I don't own B-project kodou*ambitious, I wish I did, but sadly… it's, just not the case.

To Be Continued.

By Alimackatjac

Chapter 1 The beginning

The glaring overhead lights surrounding the massive area suddenly flash off, throwing the arena in complete darkness. The boisterous hum of the awaiting crowd hushes to an anticipated silence, while waves of wide excited eyes stare ahead. With the loud metal sound of someone flicking an industrial switch, dozens of kaleidoscope colored laser beams slice through the pitch black atmosphere. Vivid beams of amplified light zip this way and that, dancing over awestruck heads.


A booming male voice begins to speak, "Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! The Japanese Dome would like to welcome you to tonight's unprecedented event! Here helping us count down to the New Year are ten gifted men, who are currently sky rocketing to the top of the music scene." Dozens of vibrant lasers begin to rapidly flash, escalating excitement to the impending introduction of the awaiting performers.


You may know them from the popular groups Kitakore …Thrive ….and the Moons. But here for the first time, The Japan's Dome would like to proudly introduce…"


Laser beans abruptly flash off, just before three massive explosions of red and gold erupt on the stage. Ten shadowed figures begin to slowly emerge from the swirling clouds of smoke, remaining from the fireworks.

POV Tsubasa Sumisora

An excited smile forms on my lips, as the clouds quickly dissipate around ten striking singers, perfectly positioned for their opening song. Lifting my hands to my giggling mouth as the aqua blue haired flirt, Kento, sneaks a wink in my direction, a split second before the opening music vibrates in my chest.

An uncharacteristically delicate, almost angelic harmony lingers from the normally rough Thrive trio, before the melody abruptly changes, signaling the sharply dressed members to begin their dazzling choreographed footwork. Bits of twinkling stardust begin to emanate from the stunning performers, as they simultaneously glide through their well-rehearsed routine. A surge of glittering stars burst from the stage as my awestruck eyes bounce from member to member. That is…

.until my breath is practically stolen from me, with a pair of familiar eyes.

A pair of sparkling eyes, I've probably seen hundreds of times before….So why now, is my heart beating like a hummingbird, with the mere sight of them?

He silently acknowledges his new found control over me, as one side of his lips curled for a brief moment, before quickly covering it up with his professional expression. He completed his entire routine and never once released my captive eyes, until the very end….till all the members of B-Project were frozen with heaving chests, amongst a storm of balloons and metallic confetti.

Unsure exactly what happened, my hand unconsciously drifts up, as I watch the jubilant singers playfully celebrate their accomplished performance, under an eruption of gilded paper squares.

Watching Ryoji and Yuta impishly sneak behind Kento's distracted back, completely oblivious to his impending fate, as he flirtatiously thanks a small group of fangirls, in his own special way. The two mischievous pranksters swiftly surround and douse the bluenette from head to toe, being sure to pay extra attention to his perfectly styled bangs with a couple of gushing champagne bottles, over the bluenette's unsuspecting head. Causing Kento to inwardly pout, but after seeing the girls' concerned faces he just laughs it off, while teasingly shaking his soaked head, at the now, squealing women. Hikaru gleefully wrapped his hands around Nome, before playfully smacking the falling balloons back at the fans. Tomohisa, and Kazuna, coolly stroll across the stage, graciously waving to screaming fans. Even the normally tempestuous Goushi had a small satisfied smile gracing his lips.


My wide star filled eyes bounce from member to member, feeling the rapid beating beneath my fingers quietly lull back to its original rhythm. Allowing my recovering head to surmise to what potentially caused my little "prisoner" moment. However, I soon push it from my mind, realizing it must have been due to the overwhelming excitement of B-project performing at the "dome", not to mention the rather exhausting week, before. After all, I'm not sure I've even began to recover from my turbulent week without them. If I'm being completely honest…

. I don't think I ever will.

A little later…

I wasn't entirely sure my "captor" would say anything about our shared little moment. Knowing, I would have to speak to him sooner or later, I forced my lungs to take in a deep calming breath, before nervously stepping through the wide double doors, leading to the backstage area.

A dark intimidating shadow slowly creeps over my head, causing me to abruptly look up, seeing a formidable man, who somewhat resembled a stone wall, standing before me. With a nervous chuckle I hastily lift my hanging badge, flashing it towards the burly guard, dressed entirely in black with his tree trunk like arms adamantly folded at his chest. My reflection shines back in the indifferent guard's blacked out sunglasses, just before he nods his bald, polished head. Not wishing to bother the man in anyway, I quickly, but cautiously slip passed him.


An energetic Hikaru hurtles his body towards me, excitedly wrapping his arms around my shoulders, causing his green braids to fly off his shoulders. "Tsubasa-chan!" He boisterously yells out, alerting the other members to my intended reserved arrival, causing most of the members to leave their individual well-wishers.

"Tsubasa-chan, you're finally here!" Yuta's rose colored eyes shine with excitement, as he practically leaps in my direction with his arms out wide. Tossing his arms around Hikaru and myself. The shiny brass buttons on Yuta's navy blue stage costume roughly squish in to the cheek.

The golden blond headed singer and Nome gently grab the two happy, yet suffocating members by their navy-blue collars, firmly pulling the two away from me. "Yuta, Hikaru, let go of Sumisora-san, she needs to be able to breathe!" Kazuna says with concerned blue green eyes.

"Aw, but Leader, your no fun, we haven't seen Tsubasa-can in hours." Hikaru jets out his bottom lip, before Mikado arrives waving a banana in front of the singer's face, causing Hikaru eyes to beam with excitement as he eagerly reaches for the offered fruit. Of course Mikado holds it just out of reach, teasing his friend several times, before Hikaru springs in the air, snatching it from his bandmate's fingers.

"Thank you for your help Nome-san, Masunaga-san." Bowing in front of the two Moons singers.

"Ah, no problem Sumisora-san." Kazu nervously slides his blue green eyes away from mine. Rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward expression emerging on his face. Dropping his hand from his neck, before frantically waving two hands in front of him. "It's nothing really, were normally yanking Hikaru away from something!"

Yuta quickly grabs my hand, while speaking with excitement. "Tsubasa-chan, have you heard? To celebrate B-Pro's performance at the Dome, and it being the New Year's and all, were going to have a party, and watch the sun come up!"

A soaked Kento coolly strolls up with a white terry cloth towel hanging off his shoulders. He lifts an arm to lean on his fellow "Thrive" member's shoulder, while casually fingering his bangs. "Yeah, leave it to our resident prince." Kento nods his head towards the platinum blonde singer, "To throw together a last minute New Year's celebration on the roof of our building."


Yuta turns his head to his bandmate, "Hey, if I know Ryu-chan, he probably helped Tomo too." Yuta quickly snapped his head in my direction, with pleading eyes. "Please Tsubasa-chan, say that you'll be there, we haven't been able to see you since…." Yuta trails off, dropping his thick pink head, obscuring his face for a moment. Letting out a heavy sigh, before regaining his composure, lifting his eyes to mine. "We all miss you."


Not really sure what to say, my eyes awkwardly glance over to the party planners, seeing them politely carry on a conversation, with what looked like family and friends. Tomohisa's clear blue eyes quickly flash over a man's shoulder, catching me looking at him, causing a friendly smile to form on his lips. With his subtle look, I begin to feel my cheeks warm, causing me to quickly glance back to the pleading pink haired singer. "Ah, well I'm not sure, what I'm doing. " I didn't want to intrude on their private celebration, seeing I wasn't really invited.


"Yuta, stop pestering the poor girl, give her a moment to think." Once more Kazuna comes to my rescue.

The rather tall platinum blonde, dressed in his eye catching stage costume gracefully strolls up to our growing group, stopping to politely stand next to his pleading friend. "Tsubasa, I'm sorry, I wanted to invite you earlier, but I'm afraid there hasn't been much time, with last minute preparations for the concert and all. I understand if you have plans, but I'd really like it if," quickly correcting himself, "I mean, all of B-project would consider it an honor if you allow us this opportunity, to celebrate the New Year, with you."

My eyes darted around the room, "Ah, I'm not sure, I have so much to take care of before I can -"

Yuta cuts me off, "Please, Tsubasa-chan?"

Just then, the other half of Kitakore stands next to his friend, pulling the cherry red lollipop from his impish mouth. "Relax, Yuta, we can always make it a band meeting, then Tsubasa would have no choice, but to come."

"Ryuji!" Both blondes snap their head towards their mischievous bandmate.

"What? I'm just saying-" He shrugs his shoulder, pushing his cherry flavored lollipop in his cheek.

Seeing the guys all staring at me, caused me to begrudgingly nod my head. "Alright, alright, I'll finish things up here…and I guess head over, after that."

"Kento, Hikaru, Tsubasa-chan, said she coming over to celebrate the New Year!" Yuta yells over in excitement to his bandmates.

The green haired singer excitedly leaps towards me, crushing me in another hug. "Yaaaa! I can't wait, this will be so much fun!"

Kento extend a hand, gently lifting my chin, revealing his teasing smile. "Tsubasa, I'm glad you're coming, I have a few rather interesting ideas to entertain us under the moonlight."

Seeing Yuta, Hikaru and now, Kento invading my personal space. Mikado rubs the back of his neck, while shaking his head. "Looks, like I'll have to stop by and pick up a lot more bananas on my way home."

"Yeah, that or we could just tell Kaneshiro-san." Momotaro, breaks his silence, while standing next to Mikado,

Causing Yuta, and Kento to nervously step away from me. The group begins to chuckle from the two Thrive members' visual reactions.

With that said, I left the guys to finish my work, stopping just before the guard. I turned back to glace over the room one last time, noticing he didn't say anything about our little moment. Wondering if the so called moment was just a product from an excited night? There wasn't any evidence proving otherwise, and with reason winning over my internal debate I shrugged my shoulders, before continuing to walk out the door.

(Little did she know, several pairs of anxious eyes watched her leave.)

A Little Later…

"Tsubasa?" A familiar voice calls out, causing me to peel my eyes away from my list of tasks held in my fingers. Noticing Tomohisa, Kazuna, and Yuta had changed out of their stage costumes, dressed in their regular clothes, each holding a bag, ready to go home.

"Kitakado-san, Masunaga-san, Ashū-san what are you guys still doing here?" With my question the three singers shared a look between the three of them.

Kazuna dressed in his evergreen, wool winter coat, raises his hand to nervously rub the back of his neck. "Sumisora-san, were just about to leave, are you sure you wouldn't want us to wait for you?"

A sweet smile emerges on my lips with the Blonde man's offer. "Ah, no, Masunaga-san, it's nice of you to offer, but you should go on and enjoy yourself," I lifted my hand, waving it dismissively towards the trio, "you've all worked so hard. You deserve this time off ….I'll be fine."

I noticed Tomohisa's lips suddenly turn down, sharing a look with the other two singers, before taking another step in my direction. "We don't all have to wait, I would be more than happy to assist you. I'm sure with the holiday, the rest of the staff our anxious to go home, as well. "

Yuta wearing a red and white sweater, under a tan hooded coat, bluntly speaks. "Tsubasa-chan, we know you're just being polite, but it really isn't safe for you- "

I quickly cut the pink haired singer off while reaching out and resting a comforting hand on Yuta's arm. "I'll be fine, now go on. I'll see you in a little bit." Once said, I attempt to put the matter at rest, purposely turning my back on trio of concerned singers, and going back to my work.

"Are you sure?" The question causes me to turn my head, seeing Yuta nervously bite his bottom lip.

"Yes, now go have fun, you deserve it." I wave my hands towards the pinket.

The trio share a look with each other, before slowly turning around and walking away. After a few steps Tomohisa turns around. "Well okay then, I guess we'll see you soon?" I quickly nod my head, causing him to turn around and catch up with his bandmates.

A Little Later…

Seeing the rest of the staff sacrifice so much this past week, facing not only uncertainty with the concert, but unending phone calls from the media and our suppliers, I decided to send them home to be with their families. After all, it was now the New Year, and there was just a little more left to be done. It wasn't like I had anything planned for the holiday. Just going back to my mother's house, and possibly pass out from exhaustion, in front of the TV. With the simple thought a miserable sadness begins to slowly creep in my chest. Denying the painfully reminder, I quickly shake my head, and go back to my work. I lift my hand to my forehead, wiping it, as I struggle to close a poorly packed case.


It wasn't long, until I found myself sitting in a dimly lit room, with a small circle of light shining down on a few papers held in my fingers. Finishing off the last few bits of remaining paperwork. Yashamaru-san had caused unending problems with canceled contracts, I could be here an entire month, just straightening everything out. However most of it can wait, until after the holiday, I was only working on the concert's left over business. Leaving me alone in the smothering silence, finding it difficult not to unconsciously slip back into deep thought with new confusing questions, about last week …..About Yashamaru-san…..but mostly about my father.



Flashback... 19 years ago.

It was one of my earliest memories…I had been quietly sitting on the floor, playing with a simple cloth doll. My tiny fingers had clumsily wrapped their way around the doll's hair. Occupied with the bright red yarn wrapped tightly around my finger. I didn't notice a pair of shiny black shoes, stepping into the modest kitchen.

The black shoes quietly snuck behind my unsuspecting mother, just before, I heard my mother let out an excited scream. "You're here, I can't believe you made it!"

"Now what kind of man would I be, if I left my two most favorite girls alone?" An emotional man's voice speaks out, as the black shiny shoes abruptly step closer to my mother's cream colored pumps, causing her to lift up on her toes. The room is soon engulfed in a prolonged silence.


I couldn't say I much cared for the "Shiney Shoe Man", because of him I heard my mother cry. I quickly stood up with the doll's hair wrapped around my finger, giving my mother's dress a small tug. After a moment she reached down, slides her hand over my tied pigtails, before unwinding the red yarn from my fingers. "Tsubasa, sweetie, there's someone here to see you." I quickly buried my face into my mother's dress, while adamant shaking my head. "Come dear, he's brought you something."


The "Shiney Shoe Man" rested an old brown leather case out in front of him, as if on cue. My wide three year old eyes cautiously peek from my mother's dress. I curiously watch him open the case and pull out a large black circle. He brings the circle to his lips, before lightly blowing on the surface. Waving a hand in front of his face. "Sorry, it's a bit dusty."


My mother just happily giggled with tears in her eyes at the Shiny Shoe Man. Until a beautiful song lingers from the worn box. Curious about the strange box, I cautiously stepped away from my mother's dress. As the song slowly dangles in the air my feet were being unconsciously drawn towards the music, before my dazed head glances down, seeing them in front of music player. The Shiny Shoe man paid no attention to me, only taking a seat on the other side of the box. After the first song ended, another had taken its place, this one was a bit happier. Seeing the man just sitting there, with his eyes closed, as his shiny shoes bounced to the rhythm of the music….., I too cautiously sat down in front of the box.


Nothing was said until the music stopped. The man reached over and flipped over the circle, before yet another song begins to play. "Tsubasa, this was once my father's and now I want you to have it, Okay?" With my wide eyes glued on the rotating black disk, I cautiously nodded my head towards the man.

For the rest of the day both Shiney Shoe man and I sat silently on my mother's kitchen floor, listening to the old leather box.

End of Flashback…

The sweet memory slowly faded into Yashamaru's haunting words. 'Because, I hate you…. Both you and Gandara.' Causing a sharp pain to pierce my chest. I quickly shoved the pained memory in the very back of my confused head, sealing it away with an imaginary massive mental lock.

Knowing how the B-Project's members felt about the man they've developed a close bond with, for the last ten years. Some, even regarding him as a surrogate father. I have decided to keep the spiteful man's words permanently sealed behind my lips. Not much was said about the past week, from either myself or the guys…they just simply flew on stage and said nothing about Yashamaru-san, only that they decided to pass on the offer from Highland Records.

I just nodded my head and rolled up my sleeves up, continuing with last minute preparations for the concert, while the man's words played repeatedly in my head. Always knowing …

...if the guys ever found out the truth, it would crush them.

A little later…

An eerie silence hovered in the gloomy arena, with only a few scattered safety lights breaking the shadowed darkness. A chilled air blows against the back of my neck, causing me to shiver under the protection of my pink winter coat. The feeling causes me to lift my hands to my collar, pulling it closer to my neck. Bracing myself for the cold, as I step out in front of the Dome's vacant entrance. I anxiously adjust the strap over my shoulder as my wide crimson eyes nervously glance over to several dark silhouettes of leafless trees, swaying in the frigid wind. The heels of my brown leather boots click against the brick surface, echoing in the deserted streets. My mind begins to get lost in the silence, as I hear someone having a bit too much fun in the far off distance. Arriving at the curb, I lift my head to check either side of the dark street, before stepping into it.


A sharp sound of screeching tires suddenly causes my shocked eyes to look up. Seeing a car with no headlights rocket towards me, with mere moments before the impending impact. Realizing my panicked feet are froze to the ground all I could do was slide my eyes shut, and await my fate.

Suddenly my body felt a violent force crash against it, causing it to fly further into the traffic. I feel my body land harshly on the unforgiving cement, before roughly rolling several times around, on it. Hearing the sound of a blaring horn just before a car sharply swerves around my body. The tires burn against the pavement, while metallic breaks sheik under the searing pressure. With the smell of burning rubber, and the feeling of someone lightly slapping my face. I slowly blink open my dazed eyes. My crimson eyes squint against the glaring headlights that are shining all around me before I begin to see a fuzzy outline of someone over me.


"Tsubasa! Tsubasa! …..Please, please be alright!" With the back of my head throbbing my eyes rapidly blink and gradually focus on a relieved smile, belonging to a smudged familiar face. "Oh thank goodness, you're okay." Emotional tears begin to fall from the alleviated man's eyes, while his hand gently slides over my hair." Thank you …thank you…oh thank you." He softly repeats to himself as his worried eyes linger over my confused face. However, seconds later his beaming smile begins to fade from my sight…

…. as my vision dissolves in to black.

End of Tsubasa Sumisora POV

End of chapter one.

So this summer while patiently waiting (Well, somewhat patient) for Uta no prince Sama next season, I came across B-project. It was a bit vague, but I think there doing that by design, increasing sales of the upcoming game with curious fan girls wanting to know more. Tempting the masses with unanswered questions….Because I don't know about you, but I have many that remain unanswered…Anyway, I'm rambling. This is the new story my head has been relentlessly bugging me to write. So here it is. Please let me know what you think? Seeing as I already have a few stories going. (Utapri, Ouran, Db Lovers, Miraculous Ladybug, and Fairytale.) I'd like to know if I should continue.

Thanks for taking a peek ;) Alimackatjac

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See, ya soon.