Chapter One: The Goddess' Plea

"Hm... everything in Equestria is going as planned... how boring."

In a higher plane of existence was the goddess known as Lauren Fausticorn. She was the creator of the land of Equestria, as well as the Princesses Celestia and Luna. Like the two princesses she was an Alicorn, with a red mane and a snow white body. Well, technically she didn't create the planet, or it's initial inhabitants who ruled many years ago, but she did bring new life into what was essentially a forgotten world. All life from before had died out, and with her power and wisdom, Equestria was reborn.

For a long time she watched over her land, making sure everything went as it intended. Under her watchful eye there was peace, prosperity, and everypony was happy. Unfortunately, while everything was great in Equestria, she could not say the same for herself. After a while she grew weary of what she had created, and found the constant peace boring. Even when villains such as Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, or Tirek showed up it wasn't enough for her to care. How she wanted something to make life interesting, but alas, Equestria offered her nothing.

Putting a hoof to her chin, she wondered just what she could do to liven things up, which had been on her mind for quite some time. To her disappointment there was nothing. The Alicorn had seen everything Equestria had to offer, and so she knew there was no hope in finding a way to make things more interesting.

After thinking it over again and again Lauren got a brilliant idea. If nothing on Equestria could excite her, then she would look elsewhere. A big smile appeared on her face as she channeled her magic through her horn. Shortly after a shimmering portal opened, showing nothing but blankness. Now all she had to do was peak into other dimensions and find creatures worthy enough to suit her needs.

And so she searched, looking at countless dimensions. For the most part they were all sub par, offering nothing interesting. The Alicorn wanted creatures who were the exact opposite of her Equestrians; strong, powerful, not afraid of violence. One world looked promising, what with all the golden haired fighters, space aliens, and robots, but she scoffed. "It's been done." She muttered before resuming her search.

Other worlds looked promising, such as one where beings who were actually minerals and gemstones, which had fought countless battles, but that wasn't quite what she wanted either.

It was one disappointment after another, until she came across something promising. It was a world which looked just as, if not better than the other ones. This world was full of bipedal creatures, which was a great start. While some were no more special than Ponies there were some exceptions. In this world they had Heroes, people with extraordinary abilities and power. Some were incredibly strong, or super fast, and there were even more bizarre powers as well. While this was all well and good Lauren eventually came across him. He was a bald man in a pretty ridiculous outfit, but despite his weird attire he was easily the strongest being.

She watched with anticipation as he killed a hideous bug lady with nothing but a slap, and defeated a super fast ninja with ease. And it kept on getting better. When a giant sea monster showed up, and took down all of the other Heroes, the bald man took him down with only one punch! The same thing happened later when aliens attacked. He challenged their leader, who was incredibly strong, and even managed to send the bald Hero to the moon! But the Hero was not easily beaten, and punched the alien so hard he exploded into bloody chunks. In the end he defeated the alien overlord and saved his world.

By the end the Alicorn was practically on the edge of her seat. "He is the man I've been looking for. With him around this will surely make things more exciting in Equestria!" Her smile increased as she used her magic and made it so the portal would actually send her to the location it displayed, instead of just acting like a viewing device. Once she was ready Lauren Fausticorn extended her wings and flew into the portal.

Saitama was on his way home from the grocery store, having just picked up some food to make for later. He let out a small sigh as he walked along the sidewalk. His trip almost didn't happen when he lost his coupons, but he luckily found them underneath his nightstand. That alone told him today would be no different than any other day. Usually when he went out there was some kind of monster or bad guy that would show up, having most likely destroyed some of the city. Then, to his disappointment, the ensuing fight would end with just one blow. And it most often happened at inconvenient times, such as a return trip home from the grocery store.

While he saw the advantages of having such a great power he knew it was somewhat of a curse. Any fights he got into were simply too easy for him, and by now it was getting boring. Just once he wanted someone actually strong to show up and challenge him. There was never a point where he wasn't sure if he could win a battle, and that was what he wanted. Instead weaklings come by thinking they're the strongest, and shortly after there would be a gaping hole in their chest, or their upper body would explode into several pieces. It was a bad sign when the only good fight he had was in his dreams.

And even when a super powerful alien showed up it was still a let down. Sure, Boros seemed promising, and he was actually pretty strong... but all hopes for having to go all out quickly faded. All it took was a series of normal punches and the alien was reduced to nothing but chunks. And while Boros could regenerate it didn't really help him. Plus using his ultimate attack left him nothing but a corpse, putting an end to him once and for all. And after that it was back to one-punching his enemies.

These thoughts stayed in his mind as he neared his apartment. 'Who knows, I'm sure someone with real power will come along.' Part of him knew that that was just hopeless thinking, but another part wanted it to be true. Regardless, he was a Hero and so he just had to fight, no matter how annoyingly easy it is. And considering what happened with Boros, who would have easily beaten every other Hero, he would just have to suck it up for the good of the planet.

He continued walking before suddenly stopping, having heard something. He quickly glanced behind himself, but there was nothing there. "Huh? Could've sworn I heard something." Saitama continued staring before shrugging and resuming his pace.

The bald Hero approached his apartment and pulled out his keys. Once his door was unlocked he opened it and stepped inside. He then closed the door and walked into his kitchen, where he noticed his roommate Genos was preparing lunch. "Hey what are you cooking?" He asked as he set the groceries down on the floor.

Genos turned to face the man. "Master, you have returned. I was just preparing some noodles for us." The Cyborg told him before continuing stirring the noodles.

"Cool, let me know when it's done."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Curious as to who it could be, Saitama walked over and opened it. "Hello?"

It was a woman wearing simple clothes, consisting of a light blue top, jeans, and sneakers. Her hair was redish-orange, almost like fire, and it came down to her shoulders. A smile was plastered upon her face as her gaze traveled up and down the bald man. "Are you Saitama?"

He nodded.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, do you mind if I come in?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Uh, sure." The Hero stepped aside and allowed her to enter. "So, who are you?"

She turned to face the Hero. "My name is Lauren Faust, and I've traveled a great distance to meet you." She explained.

Saitama scratched his head in confusion. "Okay... so, do you want an autograph or something?" He figured that if the girl went out of her way to see him then she would obviously want an autograph. And while it did seem strange it was kind of flattering that somebody recognized his greatness, instead of sending him death threats and hate mail.

Lauren shook her head no. "I didn't come here for that. I came to make you an offer."

"What kind of offer?"

"I've seen your fights, and I know how easily your victories are achieved. This world has no challenge for you. So what if I told you I could bring you to a new world?" The girl smirked.

Before his Master could answer Genos walked into the room. "Just what are you talking about?" He questioned as he scanned the mysterious girl. 'There's something strange about her.'

A sigh escaped her lips as she looked between both men. "I'll level with you. I'm not really a human, I'm an Alicorn goddess from another world. With my divine power I gave life to the land known as Equestria, but I have long since lost interest in it. And so I looked into other worlds to find something to liven things up, and that's when I came across you. Your power is just what I need to make things interesting in Equestria. So, what do you say?"

An awkward silence followed as both men stared at the girl. It lasted for several moments before the Cyborg glared at her. "My Master has no time for nonsense!" He yelled.

"So you don't believe me?" She frowned before smirking. "Then allow me to show you." The girl raised her hands over her head and bright flash of light was emitted, blinding the other two people in the room. It lasted for a few seconds before slowly fading, and when the two could see her they instantly gasped. Gone was the woman, and in her place was a tall snow white Pony with a red mane and tail. She had both wings and a horn. Her smirk never faded, even when her body changed. "Now do you see?"

The bald Hero continued staring, having not expected that at all. "Wow... you changed into a horse... how strange." He muttered. During his time as a Hero, and even before that, he had seen some pretty weird stuff... but a girl transforming into a horse was new. It wasn't so much the shape-shifting, but more what she changed into. It also made him wonder if she had no control over what she morphed into, or if she just chose to be a horse for the hell of it.

A small groan escaped the Pony's mouth. "Yes. Now then, I have shown you my true form, and I will ask again. Do you want to leave this boring world behind and come to a new one?"

Saitama turned to his disciple. "What do you think Genos?"

"Hm, I am unsure. On the one hand she could be leading us into a trap, but on the other hand this could be your chance to find strong opponents. It is your call Master."

Thinking it over for a few seconds, the bald Hero shrugged. "Sure why not, it could be fun."

A huge smile came onto Lauren's face; happy that he agreed so quickly. "Great! When you're ready I can send you to Equestria."

"Cool, just let me get my Hero clothes on." Not caring about decency, he started taking his clothes off right there. It may not have been the brightest idea to get almost naked in front of a supposed powerful goddess, but he didn't really care... and if it really came down to it he would simply fight her. Once he was down to his underwear he went over his closet to get his Hero clothes.

As his Master was getting dressed the Cyborg turned to the Pony. "I would like to go as well. I am unsure what we will face, but I would not want Master to go alone."

"That's fine. The more the merrier."

Genos nodded. "Just let me grab something as well." Before she could question him he walked over to his room.

After getting his costume on Saitama faced the Pony. "So how does this work? Are you going to fly us there?"

She shook her head no. "I can use my magic to create a portal that will send you both there." She explained.


Not a moment later Genos came back, and in his hand was a suitcase. He then walked over to the stove and turned it off; not wanting to burn the apartment down during their absence. "I am ready to go." He stated.

"Great, now follow me outside." Using her magic she opened the door, and then she walked outside.

Once out in the street she channeled her magic through her horn. Slowly her horn became bathed in a magical aura, which increased in size as time went on. After moments of charging she was ready. Lowering her head slightly, the Alicorn unleashed a beam. Her beam traveled a few feet before suddenly stopping, and shortly after a portal began opening up. It increased in size before becoming the size of a person. With that done she turned to face the pair. "Alright, just go in here and you'll be taken to Equestria."

They both walked forward and then stopped right in front of it. "Are you sure this will work?" The bald man asked.

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about." Lauren smiled.

He merely nodded before jumping right into it.

The Cyborg also paused for a moment before looking back to the Pony. "I still do not understand why you are doing this." To him it was very odd. Not only was a supposed talking horse goddess able to create portals to other worlds, but she also specifically wanted his Master to go. She said it was to make things more interesting, yet that wasn't a very sound reason. It all seemed rather strange.

In response to that the red maned Alicorn smiled once more. "You'll find out, eventually."

Her cryptic answer didn't help clear up his confusion, as evidenced by the uneasy look on his face. Never the less he walked through the gateway, all the while hoping that what she said was the truth. Once he had gone through it the portal closed behind him.

"Well that was a success, but I still have one stop to make." Before she could even take a step someone suddenly appeared in her field of vision.

It was a man with slightly long black hair tied up in the back, and with three bangs hanging in front of his face. Underneath his eyes were two lines of purple paint. His attire consisted of a full black body suit, with pieces of silver armor on his legs, arms, torso, and shoulders. A long purple scarf hung around his neck, which was nearly the length of his body. On his back was a katana. Said man glared at the strange horse.

On her part, Lauren Fausticorn stared at the man. 'Well this saves me time.' A small grin appeared on her face for only a second before she became serious. "You're Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, correct?"

He grinned. "So you've heard of me?"

She nodded. "My name is Lauren Fausticorn, it's good to finally meet you." She said with a smile, not at all concerned with being in his presence.

Ignoring the odd name, Sonic eyed the weird horse skeptically. "I've never come across a talking horse before, but in my line of work I meet all kinds of strange beings." He chuckled lightly before stopping and continuing to glare at her. "I saw what happened between you and Saitama, and if you value your life you'll tell me what happened."

Rolling her eyes, Lauren let out a sigh before meeting the ninja's gaze. "I am a goddess from another world, and I gave Saitama the chance to leave this world and go to a brand new one. This world had nothing to offer him, and so he went to mine in order to finally have a challenge." The Alicorn explained.

Sonic kept his glare. "You must think I'm a fool to believe such nonsense." The assassin crossed his arms over his chest. "I'll admit you are strange, but I don't buy that you're some kind of god."

A small sigh escaped the mare's mouth. "Believe what you will, but before you do anything rash you may want to hear what I have to say." When she noticed him pause she smiled before continuing. "You know, I was actually going to look for you after sending Saitama and Genos to Equestria. I'm aware of your hatred for him, and how you seek revenge. That's why I'm also extending the offer to send you to Equestria as well."

The ninja cocked an eyebrow. "Are you serious?" Was she really going to send him to a totally different world? Of course, he reveled at the chance to kill Saitama, but her offer seemed too good to be true. And he wasn't about to let his guard down, even if it was just a horse.



"It's because Equestria has grown dull, and I need people like you and Saitama to make things interesting. It's that simple." The mare told him. She noticed he was still suspicious, which made her sigh yet again. She then built up her magic and fired another beam, creating a second portal to Equestria. "This will take you to Equestria, but whether you want to go or not is up to you. Farewell." In a flash of light the Alicorn vanished, hoping he would make the right choice.

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic stared at the spot she used to be in slightly stunned. One thing was for sure, she certainly was powerful. But was she telling the truth, and would this portal lead him to another world? His instincts told him not to trust her, as that portal could very easily be a trap. On the other hand he saw Saitama go through one that looked just like it. So unless she was lying about everything and trying to kill off powerful fighters, which he surprisingly doubted, then that was his ticket to revenge.

Seeing that the portal was slowly closing, Sonic made his decision. "You better watch out Saitama, because when I get through with you there will be nothing left." With an ominous laugh he ran into the vortex, which as expected closed right behind him.

Las Pegasus, a city known for its bright lights, bustling streets, and overall flashiness. It was a place where Ponies could go to have a great time, where they could forget all their troubles. There was always something happening, whether it was live entertainment, street performances, or all the various games everypony could play. Ponies from all over Equestria would come to enjoy everything the city had to offer, and they would either leave with a feeling of satisfaction, or misery having lost all their bits to those addicting games.

Despite the moon being high in the sky the city was very much awake, with its bright lights illuminating the darkness. And while some Ponies were doing their best to sleep others were out partying, intent on doing so until the sun came up.

One such Pony, an azure Unicorn with a silver mane, was wandering through the city. Garbed in her purple hat and cape, she pulled her cart along the streets. She had come to the city to make a bit of a fresh start. She was a showmare, and so she went from towns to cities and put on shows to dazzle audiences. So far she hadn't had much success, especially in that rotten Vanhoover! Yet all of her failings didn't discourage her, for she knew it was only a matter of time before her amazing talents were recognized.

Despite all that's happened to the Unicorn she was in a bit of a good mood. Sure, someponies didn't like her, but here in Las Pegasus she could change all that. After all, everypony could make it in Las Pegasus... at least that's what she was told anyway. Besides, she had made at least one friend, a fellow Unicorn that she shared similarities with, so anything was possible

"Alright Trixie, things may not have worked out in Vanhoover, but you can recover. And by the time Trixie is through Las Pegasus won't know what hit it!" Trixie took in a deep breath before exhaling. "You know, this could be just what Trixie needs to get back on her hooves. Trixie has a feeling that everything will be..." Her sentence was cut off by horrifying shrieking.

Ponies all around her started running in panic, screaming loudly as they did so. More often than not Ponies would bump into one another, but they didn't really care and continued fleeing in fear.

Feeling a little terrified, Trixie tried to discover the source of their panic. Her eyes scanned the area before coming across a truly horrifying sight. She saw several giant, ferocious, Dragons attacking the city. They were much bigger than any other Dragons she had seen in her travels. Buildings were getting smashed, houses set on fire, and it was just all around chaos. As everything went to Tartarus Trixie couldn't help but sigh. "Why does life hate me?"

That looks like a good place to stop. So the almighty goddess herself(Lauren Faust) has brought Saitama, Genos, and Speed-o'-Sound Sonic to Equestria, and I would like to thank Vegeta12345 for the idea. For this fanfic I'm going to try and do things a little differently than I did with other fanfics, but you'll see what I mean as we go along. Las Pegasus is under attack by Dragons, but can anyone save the city... I'm sure you know where this is going *wink*. That's all for now, be sure to R&R and have a wonderful day!
