Chapter 18

The words drove a knife so deep into Tigress's heart that she felt certain she would fall, dead to the whole world long before she hit the ground.

You monster!

Why, why would Kusa even think of such a thing? Even after she caused Bron's death and everyone accused her of being a monster, the young bunny was the only person who stood up for her, sought to comfort her.

Turning her attention away from Kusa, Tigress glanced upon Zhuang, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the cruel smug expression on his face.

"You heard the young bunny," Zhuang said softly placing a hand upon his fluffy head, "he doesn't want to leave."

"What did you do to him?" Tigress snapped.

"I have done nothing to him," Zhuang protested with a mocking innocent posture, "I have been nothing but a humble host to young Kusa here, and so if he wishes to remain here, where he will be safe from harm then who am I to deny such a request."

Tigress found herself growling, unleashing her claws and gave her leg muscle a subtle flex ready to pouch. "That wasn't our arrangement."

"Sorry," Zhuang muttered, eyes narrowing, "our arrangement? As I recall, all I agreed to is that I would let Kusa go once you brought me my Dragon Scroll. Where he goes following that is completely up to him."

"Why you!" Tigress snapped taking a step forward.

"I would not if I were you," Zhuang countered position a hand above Kusa. "Kusa will remain safe and cared for within my kingdom, so long as I deem fit."

Tigress growled once again, though remain rooted in place, it was not the komodo dragon she was angry with, but with herself for allowing herself to be trapped within his clutches once again. So long as Kusa was held prisoner, and he truly was…if only in his mind…she was powerless to face Zhuang and he knew that.

A smile formed on Zhuang face. "I'm pleased that we have an understanding here," he then waved his hand about adding in a causal manner, "why don't you run you little puffball, there are things I need to conclude here."

Kusa turned to look up at the komodo dragon, smiling in return as though he had not heard the insult. "Alright master," without another word the young bunny turned to leave.

"Kusa," Tigress pleaded hoping that she could still reach him, "please come with me."

"Just go away," Kusa snapped refusing to look at her, "I never want to see you again!"

Once Kusa had disappeared into the shadows, Zhuang returned his gaze upon Tigress with a mocking expression. "Now you see that I always get what I want, the great Dragon Warrior, the legendary Dragon Scroll and now a powerful tiger to follow my whim so long as her friend remain in my custody," he paused for a moment, releasing a fit of laughter which echoed throughout the chamber. He then shifted his attention to the scroll, turning it over and over in his hands, the light of the fire reflecting off its smooth shinny surface. "I've heard that whoever reads the Dragon Scroll will gain limitless power and knowledge of all kung fu styles. Tell me, is that true Tigress?"

Tigress narrowed her eyes, pulled back her lips to reveal her fangs, she wanted nothing more than to deny him the amusement in seeing her bend to his will, and yet what choice did she have. She couldn't risk Kusa's safety.

"From what I've heard from the other kung fu masters during my training, yes the legend is true."

Zhuang chuckled once more holding the scroll up at arms' length a fiendish gleam burning his eyes. "Imagine all that power contained in a simple slip of parchment…all mine for the taking."

Tigress heart began to race with terror. Zhuang had already proven how ruefulness and cruel could be, going to any lengths to get what he wanted. The idea of him wielding such power and skill would plunge all of china if not the world into turmoil.

"That old turtle was a fool to even think of wasting such a powerful grand gift on some useless panda," the komodo dragon ranted on taking hold the end of the cylinder, "I am the only one who truly deserve the title of Dragon Master."

Tigress's body ached to move. If she timed it right she could snatch the scroll just as Zhuang unfurled it and gaze upon it herself. She didn't know how long it would take for the power of the scroll to transfer to her or what state such a rush of knowledge would leave her mind. All she knew was that once she acted there would only be a fraction of a second for her to respond to what attack Zhuang or goons lurking in the shadows would throw at her. Narrowing her eyes, she waited holding her breath as Zhuang slowly pulled against the cork of the cylinder, drawing the moment out as long as possible.

Her ears suddenly twitched at the sudden whisper of the air in the cylinder escaping as the lid popped off.


A firm grip upon her shoulder caught Tigress by surprise and nearly stumbled forward. Looking over her shoulder she was shocked to see Su standing there, an evil gleam reflecting in her eyes.

"I would not do anything rash if I were you my dear," she whispered in a cruel tone, "unless you want your friend to suffer a sudden accident.

Tigress felt the world around shift into despair as she turned her attention back to Zhuang slowly pull the scroll from the cylinder, his smile growing bolder with each fleeting moment, as it happen, her eyes darted to see Po behind the komodo dragon, held a loaf by iron chains and Tigress's heart tore even more. Like Kusa, Po sought to help her, to break her from her state of self pity and despair and show her that life truly held moments of joy. I'm sorry I failed you Po, she thought tilting her head down, the cold sensation of tears flowing down her cheeks, I truly am.

"What is the meaning of this!?"

The thundering outcry from Zhuang caught her attention causing her head to jerk back up to face the komodo dragon. He held the Dragon Scroll about, flicking back and forth and turning it from side to side several times and if the matters she faced were not so grim Tigress felt certain she would find the whole thing rather amusing.

"Did you not hear me child?!" Zhuang snapped once more glaring at Tigress, the burning fire reflected in his black eyes. "What sort of game do you think you're playing?"

Tigress took several steps back, only to find herself bumping into Su who glanced at her a curious expression. Turning her gaze about her, Tigress could make out the shadows of the lizard guards shifting, drawing their weapons ever so slowly as if ready to strike.

"I don't understand," Tigress muttered finding her voice.

"This isn't the Dragon Scroll," Zhuang snapped and then flung the scroll behind as though it were nothing but trash, "it's blank!"

Whatever poison Zhuang had used on him to inhibit his movement, Po could still see and hear what was going on, and right now he didn't like what was going on. At first he felt so angry with Tigress believing that she had betrayed not only him but Oogway's faith and trust, though deep down he knew that was completely outrages. Whatever her past, Tigress would never place the one thing she value most in the world—a place to call home and family to share their love with her.

It must have been a great heartache for Tigress to steal the Dragon Scroll, and pondered what would take for her to even consider such a thing. His fears were confirmed when he saw Kusa enter the room and later on to hear him refer to Tigress as a monster. To hear someone who spoke so loudly in her favor suddenly turn on them in such a manner, left a great blow across his face regardless if he couldn't really feel it.

Though none of that compared to being forced to hang here like some prized trophy and watch as Zhuang unfurl the Dragon Scroll, a bright flash flared from the parchment as it caught the light from the fire pit, and he cursed the komodo dragon as in his current state he could not blink his eyes. As the light faded and his vision cleared he was stunned to see that the scroll was completely blank.

Zhuang began to rant, hurling the scroll aside where it came to a stop directly before him revealing a distorted reflection of himself. His mind raced, pondering the reasons why there was nothing scribed upon the scroll. Had Zhuang already absorb the scroll's power and failed to realize it? Maybe fearing something like this would happen; Oogway secretly replaced the true scroll with a false one for all these years keeping the real one safely hidden away somewhere. But even then it wouldn't make much sense, why would Oogway place so much importance on a scroll that was already fake to begin with? And why didn't Master Shifu know or even him…he is the Dragon Warrior after all.

The hard realization that came to him was this truly was the genuine Dragon Scroll and it was completely blank. But what reason would there be for it to be blank, what could he possibly learn from a scroll that revealed nothing but a distorted image of yourself?


"I'm still waiting for an answer you worthless urchin!"

Zhuang's harsh words caught Po's attention and as best he could shifted his gaze to see the komodo dragon making his way toward her, stomping his feet with each step, though he could not clearly make out everything that was happening he could tell by Tigress's frantic look that things had taken another sudden turn for the worst.

"How dear you plot and scheme to deceive me?"

Tigress sought to escape, to be anywhere out from under those narrow yellow eyes, but with Su and Song on either side behind her, her options were limited. "I swear to you I have no understanding of what's going on. No one knew what I was planning and if they did, why would they struggle so much for a worthless fake?"

Zhuang suddenly took hold of Tigress's tunic hoisting her off the ground. The foul stench flowing off his gauntlets stung her nose and caused her eyes to water.

Po's blood began to boil as he was forced to just stand there and watch this horror unfold. If only he could get his fingers around that slimy lizard and in the midst of his rage he felt a strange thing, tearing his eyes away from Tigress he glanced upon his right hand and just for a second there was twitch in his fingers.

My body is getting some feeling back. But how?

"Hey there Po."


"I'm right behind your ear," he heard the bug's voice in a soft whisper, "I know what's going on and got a special mixture that'll counter that's crud's toxins, but it's going to take a while to work."

Well whatever your doing make fast, Tigress doesn't have much time left.

As more sensation returned to his body, Po began to test what limits he held, flexing his muscle, feeling them rise and fall in smooth steady motion and with it, a sly grin began to form.

It won't be long now, and then Zhuang, you're going to get more than you ever bargain for.

Throughout all of that, Zhuang was still holding Tigress, rage burning in his eyes and the fear surging through Tigress reflected within them.

"I don't like being played child," he snapped, his knuckles twitching. "Perhaps I should bring Kusa back and allow you to stand and watch as he slowly dies just like his mother."

"No," Tigress cried with gaping eyes, "please I beg of you."

A cruel smile formed on the komodo dragon's face and thrust his arm out, flinging Tigress in the arms of Song and Su. "You should know by now that you have no real right to demand anything. I gave you one chance…one chance…to prove your worth and what do you do? Play stupid games, well I've got a game you might find just as amusing. How long will it take for a young bunny to die?"

Tigress growled, eyes narrowed. She no longer cared what happened to her, this bastard had taken everything she cared about, she was not about lose her first true friend. Unleashing her claws Tigress was about lung hoping to strangle Zhuang even if it cost her life, before she could even take a single step, a pair of crocs emerged from the shadows taking hold of her arms.

"Ooo…very feisty of all sudden," Zhuang said with a cruel smile, "I wonder all long that will last," he paused, turning his gaze upon the two snow leopards. "Be a dear and bring the bunny back here, I want to get this show started."

Tigress turned her gaze upon Song, with a pleading expression. "Help me Song," she spoke in a soft whisper, "please." Tigress knew full well that she could find no hope from Su, for her cruelty knew no limit, but she and Song had been friends since she joined the Ladies of Shade, if there was one person she could count on it would be her.

Song cast her eyes about the room until resting on Su. "Mistress," she said in a causal tone, "don't you think this is a bit much. We're thieves after all, not murderers."

A sly grin formed on Su's face, a smile that sent rivers of chill down Tigress's spin. "She has a point," she said facing Zhuang.

"Now wait a minute," Zhuang said quickly, "I've paid you a great deal of money for your services."

"That's correct," Su said her grin stretching to the point where it appeared truly evil, "so if you want us to kill such a young and innocent creature, it's going to cost you double."


Tigress's eyes grew wide as saucers, jaw dropping so far she felt certain it slapped the ground, all warmth left her body and found herself going lip in the crocs's arms. Everything had come apart, fallen into a deep dark pit, with no light to bring forth hope for something better.

But then something did happen, a loud thud that echoed throughout the chamber. Everyone turned around, Zhuang most of appearing the most shocked by the sight they be held.

Po knelt along the ground; the chains holding him place swayed from side to side, their locks open. The panda slowly straighten his body, the air filled with the faint sounds of his limbs creaking. Upon standing up straight Po shifted his neck to the side causing it crack loudly. He growl in a low deep tone and those next to him to back away, a clear tremble showing in their bodies. His body stood unyielding, the only sign of life was his muscles flexing. Then at last he opened his eyes, the flames from the fire pits reflected in his jade eyes.

"You know something Zhuang," he said in a deep voice, "you said you always get what you want, well right now you need a major world of hurt, and you know what, I'm just the panda to give it to you!"