Declaimer: I don´t own Ladybug

It was almost pathetic, for how long she had crushed on him, only to realise it was much more than a crush.

The word crush implied that one day it would end, that her betting heart would stop going crazy at the simple sight of his lovely smile. Aya often laughed at her and said her crush was getting out of hand. If only she had known then that it was much more than a crush, maybe things would have worked out different.

Marinette loved Adrien.

It was truly hard not to love him. His smile was simply dazzling, enough to lighten up her day no matter what nightmare woke her up at mornings. Just gazing at his green, vibrant eyes was enough to send her day dreaming. Dreaming about the day he would return her love, about the day when he would say he loved her dearly.

He was handsome, beautiful even. However, she did not love him for his looks, even thought that certainly was a nice plus. No, she loved his personality, his easy smiles and warm eyes, the way he kept living despite the problems at home. Adrien was such a strong person, a warrior, and she wished she could be like him. She wished to be the one to help him when he stumbled; to be the reason for his easy smiles, the silent amusement in his eyes.

Adrien was the love of her life. He held all her being, and if he so desired, she would bring him the sun and the moon. He only had to ask, but she knew that he would never wish for something so selfish.

However, not everything was perfect in her life, and it was starting to destroy her from the inside.

Marinette loved Adrien. With such passion, such conviction, that it left her heart aching when she thought about Cat. Because even though Marinette liked Cat Noir, Marinette did not love him. No, all her heart belonged to Adrien. However, Ladybug´s heart… was no longer Adrien´s.

She had though what she felt for Adrien was only a crush, that it would pass one day, and she stupidly allowed herself to get close to Cat. To her silly Kitty, Ladybug faithful companion. Not even the hero knew when the friendship grew into something more, when he stopped being that little annoying cat that followed her. When the sight of him made her smile; when his stupid pick-up lines actually started to work.

Ladybug loved Cat Noir, but she knew she could never tell. Because Ladybug was only one part of everything that made the core of the person she was, and her other part loved someone else.

They were supposed to be the same, they were supposed to love only one person. From the start, it was supposed to be Adrien, it had always been Adrien. But that stupid unlucky cat just had to appear…

Marinette knew Adrien, she could see him every day, could be with him at any given time. Adrien was real, he existed in the real world, where the rest of her family and friends lived.

Cat Noir belonged to the night, fighting against evil by Ladybug´s side. They only met in the darkness, in the land where reality mixed with fantasy, because they were heroes, Paris protectors. She couldn't see him every day, could not talk about her friends, her day, her worries.

And yet… and yet she could not choose. Adrien or Cat Noir, she could not choose just one, because she loved both of them. Just the thought made her cringe and despair, more than aware one day she would have to make her choice.

Marinette loved Adrien. Ladybug fell for Cat Noir.

Such was the truth, no matter how much she tried to ignore it, and she feared, more than anything, that once the day, she would not be able to make the choice. Because one was a prince, and the other was her silly kitten. Both so important; so irreplaceable.

With tears in her eyes, Marinette fell asleep, hopping beyond hope that such day would never come. After all, she knew with all her heart, that she would be unable to choose one. They both were her Lucky Charms.