began laughing, "What's so funny?" She snapped at him.

"You thinking you can just walk out of this place," He explained to her then leaned forward, "If it were that simple, don't you think I would have tried it already?"

"Where are we? The last thing I remember is traveling with Tommy," She trailed off, thinking about how she fell.

"You're stuck, Kid, that's where you are. Stuck in a prison with only one way in and one way out,"

"So how did you end up in this prison then? I thought I had killed you all those years ago," She asked mockingly. She can still remember the gun to his head, the building crashing around them, she was sure that he had died, that she had killed him. Yet, here he was, in front of her looking the same as he did on that day.

Lucifer only smiled at her, "You thought you did, and you were nearly there, but that boy of yours did something. Trapped me in here for," He scoffed, "Lord knows how long."

"Then how am I here," She demanded. Tommy and she had been merely shadow traveling. He hadn't been trying to trap her. She fell on her on accord, her hands slipping from his, falling down into the deep black abyss.

"You're here because you're lost, at war with yourself, etc, etc…" He rolled his eyes, "The truth is, Kid, you don't know who you are or who you want to be." He then sucked in a breath, "And unfortunately, that's the only way to get out of here."

Skye narrowed her eyes at him, looked over him carefully. Something was off about him, he would have never been this understanding towards her. He would have never been this helpful towards her, not even in his death. This man was too nice, too understanding, too sympathetic towards her, and even though he wore the face of Lucifer, it was not him. He was not the man that she had remembered at all, "You're not Lucifer are you?" She asked him softly, looking at him up and down.

He shrugged, "I am," He said but there was a mischievous glint behind his eyes, "But I'm also not. That man you knew long ago is dead."

"Yet here you are,"

"Yet here I am," He mimicked her words. He then reclined in his seat, letting his shoulders slouch and arms crossing lazily over his chest. "You believe in soul mates, Kid?"

The question had taken her back, not having expected it at all, especially coming from the man in front of her. Skye took a moment and thought about it, "I believe in the concept of it, yes, but actual soul mates? No."

"You should," Lucifer said while smirking, "considering you have one."

"What!" She exclaimed in disbelief, her heart practically stopping at the statement.

Lucifer laughed at her face, "You really think that you and Thomas Ward met by pure accident? That the two of you just happen to meet and just," He snapped his fingers together, "Click?"

Skye shook her head, "Look, I love Tommy and he loves me, just not in that way,"

Lucifer scoffed, "Everyone has this idea that this notion, that soul mates are romantic," He slammed his hands against the table causing her to jump a little, "Newsflash, they aren't, they are the Universe's way of saying that you and this person were meant to be together. Whether that be romantic or platonic is up to the people."

"But-," She started but Lucifer cut her off again.

"Haven't you ever wondered why your relationship with Tommy is so close? How you two seem to always be able to find each other, even if you're a world away? How you're so connected? How you managed to bring him back to life?"

Skye held a finger up, "I didn't bring him back to life, I just made it so that his heart kept beating until the transformation was complete," She argued and Lucifer merely raised an eyebrow at her.

"You and I both know that isn't what happened. You brought him back because the thought of living in a world without him was too much to bear."

Skye was silent, unable to deny anything that he had just said because it was true. She had been heartbroken when she saw Tommy shot. Inconsolable as she saw him lying on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. Sobbing as she cradled his paled, nearly grey, body wishing that he would just hold on, hold on long enough for help to come. Except, help had never come for them and it was just him and her, in an underground temple never to be discovered by anyone.

"You would tare the Universe apart if it meant saving him," Lucifer told her finally, "And he would do the same for you."

Seeing his face in old photos was an odd feeling to describe. When he looked at them, it looked he could barely recognize himself. He looked the same but at the same time, he looked so different. His hair and clothing style was all the same but there was just something about him that was so…off. Now, Tommy will be the first to admit that he was not in the best mental state at that time in his life, but still, it was weird actually seeing it. It was weird seeing the person he was and then looking in the mirror to see the person he was now.

He liked to think that he had gone through some major changes. That he had changed for the better after everything was said and done. But, the things he had done were never going away, he would never be able to erase them from his past. A part of him didn't want to erase them from his past, a part of him wanted to frame it so that he can be reminded of it.

"You looked good," His brothers' voice came from beside him and Tommy held back a flinch.

Tommy looked to see where Grant was pointing to see the picture he had been staring at. "I wasn't," Tommy replied and elaborated more when Grant gave him a confused look. "Good, I wasn't doing well back then." He sucked in a breath, "Man, I was so fucked up, mental and physically,"

"Well, it doesn't show," Grant pointed out.

Tommy frowned, "Sometimes I wish it had," He confessed, "If I had known back then what would have happened, maybe I could have made some better decisions." He then shook his head and looked towards his brother, "But I guess that's over now so why even worry about it?"

Grant looked away for a split second then back to him. He looked like he wanted to say something to him, ask him something, but was debating with himself about it. "Tommy," Grant said cautiously, "I need to tell you something."

Tommy furrowed his brow, "By the tone of your voice I'm assuming this is something important," Grant nodded his head and Tommy sighed, "Well, then, tell me."

"It's about SHIELD," He whispered and glanced over his shoulder to make sure the others were still occupied, "It's not what you think it is."

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

Grant pulled him in closer, "You have to understand, when I first joined, I had nothing. I felt like I was nothing. SHEILD gave me a job, a purpose, and I was good at what I did. But…" he trailed off.

"But it wasn't always liked that?" Tommy guesses for him.

Grant looked guilty, "No, hell it didn't even start out that way, the only reason I joined SHIELD is because of a man named John Garrett," Grant explained, "He trained me, and for five years he was practically the only human contact I had and when he told me to join, I did."

"Where is this going Grant,"

Grant didn't seem to hear his question as he just continued with his story, "I owed my life to him, to John, because without him I would still be rotting in a cell. But, over the past couple of months, I'm starting to see that maybe I don't owe him, that may be what we're doing is wrong."

"And what exactly are you doing?"

Grant looked sad and disappointed in himself, "Helping Hydra," He finally said and Tommy widened his eyes, "I don't actually believe in anything Hydra says, it's just John needed their help and I need to help John."

Tommy shook his head, taking a step back from his brother, "Why are you telling me this," He whispered angrily, "Why now of all times?"

"I thought you would understand," He said while shaking his head, "I thought maybe you and Skye could help me. Because once I'm done saving John, I'm leaving, I'm leaving and never coming back."

Tommy thought about it for a moment. Could he do it? Could he help out the people that had always been enemies to him for the sake of his brother? Could he help out an organization that had hunted Skye down for many years? Could he, could he?

"I have to think about it, Grant," He said finally, his emotions creeping into his voice, "So much is happening and I don't need another problem added to my plate."

His brother nodded his head in understanding, but Tommy could tell that there were lingering nerves there. That his brother thought to tell him was not the right thing to do, that maybe he thought he was going to snitch on him. Just as his brother began walking off, they all heard the sound of keys turning and locks opening. Their gazes all shot to the front door where Tommy says Uriah walking in a frown on his face.

When Uriah first saw that Tommy was alive, the first thing he said was, "Why couldn't you have just actually been dead?" and, to be fair, it was a bit of a bad decision on Tommy's end not to tell Uriah that he was alive. Really the only extent that Uriah knew was that he wasn't the best of people and that his best friend killed people for money. So, yeah, come to think of it he was really lucky that Uriah didn't rat him out.

After he had said that, cursed him out a couple of times, Tommy was finally able to tell Uriah what was happening. He had told him everything, excluding the parts about Skye because those two never did get along, and Tommy watched him carefully as he took everything in. His expression wasn't readable, unlike what it used to be a couple of years ago. He had gotten better at hiding his emotions and it wasn't helping the building anxiety that Tommy was feeling.

"So," He said after he finished telling him everything, "Will you help us?"

Uriah glanced around at the people around him. Then his gaze looked towards the dog he was currently cradling, and finally, it was to him. "I'll help you," He said and Tommy breathed a sigh of relief, "If you tell me why you killed the director."

Tommy sucked in a breath, that was always going to be the wedge in their friendship. It wasn't the alcoholism, it wasn't his powers or even his best friend who killed people for money. No, it was always going to be him killing the director of the F.B.I all those years ago. "He was a bad guy, Uriah,"

Uriah rolled his eyes, "And so are you," He scoffed, "We're all bad people but I want to know what it was he did that made him so bad."

Tommy bit the inside of his cheek and thought about what to say for a moment. He thought about lying to him. Because if he told Uriah the truth then there was a big possibility that he would help them out. Truth be told, Tommy wasn't proud of what he did that day, he would do it again and again if he had too. And maybe that was bad, maybe it was bad the things he was willing to do for the people that he cared about.

He had shot the director because he was going to hurt Skye. It was simple as that and at the same time, it wasn't. Because he had found out that he wasn't who he said he was, he found out that he had a whole other name. He had found out that he was working with Mr. Jones while he was working with the F.B.I at the same time. All of those things didn't matter to him, the only reason that did was that he was planning on hurting Skye. And in his book, that was the worst offense possible.

"Truth be told, he wasn't that bad of a guy," Tommy said finally, "In fact, he was a pretty decent man."

"Then why kill him?"

Tommy stared harshly at his old friend, and when he saw the brown eyes he knew what he was going to do. "Because if I didn't, he would have killed someone I cared about, he would have exposed everything I had worked so hard to build," Tommy paused, "I shot him because I was the bad guy."

There was silence after that, not even his dog was making any noise. Uriah's jaw clenched together and he could tell that everyone else in the room was waiting in suspense to see what would happen. They needed this information because without it they would not be able to find Coulson easily. They didn't have much time left and Tommy didn't want to add Coulson to the list of names of the people that died because of him.

"Was it because of the girl," He asked, "Was it because of that girl you were always so desperate to find."

Tommy nodded his head, "Yeah, it was,"

Suddenly, Uriah got up from where he was sitting and walked over to one of his desks. He pulled it open and pulled out the biggest files that Tommy had ever seen. The folder itself was busting at the seams, half torn and only being held together by a rubber band. Uriah searched through it and came to a certain piece of paper. He pulled it out and marched back over to where he was sitting, handing him the paper he had pulled out.

"What is this?" Tommy asked as he gingerly took the paper from Uriah.

"A list of places that Mr. Rathman is known to use," He said gruffly, "Take before I change my mind."

"Why help me, after everything I just said?"

Uriah looked at him up and down, "You were my friend once Ward, maybe I wasn't to you but you were to me, I know what you're capable of," He then shrugged, "And there are worse bad guys out there other than you."

Tommy stared down at the file in his hands and held it gratefully, "Thank you," He said and stood help, "Thank you."

Uriah's eye twitched, "Don't thank me, just go get your guy and leave me the hell alone," Tommy smirked and held out his arms for the team to grab onto him. As he was letting the shadows take over him Tommy could hear Uriah calling out to him, "And leave the dog alone!"

Skye had stormed out of the diner after what Lucifer had said to her. She knew that what he was saying was right, but it just hurts to hear it coming from him of all people. It hurt because he was the one person she never thought would tell the truth to her. She had always thought he would lie to her, but hearing that, hearing everything he said. She wonders now if anything he said to her while alive was true?

"What are you doing, Kid?" She heard Lucifer ask from behind her.

Skye turned to glare at him, "Trying to get away from you, from this place," She gestured largely to the vast emptiness around them. "I don't even know how I supposed to get out of this place."

Lucifer sighed, "I told you, kid, you gotta find yourself,"

"Yeah, but what does that mean!" She snapped at him, "I know who I am!"

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, "Do you, then?" He said impressed and crossed his arms over his chest, "Well then, tell me."

Skye opened her mouth to reply but she found that no words would come out. She struggled to find the right words that could describe who she was. As she struggled to find the words, Skye could feel that tears were starting to collect in the corner of her eyes. "I don't know who I am," She said in realization, "I don't know who I want to be."

Lucifer looked sadly satisfied with her answer. He smiled and walked forward towards something that she had not seen before. It was a house, a simple house, with a red door and Lucifer was walking towards it. Skye didn't know why but she felt compelled to follow him as he opened the door to the house.

The inside of the house was far too neat to be any normal house. Nothing looked touched or lived in, not even a photo on the wall. The only thing that was out of place was the vase of flowers on the dining room table. A vase that was full of daisies, all dead except for one.

"What is this place," She asked in horror as she stared at the flowers.

"It's your doorway out, Kid," Lucifer said to her. His hand gently touching her shoulder, "It's the only way you can get out of here."

"What do I need to do?" She asked turning towards him, practically wrapping herself in his embrace.

Lucifer took both his hands and cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. He brought his face incredible close to hers, so close she could feel his breath on her face, and stared. "Stop denying who you are, Daisy," he said her real name and she gasped, "Stop pretending, stop acting like a child whose mother told her no, and start acting like a leader." He growled, "You were born to lead and now it's time that you accept that. No more running and no more hiding, you have to learn to accept all of you, the good, the bad, and all of the ugly."

Skye bit her lip, "I can't," She sobbed, "I can't accept it."

Lucifer brushed a piece of her hair back, "You don't get that choice. There are people out there who need you. Your people need you, they need someone who will lead them to greatness, not war."

"All I've ever brought is war and destruction," She hissed at him, tears streaming down her face, "How will I be any different?"

"Because you know mercy," He told her, "Because despite everything that happened, everything I put you through, you still show kindness. You still show people that there is hope and that not everything is lost."

Skye closed her eyes and moved away from Lucifer. She took a deep breath, forced herself to stop crying, and opened her eyes again. She stared at the sole white daisy in the vase that was still alive. She started moving towards it slowly and reached out her hand touching it lightly.

She was going home.