Stevonnie's pov

I don't mind being split up,I really do I mean my halfs have their live but man does it feel good to be one again.I can do what I want when i want i can go on missions with the other and i can go party down town with Sour Cream being a dj i can go for free, we became friends the day i came to exist for the first time as i went to his rave that night. Even after i split up right infront of evrey one and they freaked out about he stayed cool he told steven and connie if they ever fuse into me again that i visit him,i have'nt been my self lately *get it fusion joke yuk yuk yuk :)* oh man im the whole package arent i . Enough things said about me so let get back to the real talk steven and connie didn't fuse into me for months and evrey time they do it was about a corrupted gem attacking but after thati get to spend some time with the others and it realy cool. my life is the best thing that a person or a gem can wish for but i want more than fighting monster evrey time and im sure steven and connie will understand.

Third person POV

It was another normal day in beach city, like usual steven woke up early washed his face and brushed his teeth and ate a donut and went outside to find the gems waiting for Amethyst and Pearl waited for him outside only to spend some quality time with him,it was a while since they spent some time together because their latest mission was too dangerous for steven even with his great abilities because of his human were made to survive the most violent situation such as poisonous places, under water and cursed his human half but with time he accepted it .The only thing they had that day was fun and only fun,they went to funland and to one of Sour Cream's raves in the abandoned warehouse and at the end of the day they went to the big donut to celebrate steven being cute*sorry but I couldn't find any other reason for them to go there*.As all of them sat around a table steven felt something weird flash in his head.

"Are you ok Steven?" asked Pearl with a worried tone.

"I'm fine Pearl but I had this weird flash about Stevonnie and she looked at me and said hey steven" Answered the demi gem.

"That's odd" Said Pearl with a confused look on her face.

" Normally a fusion should not be able to communicate with one of the halfs that formed the fusion's personality"said Garnet with her usual cool tone

"Hold that thought, Garnet,I better call Connie to see if she had the same vision"Added steven

Steven pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Connie's number

" Hello,Connie are you there?"asked steven.
"Hey Steven how are you doing today?" asked Connie

" Fine thanks for asking,soooo have you got this weird vision of Stevonnie calling your name?"asked*again*steven

"Yeah I did have it, it was a couple of minutes ago"answered the girl.
"I had the same vision aswell"added the boy.

" No way!,what is going on Steven?"asked Connie in a shocked tone.

" Don't know a thing Connie but I think stevonnie wants to tell us something"said the gem hybrid.

" Who knows anyway I need to hang up cuz I got tons of unfinished homework waiting to be done"said Connie while laughing a bit.

" Oh o ok but don't forget our promise this weekend" said steven agreeing with his friend.

"Don't worry steven i will be there from Thursday" aid Connie trying to make steven happy.

" That's great, I and Lion will pick you up from school right as it ends"said steven with a happy voice.

" Great I will tell mom"said Connie with the same happy tone

" But remember not to tell her about the vision cuz you know what she will do when it come to me and the gems."steven warned her
"Don't worry steven,I can handle this" said Connie trying to calm her worried friend
"Ok see you on Thursday"said steven

Both Steven and Connie hanged up the phone and went on their separate way.

Steven's P.O.V

It's always fun talking to Connie but I need to get back to the others cuz we are going to the sky arena so Pearl would show us her sword skills. I'm still bitter about last time cus it was as scary as hell,I have never seen someone so close to me get hurt that badly but now I'm sure that Pearl will not get hurt not this time. Garnet called me out as Pearl started making dozens of holo Pearls all carrying razor-sharp swords in their hands.

"Prepare to meet your doom challenger,"They all said in a union and charged toward Pearl but she dodged them with no effort. Even though I knew what pearl was capable of but she never stops to amaze me, her skills with a sword were unmatched no luck or miracle that she survived over a thousand year of the fierce war against homeworld.

"Get them Pearl" We all cheered her up

Pearl heard us cheering for her and increased her speed and with one swift swing she turned half of them into light particles again. Pearl turned her head only to see the rest of holo Pearls attack at the same time but our Pearl was faster dodging all of the attacks and finishing her attackers off with a fast attack herself. Evrey thing ended and we went to Pearl,I jumped and hugged her as soon as I reached her. A hug from me always made Pearl happy.

"Wow Pearl you are amazing swinging your sword like this and like this too ,oh man I wish i was as good as you are"

"Thank you steven, that was really sweet of you and you can even get as good as me if you train" Pearl said blushing a bit.

" Ok now time for us to scout the northern temple for corrupted gems" said Garnet with her usual voice.

" Haven't you guys checked that place like hundreds of times"i told her with a confued look

"We did actualy but for some reason evrey time we go there we find a corrupted gem roaming in there"answered Amethyst

"Always,how come i havent heard of this?" i asked them

" You sleep Steven ,thats why and we dont need to sleep as we are always awake we detect those roaming gems and deal with them as fast as possible"said garnet with her usual calm tone

"Oh man no fair , i should have gone with you guys"

"Well but only if you can handle staying up late and im warning you , don't Sleep in the middle of the mission or you won't go with us in these late night mission until your old enough to handle it okay"garnet warned me

"Done and done Garnet"

" Don't worry guys , lil ol me will make you proud"said Steven puffing his chest wich made Amethyst laugh

"So what to do now Steven"asked pearl

"I don't know Pearl,im kinda sleepy you know maybe i can go next day, night time and sleeping are a curse but i really need them "
" you heard him gems,let's go"said Garnet and evrey one else nodded in agreement

hey guys it's me is my third story and before anything else this idea is not mine,it belongs to flying ducks298. now lets get started

first of all i dont know if a fusion personality can talk to each of it's halfs but i made it so it can

second of all what i planned for this story will be atleast four chapters and if possible maybe more but i can't promise

the third thing i wanted to say that this will be a little dramatic in the next chapter

and this is all i have to say for this chapter

well after i finish this story and my other story fuion i have couple of stories to be written and one of them nearly got its first chapter complete. so bye and have a nice day :)