I did it. Sorry if it's bad. This is the final chapter guys sorry I was so late.


"Disgusting child." "Son of a demon." "He should just go die." "Go back to hell you freak!" "Burn him!"

How long did I hear those words? How long have I been out casted? My whole life. Why? Because I was different. My pale skin and white hair scared the town and my red eyes made me look like a demon.

I can remember the town wanting to burn me for being a child of sin. Where was my father? I couldn't say. I ran only to trip on my own feet and fall down, as they beat me that day I showed everyone that I indeed do bleed red.

There was another woman and she was different as well. She would always clean my wounds and hug me when I cried. She was different from my father who would look at me sternly and tell me not to cry. At the time, I didn't understand why he seemed so cruel.

"You are special, little angel," the woman would tell me. "Don't listen to those cruel people. God has a story for you too," she said. I remember she was always in bed and I would lay with her and her large stomach. "It's your little brother or sister," she told me as I felt her round stomach. I was so excited to see my sibling and I would love to sit beside her as she sang by the fireplace when she wasn't in bed.

The night my brother was born I sat beside her alone holding only the small newborn in my arms. "Mutti, Mutti don't go. please," I cried as she layed on the bed dying. "Gilbert, my little angel. Take care of your brother," she told me before she died. The baby in my arms cried and I did too. "Mutti! Mutti, please wake up!" I yelled.

My father came in a rush and saw me crying with my brother in my arms. He took the child and looked at the dead woman on the bed. "Gilbert. Gilbert look at me," he said holding onto my shoulder shaking me slightly. "Don't cry. You mustn't cry," he said as his eyes began to glass over. I nodded and I never saw that woman again. I still miss the loving warmth she gave to me, though she wasn't my mother. My brother was named Ludwig, after his beautiful mother Luana.

Time went on and my father left often. Ludwig and I were often alone. It was up to me to take care of the both of us and I did my best to care for him. I was a ten year old boy when I was given the responsibility of watching over my young brother. We weren't merchants, my father was a poor Fisher. He was gone for days on end trying to find money. I was 13 when we began to starve. I can remember taking 3 year old Ludwig outside and watching the other boys play with each other and with their fathers. How I longed to live that way, but I knew I couldn't. One night a man came looking for borrowed money. He said he would kill me and my brother if my father did not pay.

I was taken that night in exchange for another week to live. I remember being in so much pain and trying to hold in my tears so that Ludwig does not see.

I didn't know how to get the money, I didn't know what to do, I sold most of our belongings and still did not have enough. I had no other way, I had to sell myself, for Ludwig's sake. Finding people wasn't hard, the job was. Watching men up to 3 times my age tower over me, telling me things you shouldn't say to a kid.

I wanted my father to come home. I wanted him to come and tell me it would be alright, that it was all just a nightmare. I wanted to hear Luana's voice as she called me a 'special angel' again. I wanted to hear her sing like she used to. I could hear Ludwig crying from hunger and I go to him. "Don't cry, Ludwig. Please don't cry," I said as I held him tightly. I didn't know what to do. We were starving and had no food or money. What was I to do?

I was 14 when my father came back. I didn't have to guts to hate him. I was just happy that he finally came back. "Vati. You're home," I said hugging him. He held me tightly and told me we were going to be together more often. He promised. He promised to take me on a trip but we had to leave Ludwig with Roderick. We arrived and we talked.

I remember thinking how snotty Roderick was. He was 16 and a "little master," damn rich kids. He would never know what I went through. A small toddler caught my attention though. A girl about 2 years old struggling to walk around in her green dress. She had brown hair and a weird looking curl. "That's Feli. Her grandfather died so she was left here with me," Roderick said crossing his arms. He is such an arse. I remember bullying him when I visited him when I was a child. I only had seen him about 5 times but me and his neighbor always fought with him. What was the boy's name? Elli. He had a hard punch for sure and they used to play fight all day.

"Gilbert, is that you?" A voice said as I left into the garden. I urned and saw a girl with long brown hair tied back and in a boy's outfit. "Who are you?" I asked confused. "It's me! Elizabeta!" She yelled running over. She pulled me into a hug and I only stared confused. Who was this girl? I studied her face before realizing that it was Elli. "Huh? You're a girl!" I yelled suddenly. I studied her closer, same hair color and eyes, only this time she was cute and had breast. "How long are you staying? We should go into the woods and play later!" She yelled and I felt my face heat up. "I'm leaving soon actually. Maybe next time," I said looking at her. She pouted and gave another smile. "Okay, well it was nice seeing you! Stop by again" She said leaving. I felt something different that day. I suppose you would call it a crush at the time. But I was a loser and I knew she wouldn't want me. Not after everything I went through.

I stood in the garden and heard light sniffles. I looked around before noticing a small toddler in the grass. As i got closer I noticed the little boy was crying. He told me Roderick was giving him away. I felt bad, how could that jerk just give away a child? He proved to be quite an energetic thing though and pretty soon a man came and picked him up. He was tall and had tan skin with dark curls. He had on a red pirate outfit and even I felt impressed. I watched the child leave and just like that, he was forgotten. At the time, I didn't think he would play such a large part in my tumbling life.

I said my goodbye to Ludwig and followed my father to his ship. I had never been so happy before. I remember thinking that I would never sell my body again. That my father would never leave us like that ever again. I never thought though, that he would die in front of me. One of the workers fell over board during a storm. My father went in to save him. The man was saved but my father didn't make it. I felt every last bit of my sanity leave me then. I no longer cared about anything.

I didn't cry, father wouldn't have wanted me too. No instead I killed half of the crew and tortured the one my father saved. Why? Because it was fun. I decided not to go back for Ludwig. What would I tell him? He would grow up in a real home with Roderick, not with me.

I spent two years living a constant cycle. Alcohol, women, sex, males, alcohol, murder, sex, more alcohol. I didn't care anymore. My life was over and I was going to keep at it until someone finally ended my life.

I was 16 when I met someone who would change me for good. I ended up in Prussia with a destroyed ship and dead crew members after one of my rampages. I looked around hoping to get money from anyone to get the hell out of there. That was when I saw him. He was old and wore a blue cloak and he looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked as I approached him. Rich guys were easy to win over, I assumed this guy was no different. "It appears my ship was destroyed. I am looking for a soothing night, can you help me?" I asked. He agreed and took me to his home. Just as I suspected, easy.

He gave me a room and as he showed me around I slowly began to remove my bloodstained clothes. "Do you need more clothes?" He asked looking at me. I only looked at him like he was an idiot. Did he not know what I wanted? How stupid can he be? He took a pair of clothes out and gave them to me. "I do not want such services from you. I'll let you stay without charge. You're too young to be doing such things anyways," He said before walking away. I was left stunned that night. He let me stay for weeks and I opened up to him. He also had a past and he was an inspiring person. He was to me the father figure I always needed. He gave me everything for the price of nothing, only to stay out of trouble. I'll admit I still got into bar fights and often found myself in another person's room but he was always so forgiving. He was someone I looked up too. One of the few people who never judged me. He had earned the title of old man Fritz and he had changed me.

He died though. I found him dead in his arm chair one day. I left soon after and took with me only his blue jacket and hat. I raised his flag high because I was no longer German. I was Prussian, and I was worth something just as he had told me.

I made my way to Austria, I knew what I had to do now. Ludwig needed me, and I was going to be there for him, just as Fritz was there for me. I would be there for him because our Father wasn't.


I made it back and Roderick was surprised to see me. "I thought you were dead!" He yelled. "Where were you all this time? I had to watch two kids myself, do you have any idea what that is like?" He yelled. "You sound like my wife. Shut up already," I said. Elizabeta had also came to see me. I was breathless as I saw her. she was even more beautiful in her green dress and her hair down and pinned with a flower clip. I was sure I had fallen in love with her. She blushed as she talked to me and I wanted her more than anything, but my chance never came.

I was so excited to see Ludwig, I was sure he had grown up now. However I saw him and something inside of me cracked. I didn't realize how unprepared I was. Little Ludwig was now 6 years old and he looked exactly like our Father. "Bruder? Where's Vati?" He asked. "Ja, come on. Let's go home," I said pulling him along. He sure had became persistent though and wouldn't stop asking. We were in a new small home that I managed to afford. One particular night I was drunk and depressed. I found myself hating my father that night for not being there for me. "Bruder. Why won't you tell me what happened to Vati?" Ludwig asked. "Fuck Ludwig just shut up! He's fucking gone alright? So shut up!" I yelled at him. "Damn drunkard," he murmured and I snapped. I was only conscious for three of the hits I gave him. I came too and he was passed out on the floor and bruised. I cried that night and didn't let him go. I was sure he was dead but he woke up hours later.

"Bruder? When did you get so big?" He asked as he looked at me. I sobbed and apologized a million times and he had no memory of me ever leaving, but he never questioned it. I was thankful for that, I decided I would hide it forever and change for the better. I drank less and got a proper job working with my neighbor, carrying her heavy deliveries. I also refused to see anyone from then on. I tried serious dating, but they weren't Elizabeta. I couldn't find myself to love anyone like I had fallen for her. Things were going well for Ludwig and I. We were living normally until I came across something peculiar.

I rewarded myself with some beer after a hard day of work and made me my way home. It was raining and my pet canary was nowhere in sight. I began to walk away before two figures caught my attention. I turned and looked at the two small children curled up together by the bar, sleeping alone in the rain. I remembered myself and Ludwig as I looked at them and I teared up slightly. I knew I couldn't leave them alone, and I wasn't going to. I would change their lives, just as Fritz changed me.