It had been a little over a week since Fitz confessed his feelings to Olivia. They had been living in a little bubble that consisted of spending all their time together outside of the hospital. They had packed their week with reacquainting Olivia with some of the best restaurants in New York, attending a Broadway play, and intimate evenings at home spent cooking together. By the end of each evening they found themselves literally wrapped up in each other reading a book, watching a movie or making love.

Bright and early Monday morning…Fitz was on a mission. After spending another weekend physically and emotionally wrapped up in Olivia Pope, he was eager to inform Cyrus of their relationship. The last thing he wanted was either of their personal or professional lives becoming fodder for hospital gossip. He hadn't slept well the night before as thoughts ran through his head on how to bring it up with Cyrus. After thinking through several scenarios, he decided his best bet would be just to come right out with it.

Detangling himself from Olivia, he decides to get an early start to his day and see if he can meet with Cyrus. Quickly showering and completing his morning routine, he dresses in a black pair of dress pants, a white button down oxford and a navy blue striped tie. Moving from his on-suite bathroom and back into his bedroom he's finding it hard to leave Olivia. She looks peaceful in his bed and he would like nothing more than to stay in the bubble that they have created over the past few days, but reality will come knocking before they know it.

He thinks about leaving her a note but instead decides to wake her from her slumber. Tucking the hair that has fallen over her face behind her ear he attempts to wake her… "Livvie…Liv…baby…wake up" as she begins to stir he can tell that his early wakeup call is unwelcomed. She is clad in a pair of pink lace panties and just the sight of her is enough to arouse him. Settling in next to her on the bed he places his hand under the covers and rests it on her hip hoping that his touch will wake her. "Livvie…I need to get to the hospital…but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye".

His morning baritone voice is enough to break her from her sleep and as soon as she opens her eyes the image of an overdressed and handsome Fitz is enough to arouse her. She can't help but want to run her fingers through his perfectly combed hair, and the blue in his tie is enough to bring out the color of his eyes. "Fitz…come back to bed…it's too early" she says to him as she turns to face him. She can feel his warm hand on her hip and she instantly feels flushed. She grabs him by his tie and brings his face to hers as she takes his lips. "Come back to bed Fitzy...please…"

She is driving him crazy…he had intentions to leave, but that was clearly not going to be the case. Deeping the kiss he moves his hand from her hip to in between her legs. He can feel the dampness of her lace panties and as he moves them to the side pushes two fingers inside her. He can feel her walls clamp his fingers, and as he strokes her, the rest of her body begins to come alive. As she begins to feel her climax approaching she reaches for Fitz manhood and can feel his strong erection through his slacks, but he removes her hand from his lap as he continues to stroke her. He can tell that she is about to climax as she begins to move her hips, and as her orgasm washes over her he can't help but marvel in the vision that is his Livvie.

"Mmhmmm Fitz…come back to bed, you don't have to be at the hospital for a few more hours" she says as she kisses him again. "I would love to Livvie…but if I am going to talk to Cyrus today I need to get a head start". After hearing his plans for the day, she knew it was going to be a long one for him. He wanted to take the lead in telling Cyrus about their relationship, and although she found it admirable she wished she could be by his side. "Okay Fitz…just let me know how it goes, I will be thinking about you".

Her response warms his heart and he knows he's doing the right thing…for her…for them. "I will Livvie…go back to sleep…I will see you later" and with that he was gone.


It didn't take Olivia long to fall back into a slumber, and after two more hours, she awoke again to the sun shining on her face. Looking at the clock it was now eight o'clock, and she needed to be at the hospital by nine for her shift. She scattered across the hallway as she headed into her apartment to get ready for the day, and as she was completing her morning routine she noticed that she missed a call from both her mother and Abbey the previous evening. She made a mental note to call them both on her way to the hospital.

After dressing in a pair of dark denim jeans and a light pink tee shirt she gathers her jacket, cell phone charger, water bottle, an extra set of clothes and a few snacks and puts them into her messenger bag and heads out to begin her long yet satisfying shift at the hospital. It was an unusual warm November day so she decided to walk to the hospital. Connecting her head phones to her cell phone she begins to make a call to her mother and after two rings she picks up. "Well good morning Olivia…I was wondering when I would hear from you".

Olivia could hear the condescending tone in her mother's voice and wasn't prepared to deal with her first thing Monday morning but decided to push through and attempt to make the call pleasant. "Hi Mom…how are you…how's dad"?

"Your father and I are both fine Olivia…we are loving this Florida weather; you would love it… I told you that you should have moved down here after graduation instead of back to the city. I was hoping to hear from you this weekend but you must be busy in that big city".

"I have been Ma…I am finally settled in my apartment and at the hospital, and I have been spending time connecting and reconnecting with friends".

"Do those friends happen to include any nice men Olivia? You know you need to get back out there…I still can't believe you decided to break up with Edison, he was such a nice man, and had such a promising career, you two were perfect together". Olivia hadn't given her mother all the details of her break up with Edison. As far as her parents were concerned all they needed to know was that Boston was not the place for her, and since Edison would not consider moving outside of Boston, she ended their relationship.

"Ma…we have been over this…Edison and I are not getting back together. I do not see him being in my life as a friend let alone anything more than that…but that's not what I called to talk about…"

Her mother's clear sigh came through the phone and she could tell she was not done with the subject for good. "Olivia…I just want you to be happy…I just want you to meet someone who will make you happy".

"That's just it Ma…I am happy…I love my job, and like I said earlier I have been reconnecting with friends and making some new ones…I even met Gerry Grant's new girlfriend…you would love her Ma, her name is Jessica and she is perfect for him".

"Oh Liv…that makes me happy…little Gerry Grant has a girlfriend…I always thought the two of you would end up together. He was always such a nice young man…and his parents…I heard his parents were getting a divorce Liv…how terrible. You know his mother was never a very nice woman…so cold…I am surprised they lasted as long as they did, Fitzgerald was always such a nice man."

Olivia couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew the topic of Fitz and Mellie's divorce would come up eventually. Being a former New Yorker, her mother was still a part of the gossip train, and knew that it was only a matter of time before she heard the news. Her mother had known of Fitz and Mellie, and had gotten to know them over the years through Olivia's friendship with Gerry, but once Olivia went off to college and her parents moved to Florida, their relationship seemed to drop off as well.

"I know Ma…Gerry is actually relieved that they have finally decided to divorce, and from what I can tell all parties involved are moving forward and are happy". Olivia had never made her mother privy to her relationships, and she did not intend for that to start now in regards to Fitz.

"I am happy to hear that Liv, tell me how things are going at the hospital, what's it like"?

"It's amazing Mom…I can't tell you how happy I am to finally be practicing medicine in a hospital and helping people. I am working with another amazing first year doctor named Quinn. She is an orthopedic surgeon under Dr. Grant and we will be partnering quite a bit in the coming months on a new project…I am so excited about it, it's a great opportunity".

"Olivia…you didn't tell me you were working with Fitzgerald Grant…he is one of the best in his field. He was a lifesaver when your father went to see him about his bulging disc a few years ago".

"He is an incredible doctor, and Quinn and I have been lucky to work with him, I have learned a lot in the past few weeks about orthopedic surgery, and now I can take that knowledge and apply it in my work with rehabilitation".

"That's great Olivia…tell Fitzgerald I said hello and next time we are in town I will give him a call so we can meet for dinner and a few drinks…it's been at least a year since I have seen him".

"I will be sure to tell him when I run into him, we actually cross paths quite a bit since he lives in the same apartment building". She hadn't planned on discussing any details about Fitz with her mother but it kind of just slipped out…wanting to quickly switch topics from Fitz… "Oh and mom…thanks to you and dad again for helping me with the apartment deposit, it has been the perfect little place for me in the city and its so close to the hospital I can actually walk".

"Thanks great Liv…I can't wait to…"

"Listen Ma…sorry to cut your short but I've gotta go, I am headed into the hospital but I'll call you later…tell dad I said Hi". And with that she hung up the phone…purposely avoiding any additional conversation that involved Fitz. She didn't need her mother prying into her personal life any further.

Walking into the hospital, once again she found that Fitzgerald Grant was on her mind. She had been wondering how things had went with Cyrus this morning but didn't want to call him…instead she settled on texting him.

Liv: I enjoyed your morning wakeup call Dr. Grant…thinking of you and hoping Cyrus takes the news well.


Across the hospital Fitz was already deep into his day…noticing that Cyrus was finally in his office and available, he composed himself before entering his office. He could feel his heart begin to race a bit at the thought of the conversation that was about to happen.

"Hey got a minute"?

"Of course Fitz…come on in" he says waving him into his office.

Fitz settled into the chair in front of Cyrus' desk "You know when we went out for drinks a few weeks ago and we talked about this year's interns"?

"Yea I were going to talk to Mark for me...did you get a chance to do did it go"? He says closing the door and sitting back into his leather chair.

"I did speak with him, and it was a waste of time...the guy just has no clue. Anyways I brought it up to Mark during our discussion but I know he's not going to be onboard with this idea coming from me so I wanted to bring it to you".

"After working with Quinn Perkins and Olivia Pope I want them to team up together. Work as a unit with their patients...have Olivia cross over and observe the surgical aspect and have Quinn cross over and observe the therapeutic and rehabilitation phase. They both are very bright doctors who think out of the box, and I think if they work together they could change the face of orthopedics at Mt. Sinai".

"Wow have that much confidence in these two doctors huh"?

"I do Cy...I have been working with both and they were the ones that gave me the idea. Quinn came to me in her second week and asked if she could sit in with Mark and his staff to view how they run their recovery program and Olivia had asked me if she could sit in on a few of my surgeries. I tested my theory with a recent patient... Mr. Chase...Quinn came onto the case post op but quickly caught up on his case and was his primary until I signed him over to Liv. She has consulted with both Quinn and I a few times since taking over as his primary and I can only imagine the benefit that it would have given him if both Quinn and Liv would have could be with him from the beginning".

"Wow Fitz...I'm's not often that you have two interns who have the balls to suggest going outside of their specialties...It seems they are continuing to live up to their reputations. What does Mark think of this"?

"Well Mark doesn't really know...I wanted to test my theory before bringing it up to anyone, but after seeing how things have gone...I brought it up to him last week and he didn't seem to take the thought and I just dropped it and decided to bring it to you".

He doesn't want to throw Mark under the bus and tell Cyrus that he thinks of the interns as his personal dating make this thing work, he is going to need him on board but figured he would uses Cy's leverage to convince him.

He can't help but think that he is a little that he and Olivia are officially dating...He's going to catch shit from Mark once he finds out that they are together.

"Well Fitz I think it's a fantastic idea...however we need to have Mark on board to make this thing work...since Quinn and Olivia will be working together and crossing over, their peers are going to have to pick up the slack since Quinn will be spending more time in the recovery center and Olivia will be spending more time in the ER with you...not to mention they can both learn a lot from Mark".

" I agree Cy...that's why I'm coming to you...I wanted to be up front and honest with you so that we have the best shot at this thing being successful. Olivia and Quinn have been working side by side on quite a few patients the past two weeks. They have both learned so much. We all tend to stay in our own lanes and I think our patients suffer for great would it be to have an orthopedic surgical and recovery team that is seamless".

"Give me a few days to get Mark on board and then we can all get together and see where we can take this thing..."

He is grateful to have Cy's support and is a little hesitant to reveal his deeper relationship with Olivia. He thought about saving the discussion for another time but as Cyrus shifted his attention to a folder on his desk he knew it was not or never…

"One more thing that I wanted to mention Cy...I'm sure you heard that Mellie and I filed for divorce a few months ago..."

" I did sorry to hear are you doing"?

"I'm actually great Cy...our relationship had been over for quite some was just the matter of admitting it and going through the process...we have settled everything and are just waiting for the paperwork to be signed off on to make it official".

"That's great Fitz...I know firsthand how difficult the divorce process can ex dragged it out for two years before we could come to an agreement...I guess it didn't help that we got divorced because I fell in love with James...wives tend to get angry when their husbands fall in love with another man" he says laughing. "Do me a favor and take your time...but please let me know when you are back on the market. The rumor mill around here is ramped and you wouldn't believe the number of inquiries I have gotten already".

This is the second time he has heard about the so-called rumor mill of the hospital and he can't help but laugh. "Well Cy...I'm not going to be back on the market".

"Fitz you can't let your divorce jade you and make you swear off women all's normal to want to be a recluse after a divorce but I think you need to get out there and find your happy...there's got to be a woman out there that's your perfect match".

"I've actually already met someone Cy...she's someone I have known for a long time, and we recently connected after Mellie and I separated and things have evolved quickly and we are dating".

Cyrus has a dumbfounded look on his face but isn't exactly surprised. "Wow sure do move fast". There are going to be quite a few disappointed women in this hospital".

"Well Cy that's the reason I wanted to tell you...she um...she works at the hospital and I just wanted to give you a heads up".

"We don't have a fraternization policy at the hospital so you are free to date whomever you want Fitz...god knows if we had a fraternization policy we would have to fire have of the hospital".

"This is all new territory for me...and because we respect you Cy...Olivia and I wanted to be upfront with you".

" in Olivia Pope"?

"Yes...Olivia and I have known each other through my son Gerry, and as you know she recently moved back to New York and we have been spending time together and now it's more...she's my girlfriend".

Running his hand through his hair he looks flushed..."Shit Fitz...she's young and just starting her career".

I know Cy...but she's incredible and everything that I could have ever asked for. What I have with her has nothing to do with the hospital...the whole proposal is something that came to me before I ever thought of dating her...or anyone for that matter."

"I know you Fitz...I know you have always had good intentions and I trust that isn't going to change now that you are dating Olivia...the best advice I can give you is to keep your relationship outside of the hospital as much as possible...her career has just started and she needs time to grow and become Dr. Pope and not be known as Dr. Grants girlfriend."

"I agree Cy...I'm sure people are going to find out, and it will just be a matter of time before it's common knowledge...we didn't want to sneak around and have to hide our relationship...she deserves better than that and I don't want to live like that".

Nodding his head Cyrus agrees with every word Fitz has said. "Thank you for coming to me and letting me know...I appreciate the heads up...but I appreciate even more the opportunity to put this hospital on the map and change the face of orthopedics" he says extending his right hand to Fitz.

Fitz returns the gesture and shakes Cyrus' hand. Feeling just a little bit lighter, Fitz to exits Cyrus' office and heads back to his own. He has a remote surgical consult for a patient in Chicago that he needs to call into in just a few moments. Picking up his phone from his desk he disconnects his charger and notices that he has missed a text from Olivia.

Liv:Liv: I enjoyed your morning wakeup call Dr. Grant…thinking of you and hoping Cyrus takes the news well.

Fitz: Livvie….

Fitz: Everything went well…this is going to be great…I'll give you the run down later.


It was now Wednesday and Olivia was in the middle of a very busy week. She had spent Monday and Tuesday shadowing Quinn on her rounds and getting to know her patients. The days were long; filled with reviewing charts and picking Quinn's brain on their surgical history. She wanted to be familiar with all her new patients as they would be transitioning into rehabilitation care soon. They both worked well into the evenings and thus, she hadn't been able to spend any time with Fitz outside of the hospital.

She started her day like any other typical Wednesday morning at the hospital. After changing into her scrubs and grabbing a cup of coffee, she reviewed her schedule for the next few weeks. Noticing that she was on days for the next three weeks brought a smile to her face. Knowing that Fitz would likely be on the same schedule would give them an opportunity to spend time together. After updating her calendar, she dove in and started playing catch up with her patients.

It was clear that Dr. Sloan was not on board with the program laid out by Fitz and Cyrus. Once he caught wind of what had been done behind his back he had quite the attitude, and had been giving her grief for not spending as much time on his service as he would have liked. She came in to find a stack of charts waiting for her attention and a note from Dr. Sloan letting her know that he would be working outside of the hospital today and it outlined a list of things he needed her to cover on his behalf.

After silently cursing the long list of things she had to accomplish for the day, she mustered her motivation, grabbed a stack of charts and began the task of checking in with Dr. Sloan's patients. After attending to her first stack of charts, it was clear to Olivia that it was going to be another long day that would keep her from ending her evening with Fitz. She decided to send him a text to let him know that she would be working late.

Liv: Hi Fitz... Sloan bailed on me today, so I will be putting in another long night…

Shoving her phone into her lab coat pocket she grabs another stack of charts and continued her way. Nose deep in the paperwork, she rounds the corner and she hears her name being called and notices Quinn approaching. Her hair is up in a ponytail and she looks like she is having just as long of a day as Olivia is.

"Hey Liv...I'm glad I caught you... I know you have a busy day, but I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch later"?

Knowing that she only brought a sandwich and an apple for lunch she decides to take Quinn up on her offer, after all she does have a long afternoon ahead of her and she doesn't know when she will have a chance to get anything for dinner.

"That sounds great...just let me get through these rounds and updating these charts and I will text you and we can meet up in the cafeteria...shouldn't be more than a few hours..."

"Sounds great...I have a few things that I need to check in with Dr. Grant about so that will be perfect".

Olivia has only seen Fitz in passing the last few days, and now knowing she won't see him tonight, she can't help but miss him. The time they had spent together over the weekend deepened her feelings for him, and although they agreed to take it slow...not seeing him or spending any time with him for the past three days was not what she had in mind.

"Ok sounds good...I'll see you in a few..." She says as she's shuffling the charts in her arms. "Oh...Quinn...tell Dr. Grant I said hello"!

Quinn can't help but notice the sparkle in Olivia's eyes at the mention of Dr. Grant...and who could blame her, he is an attractive, successful doctor who just so happens to be newly single. Quinn had heard the rumors floating around the hospital about Fitz divorcing his equally successful wife, but hadn't bothered to partake in any of the conversation. She wasn't one to gossip, and after all, he was her mentor and she wanted to keep things professional.


Fitz was coming off an early morning solo surgery and was exhausted. He had stayed at the hospital the night before. He was doing last minute preparations for the surgery on a twelve-year-old boy named Collin who was injured in a car accident the week before. Fitz was able assess him immediately after the accident, and determined that his spine was fractured at the C3 vertebra. After stabilizing him and allowing his impacted organs to recover from the damage, he was finally able to repair his spinal injury.

After moving Collin to the recovery room and meeting with his parents to give them an update on their son, he needed to decompress. Heading to his office he found himself dozing off on his couch with thoughts of Olivia. He hadn't been able to spend any time with her since Sunday because of their busy schedules, but he planned on rectifying that tonight. Thinking of her he locates his phone on his desk and notices that he has a missed text from Olivia….

Liv: Hi Fitz... Sloan bailed on me today, so I will be putting in another long night…

He can't help but be disappointed. He planned on sharing a nice bottle of wine and making her dinner tonight, but now that was no longer a possibility.

Fitz: I understand Livvie …I miss you…

Liv: I miss you too Fitz…

Fitz: Let me know when you leave the hospital and get home so I know you're safe.

Instead of taking a nap in his office, he decides to finish the paperwork from the surgery. He also needs to give Quinn a run down on Collin since she will be checking in on him for the rest of the day. After paging Quinn to his office, he continues finalizing the paperwork from Collin's surgery, his concentration is broken by his ringing phone.

Looking at the screen he can see that it is Mellie calling, and in that moment, she is the last person he wants to talk to. She had been in Houston since October and he had enjoyed the distance that it had created between two of them. It had been a few weeks since he had spoken to his soon to be ex-wife when they finalized the sale of their home. The only unfinished business left between the two of them was to sign off on the papers to officially finalize their divorce.

Deciding that it is best to answer her call he takes a deep breath and slides his thumb over the screen to accept the call. "Hello Mellie…he speaks into the phone".

"Hello Fitzgerald…how are you this afternoon"?

"I'm fine Mellie…actually just finished a surgery so I am quite busy. What can I do for you"?

"Listen Fitz…I will be flying back into New York on Friday and wanted to know if we could have dinner and you know…talk"?

Caught off guard by her request, he suddenly doesn't know what to say.

"I'm not really sure what there is to talk about Mellie. Everything has already been worked out with the lawyers, and I have been told we should be able to officially sign the papers by the end of December".

"I know…I just thought we could have a few drinks and catch up…maybe see if Gerry wants to join us with his girlfriend…he has been wanting to introduce her to us".

Fitz had yet to meet Jessica, but that was his own fault. He was supposed to meet her at the MET exhibit the previous weekend and he knew he needed to reach out to Gerry to discuss how that evening ended.

"Listen Mel…things are really busy at the hospital this week and I have a full schedule. I'm just not sure I will have time this week. If my schedule open's I will let you know…but it would be good for you to reach out to Gerry…I know he misses you".

He can feel the tension between them over the phone and would like nothing more than to continue his out of sight out of mind mentality that he has had when it comes to Mellie, but he knows it will all come to a head at some point.

He can hear Mellie release a sigh… "Good to know things haven't changed for you Fitz…still not making time for the important people in your life".

Her words are sudden and uncalled for. What did she expect? They were getting divorced and as soon as the decision was made, she ran off to Houston to be with Andrew…how dare she accuse him of not making time for the important people in his life…she was no longer an important person in his life. That spot was now reserved and occupied by someone new.

"I am not going to argue with you…this is exactly why we are getting divorced…I will let you know when I have time to meet up…take care of yourself Mel" and with that he disconnects the call.

Glancing down at the phone he can't help but be taken aback by their unexpected conversation. He feels like she is trying to drag him back into their old life of arguing and resentment which he is clearly feeling right now.

In the past he admits to not making time for his friends and family, but now that he is in the new stage of his life he feels like he had been making a real effort to spend time with the people he loves. The thought of his son races to the front of his mind, and he knows he needs to clear the air with him and make things right. After a few text messages, they decide to meet up later that evening for a few drinks.

Deciding to try and erase the past five minutes of his life, he puts Mellie out of his mind and continue with his day.


It was now 2:30 in the afternoon and Olivia had just finished the last of her rounds for the day. Since her patient load was doubled, it had taken into the early afternoon for her to check in with all of her and Dr. Sloan's patients and update their charts with their progress. Breaking her from her thoughts her stomach grumbled and reminded her that it was time to take a break. Retrieving her phone from her lab coat, she messages Quinn to let her know that she will meet her down in the cafeteria in ten minutes.

Walking into the cafeteria the room is quite sparse since it is no longer the lunch hour. She can see Quinn has already settled at a table near the windows so that they can enjoy the view on this nice sunny November day. After ordering and paying for her cheeseburger and fries she meanders her lunch tray to the table and settles in her seat.

"Hey Quinn…sorry it took me so long…it's been a day".

"I hear you Liv…it's been a busy day for everyone. I was finally able to meet up with Dr. Grant and get the run down on our new patient Collin since I am going to be pulling an all-nighter tonight. You have to meet him Liv…he's the cutest little thing…a twelve-year-old little Casanova I tell you…he's got all of the nurses eating out of his hands".

Olivia can't help but laugh at Quinn's description of Collin. "You must introduce me…I feel bad that we weren't able to sit in on his surgery, but I am sure Dr. Grant worked his magic and he will be back to being a normal twelve-year-old in no time".

"I know Liv…Dr. Grant is an amazing surgeon and that's why we are here…to make sure that he gets the best after care possible. Collin needs to get back to being the normal rambunctious kid that he is. We see so many elderly patients in orthopedics, so when we get these little ones I want to make sure that I give them my best".

Shoving another fry into her mouth, she can't help but sympathize with Quinn…she is right…most of the people they will encounter will be elderly or professional athletes. Since Fitz is the leading surgeon on the East Coast, he tends to get involved on high profile cases and consults that end up taking a lot of his time. "I know Quinn…these little guys are what makes being a doctor worth all of the struggle".

"So tell me…how have things been since you moved to New York"?

"It's certainly been interesting…I was able to get a nice little apartment not too far from the hospital with my friend Amanda who moved here for a job in fashion, and we have settled in nicely. Being in a city like this is just…different. I grew up in a small town in Iowa so it's a big change of scenery for me. I finished my doctorate at Des Moines University, so it's just a different way of living".

"No I completely understand where you are coming from. Growing up here I didn't know any better but after being in Baltimore for medical school and coming back here, it has taken me a little bit to get back into the groove of city living and reconnecting with people. If you ever want to get together I can give you a crash course on the best places for everything in the city".

"Really that would be great Liv…I need to find a good salon here…and a dry cleaner and the best place to get a slice of pizza…and…you get the point…I need help Liv".

Laughing at Quinn's response "I get the point…I am always here if you need anything and once things get to a manageable pace we need to get outside of this hospital and let loose…have a few drinks…I'll introduce you to my friends".

"That would be great Liv. I have Amanda which has been nice but I am looking forward to meeting new people and taking in all that this city has to offer" Looking down Quinn notices that Oliva has cleared her plate…" Liv…you inhaled that burger…"

"I know…stress eating…I haven't eaten all day and I have just been stressed over the past few days…I need to relax".

"What are you stressed over? Sloan can't be that bad"

"He's okay…he's just not what I hoped he would be…I guess you can say he is living up to his reputation".

"I have heard things about him but was hoping it wasn't true…you know how the rumor mill is around here. It seems as soon as a piece of gossip gets out it spreads like wild fire…you wouldn't believe how many nurses I catch talking about Dr. Grant".

"What about Fitz…I mean Dr. Grant"?

"You know…they all talk about his divorce and how his wife was always such a nasty bitch and how they can't wait to have their shot with him".

She is not sure if she should be jealous or flattered by what seems the be the perception of her new boyfriend. She can't disagree with their assessment of his soon to be ex-wife but they will not be having their "shot" with him if she has anything to say about it.

Quinn can see Olivia taking in her words…

"Ugh…the worst part of working in a hospital is the gossip…they can talk about him all they like but I don't think any of them will have a chance with him. He's a good guy and an incredible doctor and the last thing he needs is a bunch of nosey women talking about his personal life".

"You're right Liv…I try and stay above the fray but you won't be able to stop it…people talk…and right now Dr. Grant is the hot topic".

Olivia can feel the hair on the back of her neck stand on end and she knows she is approaching full blown jealous mode. After not seeing Fitz since Sunday and finding out he is the topic of gossip and desire around the hospital she just wants to be with him.

"I know Quinn and thanks for cluing me in. He just deserves a little respect and privacy. It can't be easy to go through a divorce and figuring things out when everyone is in your business and has an opinion. The only opinion that matters is his and he will figure it out, the vultures just need to back off".

Quinn stands from the table and begins to gather her belongings. "You're right…I am sure he will be just fine…hey listen…I need to get going I have a full night ahead of me. Thanks for joining me for lunch".

"Thanks for inviting me…even if it was a late one…catch you later".

Left alone in the cafeteria Olivia's mind starts to wander to Fitz and their relationship. Everything is so new and exciting and scary all at the same time, but it feels right. She is at the beginning of the career she has always wanted, and she has an incredible man who wants to stand beside her and support her through it all. Deciding she needs to make the time to spend with Fitz tonight she makes a beeline back to the orthopedic wing to finish discharging two patients and conducing a physical therapy session for another.


Fitz hadn't had a chance to talk much with Gerry since he and Olivia had been "caught" by him. For a moment, Fitz had felt like he was the son getting caught by his father and couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. It was no secret to Gerry that something had been brewing between his father and friend, and he was amused that he now had endless teasing ammunition on both.

After arriving at their favorite bar and ordering an IPA Fitz received the ribbing of a life time from his son. He couldn't help but laugh at the sudden turn of roles, and just decided to let his son get all his teasing done and over with. After Gerry, had called him a "cradle robber", Fitz felt it necessary to clarify his intentions with Olivia. "I want you to understand me Gerry...all kidding aside, what I have with Olivia, although it's new and I still have unfinished business with your mother, it's not a fling. Olivia is not a rebound from your mother. What I feel for her is real, and I intend to explore it and develop our relationship honestly and in the open".

Gerry knew he had touched a nerve within his dad. Composing his thoughts, he took another sip of his beer. " I wouldn't expect any less of you dad...I knew something was going on with you and Liv, and I am happy for both of you".

His father gave him a glaring look as to convey "seriously". The patented Grant smirk appeared on his face "Yes dad...seriously. I don't want to know the details of what's going on with you and Liv...she's my friend...and you are my dad. At some point that might get a little too much. I have no desire to know about your love life, but if you can honestly say that you are happy, then I am happy too".

Fitz returned the same Grant smirk as he finished his remaining IPA. " It's been a long time since I have felt like this, I just hope I don't mess it up...she's an amazing woman".

"You're right about that...she is amazing...that's why she is one of my closest friends. Just don't screw it up dad. She has already been through so much with her ex..."

Olivia had given him the full run down on her past and he knew all too well how she felt. The last thing that either of them had room for in their lives was more heartbreak and Fitz would be dammed if she felt any because of him. " I know Gerry...this is all new to me too...having your support means a lot to me, and I know that it means a lot to Liv too".

After making plans to meet up the following week to meet Jessica, they paid their tab and gathered their jackets and stepped out into the New York lights to make their way home. The night air is crisp, as it is now the beginning of November but they both enjoy walking the city rather than taking a cab when possible. As they approached their departing point Fitz gave his son a firm handshake and a hug. " Thank you for not being judgmental and off put about Livvie and I... the thought of not having your approval through all of this is a big weight off my shoulders".

Gerry caught on to his father's already given nickname for his friend...he stores it in the back of his brain for future teasing of his friend. " Of course don't need my support or approval but you have it..."


After arriving home at nearly seven o'clock, it was too late to enjoy a relaxing dinner together but Oliva wanted to do something for Fitz. She missed him like crazy and she wanted him to know it. After taking a quick shower, she rummages through her cook books and decides that she would bake an apple pie to enjoy and spend some time together when he arrived home. Wanting to know how much time she had before he arrived home she sent him a text.

Liv: Hey handsome…what time do you plan on being home tonight?

Fitz: Hi beautiful, are you home already? I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. I should be home within the hour.

Liv: I was able to finish earlier than expected and was hoping to see you tonight. I miss you!

Fitz: I miss you too Livvie…I will see you soon baby

After pouring herself a glass of wine she docks her phone and finds a jazz and blues station to listen to while she busily got to work making her grandmothers apple pie recipe. Thankfully she had all the ingredients in her kitchen that she needed as she had planned on making a couple of pies for Thanksgiving.

After placing the pie in the oven and setting the timer, she decided to try and clean up the kitchen a little bit and put a load of laundry in the washer. Thirty minutes later, after the last dish was loaded into the dishwasher she sprayed the counters down with a disinfectant spay and wiped them clean. Hearing the timer go off on the oven, she removes the pie and places it on the stove to cool. Placing her hands on her hips she surveys her clean and tidy apartment and decides to light a few candles to set the mood. Hearing a knock at the door her heart rate starts to quicken with the anticipation of being in his arms.

It has only been three days but with the stressful week that she has had thus far, it has been three days too long. Opening the door her eyes set upon his, he is dressed in a pair of dark rinse jeans a grey tee shirt with a black North Face jacket. His hair is wind-blown and as she takes him in she can't help but think how attractive he is.


"Hi baby" he says as he steps into her apartment. Closing the door behind him he takes his jacket off and places it on the handle of the door.

Reaching for her he wraps her in his arms and brings her into his embrace. She tucks her face into the crook of his neck and takes in the scent that is uniquely Fitzgerald Grant. He can feel her arms wrap around his waist and her hands splay over the muscles in his back and for the first time since Sunday they both feel at home.

Breaking their embrace Fitz can't help but kiss her. As he embraces her again he lifts her tiny frame off the floor and instantly he can feel her wrap her legs around his waist. Taking her bottom lip into his he begins to pour his feelings into his kiss. Her fingers are wrapped up in his curls and he can taste the sweetness of her mouth and a hint of red wine that lingers on her lips. As he settles her on the end of the kitchen counter he notices that she has a little bit of flour on her cheek and he can't help but to reach out and wipe it from her cheek.

"It smells amazing in here baby…what are you making"?

"I made an apple pie…I thought we could have a slice and enjoy the evening together with a glass of wine".

"Livvie…you are spoiling me…I could get used to this…coming home to you and enjoying whatever you have whipped up while holding you in my arms".

Hopping off the counter, she grabs another wine glass and pours him her favorite red. "I plan on spoiling you…but don't get too used to it mister…I also happen to be a doctor with a demanding schedule and don't forget a demanding boss".

"I know Livvie…I'm just joking with you. I don't expect anything from you".

"Well you should Fitz…If we are going to be in this together…"

He can see the worry that is on her face and leads him to believe she is having doubts. "Hey…hey where is this coming from? We are together…we are in this together"

"I'm sorry Fitz…I just want you to know that if we are going to be in a relationship I want you to know that I am going to be here for you. Just because we have busy schedules doesn't mean that I won't make time for you. You are very important to me and I want you to know that".

"You're important to me too Livvie…I enjoy spending every moment that I can with you, but I know you are just starting out your career and you need to focus".

"I know Fitz…I guess I'm just feeling a little insecure about everything".

"Have I given you a reason to think otherwise Livvie…I am all in this…I was hoping that I made that clear. I went to Cyrus and put everything on the table. I have every intention of being in this together".

"How did Cyrus take the news? Tell me what he said".

"We will talk about that later. Tell me where this doubt is coming from"?

She feels embarrassed that she has let hospital gossip cloud her feelings. "I guess I'm just feeling a little insecure…all the nurses at the hospital are talking about your divorce and how they can't wait to get a chance with you…and I guess I am doubting that I am enough for you".

"Are you crazy…you are it for me…you are everything to me. For the first time, I feel alive…I feel understood and appreciated and loved and that is all because of you Livvie. I think about you all the time and I purposely make rounds so that I can see you in passing and you're all that I think about".

"It's just…I know this is new and…I'm scared Fitz"

"No stop...whomever these nurses are, they don't hold a candle to you. The connection I have with you is something I have never had before, not even with Mellie. When I am with you I feel like I am home, and there is no place I would rather be".

"Good…because I like being with you…I like being your home".

The only thing he can do is growl at her response. His erection is instant and he needs to be inside of her now. He wraps his arms around her and swoops her into his arms and heads off to the bedroom. As he lies her on the bed, he works quickly to rid her of her tiny shorts and tank. Placing kisses on down her chest and onto her stomach he can feel her burry her hands in his hair and bring him back to her lips.

Taking his lips Olivia begins to unbutton and unzip his jeans and as soon as he is freed of his jeans and boxer briefs she can no longer hold back. As she strokes his cock she is once again surprised by its softness. She places a kiss on the tip and then begins to run her tongue down the side of his shaft paying extra attention to the vein that spans the length. Taking his entire manhood, she begins to take him deeper and deeper until he reaches the back of her throat. She can feel Fitz's gaze upon her and as she feels him embed his fingers in her hair, she looks up at him, they make eye contact and the intimacy that transpires in their gaze sends Fitz over the edge. As he releases a rush of fluid, she can taste the saltiness of him and as it stings the back of her throat she feels satisfaction that she is the cause of his release.

"Oh, my God Livvie…that was incredible…you are incredible". He says to her as he lies next to her on the bed. As she rolls over and straddles him she cannot help but pat herself on the back for a job well done. As she places kisses down his jaw and down his neck she moves to his shoulder where she can't help but give him a little bite to get him riled up again and without a doubt it does exactly that.

Before she knows it, Fitz has flipped her over and is now on top of her pinning her arms above her head. As she rests her head on the mattress she can feel him continue to kiss his way down her body as he caresses her breasts.

Taking her nipple into his mouth he decides to pay her back with a little tug of his teeth which emits a gasp from her lips. "Fitz…" is all that he can hear and as she opens her thighs to him he enters her and is instantly wrapped in her warmth. His cock is pulsating with pleasure and as he begins to thrust his hips in a familiar pattern he looks down at the woman before him in awe.

It has been a long time since he has felt this way. It is an unfamiliar feeling to him, and as he lifts her right leg behind the knee he touches a spot within her that brings her to an instant climax. It doesn't take him long to follow soon after, and as he watches her fall apart in his arms and come down from her climax, he realizes that what he is feeling is no longer lust…what he is feeling is love.