Hello everyone...

inuyasha16451: Thank you for liking my stories so much.

Dalightning843: Thank you and here you go. :)

Teenwolf2358: Here is an update and I am so sorry it took so long to do.

my 2 guys: Here you go I apologize for it being so long.

: Here it is and thanks you. They won't physically meet for at least 5 to 6 chapters unless I change my mind on how I want this story to go.

Fallendarkyoaiangel56: Thank you so much for liking my story. I wanted it to be different honestly. Here it is despite it taking so long to post again.

lazyfox21: They are the only ones I am focusing on in the story so it won't be said on how they have the link or anything like that.

Guest: I think the friendship came so easily for them because they were lonely and once they realized they had someone who understood them compared to the people around them they latched onto each other quickly. Naruto's help with the girl isn't going to be around long because he gets jealous quickly because he is fond of Sasuke. Sasuke doesn't mind though about Naruto being the way he is. That's what keeps them close. Sasuke is lonelier than Naruto for sure but Naruto being with Sakura really doesn't help because she doesn't care for him the way he wants her to. Sorry, it took so long to update. I hope you still decide to read this story.

Guest; aka-chan: Aka-chan I hope you still plan on reading this story because I know it's been three years since I have updated this story but I still am working on it. As for everything yes I plan on it with the Tamaki not killing her or anything but things do happen for a reason so you will see about her in this chapter. The bond isn't exactly because of their soulmates it's because they have something the other needs in the other. Like they both satiate each other's loneliness being together and the ups and downs in the lives they have been through. It will be explained more as the story goes on.

Enjoy the chapter everyone.

A couple of days have passed since Naruto and Sasuke have been talking through the link. They never thought once, maybe we should get each other's phone numbers or hey why don't we look in the mirror to see what the other looks like.

"Naruto, today is the day she comes for the date. Are you sure you can help me cook?" Sasuke asked stressed.

"I am going to help you now chill out," Naruto said to the distressed Sasuke.

"I am so glad that you're helping me," Sasuke said.

"Are you really that nervous?" Naruto asked.

They didn't know it but their bond was strong and they found it hard to not reach out for each other when the other wasn't around. They talked a lot more than even the people around them.

"I am not nervous," Sasuke said.

"Yeah you are, but let's get this done because I have to go out to eat with my wife and her friends and business people. They probably want to probe at me like some animal going extinct." Naruto said voicing his irritation.

"Is it really that bad?" Sasuke asked curiously.

"Don't get me started. If you like getting your intelligence questioned then no." Naruto said.

"Sounds bad," Sasuke said and went to his kitchen. "What should I start with?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto instructed him through the whole cooking ordeal. They were almost done when Tamaki came to Sasuke's and Naruto was at the restaurant. Sasuke could feel Naruto's uncomfortableness around the people. He was so interested in what was going on with Naruto that he didn't even pay attention to Tamaki.

"Sasuke, you have to talk to her," Naruto whispered.

"Hey Tamaki, how are you?" Sasuke asked nervously unconsciously putting his hand behind his neck like Naruto normally does.

"I'm good, so what are we eating?" Tamaki asked.

"She doesn't even want to know how you're doing," Naruto said aggressively.

He didn't know why but he didn't like that the girl didn't give a damn about Sasuke. It was obvious because the girl didn't even ask how he was doing.

"Chicken pasta," Sasuke said ignoring Naruto at the moment.

Sasuke was the one that really didn't know how to shut the link off unlike Naruto who shut it off whenever he felt like it. It annoyed Sasuke but he didn't mind after a while, he figured it was because he was lonelier if he knew Naruto wasn't around.

"The food is burning," Naruto screamed making Sasuke alert for what was going on and he freaked everyone out at the table.

Naruto cut the link off and could tell that Sakura was pissed off beyond belief.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was in his bathroom trying to talk to Naruto only to realize Naruto cut the link off that damn bastard. Tamaki came into the bathroom just in time to see Sasuke talking to himself.

"Who are you talking to?" Tamaki asked looking at Sasuke like he was crazy.

"Tell her to go fuck herself," Naruto said shocking Sasuke.

"Damn it Naruto where did you go?" Sasuke asked only to look at Tamaki an embarrassed hand going behind his neck.

"I think I should go," Tamaki said and Sasuke sighed in resignation just giving up on the dating aspect of life.

"Whatever," Sasuke said not really caring. "What happened to you?" Sasuke asked.

"I was in the middle of the dinner when that happened now my wife is pissed. Oh, and your girl probably thinks that you're crazy." Naruto said.

"What's new?" Sasuke said sarcastically.

"You know what we should do," Naruto said.

"What?" Sasuke asked shrugging his shoulders.

"We should see what the other person looks like that we happen to be talking to. I am really curious to how you look," Naruto said making Sasuke blush.

"How?" Sasuke asked.

"We can check through the mirror," Naruto said.

"True, we do see through each other's eyes so that might just work. I thought I saw you for a split second when I was looking through my window earlier when we were cooking. Do you have blonde hair?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, I do, wow... why didn't we think about this earlier?" Naruto asked.

"I didn't think about it until now, to be honest," Sasuke said.

"I didn't think about it at all," Naruto said.

"So, when do... you want to?" Sasuke asked.

"Tomorrow when my wife leaves for work," Naruto said.

"Okay, I will talk to you tomorrow?" Sasuke asked.

"Of course, who else would I talk to?" Naruto asked with a lace of humor.

"Shush, good night Naruto," Sasuke said.

The next day the two were trying to look nice for each other and they didn't really get why they were trying so hard they just really wanted to impress each other. Some of the times their feelings were so similar it was hard to tell who was feeling what but neither really minded about it. They actually didn't even notice it unless one of them pointed it out. Naruto was usually the one to point it out.

"Are you ready?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah," Sasuke said.

"At the same time," Naruto said.

"You better not trick me to make you see me first," Sasuke said knowing deep down that Naruto was a prankster.

"I won't," Naruto said because he really wanted to see Sasuke.

"On the count of three," Sasuke said softly.

"One," Naruto said.

"Two," Sasuke said.

"Three," they both said and came into view at the same time.

They were both mesmerized by the way the other looked. They thought the other looked quite handsome. Naruto was in a nice dress shirt and some plain dark pants while Sasuke was in a flannel with a plain white t-shirt and some jeans. Naruto's hair was ruffled like it usually is while Sasuke's was brushed back.

"You said you live in New Mexico how do you have pale skin?" Naruto asked it was weird that it was his first question.

"Thanks, but if you remember I told you I was in prison for five years," Sasuke said with an eyebrow going up.

"Oh, I forgot," Naruto said a hand going behind his neck.

"That explains why I do that when I am nervous," Sasuke said as he couldn't help but continue to stare at Naruto. "You have beautiful eyes," Sasuke said.

"Thank you," Naruto said blushing slightly.

"So do I look what you expected?" Sasuke asked after he looked away because he felt a blush coming on his face.

"Not at all," Naruto said with a smile that made Sasuke melt.

"Is that a good thing?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, a really good thing," Naruto said.

Sasuke smirked at the compliment. "You're actually what I expected but that isn't a bad thing at all," Sasuke said sitting on his bed.

"What do you want to do today?" Naruto asked.

"Anything you want," Sasuke said.

"How about I show you my special area near my house?" Naruto said.

"That sounds nice," Sasuke said as he sat on his bed because he didn't want to distract Naruto in any way and he wanted to see through Naruto's eyes.

Naruto took them out of the door to the back of his house through a secret passageway.

"Where are you taking me?" Sasuke asked curiosity lacing his voice.

"To my quiet place," Naruto said.

Naruto took Sasuke to the garden area he set away from the house so he could be alone. It was by a small pond with a bench. It was quiet and he loved it.

"It's small but beautiful," Sasuke said as they sat down.

"Thank you, it's better in the summer or at least the spring because I like to do my garden around here," Naruto said.

"You garden?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, I love it. It makes me feel better when I don't feel too great," Naruto said honestly.

"I used to garden with my mom," Sasuke said.

"What did you like to plant?" Naruto asked.

"Tomatoes," Sasuke said looking at his ceiling.

"You should go outside and plant some then," Naruto said.

"I live in the desert area," Sasuke said.

"Oh... never mind then... no, you can still plant some and keep it in one of the pots for planting," Naruto said.

"That is actually a good idea," Sasuke said.

"What is your favorite thing to do?" Naruto asked as he looked up at the sky.

"Right now, my favorite thing to do is talk to you," Sasuke said.

"Me too," Naruto said with a low but nice voice. "I'm glad I found someone who actually understands me," Naruto said softly making Sasuke's heart swell.


What does everyone think?