Chomper said to Littlefoot "So do you think I was meant to be found by you so that I could help you later on? You took an awfully big risk in befriending me. I mean, I could have turned out just like my uncle. Why did you do it?"

Littlefoot replied "Because I felt like it."

Chomper replies "Well, thank you. You changed my lfie for the better. And now my children and yours will be firiends forever. They will never be enemies."

"Yes, I'm so glad that we're friends." said Littlefoot.

Sapphire and Mimus mean while stay snuggled together watching their nest, not a care in the world of anything not related to their little area. Chomper says to them "Ah, so you two have decided to live here to stay? Not to worry, I won't be hurting you."

Mimus says "Just go away... "Please." Chomper shakes his head and starts to move away.

Sapphire says "My apologies if we seem a bit grouchy, we are still getting use to the idea of being with flatteeth and sharpteeth with no fear of either one. I hope we learn to adapt."

Mimus asks"Why did you give us such a hard time when you first discovered us anyway?"

Sapphire says "Perhaps he has had a bad childhood memory of our kind or something, What's it matter? If he is willing to be nice to us, lets just be thankful. Let's just watch the eggs."

Chomper says "Actually, I did, but it's better now." Strut comes up to them.

"Hello, I'm Strut. I eat green food. I have eaten eggs in the past, but decided to eat green, which I prefer anyway." he said to them.

"Oh, another Egg Stealer." said Mimus.

"I guess, though I don't steal eggs anymore." said Strut.

"Mom, what's the Egg Stealer doing here?" asked Ovi.

"Ovi, he helped saved Chomper's eggs, so we're letting him live here." said Ruby.

Mimus said"Me and my mate see it this way, eat eggs equals get brutally murdered. Though not eating the protein levels we are use to did at first cause tummy aches and a weak feeling at first, we got use to the diet change. So Strut, want to join our family? How are you with children? Me and Sapphire don't socialize often, but a good way to start is to seek the opportunity of a third set of hands when our eggs hatch." Their eggs start to hatch.

Mimus said "Oh no, the eggs are breaking!"

Sapphire said "Uh, dear, their suppose to do that. That's the point. This is the fun part, any moment their true beauty will come out and behold the glory of the world!"

Mimus said "How will we know their gender?"

Sapphire said "Shhh, just watch." She calls to them. "Come on little ones, mommy is hear. Push. Push. There you go." The kids break free of the eggs.

Mimus said"Awww look at them! They're so beautiful!"

Sapphire said "Of course they are, they get their beauty from you."

Mimus said "No I'm pretty sure they get their beauty from you."

Sapphire said"They get it from you."

Minus said "No, from you."

Sapphire said"Just make sure they don't go too far. Try interacting with them, see what they smell like."

"Actually, Egg Stealers are ugly." said Emelia. Ali frowns at Emelia. "Oops, I mean, sorry." said Emelia, feeling bad.

Mimus said "If you don't like Egg Stealers then what are you doing here? We picked this spot because it was secluded from the rest of the Great Valley residents. You could have easily avoided the sight of us."

Ali said "Don't mind her. She heard some bad things about Egg Stealers and was shooting her mouth off. I've corrected her."

Mimus said "Oh, ok."

Ovi walks up and hugs the baby Egg Stealers "Look, green Fast Runners!" she says happily. The baby hugs back and makes sort of a chirping sound.

A few weeks later, The four Two Claw children come across the Fast Runner children and the Egg Stealer children. Splasher, Pato, Smasher, Emelia, Ovi, and a Spiketail child run around together with three Glider kids and two shorty shaprtooth kids. All of them sing "Come on, let's go, let's go, and run around, run around

What a beautiful feeling
We live in a peaceful valley
And everybody's having a good time now."

And so the Sharpteeth, Flatteeth, Halfteeth, and Egg Stealers stayed friends to the end of their days.

The End.