Hey everyone, my name is and this is my first fanfic ever so please help me in any way to make my stories better. Feel free to point out what I am doing wrong but don't go overboard with the criticisms. Anyway on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon but I wish I did.

It was a warm summer morning in the Ketchum household where a loud crash was heard. Ash Ketchum had woken up with a crash when he realized it was 8:30 A.M, when he realized today was the day and he was also late to get his first pokemon and to go on his journey to become a Pokemon Master. Then he took a double take and realized it was 8:30 and today was the day he began his pokemon journey.

Excited he got out of bed and took a shower and got dressed. He was wearing a black cargo pants, with red and black sneakers, while on the top he wore a half-sleeve blue pullover with black sleeves, the Pokemon league hat and his trademark black sleeveless gloves. He walked down where he was greeted by his mother, Delia Ketchum. She was a nice and kind woman who wore a yellow shirt with a pink blouse and a blue skirt. She was currently cooking breakfast when she saw Ash walk down and greeted him.

"Hi, Ash, I made your favorite foods as you know it is your last time eating here," Delia said.

"I know, I'm going to miss it, but thank goodness you taught me how to cook, sew and many more things," Ash replied sadly and excitedly. He had been training to become a pokemon master by working out. Learning basic survival skills and researching about every single pokemon known to humans, well at least have information about. Delia set down a plate of Ash's favorite food for breakfast which included bacon and waffles. Two years ago ash would have crammed and shoveled the food into his mouth but now, Ash has learnt to take his time and eat more slowly than before.

He checked the clock and saw it was 8:45 A.M. and decided to leave then. He wished his mother farewell and promised to drop by, pick up his backpack and introduce his starter to his mother. As he walked down to Professor Oak's lab, he taught about which starter to pick, of course he was fine with any of them but preferred charmander because it could learn a large variety of moves. As the lab came into view Ash's heart started to beat faster with excitement.

When he reached and walked inside he saw three other people standing there, two boys and one girl. In the order of left to right was Gary Oak, an arrogant child and grandson of the great Professor Oak, who was wearing simply a full-sleeve blue shirt and dark blue pants with brown combat boots. Next was Leaf Green, a nice, kind girl with a bubbly attitude who make anyone smile, and she wore a red skirt with a sleeveless sky blue tank top and a white fedora with a red semicircle on it, and wore long light blue socks with white and red shoes. Finally, was Red, a silent but smart boy wore a black shirt with a red and white sweatshirt on top, with blue pants, a yellow backpack, black and red shoes, and a red and white hat. After greeting each other except for Gary who simply sneered, they waited in silence for the professor.

Five minutes later, they heard a crash and saw that it was the professor in all his glory with simply a red shirt with a lab coat on top and brown pants. He walked out a smiled as he saw all the new potentially great trainers he saw.

"Ahh, I see everyone is here right on time. Now as you all know there are the three starter pokemon to choose from which are, Bulbasaur, the grass and poison type starter, Squirtle, the water type starter, and last but not least Charmander the fire type starter. Yes, I do realize there are four of you and there are three starters, however, I do have a extra pokemon for whoever wants to wait after the others have left," the professor said smiling.

Seeing as no one was going to speak up, Ash decided to speak up and take the last Pokemon.

"Professor I will take the last Pokemon,"Ash replied. The professor looked delighted as if he had hoped that Ash would take the last pokemon.

The professor smiled and said, "Wonderful! Now before we start picking the pokemon I would like to give the Pokedex, it is a encyclopedia of sorts and is to be used to get information in return for getting the pokemon." As he said this he handed out colored mini-laptops of sorts. With Ash with a red and black one, Leaf with a green one, Gary with a blue one and Red with a pure red one. After quickly looking through the features Ash put it away in his pocket.

"Now then shall we pick out the Pokemon, Leaf ladies first," Oak said smiling. With that said Leaf walked up to machine where the pokeballs and the starters were held and picked out the on with a leaf on it. She immediately released the pokemon out and out came a green turtle like pokemon with a green bulb on it.

"Hi there Bulbasaur, I'm your new trainer, I hope we can be the best of friends," she said grinning. Bulbasaur immediately jumped into her arms and smiled. While this happened Ash scanned Bulbasaur and was impressed.(AN: I will not be writing the pokedex entries as we all know them by now if not then look it up and I will only be showing the entries for Ash's pokemon) After this happened Gary took the one with a water drop on it and ran out. A few seconds later, cheering and the sound of a car taking of can be heard. Red then walked up and took the last pokeball which was Charmander and said and did the same things as Leaf then walked out not before wishing good luck to ash and Leaf. Leaf then got up said the same thing to Ash before walking out.

After all this was over, Ash then looked at the professor and was surprised to see him smiling. The professor beckoned him to follow and he did, as he followed Ash was in awe to see how many pokeballs were in the shelves.

"Ahh, here we are, now then Ash can you give me your pokedex?" the professor asked. After Ash did the professor loaded chip into a slot that was at the top of the pokedex.

"I have upgraded your pokedex to the national mode because the pokemon i am giving you is not from Kanto, instead it is from the Johto region," Oak explained.

"Now then here is you pokemon," Oak said as he handed Ash a pokeball. Without hesitation ash opened the pokeball and out came a olive green bipedal pokemon with a single horn on its head, a red belly, a fan-like tail and over is red eyes were black like slashes. The pokemon was a Larvitar and a rock and ground type that evolved into a mighty Tyranitar. Ash immediately pulled out his pokedex and scanned it.

Larvitar, the Rock Skin Pokémon. Larvitar generally hatch deep within the earth and take a long time before coming to the surface. This pokemon knows the following moves: Bite, Leer, Sandstorm, Ancient Power (egg move-not unlocked), and Pursuit (egg move-unlocked)

"Hi, my name is Ash Ketchum and I want to be your trainer, though I won't force you into anything unless you want to and I want to help you become the strongest Tyranitar there is," Ash said as he bent down, smiled and patted the green pokemon on the head. Larvitar immediately jumped into his arms and said his name.

"Well then it's decided you're coming with me but first do you want to stay in you pokeball or out of it and do you want a nickname?" Ash asked. The Pokémon nodded twice.

"Hmmm… Let me think, how about Rex?" Ash said with some thought. The Larvitar immediately nodded. With that finished Ash rose up, nodded to the Professor and walked out the door to meet his mother for the last time in a long time. As Ash walked out, the Professor smiled as he knew Ash was destined for great things.

That's it for now and I hope you enjoyed it, until next time my readers. out (Drops mic and walks out to who knows where).