So I didn't have high expectations when I went go to see Storks, one dreary Saturday afternoon with the October rain and mist. The advertising for Storks had not been the best but quirky. Actually, come to think of it...the advertisement of Storks was rather lacking considering the company behind the film. I needed some cheering up and thought that if I didn't enjoy the movie, then the cute baby (or babies) would be enough to bring a small smile to my face.

But I wasn't prepared for how much I did love it. Could have it been better? Yes, without a doubt but I loved what we were given. It was cute and I didn't expect to laugh as much as I did. I then broke a rule of mine with movies...I went to go see it multiple times. And if we get a sequel, I hope to learn more. Don't quirk your eyebrow at that last sentence. If M. Night Shyamalan's Avatar gets a sequel, why not Storks?

And then coming on here, I was appalled that it didn't have as much fanart or fanfiction like I was hoping. I wanted more of the movie but it looks like I'll have to help it along just a smudge.

So this will be a 100 word challenge with each chapter having ten words. This may not be my best work, it's been some time since I wrote fanfic and my writing skills are...questionable to say the least. Still, I shall try my best!

Some of these will concentrate on Tulip, Junior, Wolf Pack, the Gardeners,...and yes, even Pigeon Toady.



(n.) an odd or capricious notion or desire; a sudden or freakish fancy

Junior, an average White Stork male who previously had not a single impromptu bone in his body, suddenly found himself going along (even eagerly) with Tulip's sudden and odd impulses when she smiled broadly at him.


(n.) formal permission or sanction

Hunter was always knew that the way to one's loyalty was through confirmation, the way he preyed on Junior and Pigeon Toady's desire to belong was alike to a vulture circling a new meal.


(n.) any part of a whole, either separated or integrated with it

When Cora was delivered to the Gardeners by the Storks, Henry and Sarah immediately gave themselves paid vacation to divide their attention between their two children equally.


(n.) the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena (especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior).

Storks are tall birds and have seen to be attracted to anything relatively tall, so Junior felt secure in the fact that his growing interest in Tulip was normal (because even though she's a sloppy human and he's a bird, yes), Tulip is quite tall for her age and gender.


(n.) an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional state of consciousnesses.

Employees all whispered amongst themselves when the eccentric handy woman Tulip (now co-owner of Stork Mountain, thank-you very much) could incite the wildest reactions from typically cool and collected Junior.


(n.) a limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity; inability or handicap

Despite his lack of social skills and miniature stature, never let it be said that Pigeon Toady failed in delivering his packages on time.


(n.) the roundish reproductive body produced by females of certain animal species

After studying the shape of Diamond Destiny's baby carrier for some time, Junior toyed with the idea that it played a part in Jasper's fondness for Tulip.


(v.) to begin, set going, or originate.

Alpha and Beta gave each-other matching impish grins, much to the chagrin of Junior and an equally smug Tulip.


(n.) a large public procession, usually including a marching band and often a festive nature

Fourth of the July celebrations brought Henry a moment of realization, Cora's heavy supply of drool soaking the material of his t-shirt, Nate excitedly running between him and his wife with a large grin at the marchers, and Sarah throwing her head back in laughter, that he couldn't love his family more.


(n.) a person who practices the occupation or profession of journalism

Pigeon Toady, once on his self made craft on his way back to Stork Mountain, wondered if he had simply gone a wrong path...before that thought completely left his mind when Hunter mentioned that one word.