Ok so, I previously had a story called "Pressing on" That I wrote several years ago. It's still up if you want to check it out for context but it will be deleted soon. I decided to rewrite it as a new story. I hope you guys enjoy this updated version on the story!"

I have been strictly HinaSasu for a while but I decided to keep this story as Hinagaa.

Also, the first couple of chapters is pre-shippuden, right before Naruto leaves with jiraiya for training.


Bouquet of roses in hand, Naruto approached Hinata and knelt before her.

"Hinata-chan! Your beauty grows more and more each day." He says, handing her the roses.

Hinata flushed. "Thank you Naruto-kun, you shouldn't have!" She replies, smelling the lovely flowers she just recieved.

"Of course I should have, you deserve nothing but the best my love! You are absolutely amazing, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Naruto states.

He then pulls out a tiny velvet box and opens it. Inside, a beautiful princess cut diamaond ring. It had four smaller diamonds on either side on a golden band.

Hinata lets out a gasp and tears well up in her eyes.

"So what do you say? Will you marry me?" He asks.

"Yes!" Screams Hinata.

Naruto slips the ring on her finger. Then he slowly leans in to kiss her but stops suddenly.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"I think it's beautiful!" She replies.

"You think ramen is beautiful?" He asks.

But his voice no longer sounds like Naruto's, but rather a women's voice.

"Wait what are you talking about?" Hinata asks.

Then He starts waving his hand in front of her face.

"HELLO! EARTH TO HINATA" Exclaimed the voice.

Ocean blue eyes become emerald green, and Golden hair turns into an odd shade of pink.

"Huh?" replies Hinata as she snaps out of her reverie.

Back in reality, Sakura puts a hand to her hip and shakes her head.

"You didn't hear a word I just said did you hinata-chan?" She said.

"Sorry Sakura-chan, I zoned out for a second." Hinata apologized.

"Don't worry about it. What were you thinking about?" Sakura asked as she resumed stirring the pot on the stove.

"Oh n-n-nothing" Hinata stammered, her face turning redder by the second.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." Sakura replied with a mischievous grin.


Hinata twiddled with her fingers for a minute before responding.

"Can you.. keep a secret?" Hinata began slowly.

Sakura's grin grew wider.

"I like someone..." She said.

Sakura turn off the fire and joined Hinata at the kitchen counter.

"Tell me!"

"It's umm...N-N-na" Hinata tried to finish

"Naruto?" Sakura finished for her.

Hinata nodded yes as she blushed again.

Sakura giggled.

"I could've told you that." She said.

"Was it that obvious?" Hinata asked nervously.

"Yeah, obvious to everyone but him! But you should talk to him, who knows he might surprise you." Sakura replied.

Suddenly the doorbell rings.

" And that's him right now!" says sakura way too cheerily. And she skipped to go answer the door.

"What!?" cried Hinata.

Soon enough in walked in Konoha's most unpredictable ninja.

"Hey Hinata-chan!" He said with a grin.

Sakura smiled devilshly behind him.

"H-h-hey" She managed to get out.

"I have to go make an important phone call I'll leave you two for a bit." Sakura said.

Hinata's eyes widened and she silently pleaded for her not to go. But Sakura ignored her and walked off.

Hinata began to shake.

"So what's up Hinata-chan? How've you been? Haven't seen you much since I got back." Naruto asked.

"I've been g-good." Hinata answered.

And then there was silence.

"We have ramen!" Hinata then blurted out.

Hinata scurried over to the pot and poured out a bowl for Naruto.

"Wow thanks Hinata!" Naruto said happily.

She sat and watched him eat with a blush on her cheeks.

"You didn't want any?" Naruto asked with a mouth full of noodles.

Hinata giggled.

"It's ok I wasn't all that hungry."She said.

"You sure?" Naruto asked as he helped himself to a second bowl.

Hinata watched Naruto eat once again. She thought if she should just tell him and get it over with. The worse he could do is say no right?

"Ano Naruto-kun" Hinata stared.

He stopped eating and turned to her.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I have something t-to tell y-y-"

"How's it going down here?" Sakura said cutting her off.

"Great! But Hinata was just about to tell me something!" Naruto exclaimed much to Hinata's displeasure.

"It's ok...never mind.." Hinata whispered.

"Are you sure? Sounded like something important." Naruto replied.

"I can just come back in a few more minutes." Sakura added.

Hinata opened her mouth to answer but there was a loud knock at the door.

Sakura went to go answer her door, and in walked Neji.

"Naruto, Sakura." He somewhat greeted.

"Hinata-sama you're late." he said.

Hinata's eyes widened. Her head whipped around to the clock behind her. Then she jumped out of her chair.

"i'm sorry, Naruto-kun, Sakura-chan but I must be leaving now." She said bowing quickly and darting out the house.

Neji let out a sigh. He turned to walk away when Naruto pulled his arm back.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Naruto asked.

"I hope so." Neji replied, and followed after hinata.

Naruto and Sakura looked at each other with worried faces.

Hinata ran as fast as her legs could go. How could she forget? Her father will be furious with her. She finally arrived at the mansion and went inside. She took a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare herself for the coming wrath of Hiashi Hyuuga.

Taking off her shoes, she opened the screen door and stepped inside.

Ok guys that's it for the first chapter! I hope You enjoyed. Please review and feel free to PM me with ideas/suggestions.