Chapter Two

Somewhere in town, a kid was preparing herself to go to school. She had dark eyes, so dark that you could get lost on them by only watching them. Her hair was a mess, as usual, but she liked how it looked. Her slim body fit perfectly on her uniform, which consisted on a blue sweater, a white t-shirt, and a skirt that was only two fingers down her knees. She was using long socks, and bright black shoes that had just been cleaned up.

Frisk stared at the mirror for a few minutes, trying to see if something was wrong with her uniform, like the sweater was backwards or maybe her socks were dirty, but after those minutes staring, Frisk decided nothing was wrong with her. Although not liking the uniform policy at school, mainly because girls had to use skirts, Frisk thought positively that it could have been worse.

The thirteen-year-old child went to her bedroom, the wall painted in a baby blue tone. Her bed was made already, the covers pulled up and the pillow resting, the wood closet, with a little bit of dust on the top had its doors closed, and a desk had been added, so Frisk could do homework and draw if she was bored. The curtains were open, letting the sunlight entering to the room and filling it with color.

Frisk opened the window, letting the breeze run by and moving her hair wildly.

It seemed unbelievable that a year had passed by, and that now she was thirteen. Her life had changed drastically and in a good way; finally, all the pain she had felt was over.

Now she had Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, everyone. A true family for her, that took care.

Frisk smiled, feeling her soul determined.

"Frisk!" the child heard Toriel calling for her from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!"

Frisk grabbed her backpack, putting in a book that was recommended by Toriel. She put the backpack on her shoulders, and went downstairs, the smell of pancakes filling the air.

"Good morning, my child," Toriel smiled, greeting Frisk with a plate with two pancakes, one with syrup, and one with Nutella.

"Good morning, Mom," Frisk smiled and grabbed the plate with both hands.

Both of them went to the table, sat and ate. Toriel made most of the conversation, as Frisk ate delighted her breakfast. When she was done eating, she stood up and put her dish on the dishwasher.

"Frisk," Toriel stopped the kid before she could go upstairs to brush her teeth. "I'm not going to be able to pick you up for school today, so I asked Papyrus if he could, so you are going to have to stay with him and Sans in the afternoon until I'm done with the work."

"Sure mom," Frisk accepted, keeping back a grin.

"So no junk food, and no video games until homework is done, are we clear?" Toriel put her hands on her hips.

"Yes mom."

The way to school was silent, as Toriel drove carefully to the school.

Now, as an eight grader, Frisk had been obligated to change schools, since the one that Toriel ran only arrived at the seventh grade. Frisk had been upset about this new change, since that meant she was not going to have classes with Undyne and Alphys, and going to school with Toriel was over, since her mom's responsibilities required her to stay until 5:30 pm or even longer.

On the other hand, the change allowed her to see her favorite skeletons more often in the afternoons, or even go to Alphys and Undyne's house to either watch "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie" or spend some time with Undyne, doing whatever crazy thing crossed on the ex-warrior's mind.

"Well, we arrived," Toriel smiled. "Do you have everything you need?"

"I think so," Frisk said. "See you later."

"Goodbye, my child."

Frisk went down of the car, and waved goodbye to her mother as she disappeared into a trail of cars.

As Frisk walked and entered into the school, she saw how some humans avoided her and turned away, or some of them would push her in a way of saying 'don't get close to me'. Frisk got it. Although the years passed, she still was the ambassador for monster: The Kid that broke the barrier and made peace. Some humans had been nice, only in fear she might do something to them, or in interest.

Frisk didn't really have a true friend in the entire school. Everyone knew her name and face, but still, she didn't have a good friend. Sure, she had a bunch of monsters that treated her well, but…they weren't real friends. Frisk knew them and stood with them at lunchtime and recess, but it seemed like she was invisible. When they talked, it was about themes Frisk didn't really like, for example, books, movies, etc. They had different taste, and it was sometimes awkward to be around them.

She walked in the hallway, and arrived to her locker. It was pretty organized and clean, with the smell of butterscotch pie. Frisk turned around when she heard some laughs, and realized a kid had tripped.

"Hah! You can't even watch where you are going, hybrid!" one of the kids yelled.

Hybrid? Frisk wondered.

She saw a boy –maybe about her height- with grayish skin, almost transparent. His hair was red and blond, straight at the top, but curly at the bottom and his eyes were a deep blue. However, his ears were like Undyne's, his arms had scales, and his nose was pointy.

He quickly began to pick up his stuff, as some people still laughed.

Frisk was filled with mercy, and went to help him pick up his stuff.

The kid raised his eyes, meeting Frisk's, unbelieving she had stood up and help him.

"Hey, ambassador!" the bully yelled. "Let him pick up his own mess."

"Which, as I remind you," Frisk wasn't afraid to speak up, "you caused his fall."

"Don't talk to me like that! You can have won a Nobel Peace Prize and all that crap, but you are not talking to me like that!" he yelled.

"Stop this," Frisk said. "I don't want to fight with you. Is pointless."

"Is everything alright in here?" a teacher came by.

The bully jerked back, "No, nothing, sir."

The teacher nodded, and everyone scattered around, knowing the bell would ring soon.

Frisk felt a poke on her arm, and turned around to see the boy.

"Thank you," he said nervously.

Frisk smiled, "No problem. Do you need help on anything?"

"Emm…yeah, actually," he said sheepishly. "I need to find my homeroom."

"Are you new here?"

"Yes…this is my first day," the boy explained, scratching the back of his head.

Those kids where surely mean.

"Well, my name is Frisk," Frisk gave him a hand.

"My name is Rio," he said, stretching Frisk's hand. "So, my homeroom teacher is…Mrs. Graciela."

"That's my homeroom teacher too," Frisk said.

"Really? Nice!" Rio smiled.

"Let's go. I don't think she'll be happy to see both of us late," Frisk began walking along with Rio.

"So…you are that Frisk, right? I mean…. the ambassador?" Rio asked.

"Yeah," Frisk stated.

"That's so cool!"

"It's not really a big deal," the girl explained.

"Not a big deal? You are the ambassador of monsters! The girl who bought peace to the world!" Rio said, smiling.

With that, the theme ended.

Rio was a non-stop talking boy that could talk forever. He was funny once he was confident, Frisk pointed out.

Frisk stood with Rio the entire day. At first, Frisk told him about how the system worked, and where he needed to go, but as the day passed by, Frisk actually liked having Rio's company.

At the end of the day, Frisk and Rio waited at the pickup station.

"So, you moved here some weeks ago?" Frisk asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Rio chuckled. "I'm probably going to get lost most of the time, actually. I'm dreadful at orientation."

"Humph…perhaps I could show you around, if you want," Frisk smiled.

"Really? Wow, thanks!" Rio thanked with excitement.

"Yeah, but I have to tell my mom first, so…I'll call you later?" the girl asked.

"Sure," Rio said. "Here's my number."

After trading each other's phone numbers, a klaxon horned by.

"FRISK!" the human heard Papyrus yelling, "LET'S GO! THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS ARRIVED!

Many other kids laughed, some monsters included, but Frisk didn't mind.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Frisk said as she ran to Papyrus' car and opened the door.


By the time Frisk finished her homework, Sans arrived to the house. Which was weird, because no matter how much time he worked, Sans would always be in home before Frisk arrived.

"Hey there, kiddo," Sans arrived. His voice sounded tired when he arrived to the house.

"Hi Sans!" Frisk went to hug him.

The skeleton chuckled and hugged her very hard. Frisk turned up to see him, and she saw how Sans was unwilling to let her go. The skeleton seemed worried, Frisk could tell. And something more.

"S-Sans…is…is everything okay?" Frisk asked.

"Humph? Oh, yeah," Sans returned back to normality, and separated from the hug. "Sorry kid. Just a rough night, that's all."

"Are you sure? Y-you don't look calmed."

"At the contrary. Really, nothing's under my skin, I promise," Sans smiled at his pun, and Frisk laughed.

Hi, Pacifists!

So…as you can tell, my name is Secretive Wren 857, but you can call me Secrets, or even 857.

This is my first Undertale story, and although I have improved in English, I ask you to please, if you see some mistakes over the story, please be polite because, you know, speaking and writing in English can be sometimes difficult for me, so…yeah.

I hope you liked the second CHARA-pter of the story "Illusions". If you have any ideas, don't worry to PM me, or leave a review! Any suggestion is open!

Also, as proved before, I must warn you about terrible, horrible, not good puns! If you happen to have some puns that you know, please write it on a PM or a review.

La23trenzas – Thanks for your support! Of course I will!

Chao Pacifists! (or Genocides, Neutrals, blah, blah, blah…)