~Edited: 3/30/18~
Tile: Blushing Taste Tester

Goyo sighed as he watched Hyuga cook for him. Hyuga had told him that he wanted to try making foods from Goyo's home country and have him taste them–or rather, force him to eat. Goyo wasn't hungry for anything, but he didn't complain since it was Hyuga who asked him. He always enjoyed watching Hyuga cook. His movement were graceful and the smile on his face while he did it was just as handsome as his other faces, only that face was much more dreamy than the others.

Goyo was grateful for the chance to be with the grey haired ninja. Hyuga had been watching Sakura for the past month since she had gotten horrible injured. Benkei, today, and today only, was helping her while Hyuga was here cooking. Goyo wasn't sure who to thank; the gods were a good candidate, he'll pray his thanks later whenever he gets the chance.

"It's almost done, Goyo." Hyuga's tone was happy as the smile on his face.

"Why can't Sakura do this for you? I have things to do." Goyo said, "I'm sure whatever you cooking will taste fine."

He was trying to sound like he was bored, or maybe like the "spoiled prince" he was thought to be by most. Maybe he was just trying to keep up the act of not liking him.

"I asked you because you are the only one who has tried these foods. I want you to tell me how they taste because I trust you." the grey haired male answered him, smiling brightly at him. Goyo's heart both skipped a beat and stopped. Hyuga never smiled like that, never. He's only seen him smile like that to Sakura, teasing and beastly(but he didn't want to think or admit that). "Besides, I wanted to talk with you."

"W-with me?" Goyo was still unsure about the whole thing. "What did you want to talk about?"

The white haired male turned with a plate in his hand. Hyuga made his way to Goyo, placed the plate down in front of him, and smiled with what seemed like anger. He didn't make eye contact with him. Goyo's eyes fell to the plate of food given to him by Hyuga. The smell was delicious and warm, perfect for the current cold weather happening while spring was slowly coming. It reminded him of his home, his family, his grandparents...it makes him wonder why he left his home behind in the first place.

"Sakura told me you had your eyes on someone." Hyuga said with a slightly annoyed tone as he sat down slightly across from Goyo. There was a glint in his eyes. Was it angry or jealous? Was it both? That was a strange look for Hyuga. In all the years he's known him, Goyo had never seen such a look on Hyuga before.

"I-I might—" Goyo put some of the food in his mouth. It taste like it did back at home, Hyuga was good at what he did. The flavor was comforting, everything cooked perfectly with perfection. It was this certain talent that made everyone wonder why Hyuga hadn't traveled around the world to discover other food to bring back to the Mainland for everyone. "Why should it matter? Aren't you with Sakura?"

"I have my eyes on some one as of now. Definitely not Sakura." Hyuga answered him, smirking, "...H—She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

Goyo felt jealousy rise in his chest that was quickly followed by depression. That woman must really be sexy and beautiful to catch Hyuga's eye, especially since the man is very picky with his partners in love.

"She must really good-looking. The food taste just like it does back in my country, you're good at what you do, Hyuga." He stood up and left the kitchen wanting to find Sakura and talk with her about the feeling of depression filling his chest. Before Hyuga could say anything to him, Goyo quickly rushed off to Sakura's room.

The woman was sitting Benkei, listening to the tall warrior talk about horses or something—Goyo didn't care.

"I'll watch Sakura, Benkei. You can take a break." Goyo said, "I need to talk with her."

Benkei, looking a bit angry and sad about Goyo's interruption, nodded his head and left her room. He said "goodnight" before leaving with a small bow. Sakura smiled sweetly and looked to Goyo. Bandages covered her eyes, but she was looking at him, he could feel it. Or maybe it was because she was turned in his direction that he felt that. Sakura was a little strange, but she always cared about the others before herself. Goyo liked that about her.

"What's wrong, Goyo?" Her voice filled with pure concern, "Did Hyuga—"

"I...I didn't say anything..." he looked down, "He already has his eyes on someone else."

Sakura sighed, sounding a bit sad about the news, "I was hoping you two would get together—" She then clapped her hands together, "—You'd make such an adorable couple!"

Goyo blushed at her words. "W-would we now..? I don't know about that, Sakura." The female smiled brightly and nodded.

"Of course!" She said, clapping her hands together once more. Goyo could feel his face heat up from the answer. How he dreamed he could be in such a relationship with Hyuga. He felt a sheepish smile come to his face.

Sakura's head turned to the door. "Oh, Hyuga, what is it?"

Goyo turned around. The white haired male was staring straight at him. Goyo gulped, that look Hyuga had was scaring him. What scared him more was the fact Sakura heard him enter the room despite him being a ninja.

"Just checking on you, Sakura. What's Goyo doing here?"

"We were talking about Goyo's new crush." Sakura grinned, her elbow slightly nudging Goyo's arm. He didn't do anything but watch Hyuga's expression change with eyes filled with anger.

"Goyo, could you help me with something? I have something you might like." Hyuga smirked, slightly grinning. That grin was scaring him—it was filled with something Goyo didn't want to figure out. Standning up, Goyo turned to Sakura.

"Goodnight, Sakura. Have a good rest." Goyo smiled and waved to the female, who waved back. He closed the door and followed Hyuga to his room. Once in, he was face with Hyuga's scary glare.

"Who is that bitch?" His voice became dark and cold, causing fear to rise in Goyo's body.

"Huh?" He gave a confused look. What was he talking about? Hyuga grew closer to Goyo's face and he pinned his arms to the wall. "Hyuga..?!"

"Who do you have your eyes on? I'm going to tell them that you're mine."

Goyo's face flared into a red color. Did Hyuga just say that?

"W..what do you—" Hyuga pushed his lips over Goyo's, stopping the prince from speaking. Melting into the fiery kiss Hyuga was giving, Goyo felt his knees give out and he slowly fell to the floor, dragging Hyuga with him.

"H-hyuga...do you?"

"Yes, I love you. And I will forever, and you will be mine forever."

Goyo felt his heart beat—he wasn't expecting this to happen!

They both rested on the floor, Goyo sitting while Hyuga was on his knees, kissing the other male's cheeks with a smirk on his face. Goyo could only look away and blush, with his racing heart and mind. He loved this, but his face couldn't convey it due to the shock he was still going though.

"Goyo~" Hyuga's lips touched his ears, "If you keep that face up, I'm going to have to eat you up~"

Goyo blushed brighter as he pulled himself away, only to find his back in contact with the floor. It was best to let it happen. Fighting against Hyuga wasn't the best idea.



"Be gentle with me."

Never in his life did Goyo regret saying something so much. After that night, he became Hyuga's personal taste tester. Every time he cooked something new, Goyo was to taste it—but it always ended in a very passionate way.