sorry, had the writers block, getting better tho, more to come!

Kagome walked to her car with her head down, she slapped at the smallest tear that winked out her eye. Getting inside her car, she rested her head against the steering wheel and sulked. Her phone began to ring, she slowly pressed it against her ear, answering with a mumble, " Hello."

" I just spilled hot gravy all over my pants, what's wrong?"

Kagome leaned back in her seat, hearing her father on the other line, " Nothing."

" Lies little weapon, every time something like that happens, something is wrong with you, what's wrong?"

Kagome frowned, glancing down to her lap, not wanting to sound like a baby but knew he wouldn't stop until he got an answer, " Someone scuffed my shoes."

There was moment of silence on the phone, "….. The leopard ones?"

" Yea." Kagome muttered.

" They can't be salvaged?"

" No, they're ruined."

" I'll get you some more."

She shook her head, " That's not the point, they were…."

" I know little weapon, I know, they were her favorite shoes. I'm sorry I can't save them."

Kagome sighed, frowning, " It's not you're fault, I shouldn't have been wearing them."

" There's nothing wrong with showing tribute to your mother, remember that."

She slouched in her seat, " I will."

" It's okay to be sad little weapon, it's okay to miss her."

" I miss you." She mumbled into the phone.

" I miss you too but you don't need me now. I'll be there when you need me."

She sighed again, knowing he was going to say something like that, he was never one to hold her hand, " Okay. I'm fine now."

" Good, not get back to work, according to your latest report, you got a lot on your plate."

Kagome smiled, feeling a bit better, " Will do father."

" I love you too." He said before disconnecting.

Kagome took another calming breath before cranking up her car, her father was right she shouldn't be sad, just because her shoes were ruined doesn't mean she would forget her mother. Her mother was a lover of shoes and she still had plenty of shoes that belonged to her in her closet. Yes, the ones that were destroyed were her favorite pairs but she had plenty of favorite pairs and plenty of good luck shoes, in case of emergency shoes, and all reason types of shoes. So there wasn't a reason to be upset, she had another pair in the back seat she can put on anyways. Right now she had more important things to worry about, she decided pulling out of the parking lot. She was picking Souta up early from school today, it was time to buy her brother a car.

She drove to her brother's school with her eyes on the rearview mirror, checking for any tail that might be following her. She was being extremely cautious now that she antagonized Naraku, she was sure the hanyou spider demon was plotting his revenge on her at this very moment. She just had to be ready for him is all, that's why she was getting Souta a car a few weeks early instead of on his actually birthday. He needed a more protected get away vehicle, his bike was fast but something with bulletproof glass would make her feel better.

Parking in the front like usually, she took the time to pull on the black suede pointed booties she had in her backseat as she waited for her brother. Once the next class bell rung, she saw her brother skipping out of the school, jogging over to her car with a wild grin on his face.

She laughed, " Who told you?"

Souta hopped in the car like he always did, " You know T can't keep a secret once I give her the look. Now let's go!"

Kagome laughed again, shaking her head, " Fine brat, let's go get you a car."

3 hours later Kagome was sitting on the hood of a sports car, rolling her eyes for the fifth time in the last 40 seconds. She leaned her hands back on the hood, " Would you just pick one already."

Souta glanced over to his sister that was watching him, this was the 4th dealership they been to today. He frowned, " Hey, this is a process."

Kagome rolled her eyes yet again, " It's not like this is the first car you ever drove."

" No but it is the first car that will be mine." He said turning back to the showroom. They had a lot of fancy sport cars on the floor but still he wasn't feeling any of them. None of them were speaking to him they way he wanted his first car to. He shook his head, turning to his sister, " Nope, she's not here."

Kagome sighed loudly, " You got to be kidding me."

Souta just shrugged, " You can't force a connection."

Kagome laughed with another roll of her eyes sliding off the car, " Okay fine, we'll try again tomorrow."

The younger brother turned to her, about to agree with her when his dark blue eyes landed on the car his sister was previously sitting on. It was a red and black 2017 Aston Martin V12 Vantage.

He blinked slowly, he didn't notice the car before since Kagome was sitting on it and his back was to her the entire time. He felt like he was in a trance as he stepped forward, a hand touching the sleek coating of the collapsible roof. " Hello beautiful." He mumbled, bending and pressing an ear to its hood. A cool breeze chilled his veins and he smiled, " This is it, this is my baby."

Kagome raised a brow, " Really, you didn't even test drive it."

" Don't need to, she spoke to me." Souta stood up, looking the car over, " I will name her Destiny."

Kagome laughed, crossing her arms, " Are you sure?"

He nodded, looking to her sister, " Positive."

Kagome nodded, " Okay, she's all yours then." She turned and saw a salesman watching the brother and sister.

She waved him over and raised a brow as the man frowned before stepping forward, " Can I help you child?"

Souta snorted, he knew how much Kagome hated being called a kid, " Bad move mister." He mumbled, rocking on his heels.

Kagome smiled at the older gentleman, " Sir, I would like to purchase this car, can you assist me."

A thick bushy brow raised on the man's face making his forehead and receding hairline ripple like a wave, " Girl the down payment on that car is 80K can you even afford that?"

Kagome frowned at the tone in the older man's voice, " You don't seem to understand just who you're talking to." she stepped forward, " Let me explain." She said, before she grabbed his wrist and twisted it into a Brazilian wrist lock. The main howled in pain, dropping to his knees at the sudden pressure.

Kagome reached forward and grabbed his collared shirt with her free hand and hauled him up, putting more pressure on the locked wrist, hissing a threat to his face," Let's get this straight, you don't know me and you don't want to know me. I'm the type of person that will end up the suspect of mass murder but get off due to lack of evidence. There's craziness in me and I'm very anal when it comes to disrespect. I will hurt you, damage you, destroy you before killing you. Look at me, look at my face. I'm smart and I'm dangerous, you don't want to fuck with me. So when I say rang up the fucking car, you rang up the fucking car. Got that."

He swallowed, there was a controlled anger in those deep blue eyes, a type of eerie calm of violence that hinted to the murderous abilities the girl was capable of. His voice was a squeak, " And how would you like to pay?"

Kagome smiled, letting the man go, watching as he crumbled to the floor, holding his sore arm. She opened her purse and pulled out her wallet, she reached inside not caring which card she picked, they were all black cards, " Charge it, my brother wants to drive it off the lot." She glanced over, " Isn't that right Souta."

The young teen nodded with a smirk, " Destiny wants to come home with me today."

The man nodded, stumbling to his feet before a shaking hand took the card Kagome held out for him. Kagome smiled at the man, " You got 10 minutes, I got other plans."

He nodded again, hurrying to the main office to process the car. Souta laughed, watching the man scurry off. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around his sister, squeezing her in a tight hug, " You're the best sister a brother could want!"

Kagome laughed as he picked her off the floor and spun her around, " You're just spoiled rotten, now put me down."

He grinned, setting her back on the floor, " Hey, you're the one that spoiled me so don't get mad that I like getting my way."

She grinned back, " That's how it's suppose to be, we will always get our way."

Souta laughed, " You quote that man so much it's like he's here."

Kagome smiled, though Souta didn't see Sinclair as a father figure like she did, Souta did respect the man. He appreciated everything he did for his sister, making her smart and strong and giving her a male role model to believe in again. Kagome took their real father's death harder than them all.

She turned, seeing the salesman was hurrying back over to her with some paperwork. Kagome took the clipboard, signed her name on a few pages then snatched the keys from the older man. She tossed them to Souta, " Race you home?"

He grinned, catching the keys to his new car, " Bet."

Sango was sitting on her stoop, enjoying the soft breeze on this hot day. Her phone was beside her but she didn't pick it up, she didn't have anyone to call anyways. She missed her best friend, but she was too embarrassed to tell the miko so. She finally admitted she may have gone too far when she told Kikyou she was acting like Kagura. She was just so not like herself lately with the new clothes and new attitude. Sango frowned, okay since she was being honest to herself maybe she was a bit jealous. Kikyou is a pretty girl, she always knew that, but when it came down to sex appeal, well she was the fit one. With her athletic background she had a firm physique. But then Kagome came along and showed what Kikyou really had to offer. Who knew Kikyou had such a bad body under those ridiculous teddy bear t shirts.

Sango, leaned against her railing, she shouldn't be jealous of her best friend. She should be happy she's coming in to her womanhood. It just felt like she was being left behind, standing next to her now supermodel friend made her feel so inferior. Maybe should she start dressing up too, clearly it gave a hell of a confidence boost. But when she dressed up to go to the movies with them that one time, she wasn't really comfortable. She didn't feel like herself and she felt as if she was just trying too hard to impress people she didn't care about. Heels just weren't her thing.

Brown eyes stared off into space, that didn't mean they weren't Kikyou's thing though. She seemed to like them and like dressing up, she shouldn't be so mad at her for that. She needed to apologize already, she missed her best friend.

There was a sudden honk that snapped her back to reality, she glanced up seeing a black town car parked on the curve. The driver got out in a classic chauffeur's uniform, with a smile and a blonde bouncing ponytail, she walked over and tipped her hat, presenting Sango with an envelope.

Sango blinked, seeing it had her name scripted on the front in sleek cursive. She took it, probed it opened and plucked a piece of paper out. There was two lines on the paper, she read it and laughed. You're going to apologize to my cousin now. Get in the car.

So like Kagome, short, sweet and to the point, but she was right. This feud between her and Kikyou was stupid and she was ready to say sorry and move passed this. With a smile she grabbed her phone off the step and jumped up. The driver was already holding the door open for her when she walked over to the car. She nodded to the young girl before sliding in, glancing out the window as the driver got behind the wheel and pulled off. She just hoped Kikyou was in a forgiving mood.

Somewhere on the other side of the world stood a lonely hotel across from a graveyard. Up the stairs and to the left was room B3. Past that door and down the small hall was a room. The room was big. The bed was a queen size tester, a long dresser with plastic cups and an ice bucket on it. The dinosaur TV hanging from the ceiling so you couldn't still it. The only other door to the bathroom.

In the bed, covered by faded red flower covered blankets, was a man. His long black hair was splayed wildly around him as he finally opened his eyes.

He groaned, the blinds and curtains were closed but he still squinted, there was a dull ache throbbing in his head. Like there was something behind his eyes burning. He groaned again, he felt like he had the hugest hangover ever.

He turned his head into his pillow, groaning again, he could barely remember what he did the other night. For that matter where he even was.

DC, stupid. He blinked, oh yeah, he traveled nonstop to get here. But what the hell he was doing here? What the hell did he even do... He paused, his hand had slipped over the bed in mid thought. His fingers grazed over something smooth and metal.

He moved slightly to glance over the edge of the bed. His gun was laying on the floor. The gun he used to do his dirty deeds. It all came back to him. That's right, he had a job. He shot a man and burned his body in the park.

He suddenly frowned, he picked up a girl yesterday, some stupid drunk bitch that was waving him down thinking he was a cab. But what the fuck did he do with her? He thought, rolling over. He didn't remember dumping any body.

He blinked, his shoulder touching something hard and cold. Turning his head, blue eyes widened at the dead now pale green eyes that stared back. He burst out with laughter. He slept with a dead body in the bed. How funny was that.

Sitting up he looked at the girl, her black hair, much like his own, was wild. The hand marks around her neck signifying how she was killed. Hm, he strangled her? That was unlike him. He must have been tired.

He got out of bed and decided on a shower, he let the water reach scolding hot before he stepped in. Needing the burn to focus on instead of the steady stir in his stomach. Damn it. It was rising again. It was rising much more quickly now, it was getting even harder to ignore throughout the day when he had to get things done.

He needed to find him, the bastard that cursed him and make him heal him, cure him of this disease, this nightmare. He's been chasing this man for almost 12 years now and still haven't been able to corner him yet. Since then he has been staying under the radar and doing side jobs as a killer for hire while he tracked down the man that ruined his life.

A beeping caught his attention, he blinked, realizing his phone was ringing. He didn't get out the shower, instead he reached over and grabbed the device off the back of the toilet and pressed it to his ear. " Yeah."

" Found him." A male voice said.

He frowned, leaning his against the cold tile, not the first time he heard this from his contacts, " Where."

" Boarded a ship to Japan a few nights ago."

He slid down the wall, letting the shower burn into his legs as he relaxed in the tub, " Japan huh. Book me a flight."

" Already did, you leave tonight, get there by Friday, should be around the same day as him."

He nodded, standing as the water grew colder, " Good." He mumbled, tossing the phone out of the shower and on to the floor. He thought about his life before all this craziness happened and it made him sad. All the regrets and wishes he had, gone. He shook the thought away with a frown, turning off the shower. He flight would be later tonight so he had time to kill, he didn't mind though, he had to get rid of this body anyways.

Kagome was already at her bar, but right now she headed towards the water. Hojo followed her to the pier, silently they made there way down the wooden boardwalk, till they reached the rail at the end, looking out to the sea. They were quiet for a moment as Kagome leaned forward on the rail and took a deep breath, taking in the salty air, " Thanks for talking with me."

Hojo turned so his back was against the rail, blocking off the wind, his arms crossing over his chest, " I'm not mad at you Kagome."

She sighed, " Still, after what happened you deserve to know the truth."

Hojo glanced to her, " You're not a vampire or something are you?"

Blue eyes gazed over the water, listening to the waves, " What makes you think that?"

The snort was light as Hojo grinned, glancing up to the sky for a moment, "I watched Let Me In last night."

There was a soft sigh, making Hojo look down at the smaller teen beside him, blue eyes were distant as they continued to stare at the splashing water below. The look seemed strained and painful, as if a scene from her past was playing in her mind, it made him turn, to lean against the rail next to the miko.

Kagome took a breath, " I'm not a vampire but I do drink blood."

Hojo looked at her surprised, Kagome simply shook her head, " I'm a very unique individual, I have the powers of a Miko but the blood lust of a Demon. I have complete control over my urges but for some reason your blood tested my restraints."

Hojo frowned, " Why would my blood do that?"

" I don't know, your blood called out to me, sung to me. That never happened to me before." Kagome was quiet for a moment before the soft smile graced her lips, " Are you sure you're all human?"

Hojo blinked, " Last time I checked."

Her smile grew wider, touching her eyes, " There is something about you Hojo, something that makes me want to keep you close. Something that makes me want to give you anything, to protect you from everything."

She turned, leaning her back against the rail as Hojo once did, " Just looking at you makes me relax and listening to you talk eases my stress. You're like the ultimate lucky charm and I don't know why but I don't want to let you go."

Hojo raised a brow, crossing his arms, " And you felt this way before you tasted my blood?"

Kagome nodded, her voice a mumble, " Yeah."

He frowned, " Kagome I love that you are my friend and I want to remain yours but I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. You have this urge to protect me, my blood calls to you, I'm your lucky charm? It's not making any sense."

Kagome sighed, " I'm sorry Hojo but I don't understand it either, this never happened to me before. But I want you to be mines."

Hojo looked at her, " Be your what?"

Kagome stood up straight, " Just to be mines." she turned back towards the water, " With you I don't have to pretend, I can just relax and be myself. I want to keep that around me." Hojo stayed silent, waiting for her to continue, " I want you to be my rock, someone that can keep my focus. My pillow, someone I can cry on, my diary, someone I can tell anything. When I first saw you Hojo I felt drawn to you, I knew even then that I can rely on you, that I can trust you. I want us to be friends Hojo, I want you to be mines as long as you want to be mines."

Hojo blinked, listening deeply to Kagome speak, " And this blood lust thing, you have under full control right?"

She nodded, " Yes, well normally but with you it's different. My bodyguard is looking into that for me."

He stared at her, " Would you ever hurt me?"

" I won't let anything ever hurt you." She stated immediately, firmly. She suddenly blinked, a thought crossing her mind, " Are you scared of me?"

" No." was his instant reply, " Even when it happened, I wasn't scared. I knew you weren't going to hurt me and I still believe you won't."

He shook his head, " But this is a lot to take in. You're a miko but have a demon blood lust that's craving my blood making you want to keep me as a pet."

" A glamourfied pet."

He laughed, rolling his eyes, " What would I have to do if I said yes?"

" Keep my blood lust and miko abilities a secret and if you cut yourself around me in public get to someplace secured and deserted. That's it the only thing that would change is your clothes and you'll be hanging around me more."

He nodded, " You don't need like daily feeding do you? Like little shop of horrors?"

Kagome laughed, " You watch too many movies."

He grinned, happy to see her smiling again, " I'll do it. I'll be yours."

Kagome sighed heavily, then stepped forward, wrapping her arms around the taller boy, " Thank Gaia, this whole situation was stressing me out."

He rubbed her back, " It's okay, everything's gonna be fine now."

She smiled into his shoulder, his aura was human, she was sure but it weakly pulsed in a slow rhythm as if coaxing her to copy him, guiding her into a relaxed state. She pulled away once she felt she was calm again and glanced up, his face wasn't as red this time.

She smiled, grabbing his hand, " Cass is waiting for you at the bar."

He nodded, letting her pull him back the way they came, he didn't completely understand what was happening but he couldn't deny the facts. Everything Kagome said about him, he also felt the same towards her. There was something inside him that wanted to be by her side, something that told him she needed him. So what ever was happening, they will figure it out together and hopefully remain friends in the end.

Taking the back alley into Moonlight Kagome and Hojo went their separate ways. Hojo towards the bar to see Cassidy and work on mixing drinks and Kagome towards her office. She knew there was a group of people in there waiting for her so she took her time walking down the hall and opening the door. Sango and Kikyou laughed and talked by the fireplace catching up with gossip and ongoings as the two made up. Kagura, however, was sitting on the couch, arms and legs crossed, an annoyed frown on her face.

As soon as she seen Kagome she shot to her feet, " Who the hell do you think you are, sending a car for me like you're my damn mother!"

Kagome just smiled and took the time to look the girl over. She was dressed in a nice white mini skirt that molded to her curvy thighs. A crimson red spaghetti strap top hugged her cinched waist, her white boots had a red snake skin design running up the heel and back reaching her knees. Her short hair, curly pinned up with two white Chinese sticks through it. Kagome raised a brow, Kagura actually had an amazing body, " I love your outfit, who is that?"

Kagura blinked, surprised at the random question, she glanced down for a moment, " Woons Yung." She mumbled, then rolled her crimson eyes, " What do you want? Why did you send a car for me?"

Kagome nodded, glancing to the other two girls in the room, " I actually asked you guys to be here for a favor. I'm going to start doing live entertainment on Fridays here and Souta and I figured I'll be the first to perform."

Kagura crossed her arms, " What are you going to do, teach people to be annoying?"

Kagome didn't take the bait, " I'm going to sing a song and I want you three to be my backup singers and dancers."

Sango frowned, " Woah, wait, I can't sing."

Kagome smiled, " Don't worry, it's all light vocals, anyone can do it. M will teach you, she's going to be one of my back ups as well."

Kagura put a hand on her hip, " And what makes you think I would want to be on stage with you?"

Kagome turned to her, " Because we'll be performing live in front of nearly 200 people, the majority of them being males."

The smirk was quick though she fought it, the wind demoness did love attention. She turned her back to Kagome and crossed her arms, " Why choose me, you know I don't like you."

Kagome just shrugged, " I wanna do a dance in heels and you be strutting in your stilettos."

Kagura again smirked but wiped it from her face, " I will do this on one condition, I get to choose the wardrobe."

Kagome raised a brow, " You saying I can't dress."

" Not better than me."

The miko grinned, the girl had sass, had to give her that, " Fine, you can assist."

Kagura nodded, " Deal."

Kagome walked over to her desk and opened a draw, pulling out a folder, " Here's the lyrics, we perform Friday so we need to get this down packed. Everybody in?"

The three girls stepped forward, all taking a sheet of music paper, Kagome just grinned, " Good. Let's get to the studio."

Muso was on his cell phone, walking out of the gym he just spent the last hour in. Not working out but screwing the owner's wife in the massage room. A little pay back to the high membership prices. He had a frown on his face as he tossed his towel over his shoulder, listening to his father on the other line.

" So she was playing me this entire time?"

" Yes, she is more deceiving than I gave her credit for but don't worry I have something very nice planned for her."

Muso opened his car door and got in, " I can't believe that bitch! She better not think she getting away with this."

" It is fine Muso, she does not know we are on to her little game, that gives us the advantage."

Muso rolled his eyes, his father was always the patient one, able to see the bigger picture in everything. He was pissed off, he didn't like the idea of someone knowingly trying to play him. Especially after all the hard work he put in to please this bitch.

He father must have been able to read his mind, " Don't do anything Muso, I have a plan."

The younger spider just nodded, already planning on ignoring the hanyou, " Right pops, I'm done with that bitch anyways." he said, tossing the phone into the passenger side of his car.

He pulled off the curve in a cloud of smoke, it was a lie. He wanted this bitch to pay for thinking she can pull one over on him. He steered his car to the highway and he knew exactly how to do it. When he went to Shikon High one of the most famed hangout spot was the park, only second to the arcade. But it was hot out today, the weather called for a good long game of basketball so he was positive the inu was going to be there.

He was not about to let this girl get the best of him, he thought pulling off the highway. Muso was not about to let this girl get the best of her, he pulled into the parking lot and steered his car towards the fence. The park was full of teens, mostly girls lounging around the swings and benches in skimpy little outfits to gain attention from the boys that were playing basketball on the courts.

He saw the black sports car of the inu parked just a few vehicles left of his own and frowned, wondering what was the best approach. He didn't want to walk up to the inu and make a seen, though it was hard to admit, even to himself, the inu was damn strong and he wasn't sure a fight was what he wanted. He would have to wait till the inu was alone to approach him. He will play victim he figured, he'll place all the blame and deceit on Kagome. He sat in the car for another 30 minutes before he seen the inu finally taking grabbing his towel and water bottle. He was looking down at his phone when he headed for his car, that's when Muso decided to make his move. Getting out of his own car, the spider headed over to the black Mclaurn.

Sesshomaru was approaching his vehicle as he read his text messages, his senses picked up an approaching aura. Glancing up, he raised a brow at the spider standing in front of his car door, " What?"

Muso rocked on his heels for a moment, " Hey Sesshomaru, do you remember me?"

Sesshomaru slipped his phone into his shorts pocket to free his hands, something was definitely up with the demon, " What do you want?"

Muso frowned, then sighed, crossing his arms, " Okay so I just wanted to talk to you real quick." He sighed again and glanced behind his back for a moment, a hand rubbing his neck, giving the presences of distress. " Okay, here's the thing…" he paused, then frowned, " has Kagome been seeing you lately?" he finally asked.

Sesshomaru blinked, " What?"

Muso shook his head, " I know you guys broke up and me and her only been dating for like 2 weeks now but I just feel like she's not being completely honest with me."

Sesshomaru blinked again, confused, " You're saying you and Kagome are dating. Kagome Hernoshi."

Muso nodded, " Yeah, that day I saw her in my sister's class, I ran into her again and she said ya'll broke up, so I took her out to dinner that night and we started dating."

Muso frowned, darting his eyes to the side for a moment, " But she's always so busy and she keeps leaving in the middle of the night. I don't want to accuse her of anything but I just thought I'd ask you if you seen her lately."

Strong arms crossed as Sesshomaru kept his composure, " Kagome and I never broke up, that's a known fact in this very small town, so why would I believe anything you're saying?"

Muso blinked, " Wait, you're saying you and Kagome are dating still?" he shook his head, " That's not true, she's been spending all her time with me." He then pulled his phone out, pulling up the saved text messages he had of their conversations.

Sesshomaru looked them over, they were mundane, nothing sexual, just the how was your day so far boring conversation type of text messages. He didn't recognize the phone number but he knew her speech patterns to know it was her. Like the double I she used to spell aiight or the way she tended to put an L at the end of the word idea, he knew it was her, something was definitely going on here. Muso studied the demon, it was hard to read the impassive face before him. He couldn't tell if he was angry or not, he raised a brow, sliding his phone back in his pocket. " So are you lying or is she lying?"

Sesshomaru glanced up to the spider, " Somebody's lying." he finally said, stepping around the spider and getting in his car.

Muso watched the younger demon start the car and pull of of the parking lot. He was a bit confused, he wasn't sure if he succeeded in causing trouble or not. He then shrugged, regardless, he ws sure he ruined somebody's day and he was hopeful that it was Kagome's.

Sesshomaru drove to his home in a daze, he continued to remind himself to take slow breaths. He knew something was up with Kagome but he would have never suspected she was cheating with the spider. Honestly he was sure she was seeing the lab partner behind his back. With the way they were always whispering and how she was always finding a way to touch him. It made him angry to think she was stepping out on him and they just started dating but now with the news Muso just delivered he wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

He was surprisingly less shocked then he expected to be to find out his girlfriend was cheating. Most likely because he already knew she was lying about something. He just had to wait to find out what and apparently it was that she was seeing someone else behind his back. But it still didn't make any sense to him, why the spider? For one, she absolutely hated spiders and two Muso was just like his sister and Kagome could not stand Kagura. It wasn't adding up, there had to be a reason she was secretly seeing the spider, it couldn't be because she liked him.

He pulled into his garage and sat in his car for a moment, he knew she was upstairs making his dinner right now. He was already planning on questioning her tonight so not much changed in his agenda. He got out his car and told himself to stay calm as he walked over to the building entrance. Stepping into the elevator he went over how to approach the topic, if he was anything he was rational. He knew there was a side to this story that he needed to hear from her. He didn't want to jump to conclusion until he heard everything.

Stepping off at the right floor, he turned down the hall, mind still running a mile a minute. He stopped in front of his door and took another slow breath, keep calm he told himself, get the truth and then spaze out.

Opening the door, Sesshomaru blinked, hearing a soft noise, closing and locking the door behind him, he realized it was low music playing from somewhere in the house. Now curious he followed it, realizing it was coming from the kitchen, followed by the most delicious smell he ever had the pleasure to know.

Walking inside, he seen the female he was looking for, dressed in his favorite white ACDC shirt and socks, her hair freshly washed and down her back, singing to the song she had playing on the small stereo as she danced around kitchen, preparing dinner.

Amber eyes glanced over to the island, there were two plates set up, piled with food. Juicy, thick grilled steak, steamed vegetables, a heaping pile of cheese mashed potatoes with mushrooms and gravy. His stomach growled just looking at it, Kagome must have heard it because she turned with a smile, brushing hair out her face before looking in his, " Hey baby."

She set two chilled wine glasses on the island before stepping over to him and kissing his lips. She blinked at the lack of response, " What's wrong?"

He stared at her, trying to keep his eyes off those long curvy legs of hers, " We need to talk."

She frowned at the tone in his voice, something was definitely up, she moved back over to the counter, opening a drawer, " Sure, what's up?"

" Muso stopped me at the park today."

She pulled forks and knifes out and placed them on the counter top, " What did he want?"

Sesshomaru watched her, she didn't falter like he thought she would, " He wanted to know if you were cheating on him with me. Apparently you two been dating for weeks, even showed me texts messages."

Kagome hid a smirk, playing victim was he, the spider was good. She turned, reaching up to grab napkins from the cupboard, " That's obviously a lie."

Sesshomaru watched her place the napkins and utensils on the island by the food, his hand reached into his pocket, " There's also this."

Kagome glanced up at the ball of paper that dropped to the floor, she frowned, already knowing what it was. She was actually at one point in the day wondering what happened to the note her and Hojo passed to each other. She should have known Sesshomaru picked it up, it wasn't her luck that someone would have just thrown it away for her.

Blue eyes glanced up to Sesshomaru, he was staring at her, those sunkissed eyes hard with a certain emotion, silently waiting for answers. Mentally she sighed, she was not the arguing type and she tried to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Sesshomaru watched those deep blue eyes gaze at him, still they did not falter. He knew that meant one thing, even with all the evidence around her, she was still going to lie to him.

She opened her mouth and he frowned, cutting her off, " Don't lie to me."

Kagome blinked, mouth shutting at the venom in his voice, he wasn't dumb so there wasn't any point in trying to distract or trick him. She raised a brow, " What exactly are you asking of me then?"

" I want the truth Kagome. No more lies. I want to know why you're always out late, what is this ' thing' that keeps you so busy, why do you have multiple business cards with different numbers, why do you got out the way to drive anywhere, why do you have a bodyguard. I want to know why are you seeing Muso behind my back, I want to know what is really going on with you and Hojo. I want to know why I am the only one that knows you have powers. I want to know why is everything a secret with you, what are you hiding?" He suddenly raised a brow, " Why are you here?"

Kagome frowned, " Sesshomaru you don't know what your asking for."

He stared at her, " I know exactly what I want, the truth."

" It's not that simple."

" Get out."

Kagome blinked, " What?"

Sesshomaru just shook his head, " If you can't tell me the truth then we don't need to be together."

Her eyes narrowed for a moment, " So it's over. Just like that."

Sesshomaru stared at her, " I refuse to stay with a female that is willing to continue to lie to me."

She frowned, " I'm not lying to you! It's just…" she paused, shaking her head, " I told you there were some things I can't explain to you. I told you I'm not a normal bitch, I told you I don't want you judging me so I leave you out of my situations. Just trust me."

He shook his head, " How the hell am I suppose to trust you when all I got to run on is what I see. You sneaking off to see Muso, he comes up to me with proof of that and you want me to trust you when you won't even tell me what the hell is going on. I find a note you wrote to another boy saying he didn't tell anyone whatever the fuck happened and you asking to see him later. What am I suppose to think Kagome, seriously, what the hell am I suppose to think right now."

Her eyes never left his as her face set in stone, " I am not cheating on you." She stated firmly, " I do not cheat."

The hardness in his eyes didn't soften, " Then what are you doing Kagome, tell me what's going on?"

She shook her head again, " Sesshomaru you don't…" she was cut off when her arm was suddenly in his iron grip and she was being forcibly pulled forward down the hall.

She blinked, realizing she was about to be thrown out, she stumbled forward to keep up with his long legs, " Sesshomaru wait!"

He just shook his head, " I'm not about to play these games."

She snatched her arm away, now upset, " You think this is playing?!" she snapped, glaring at him, " You think this shit is a fucking game! I put foot to ass for my people every got damn day! I have to be at the top of my level at all times. Always thinking, always on my feet. Always ahead. This shit ain't a fucking game, this shit not a got damn joke. This is my life!"

Sesshomaru raised a brow, " What are you talking about?"

Kagome blinked, realizing what she just blurted out, she shook her head, turning, " Fuck this, you want me gone. Fine. Where's my phone."

Sesshomaru followed the quick female back to the kitchen, " Kagome, what were you just talking about? What did you mean by your people?"

Her jaw clenched as she kept the truth inside her, " Its nothing."

He again grabbed her arm, " Look at me." She turned away, avoiding eye contact, he grabbed her other arm, turning her towards him. Touching her cheek, he lowered her lips to hers until they brushed. It was soft and sensual, and sent jolts of electricity running through her. She pressed herself closer,a little voice in her head whispering to her. You feel that Kagome, that's not there by mistake.

Softly Sesshomaru pulled away, holding her face, staring into those deep sea blue eyes, his voice a whisper between them. " Talk to me."

She stared at him, her eyes were glassy though tears did not fall. She suddenly turned towards the island and grabbed both plates of still hot food. Sesshomaru blinked, watching her as she opened the oven and slid both plates inside. She then grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall, he raised a brow as she led him towards his room. That kiss was meant as a sign of trust, if she thought she was going to distract him with sex she had another thing coming... after the sex.

He frowned seeing as they walked through his room to his master bath. She closed the door behind him and stepped over to the walk in shower. Pulling him inside with her and turned the water on. He stepped back since he was fully dressed and didn't want to get wet, Kagome blocked the spray of water with her back, as the shower streamed over her like a waterfall.

Her voice firm and low, " Are you sure you want to know the truth?"

He stared at her, the water soaked her form, the white t shirt she was dressed in now transparent. He could see the silhouette of her curvaceous body, her soft perky breasts to the firmness of her subtly indented abdomens and her curvy long, slender legs. Her raven tresses sparkling in the cold water, there could never be a more exotic moment.

" Yes." He mumbled in a trance, eyes still on her body.

She shook her head, pressing her palms against her eyes, closing them tight. Conflicted emotions playing over her face that she hid in an anguished display. Torn between talking and not talking. She shook her head again, " Okay." she mumbled, suddenly looking up, " But promise me you won't judge me until you know everything."

He nodded, " Of course."

She nodded back, then swallowed, " Everything you father think about me is true."

Sesshomaru raised a brow, " You mean everything about your boss?"

She shook her head, then pulled off the shirt she wore, dropping the wet mess to the tile. Flicking her wrist, her hand glowed white, she then rubbed it from her left side, under her left succulent breast and to her belly button.

Sesshomaru blinked, she had a tattoo, seeing the black ink appear in an elaborate graffiti tribal design right before his eyes. The design shaped out the body of a dragon, almost wrapping around her side, the head of the dragon resting in the middle of her chest. The body of the beast spelled out one word. Sinclair.

He shook his head, " I don't understand."

She stared at him, " I don't work for Sinclair... I am Sinclair."

He frowned, " Wait what? You're a crime lord?"

" I prefer mobster but yes."

Sesshomaru took a step back, staring at her, " So you killed the owner of Aces for his bar. You shot that Dr. in front of the clinic. And it was you who burned all those guns down at the docks."

Kagome nodded though those weren't questions, Sesshomaru blinked, " And Muso?"

Kagome frowned, " His father Naraku is the only competition I have in this city, he sent Muso to get dirt on me. I figured I can trick him into getting my own dirt, reverse physiology. It worked very well up to this point."

He frowned, " And Hojo?"

She sighed, eyes drifting to the floor for a moment, " You know how powerful I am and never asked why." She glanced back up, " For reasons I am not ready to explain yet, I can only tell you that I have a blood lust like a demon. I'm not sure why, but Hojo blood sates me and he is a willing participant. I don't hurt him and I don't feed daily, but keeping him around is good for me."

He shook his head, " This is crazy."

Kagome continued to stare at him, " I don't want to lose what we have Sesshomaru. I did not want you involved in this so soon. You forced me into a corner with this ultimatum. Instead of leaving I told you the truth about me. I gave you my trust and I need it in return. Can you accept me for who I am?"

Sesshomaru looked up, staring at her, there was a heaviness in the steamed air, a seriousness in her eyes. He noticed her hands were fisted by her sides, it made him frown, " And if I don't?"

She took a sharp breath and for a moment he saw pain in those blue orbs, " Don't make me do this." she whispered.

" What are you going to do, kill me to keep your secret?"

She shook her head, she would have to do so much worst, ruin his name, his finances, his reputation. She would have to destroy his life, his brother's life, his parents life and maybe his sanity if he couldn't handle it. Dead men don't talk, that was a fact but dead body's raised questions. Breaking a man's mind worked just as well and it was something she was really good at.

But she didn't want to do it, not to Sesshomaru, not to him, her eyes watered over for a moment but she held the tears back, looking at him. " Don't make me walk away from you."

She glanced to the tiled floor as water washed around her naked form, her voice a mumble over the hot spray of water, " Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Sesshomaru blinked, love. Is that what this was. Is that what he felt. Love. He never thought he would be the type to fall for it. But here he was, almost to desperate to hold the girl before him forever in his arms, to wash away all her fear. Never had he felt anything like this for any other girl he been with. Something inside him that's far passed just wanting her. He actually, dear he say, cared for her. What the hell was he getting himself into, he thought, stepping forward in a slight daze. He was getting too deep and he knew it, reaching the soaking wet female, lifting her chin with a finger and kissing her soft lips.

Sesshomaru felt the need, the want, the desire surge through her, entering him through his mouth. He never felt so much longing come from one being before, she wrapped her wet arms around his neck pushing against him. He gave her more. Sliding his tongue in her mouth. It wasn't enough. He pulled her closer, lifting her to him, pressing her back against the cool wall of the shower.

She moaned into his mouth, he kissed her back the thirst to taste her growing. She wrapped her long legs around him, he made love to her softly. Slow sensual thrusts, long satin kisses, delicate caresses of the skin. Her moans were smooth and creamy. She felt him overflow inside her as she on him. Slowly they slid to the wet floor, breathing against each other, Sesshomaru smirk was soft, " I'm still hungry."

Kagome giggled lightly, " The food should still be warm."

Cassidy was smiling, washing out a cup, a breathy giggle chiming the air like bells. Hojo was too cute and the funniest person she met so far besides Souta. He turned to her with a bottle of E&J in his hand, " Okay now you tell one."

Cassidy laughed again, " Hojo you are the cutest."

His blush was soft as he put the bottle on the shelf next to the rest of them, " You and Kagome keep saying that."

She just shrugged, " Great minds think alike."

Hojo glanced over to her, before picking up another empty bottle to switch out, " How long have you guys been sleeping together?"

Cassidy blinked, setting the clean cup down, " It's that obvious?"

The taller teen shrugged, " It's the way you look at her sometimes."

Cassidy again laughed, much quieter this time, the soft sound made Hojo turn fully to her. The demon female just smiled, shaking her head, " She is the first and only girl I ever been with. I love her. But she doesn't like females enough to actually date them, so we just sleep around whenever she's in the mood." She suddenly grinned, " Granted, she's always in the mood."

Hojo blushed and shook his head, " Kagome is an amazing person and one of the most honest people I've ever met." Brown eyes glanced over, " But you deserve someone that will love you completely."

Cassidy smiled, he was too sweet, " Someone like you?"

His face blossomed red, " Omg, no! I mean, maybe, I don't know, geeze why you gotta put me on the spot like that."

Cassidy laughed again, he was too much, " Cutie pie."

Hojo shook his head, turning his red face back to the liquor bottles he was replacing, these girls were going to be the death of him. For sure. Some time passed, Cassidy was showing Hojo had to master the perfect Kamikaze when Gruff stepped into the bar from the back entrance. For the last few hours he was running interference with Rin to get the shipment Kagome wanted to the warehouse undetected. It was rather difficult trying to sneak military grade hand guns and rifles into a city without being seen. They shipped everything in priceless art pieces and statues then staged a robbery before the crates hit customs.

He leaned against the doorway that led to the offices in the back, watching the human that was now the pet to his charge. He hasn't forgotten about his promise to Kagome to figure out why the boy's blood was so potent to her. He reached out to a few of his associates in hopes of getting some answers, but from what he already discovered about the boy he had a few suspicions of his own.

Walking over to the bar, he watched as the boy made Cassidy laugh yet again. He took a seat on an empty stool as the boy replaced shot glasses on the shelf. Hojo blinked, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck raise. He turned and blinked, surprised he didn't hear the larger man walking over to the bar. His green eyes stared at him openly, almost threatening, no that an understatement, the glare was down right intimidating.

He never felt like he was being so evaluated so critically in all his life. He glanced over to Cassidy for a moment who just shrugged a shoulder, she already knew Gruff was weird so she stopped trying to figure him out a year ago. She tilted her head at the cup she as cleaning then gestured in the older man's direction.

Hojo nodded softly and stepped forward, " Um, hi, can I get you anything?"

" Gin and tonic on the rocks." Was Gruff's immediate answer.

Hojo nodded and turned to prepare the drink, luckily it was one of the drinks he first practiced. Gruff watched him measure out the liquor without the tabs, Kagome was right, his hands were extremely steady. And he was becoming familiar with the techniques of bartending rather quickly. The master of magic heard footsteps coming as Hojo shook his drink in the mixer.

Souta stepped in the room with a grin, " Guess who just got a contract with the famous Saikō no sake depo, this guy!" he pointed his thumbs at himself, " with a 16% discount on orders over $5k." he did a little dance, " Who got skills, I got skills, who got skills, I got skills."

Cassidy laughed at the young boy, Hojo grinned as he slid the finished drink over to the man before him. Gruff glanced from Hojo to Souta for a quick moment, his hand was fast, in a split second he palmed a 6 in blade and cut the hand that was pulling away from his cup. Hojo immediately jumped back at the sting and looked down. It wasn't a deep wound on his knuckle but it was enough to bleed. He grabbed a rag and pressed it to his hand then looked up to the person that just cut him, " What the hell dude?"

But green eyes were not on him, instead they were locked on a blue eyed teen that seemed to focused on the bleeding appendage of the human bartender. The older man watched as those dark blue eyes grew darker and darker. His hand pulled out his cell phone, eyes still on the teen as he pressed 66.

Souta growled deep and frightening from the back of his throat, it made Gruff turn fully in his seat. The phone in his hand finally connecting, " What's wrong."

Souta took a step forward, almost in a trance and Gruff stood, " Code Black." He yelled into the phone as Souta moved in a flash. Hojo screamed, jumping back against the shelves of liquor. Gruff intercepted the attack in mid launch, tackling the boy to the side. He grabbed him in a full nelson and dragged him backwards towards the offices in the back. Souta hissed and snarled, scratching at the arms of the stronger man with clawed fingers.

Gruff pulled him all the way to Kagome's office, holding him firmly as he waited another moment. A blue mist suddenly powdered the room before converting to light. Kagome then stepped out of the portal and looked around. Seeing her brother struggling in Gruff's arms, she walked over to him, flipped her hair to one side, grabbed his face and shoved it against the crook of her neck.

Souta immediately bit down, Kagome hissed as the fangs penetrated her skin. Gruff let him go fully, the younger teens free arms grabbed his sister and slammed her against the wall by the fire place. Kagome grunted at the impact but did not fight her brother, Gruff locked the door, creating a barrier around them as Souta's aura released more and more power into the air.

She let him drink her essence, ignoring the sizzling fire in her blood that called for desire. She simply touched his shoulders for balance, letting him take his fill, " Control it." She whispered to him as he drank her blood. " Control it Souta."

He grunted and jerked away from Kagome, stumbling backwards and crashed to the ground. Gruff immediately went over to Kagome, examining her neck, with a glowing green hand and a few whispered words, he touched the broken skin.

Kagome shivered under the warmth of the healing spell, Gruff touched her cheeks, leaning his forehead against her, his eyes closed. Kagome smiled up at her mentor, he would never admit it but he hated when a Code Black happened. It meant one of them was on the verge of losing control, most times it was Souta and sometimes, he didn't want to stop drinking. One time he took so much blood for Kagome she passed out and spend two days in the hospital. She could feel his worry wash over her as his powerful aura pulsed around them.

" I'm fine." She mumbled, " Everything is fine."

He nodded but did not pull away just yet, not until he heard a groan from the floor. Kagome glanced over his shoulder as Gruff turned. Souta was sitting up slowly, holding his head like it was going to fall off. " What the fuck just happened?"

Gruff crossed his arms as Kagome went to help her brother of the ground, " The human's blood."

Kagome raised a brow, " You cut Hojo in front of Souta?" she asked, pulling her brother's arm over her shoulder.

The older man shrugged, " A test."

She heaved her brother up as he struggled to his feet, " A test?" She helped her brother over to the couch, letting him lie down, " You wanted to see if he reacted like I did?"

" And did he?"

Kagome looked down to her dozing brother as he drifted to sleep, " Yes, but a bit more savage than I was."

Gruff watched as Kagome sat with her brother's head in his lap, softly running her fingers through his hair as she hummed him a lullaby. He crossed his arms, " I'll be back."

Kagome glanced up, " Where are you going?"

" I need to find out who the hell this boy is and I need to find out now." He stated firmly, lowering his barrier and leaving the room.

Naraku pushed open the balcony doors of his office and stepped out towards the darkening sky. He relaxed his shoulders and leaned against the railing. The air was crisp, it sent shivers up his back with the whispered promises of having one night to unwind. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, this was going to exciting. An old associate was on his way here from the States to assist with his Sinclair issues. He knew this man from a very long time ago, before he met his wife, before he had kids before he build his empire.

Naraku has known this man since forever, the demon was far older and wiser than himself and much more diabolical. He was wicked to his core, the personification of evil, the devil in a humanoid form. The man was crazy plain and simple. He worked as a contract killer, an arms for hire if you will but only to do the really dirty jobs. Regular killing wasn't enough for him, he didn't take simple jobs like killing a stalker ex. People paid him to do the type of brutal things that you only seen in moves. Kill a baby, place a bomb inside its chest, sew it up, dress it in its Sunday's best, stroll it into a crowded subway, leave it on a train then detonate it. He's the type to cut the power to a major hospital and snipe anyone that comes down the hall to turn the generator on. He once followed a man for 49 consecutive days, cut every aspect of happiness from this man's life. Destroyed his prized garden, cut down the oak tree he grew with his parents ashes, told the woman he wanted to marry he had unheard of diseases. Beat his car with a sledge hammer until it was unrecognizable, got him fired and humiliated at his job, even went so far as catching and cooking the pigeons he fed every day in the park. All because he didn't hold the elevator for him at a public parking garage.

Naraku grinned at the thought of his wild friend, he was perfect for this. Kagome was far more skilled than he expected, far more intelligent then he anticipated. But that was fine, his friend will know exactly how to capture and contain the feisty female. There was a knock on his office door and he glanced behind him. He watched his daughter walk in and immediately knew she was going to ask for money, that's all the girl ever wanted.

" Dad."

He turned fully, leaning his back against the railing, " Yes Kagura."

She stood in front of him in the outfit she had on earlier, with a hand on her hip, " I need a new credit card."

The elder demon raised a brow, " What is wrong with the card you have?"

Crimson eyes rolled, " I'm already half way to my limit and I need a 0 balance for when I go shopping with Kagome tomorrow."

A brow raised a on the strong face of the hanyou, " You're going shopping with Kagome tomorrow? I thought you didn't like her?"

" I didn't, I mean I don't." she huffed, crossing her arms, " But we're performing live at Moonlight on Friday and we need costumes, so I have to deal with her."

" Performing?"

Kagura nodded, " Yea, we're going to be dancing." She suddenly frowned, " Don't pop up to embarrass me, I've already told Muso he can come but he has to stay on the other side of the bar."

Naraku smirked, " Don't worry my dear, I already have plans for Friday." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, " Here." He plucked another master card and handed it to her.

Kagura smiled, " Thanks Daddy!" she gave him a quick hug before turning and hurrying out the room.

Naraku turned back towards the darkening sky, it would be the perfect distraction, the ideal time to grab her. He was finally going to get some answers and some revenge as well. Friday. He couldn't wait until Friday.

more to come!