Introspection was something that he had a natural talent for, contemplating choices he had made, the roads he had walked. It was usually his method of coping with failure or joy, not letting either one overwhelm him too much. Even at this stage in his life, Sasuke couldn't help but reflect on his journey.

He was thankful that he had evolved from a brooding narcissist, with more power than sense, a chip on his shoulder, and who spewed monologues like a sprinkler sprayed water. Now, he resembled a more peaceful, still slightly self-important father who, at twenty five years old, was in the best shape of his life; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Looking over to the woman sleeping next to him, he couldn't stop the smile from spreading if he tried. There was a time where he would have scoffed at waking up next to the person he loved being his favourite thing in life. He could see the pretentious little shit right now, looking back at him and rolling his eyes, wondering how he got so soft.

He also could see his younger self crying himself to sleep, and being so alone that the only company he had was the raspy voice in his head, that filled him with such awful thoughts, he wasn't sure if he was losing his mind or if that was just the real him. He'd pick "soft", over depressed, any day of the week.

He wasn't embarrassed about being openly happy, out of all the things people have whispered about him behind his back, that was one he wouldn't take much offence to.

Hearing a low murmur escape from her lips, Sasuke turned his attention back to his wife. Running his hand through her long and soft hair, he gently placed a kiss on the nape of her neck.

People had said their relationship wouldn't last, they pointed to his darkest moments, her tumultuous dating history. They made for strange bedfellows, yet somehow, they make for the most natural and loving spouses, and parents.

Sasuke was certain that semi-retirement would be boring, yet he actually found it more enjoyable than Mei, who was used to working herself to exhaustion in the past. Domestic life suited him more than a lot of people thought it would, he wasn't sure what they expected. Him being a rolling stone might have something to do with their preconceived notions, but in actuality, his ventures served as a means of reflection for him, as well as for finding clarity in the new world.

Knowing that he didn't have to stand vigilant in case any other sociopath with delusions of grandeur showed up, was definitely reassuring. As was the fact that anyone who intended him or his family harm was now either dead, knew better than to try and cross either of them, or in the best case scenario, had actually accepted his atonement.

So, contrary to popular opinion, he wasn't miserable to be at home with his wife and child. In fact, he still did loose work around the village, offering combat advice to Genin, a few odd jobs for civilians, that kind of thing. But his primary concern was now focused on his new job of being a father.

Speaking of which, at that moment a faint cry from the other room caught his attention. Silently sliding out of bed so as to not wake up Mei, Sasuke crept out of their bedroom and headed down the hall to his distressed child.

He secretly prided himself on keeping his home immaculate, even with a new baby turning the house upside down. It was as if the child knew they were royalty and could get away with murder.

Well, maybe not the latter given their last name.

Sasuke stepped into his child's room where the whining only got louder as the infant heard the door open. The last traces of moonlight reflected against some stray ninja tools on the shelf. Sasuke looked at them with contempt, as they symbolised something that he was powerless against.

He couldn't remember who had sent them, hadn't even thought much of them until Kakashi had joked that it wouldn't be long until the new prodigy would be an expert at wielding them.

He didn't know why, but something rubbed him the wrong way about that comment when he first heard it. It was only later that he realised it was the high expectations already set for his child.

The first time Sasuke held his son in his arms, he was spellbound with wonder and worry. The sudden weight of the world that he brought the boy into came crashing down on him. While he had done everything possible to eliminate the physical threats towards his child, there wasn't a lot he could do about the stigmas, pressures and scrutiny.

If the rabid interest for the fetus growing in Mei's womb had been any indication of the fervour to come, then any chance of a normal childhood was out. It wasn't possible to shelter his son from the world, but Sasuke would not let the weight of high expectations crush his son like they did his brother.

Picking the boy up from the crib that he painstakingly crafted, the infant quieted down and looked up wide-eyed at his father. Sasuke smiled softly and sat down in the lone chair that he and Mei would use when holding or feeding the baby. He gazed into the two charcoal eyes staring back at up at him and hoped with every fiber of his being that it would be a long time before they got their inevitable red swirl.

Though he would never admit it, Sasuke was relieved that it appeared the boy would grow up to look like him, more than his mother. He loved Mei, but this petty preference was something he needed, to see another Uchiha exactly how he remembered them was almost too good to be true.

The first few days of being a parent hadn't been too difficult. If anything, the worst part was the line of people that would come in like clockwork to see the "miracle child". Sasuke was amazed at how Mei managed to keep up her friendly demeanour after all she had went through. If it were him in her position, he would have told any visitors in no uncertain terms, exactly how he felt about their intrusions.

Once they had been cleared to leave the hospital and finally gotten home, it began to dawn on Sasuke that they were now all on their own in watching a four-day-old child. It was all well and good to watch the nurses handle his son with such great care, it was another thing entirely to do it himself. His initial wonder had given way to the reality of how delicate a newborn baby was.

Sasuke had almost wrenched the boy out of the Tsunade's hands so he could feel him, just to be reassured that he was real, that he was actually here and healthy. Mei had said it was the only time she had ever seen him truly awe-struck.

Sasuke had a feeling that she would be even more protective than he was, he could imagine her closely inspecting his every act. While his first reaction had been to stare in amazement, Mei had been silently affectionate. Seeing his son in her arms just felt right, it was like there was already an unspoken bond between mother and child that Sasuke couldn't even begin to comprehend.

For the first week, Sasuke practically refused to handle the boy, in fear of somehow hurting him. Thankfully, Sasuke needn't have worried about having Mei watch his every move, she was supportive and showed him exactly how to nurture their son.

She told him that he could never hurt his own flesh and blood, his dedication and devotion to bring them into the world, showed a level of commitment and love that would never turn to pain. He responded by saying that he never would have had that devotion and love without her.

Mei then assured him with a smile that if he ever did hurt their baby, she would kill him. He well believed it.

After that day, it just became natural, and soon enough Sasuke had taken to parenting like a duck to water.

When it came to deciding on a name for the newborn, Sasuke let Mei do the honors. Surprisingly, it was the one thing he never really gave much thought to. He was a practical man at heart, making sure they would have a roof over their heads and a place to rest them, was his main objective.

Mei took a few days to ponder on the matter. When she finally got back to him, he had to admit, he thought she was joking.


On the surface, it wasn't the most creative name, being just one letter different from her own. When she sensed his initial apprehension and skepticism, she revealed it's true meaning.

Kei was a name with several denotations, one of the most apt being: "Blessing".

It was just like her to pay attention to detail. She always loved to put a symbolic gesture into something significant, it was the same with their wedding rings.

The following day, Sasuke walked into his son's room and carved his name into his crib.

Holding Kei and standing in the doorway, Mei couldn't help but see the irony in Sasuke putting the word 'blessing' onto a structure that took many, many attempts to make.

Getting used to the lack of sleep was another matter entirely. Sasuke was always content sleeping in and getting up whenever he felt like, having no real responsibilities or obligations. In the past, it wasn't uncommon for Mei to wake up in the morning, go to work, and come back in the afternoon to find him still dozing in bed.

There was no true test of unconditional love for Sasuke, like denying him sleep.

On that note, Sasuke felt his eyes grow heavy and looked down to see Kei looking back up expectantly at him.

"Let's go see your mother." He whispered to the child with a smile. The boy beamed at him, as if the mere mention of his mother was enough to make him instantly gleeful.

Sasuke opened the door to their bedroom to find Mei had also awoken.

"Hey." Came a sleepy greeting with a soft smile.

Sasuke handed him over to her and gently slid back under the covers. Kei's reaction to seeing her was a slight squeal of joy and a face full of happiness. Was it possible for a three-month-old child to already choose a favourite parent? Mei lightly laid the boy in between the both of them.

"He wake you up again?" Mei asked Sasuke.

"No actually, I just happened to be awake."


"Just contemplating the finer points of life."

"Come to any great philosophical conclusions?" She asked while Kei wrapped his hand around one of her fingers.

"Nothing I didn't already know." Sasuke replied with a grin, before leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"You know, I think he's going to be a very pretty boy, just like his father. I can see the trail of broken hearts already." Mei cooed.

"Yeah, but just imagine the one girl he decides to make the happiest in the world."

"Hm, somehow I think he won't be as quick to settle down as you were."

"You never know, he meets someone who he knows is the one, it could be love at first sight."

"Tch, I never took you for an old school romantic."

"I'm hurt, I thought I did an exceptional job in courting you."

"Our relationship literally started off as you coming to me for casual sex."

"Are you implying I wasn't a gentleman when we first met?" Sasuke's voice feigned hurt.

"No, your flirting was definitely chivalrous, you're a regular knight in shining armour. I especially liked the times when you came in like a thief in the night, and left the next morning without so much as a note on the nightstand." Mei responded sarcastically.

He wasn't sure if he had a comeback for that one.

"How long do you think it'll be before he starts talking?" Sasuke asked, changing the subject.

"Well, given what a conversationalist you are, I wouldn't be surprised if he became a mute."

Sasuke turned to look at her and cocked his head. "If you're going to keep talking to me that way, I think you should go back to sleep."

Mei reached over and nibbled on his ear as a way of apology. She then rested her head on his shoulder while he wrapped an arm around her.

"Do you-" Sasuke started before stopping himself.

"What?" She asked softly.

"Nah, don't worry about it."


She could tell whenever something was weighing heavily on his mind, he usually had this thoughtful look in his eye and a voice which suggested a heavy heart. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed.

"Is it possible that he can ever live up to the impossible expectations set for him?" He asked.

Mei was silent for a few moments while she thought of a response.

"I think he'll be just fine so long as we don't stifle him. You know that parenting is just about finding the right balance. We've done everything possible to protect him, eventually it'll be up to him to stand up for himself, if it comes to it."

"If it comes to it?" Sasuke scoffed. "I know it's been a while since you were that young, but I think you're forgetting that children, for the most part, are awful."

"I bet you were a strong testament to that." Mei drawled.

There was few moments of silence while they amusedly watched Kei fumble around on the bed. The boy definitely had a natural inclination to move, Mei might not have been too far off with the 'mute' comment. It certainly looked like he would walk before he could talk anyway.

"You think he'll ever get around to reading those books we got him?" She eventually asked.

"I have no doubt. Tales of war and conflict? I imagine it'll be right up his alley." He scoffed.

"Don't project yourself onto your son, he'll be a lover not a fighter."

"That sounds like your own projection right there. Given your love life, I can only hope his turns out better."

"I certainly hope he has higher standards than me."

Sasuke chuckled at that and looked at Kei attempt to use Mei's leg as balance to try and help him stand. There really was no predicting what Kei would grow to become, for all they knew he could be dyslexic. Which, given the amount of power in the Uchiha eyes, would be a fairly awkward discovery.

Regardless, Mei was right, he had done everything he could to start his son down the right path, worrying about every minute detail would be futile. No matter how he turned out, Kei would be loved unconditionally by both of them.

Well, within reason.

Sasuke grabbed the bumbling baby and lay him down on his chest, the boy threatened to cry until Mei gently stroked his back to calm him down. He let out a small yawn before settling down and listening to the steady beat of his father's heart, eventually returning to sleep. Sasuke and Mei observed the dulcet sounds of their resting child, a strong sense of protectiveness flooded through them.

Sasuke placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Thank you, for giving me everything I could have possibly wanted out of life." He whispered.

Mei returned his kiss with a peck on his chest and snuggled up next to him.

"I love you." She said sincerely.

"I love you too, both of you."

As the first rays of morning light crept through the blinds, Sasuke held his family close and for once, let the feeling of pure bliss engulf him. These were the moments he hoped to remember in the future, the simpler times of mundane life.

He was suddenly reminded of all the nights him and Mei had spent just simply talking. It definitely said something that those were memories which stuck out to him the most over the past few years.

Normality was definitely good in Sasuke's eyes, and this day was already looking to be perfect.

A/N: And that is that. You know this started off as just being a series of one shots, then somewhere in the middle a plot started to rear it's head out of nowhere.

I think I've just about run out of ideas of what to do with these two at this point, so probably best I just leave it at this. If I suddenly become inspired out of nowhere then I'll just add another chapter here.

If you've read up to this point then let me thank you for sticking with the story all the way through. Shout out to everyone who favourited and followed, you guys are awesome.

Huge thanks to everyone who reviewed, I really appreciate it, especially StopTeasing for reviewing every chapter without fail.

Thank you very much for reading, hope you enjoyed it.